Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2033: Bash

"Predecessors, you are out!" In front of the star-street building, Xiao Jian took Yuanya and Liu Yizheng to wait anxiously. When he saw Xiao Hua coming out, he was very happy to call forward.

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded faintly, looking to the side, about a few feet away, Fu Zhiwen also hurriedly came over, it seems that he was waiting a little anxious.

"Xiao Daoyou!" Fu Zhiwen recently, look at Xiao Jian and others whispered, "This is a disciple of Daoyou?"

"Not a disciple!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and asked, "Where is the old demon?"

“The predecessors of Zhifeng first left. Before leaving, please Xiaodaoyou must arrive at the arch bridge in front of the Liuyan River after a moment. There is a dragon boat parked there. If the predecessors can’t catch up, then...you don’t have to go this time!”

Xiao Hua nodded and asked: "Do you know that place?"

"Under the next place, it’s just a few dozen feet away from the Star House. It’s there!" Fu Zhiwen said with a hand.

"Hey, does it still take a moment?" Xiao Hua smiled coldly and looked up at the plaque of the star-studded building. But seeing the dark night, there are more than a dozen of the same golden figurines with the same golden armor. The weird formation stood there, looking scattered and weird.

"Fu Gongzi, you wait and know!" Xiao Hua said, "You will go with them to Qiyang View later."

After that, without waiting for Fu Zhiwen to open, Xiao Hua will wave the wishful stick in his hand, and the stick will make a "whistling" wind in the night sky.

"Duanmuqing?" Xiaohua walked out of the plaque of the Star House, facing the end of the wooden hill, Xiao Hua looked at the gold car parked in the distance, and the dragon horse pulling the car asked lightly.

"Hey, you remember, there is a famous wooden mound! This matter has nothing to do with my young master!" Duanmuqiu took two steps. The golden armor on the body made a "slap" sound, and the "bang" slammed a huge copper vertebra from the shoulder and slammed it on the ground, shaking the ground on the left. Then Duanmuqiu looked at Xiaohua with a smile and said, "When my young master just came out, he also told this story to a certain family, so that a certain family would be more comfortable. However, one person thinks that this is a certain incident that collided with you. If you block the Longma and take the whip, a certain family will definitely get off the bus and pay you a crime. But you are actually holding a house and squatting from the car, this is hurting the face of a certain family! The family won't beat you. Someone has a face and then got on the carriage. What face is there in Duanmu's house? What face can face the name of this Duanmu?"

Xiao Hua looked at the people behind Duanmuqiu, and an obvious killing sent out from these people. And after this scattered formation, these killings actually condensed together, covering themselves in the distance, as if they only need a word, these killings will be turned into a giant sword to crush themselves into pieces!

Xiao Hua patiently listened to Duanmuqiu, cold and cold: "So you have entangled so many people? How much bully?"

"You can't talk about anything to bully. These are friends of a certain family. They heard that your power is amazing, you can surrender to Longma, and you want to come and see!" Duanmuqiu is obviously a person's point of view, this is a succinct, No leaks.

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded. "The old man asks you the last question. This matter is not doing anything about Muqing. Is it related to Duanmu family?"

"Hey..." Duanmuqi sneered. "A family really wants to say that it is nothing to do with Duanmu. If you have a family, there are some friends behind you... Most of them are surnamed Duanmu. You said Is this related to the Duanmu family?"

"Ha ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and slammed his hand, and a flying character hit him. "Sure enough, it is still a group of dogs and people. Even if this matter is not with the Duanmu family, I dare not say it! When you wait for the Dumumu family to be your own fig leaf, the old man will give Duanmu a family face... Hit!!!"

Xiao Hua shouted, and his body shape rose to the sky. The good luck lifted up, and made a "swallowing" sound in midair, heading towards the end of the wooden hill.

"Well..." Duanmuqiu had already been in the forefront. When he saw Xiaohua’s shot, he also screamed, his feet screaming, and he gave birth to a light cloud, holding his body up, and the muscles above his arm were like The flow of water, the "call" will lift the huge copper vertebrae, with a gust of wind rolling around Duanmuqiu, rushing toward Xiaohua's wishfulness.

At the same time, a dozen people behind Duanmuqiu were also moving, and a loud roar in one mouth, each waving their fists and trying to hit in the direction of Xiaohua!

"Oh..." It’s like a landslide. Ten of them are tempted by the arrogance of the cracked stone. As the boxing of the crowds rushes out, the dozens of awe-inspiring qis are converging and cohesive in midair, forming a similarity. The fist-like clouds, followed by the first arrival, the copper vertices beyond the end of the wooden hills from the top down to Xiaohua!

Wind and wind hunting, Xiao Huafei in the air, the wind blows the face, a few want to crush him on the ground, and in the gust of wind, Hao Haoqi is like a red fire to ignite him!

