Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: argue

“Where did the singer’s ancestors leave?” Ming Yue’s teacher immediately screamed at the dust. “The disciple still wants to ask him to lie in Xiaojin Temple for two days! His old man is the great benefactor of my longevity town. I don’t know how many The donor wants to meet his old Buddha's Buddha!"

"Amitabha, the ancestors of Cihang is the master of the Buddha Buddha, how can he stay in Changsheng Town? His old man is afraid to hear some news, and this is the rush to come from afar, to eliminate the town of Changsheng Town. The robbery, now that the disaster has been over, his old man must go to other places!" Slightly said.

"Unfortunately, the disciple can't worship his old man, can't see his old man's true face!" Ming Yue Zen master said with some regrets.

"Oh, his old man is gone, but the golden body is left!" Sexual dust naturally knows the meaning of the words of Mingyue Zen Master, said with a smile, but also deliberately did not finish the words.

"Ah??" Ming Yue Zen master yelled, and hurriedly said, "Where is the teacher's uncle? How can a civil aviation ancestor have a golden body? Isn't his old Buddha's Buddha fruit not proved?"

The dust will point the direction of Jiang Chaoguan and smile: "The golden body of Cihang Master is left in Jiangchaoguan! His old man has a relationship with Changsheng Town. He used to save tens of thousands of people in Changsheng Town. Now it is again It’s tens of thousands of people saved. If you want to worship, you can go to Jiangchao!”

“Ah~~~” Mingyue Zen master lost his voice. “So, this Jiangchao view...is not the Taoist dojo, but the dojo of my Buddha’s ancestors?”

"When it is!" Sex and Ming Yue, you asked me to answer, it is very smooth, and the dust is stealing and looking at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua is also speechless. He thinks about the image of Xiao Zhenren. He used Jiang Chaoguan's golden body for use. However, he did not expect that this stone not only stumbled, but also cut off his legs.

"Ming Yue Zen Master..." Mo asked to leave, "Is Xiao Xiao Xiao of Jiang Chaoguan? Is it still at Xiaojin Temple?"

"The poor got the news and immediately came from Xiaojin Temple. However, when the barren went, the group of donors gathered in Xiaojin Temple also hurriedly left, I think Xiao Jian Xiao Daochang is here too!"

"Well..." Mo said that Zhu Junfeng, with a strong heart, said, "Jun Feng, today’s Xiansheng Grand Dynasties in Changsheng Town is very interesting. Mo Mo must be going back to Master Zongmen! However, today, apart from the Grand Ceremony, There is also a fight between Xiaojin Temple and Jiang Chaoguan, and I still need to give them a result."

"Oh, this matter has become so obvious, what more results?" Ming Yue Zen teacher laughed. "Even if Xiao Daochang does not leave Jiang Chaoguan, from now on, he will go to Jiang Chaoguan to pay homage to the golden body of my Buddha, and his Taoist disciple has a face in Jiang Chaoguan?"

"This matter still needs a small monk and Xiao Jian points to say!" Xiao Hua sneered, directly called Ming Yue Zen master.

"Yes, the younger generation understands!" Ming Yue Zen Master did not care about these, can drive away Jiang Chaoguan, and there is the salvation of Cihang Master. Xiaojin Temple is famous in Changsheng Town, and its development in the future is definitely not inferior to Changsheng College.

"Xiao Daochang seems to be there!" Mo is far away from the hand, and the direction of Xiaojin Temple reminds Mingyue Zen.

"Thank you for your predecessors, I will wait for it!" Ming Yue Chan said with a smile. "I will finalize the matter earlier. Xiao Daochang can go back to Jiang Chaoguan to clean up. Otherwise, it will be late. Many donors went to Jiangcheng Town to burn incense. , Xiao Daochang... Is it not convenient to enter Jiangchao again?"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua snorted, and when he first flew down, the dust of his brow was slightly wrinkled, and he glanced at Mingyue Zen Master, and it also flew down.

Sitting on the dilapidated car, Xiao Jian did not have the same kind of bamboo in the chest, and his brow was wrinkled. It seems to be figuring out! When I saw Xiao Hua and others flying down, I hurriedly jumped from the brakes and said: "The disciples have seen your predecessors!"

"You know everything about the matter!" Xiao Hua said faintly. "The old man is certainly a bit of credit. But after all, it is a far cry from the predecessors of the Buddha." Of course, my Jiang Chaoguan will also be the aquarium. When the princess finds it, the credit is not too small. It is hard to say who wins or loses. You are the abbot of Jiang Chaoguan. You have to discuss with the dean of Zhu and the abbot of Ming Yue!"

"The younger generation... just listened to the rumors, the specific situation is not known..." Xiao Jianyi listened to Xiao Hua’s appearance of admitting defeat, and reacted with Mo, and said in a hurry, "I still ask Xiaojinsi to do this. Speaking of it! Xiaomou is going to die to be an understanding ghost."

"Things are very simple..." Sexual dust glanced at Mingyue Zen Master and decided to go into battle personally and tell the story in detail!

"The younger generation thanked the seniors for their derogatory shots!" Xiao Jian didn't know about the aquarium princess, but his mind was alert and had already heard the dissatisfaction from Xiao Hua's words. After the sexual dust was finished, he went to Xiaohua Road. "If the predecessors pass by Changsheng Town, the younger generation will not even have the idea of ​​challenging Xiaojin Temple. Not to mention the victory of today! Everything done by the predecessors... all for my Xiaojin Temple, the younger generation will not have any The blame, the seniors also do not think too much."

