Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1972: Run away from home

"The son, the son..." In the speech between Xiao Hua and You Zhongquan, there was a rush of horseshoes in the distance. An old man who had to be white was also riding a blue horse, rushing over. Although the old man’s face is full of horror, the concern in both eyes is obvious!

Seeing that the old man chased, the face of the heavyweight was with a trace of unnaturalness, and hurriedly shouted: "Seven, I am fine..."

Hearing the impatience of the right to swim, the old man’s eyes had a hint of comfort, and then he yelled at the back and shouted: "You two... don’t hurry to save the little son! If the little son has three long and two short The old man peeled you cramps!"

Behind the old man, there are also two blue-colored horses. They are riding two men dressed in hard clothes. These two men have the same Qingfeng sword in the hands of the right to play, although the two men are urging Ma, but the horse is obviously not as good as the old man's horse, although the two populations are called, but can not surpass the old.

"You two don't want to live?" Qi Bo was furious. He respected the right to swim. He would be rude to the two families.

"Seven Bo..." The left-handed family, smiled bitterly. "You don't want to chase the son, don't worry about the son. The little one is also worried about the son. But you can give the youngest man the chasing wind to the little son, small. Why can't you catch up!"

"That is... Seven Bo!" The home on the right will whisper. "You don't see a fairy long next to the little son? Is there an old man who is more than a hundred times more useful than me?"

"Fart, fart!" Qi Bo yelled, "Tao is a deceptive thing! Even if that person has some slogans, where can we have a safe home? You can't go back to protect, the old man will interrupt you when you go back. leg!"

The two families will smile and rush to push the Qingma again. Unfortunately, the two will not use any force. The horsepower is not enough. Finally, they only arrive with Qibo.

At this time, the right to swim has no previous sensation, and some of the babies are pulling their heads. Standing next to Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua has fallen, but he can see clearly, not because of himself, but because of the old man who has not arrived.

Sure enough, the old man went to the front and did not even see the ceremony. Immediately rushed to the side of the right to swim, the hand touched the weight of the weight of the week, to see if there is no shortage of arms and legs, this is a long sigh of relief, said in a very hearty way: "Little son, you are we The heart of the family, the piece of meat of the ancestors' heart! You are going out..."

"Seven Bo!!" There is a bit of redness on the face of the tour. He is stealing his eyes and looking at Xiao Hua, who is still standing in the air, complaining. "There are seniors here, you say a few words!"

"Hey, little son, not the old slave said to you!" I know. The right to swim is not to say, but when it comes to it, Qi Bo is even more arrogant. "The old slaves eat more salt than you eat. The old slaves have crossed the bridge more than you have traveled. What kind of liar? The old slaves haven't seen it. When they went to the home to eat and drink, they also had more words. Who saw the old slaves and nod their heads? Their **** were clear! You don’t sneak out with your family. Come out, if the old slaves found it early..."

"Seven Bo..." The face of Quan Zhongquan is completely blue. His self-proclaimed Ranger scam was unscrupulously revealed in Qi Bo. The face of Quan Zhongquan was gone. He didn't even have the courage to look at Xiao Hua. He walked quickly toward his big green horse.

"Little son, hey, little son..." The two families will hurriedly block their body in front of the right to swim and plead for it. "If you are a revolving door, the small two will wait for the son to go on. If you don't go back to see the little lady, the little one can't dare..."

"Get out!" I heard "Little Lady." The face of Quan Zhongquan was completely blackened, and he said with great anger. "This chase is the mount of this son. Do you dare not let this son get on?"

"Seven Bo, Seven Bo..." A fat-headed family will be anxious. "If the little son is on the wind, I can't catch up anymore..."

"Cough..." Seven Bos coughed twice, and looked at Xiao Hua next to him, faintly said, "This road leader, this is my personal business, you can't seem to see more here? Although you are not my Confucianism Repair, don't know how to be ignorant and not to listen, but you don't have to watch the fun here?"

"Ha ha ha, indeed, indeed..." Xiao Hua looked at the right of the tour with great interest, and seemed to be too far away from what he thought, laughing a lot and flying away in the distance.

"Hey, liar!!!" Qibo swept Xiaohua, and turned his head and said to the right of the tour. "Small son, if you want to avoid a few days, let us play right..."