"Ha ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed, but the voice was blown away by the arrogance of the air, but it was still clearly screaming in the night sky. "The arrogance is controlled by you, such a shit-like person, where is the arrogance, where is there? Righteousness? Even if you wait for every pore from head to toe, it is not the enemy of Xiao!"

The speaker, Xiao Hua shook hands, dozens of fire charms were thrown out, each stroked a slightly subtle arc, attacked the fist-like awe-inspiring, and he himself did not meet the dozens of people The combined attack, the wishful stick in the air across the virtual shadow hit the copper vertebra of the end of the wood hill!

Seeing that Xiao Hua actually attacked dozens of people with unexpected means, Duanmuqiu was shocked first, but when he saw the fate of the goose egg, he also sneered: "Let you taste the copper." ......"

Unfortunately, before he finished, the loud bang of the "Boom~", the bronze vertebra was hit by the wishful rod, the huge roaring sound, like a mountain-like impact, not only interrupted the arrogance of Duanmuqiu, but also Shocked his arm was sore, his hands could not hold the copper vertebrae, the whole body is uncontrollable under the huge force, flying out!

"You want to fight, then you will fight. Since you dare to challenge Xiaomou, you should be enlightened by Xiaomou!!" Duanmuqiu’s figure is uncontrollable, but his eyes are not affected by any influence. Hua is like a fish-like chasing wind, and Duanmuqiu’s heart is screaming. Zhong Dantian’s infuriating temptation, the body’s Yuan Li also surged like a river, trying to withstand the chasing of Xiao Hua. However, that Yuan Li has not rushed out, and a sharp soul thorn that is sharper than the sharp sword rushes into the mind of Duanmuqiu. The end of the wooden hills hurts in front of him, and Yuan Li immediately stagnates! Can't lift the points again. Waiting for Duanmuqiu to see the light and shadow again in front of him, Xiaohua’s unpredictable singularity is faster than the wind and hits the two arms that he has no consciousness. The end of the wooden hill is so big... At this time, it has changed. A big regret! But seeing the wishful stick touched the golden armor, countless inscriptions like inscriptions flew out from the golden armor, and the whole golden gold was golden! It is a pity that the innumerable inscriptions of the inscriptions have just flown out, and they have turned into horizontal and vertical squats under the wishful sticks, and even turned into powder! The golden armor was destroyed, and the arm of the end of the wooden hill?

However, no one pays attention to the arms of Duanmuqiu at the same time, that is, while the Duanmuqiu is flying out, the thunderous sounds of "Rumble" and "Rumble" are ringing in the air, and dozens of fires are comparable. The strikes of several Zhuji monks not only defeated the extremely powerful Haoran, but also the skyfire that fell together, rolled over to the ground, completely shrouded the ground of a dozen feet!

"Oh..." A dozen people naturally saw Xiao Hua’s fire charm, but they didn’t expect the power of this fire charm to be so great. They saw their own joint force smashing, and they rushed and screamed, not Too much flustered dancing fists, but also a dozen elements of force rushed out of their bodies, affecting hundreds of Hao Haoqi, forming a palm-like shape under the fire!

"Call..." After the giant palm, the fire was destroyed. Most of the remaining flames still have some power from the air, but it is difficult to threaten these golden sergeants. These people are no longer paying attention and rushing to look at the end of the wood... ...

Just not waiting for them to see the figure of Duanmuqiu, a blue light flashed through the air, an angry voice sounded at the same time: "Xiao Hua! You... how can you get this hand?"

"Duanmu Gongzi!" A dozen gold medals were shocked. They looked at Duanmuqing, standing on top of a blue cloud, and looked at the direction of Duanmuqing.

"Ah!!!" Everyone was taken aback!

I saw that there was a row of tall and tall trees in the distance. Now I lie down three or four trees, just above the trunk of the last big tree. The end of the golden armor is slanting like a big tree. Lying down, the seven scorpions are bleeding, and the sturdy copper vertices that have just been held in their hands are now lying on the ground like the end of the wooden hill, but it is worse than the end of the wooden hill, has been broken into two!

"Aqiu..." A dozen gold medals were all red, and several people rushed past, and the remaining dozens slowly condensed into a formation and walked toward Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua only swept these people coldly, and did not pay any attention to it. He looked at Duanmu Qing and replied, "Duan Muqing, how do I get rid of my hand? I killed Duanmuqiu? I killed these Huangjiajia." What about?"

"You defeated Aqiu, why did you break his arms?" Duanmu Qing said with a bite on his lips. "Aqiu doesn't know your strength, but I know it under the bottom! It is said that you are his predecessor, why? So big bully? You... do you still have a face?"

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