Then, Xiao Jian looked at the Ming Yue Zen Master and smiled and said: "Ming Yue Da Zen Master, you also listened, my Tao's Xiao predecessors, looking for the aquarium princess, but also resisting the aquarium commander, although ultimately not better than That commander, but also for the arrival of Cihang's predecessors for the time. Of course, the Cihang predecessors used the palm of the hand to turn the water of Liaojiang and save the lives of more than tens of thousands of people in Changsheng Town. These achievements cannot be erased. It is also not comparable to Xiao’s predecessors. However, this Liaojiang’s water is afraid of endlessness? If the younger generation of Xiao’s predecessors will find the aquarium princess, the younger generation does not know how long the Cihang predecessors can support! Oh, of course, the younger generation is not questioning the revision of the Cihang predecessors. For, the younger generation is just..."

"Hey ~ my Buddha's gods are all you can understand?" The dust is cold and cold, "Cihang seniors can prove the fruit of Bodhisattva, that only Buddha can accommodate the waters of the Three Rivers and the Four Seas, what is the district Liao Jiang? ?"

"The younger generation of course understands these..." Xiao Jian asked with a smile. "Even if the Cihang predecessors can collect the water of Liao Jiang, if the commander of the aquarium used the predecessors to display the magical powers, the rate of aquarium attack? Is it not enough for the predecessors to be alone? If the predecessors did not send the aquarium princess out of my Jiang Chaoguan..."

"This credit me Xiaojin Temple admits!" Ming Yue Zen teacher said faintly, "Today is the Xianfo Dadian, Mo predecessor as a representative of Confucianism, can contribute to defeating the Liaojiang aquarium, of course!"

I don't know whether Mingyue Zen Master and the rumors of **** dust, but this seems to be consistent with the previous slogan, and they all attributed the last credit to Confucianism.

"This... This is obviously the merit of my Xiaojin Temple..." Xiao Jian still seems to underestimate the Buddha's sophistry, and some are anxious!

"If Xiao Daochang sent the girl to Liao Jiang, this seat can naturally think that this is the credit of Xiaojin Temple!" Ming Yue Zen master is not ill.

Xiao Jian was really angry and ruined, but his eyes turned, and he smiled and said: "Ming Yue, the poor road of the day is clear to you, Xiaojin Temple and I see the wins and defeats on the platform." It’s not the end of the collapse of the station just now. Is it better for us to come back again?”

Who is not going to play, Xiao Jian’s face looks thicker than Ming Yue.

"Of course can be ~" Ming Yue Zen master's eyebrows do not move, eyelids are not lifted, said faintly, "as long as Xiao seniors agree..."

In a word, Xiao Jian is like eating a fishbone with a throat, opening his mouth, and his throat is moving a little, but he can't speak. Xiao Hua is a predecessor, how could it be possible to go back? Xiao Jian does not expect Xiao Hua to agree.

Therefore, Xiao Jian looked at Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua’s face was as heavy as water.

"Xiao Daochang..." next to the dust of the dust, "At this time, the debate is a little bit rushed, not if I wait for the return to the dojo, waiting for a day, what is the theory of tomorrow?"

"Oh?" Xiao Jian was awkward. He didn't understand why the dust was not hot. He decided to fix the matter today, but he was willing to step on it when he was sent to the footsteps. Xiao Jian’s face immediately piled up with a smile, and he said, “The predecessors of the dust have said that the younger generation has just heard the details of today’s events, and they have not carefully studied it. After all, the victory and defeat have affected both of me. Far-reaching, can't be careful!"

"Well, tomorrow afternoon, please Xiao Daochang and Xiao predecessors come to my Xiaojin Temple, I am waiting for the Xiaojin Temple!" Ming Yue Zen master is puzzled, but also laughed and said.

Xiao Hua said faintly: "Xiao is not willing to step into the Buddha's dojo!"

"Oh, that's easy..." Mo has seen Xiao Hua's rejection of the Buddhism and said in a hurry. "How about the Xiaojin Temple Xianyou and Jiang Chaoguan Xianyou to my Changsheng Academy at noon tomorrow?"

"Well..." Xiao Hua is not willing to set foot on Xiaojin Temple, but it is not intended to make people think that he is a Cihang!

"Alright!" Mingyue Zen master looked at the dusty chest and had a solid look. He nodded and promised, then he was again with his hands folded, and his mouth was screaming. "Amitabha, barren thank you for your merits today! I want to pray for you!"

"Hey..." Xiao Jian looked at the Ming Dynasty Zen master's imaginary look, and grinned, and almost chilled out, then asked Xiao Hua to get on the bus and told him to drive back to the river. Tide view.

The Xiaojin Temple is naturally driven by the clouds. The Confucianism of the Changsheng Academy is naturally the sword. Only the highest-ranking Xiao Hua is sitting on the brakes, and the car is "twisted". After the birth of the beggar, slowly walked in the town of Changsheng after the robbery.

Xiao Jian looked at Xiao Hua and wanted to say something. He could see Xiao Hua closing his eyes and thinking that Xiao Hua was healing, and he would not say more. Xiao Hua naturally does not heal, but he immersed his mind in the body, which is the case of the earthworms in the body and meridians.

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