Xiao Hua, who was rebuked by a swindler, flew in the air, and his eyes were all stunned by the thieves. After the thieves, dozens of bodyguards yelled and screamed, and they looked very happy. ! On top of these thieves, the gods are driving the black clouds, and they will dive from time to time. It is not the black light that flashes the mountain thief into several segments. It is like a black arrow rushing into the thief and wearing it. Where the dark clouds go, that is the real invincibility, no one dares to fight with one.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua proudly looked at the raging power of the gods, and said, "In the identity of Xiao, you can’t generally see these thieves! But the fake ranger who fled home is good, and the thieves have evil. If I kill it, the thief will have evil deeds, and I will kill it! These thieves will not be able to slap a certain force, but how can they easily let go of this evil? This power is ah, um, and there is little black. And Xiao Huang, they can be for the sake of Xiao Mou! There are a lot of gossips in this Tibetan continent, and there are not many of them!"

At this time, the four cottages of the cottage have been killed by the power of the three, the last one is still killing with the end! However, looking at the fake monk's face with panic, tricks scattered, I am afraid that the mind has long been broken, losing in the hands of the end is a matter of time!

The management of several commercial banks, including Qi Jin, has now greeted the guys to sort out the carriages, check the goods, and prepare them to wait for the winners to come back. As for Xiao Jian, the eyes are flying with the power of the gods, and the eyelids are staring at them. It seems to be both confusing and envious.

"Hey..." A scream, the power of God seems to have no object of attack, folded a few times in the air to the top of the fat monk's head, the fat monk's face suddenly turned white! Taking advantage of this moment, Yuanya will be in a vertical position, rushing into the closeness of the fat monk, and the magic wand is hitting the shoulder of the fat monk.

"Peng!" A muffled sound, then the scream of the fat monk, the fat shoulder of the fat monk is broken, the weapon in the hand has been unable to lift! The fat monk hurriedly put the donkey in a sway.

"Where to go!" The end of the scream, the figure jumped, the magic wand hit the fat monk vest, seeing the monk is going to be killed by the edge.

"Hey..." A fart like the spring thunder came from the tail of the donkey, a breath of incomparable breath, mixed with black air and rushed to the edge, even the tail of the donkey was like an iron bar. The chest of the end!

"Oh..." The end of the world was scared to death, only to use the magic wand to block the donkey's tail, and he turned to the ground in the stinky fare he had never seen before! A black and green face.

"Grandma's, all are wonderful!" Xiao Hua stood still in the air again. "The incomparable edge of the world was actually stunned by Mao's fart. When he woke up, he didn't know how to think! Hey, slow……"

The end of the world was smoked, and the power of God was not dry. It was not waiting for Xiao Hua to command it. He immediately rushed down. The fat monk who had long been soft and numb could not resist the power of God. Only one face and the donkey were killed by the power. ! Xiao Hua still wants to keep the weird little donkey, it is too late.

Of course, the end of the world is poisoned by the weird little donkey, not a simple stinky halo, but this poison in the face of Xiao Hua is nothing, a detoxification is easy to wake up. However, contrary to Xiao Hua’s expectation, the face of Yuanya is not imagined, it is more exciting than the face of the heavy weight of the game, but it is a kind of calm and calm, it seems that it is not extremely ugly to be smothered by Xiao Mao’s stinky fart!

"Hey, the old man understands! Yuanya himself grew up in the forest. Do you have a difference in his eyes?" Xiaohua suddenly watched his busy forehead and woke up.

Since the four thieves will be killed, the darts who stayed in the carriage guarding the dealers immediately signaled, and the darts who chased the thieves immediately abandoned the target and returned! Their task is to protect the business team, not to kill the thief, to kill the thief ... is a matter of officers and soldiers, the king of Gaza can not pay the money to them. However, all the darts, all the executioners, when they return, there is no need to fear the gaze of the black smoke in the midair. In this battle, the natural power is the divine power! The four thieves will be awarded the first, and a dozen powerful thieves will be killed by the power of God. If there is no such thing, the party representing the justice will not be able to win.

I was dissatisfied with Xiao Hua at the earliest, and then I was dissatisfied with Xiao Jian’s life. I suddenly found my own shallowness and my heart was awkward. I started to discuss the small abacus and returned to the side of the carriage. After a short time, Qi Jin was pushed out by the crowd, and his face was filled with a smile and came to Xiao Hua.

At this time, Xiao Hua just took the divine power into the space, and some looked at Qi Jin.

"Xianchang..." Qi Jin carefully said, "Although Xianhua does not bother to shoot, but the spirit of Xianchang is so brave, I will rescue the business from the thief, I just waited for a discussion...that, previously from Xianchang I’m willing to take half of the fairy stone I won in my disciple...”

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