Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2054: Bright beast power

I am caught in a dilemma that is about to come, and the Bright Beast is already in trouble!

He had just finished the bright cub, and the nine-handed dragon monument flying around him swiftly turned up. The black mist that had been released before was re-increased within the body of the monument, and the stinking black gas around it was black. The fog infiltrates into the monument, "吼", "吼"... a series of nine dragons, shaking the whole space again, just as thick as the black mist of the juice, like the giant whale, rushing into the nine gradually revealing The body of the nine sons.

The face is sturdy, and the body is different. Under the urging of these black fogs, the body shape is more and more huge, and the light of the bright beast is mostly obscured!

Not only that, between the gaps that the nine sons can't cover, the fairy sect is transformed into a dozen pages of flying books under the urging of Shuai Shuai, like a butterfly and like a word, igniting the majestic arrogance and The dragon monuments are hidden from each other towards the bright beast!

The nine sons of the dragon and the fairy tales reveal the last resort. Where can the yelling king's jade be scorned? A stag of the stag fly out of the jade, and form a Yuan dynasty on the side of the Nine Dragons, with two different treasures attacking the bright beast!

In this group of stag deer, the huge tiger-type Nedan of the scorpion tiger is also in the forefront of the prestige. Anyone knows that if this time the beast cannot be defeated, they are afraid that they will have no chance.

With so many demon methods, how can the bright beast not get into trouble?

It is a pity that the bright beast did not have the tension they thought, and even a little leisurely glanced at the thunder that was about to collide, which shook the faucet. It is like rubbing off the dirty water on the head. With this shaking, the dragon's horns of the top of the light beast's head again pleated brilliance. Only at this time Guanghua actually showed blood red, this blood red brilliance turned into a weird rune, if flowing like water flowing from the dragon horn to the whole body. This flow is extremely fast. When the nine sons, the fairy tales, the jade and the tiger-type inner dan have just completely surrounded the bright beasts, the unspeakable giants and the mysterious vortex are gradually born around the bright beasts. When the beast swallowed, the rune had already flowed through the body of the bright beast, but saw the light beast proudly stepping forward! It is such a simple step. The body of the bright beast suddenly rushed out of a blood-red blood shadow, which was faster than the flashing brilliance, and the fingers were rushed through four different treasures...

"Oh..." It sounds like a fried bean-like sound. The nine-child dragon's monument is violently swaying. The image of the Kowloonzi is cracked and reveals a lot of flaws. The fairy tales are also like the bananas in the wind. It is also gradually torn; the stag of the stag of the jade is even more unbearable, one by one mourning to hide in the air; the most pitiful is the tiger-type inner Dan, after the blood shadow, it becomes an empty shell, first wrinkles, then weathering Make a powder!

"Oh..." The tiger screamed. The flesh is not far away!

"Brush..." The tiger's cockroaches never landed. A brilliance is faster than a meteor. It rushes out of three different treasures and hits the front of the tiger!

The tiger was shocked, not waiting for him to avoid. In the Guanghua, the faucet of the bright beast is revealed, and the blood basin is stretched out. The roar screamed and swallowed the tiger's head. At the same time, the hoof, which was stepping on the jade, was like a mud, and it was kicked into the chest of the tiger. After the blood, the beating tiger The heart was actually brought out.

The action of the bright beast is too fast, and all the demons are caught off guard. In particular, the bright beasts smashed the tigers when they were destroyed, and then they once again attacked the stag king. The stag deer king hurriedly stepped back, and the jade could not wait for the nine-child dragon monument and the fairy tales to cover up the bright beast, and immediately flew to himself to protect himself.

I know, the bright beast is just a sham shot, the body shape is turned in the air, the whole faucet is twisted, and the eyes are fiercely rushing to the handsome...

Just as the bright beasts defeated the demon's encirclement, and even succeeded in killing the scorpion tiger, Xiao Hua's fight with the scorpion was caught in the glue!

The two thunders are like the tides, and the thunder of Xiaohua is obviously better than the dark thunder. Under the heavy lightning and thunder, the road is annihilated!

Seeing this, Xiao Hua was not dejected. He knew it tightly. His own lightning and thundering technique was generated by means of green essay. The green essay is the most mysterious text between heaven and earth. It has the power to move the mountains and the sea, far from being the soul repairing itself. Moreover, the technique of lightning and thunder is to be born out of thin air. When it comes to power, it is inferior to the Taoism of the Taoist by means of foreign objects. Of course, Xiao Hua is also looking forward to it. I don't know that I have mastered all the green essays. This lightning and thundering technique is much stronger than it is now. However, although the technique of lightning and thunder is somewhat weak, it can be won in a continuous stream, endlessly swaying, constantly stimulating the wings, constantly spitting out the thunder from the mouth, but Xiaohua’s thunder is like a trickle, if the same The unyielding lamp in the wind will follow with life, and it will continue to consume the wind and thunder!

I saw that I was dragged by Xiao Hua, a small bug. I was anxious and hateful. I spread my wings and danced a lot of wind and thunder. I was forced out of the lightning and thunder. The injured claws are like sharp weapons. Grab Xiaohua. Although the claws have not been with the body, but the fierce wind, the whistling of the empty, all of them let everyone know, under this grasp, afraid that even the yuan must be cracked? However, watching Xiao Hua again, seeing the claws caught, actually did not panic, will be in the hands of a good luck, it is an understatement to welcome the past! Just like a kind of playfulness.

"Boom ~" a loud noise, Ruyi stick hit the claws, under the huge force, Xiao Hua's face was instantly white, the whole figure could not control, was hit obliquely out! However, when we were surprised, the direction of this oblique flight was really unexpected to everyone. It was not to fly backwards, nor to other directions. Instead, it was just to the left of Tianma, and some relatives extended their forefoot and explored Tianma. Light feathers...

"Tell this little guy, don't struggle!" Xiao Hua hurriedly told Xiao Hei, and then released the gods, to send the light cubs into the storage bag!

Not to be surprised by Xiao Hua's surprise, the bright young beast is struggling, and does not let his gods wrap it around. Xiao Hua can't even protect the bright cubs!

"But it~" Xiao Hua tried a little and knew that this road was unreasonable. It was just to lift the wishfulness to block the flying cockroaches again. Suddenly his brow wrinkled and his eyes showed a twilight. At the same time, the power of the scorpion that has just been smashed is moving, as if the black sword is shining on the side of the bright cub!

"Peng!" sounded, but see somewhere in the air, the undulations of the road, the image of a Confucian student is extremely embarrassingly revealed, the top of the head, the faint starlight fluctuations, isn't it just the ever-changing ever-changing towel?

"Shameless..." Xiao Hua snorted, seeing this Confucianism hurriedly flew away, knowing that Confucianism is a guilty conscience, seeing that he is revealed, may not attack the bright cub again, holding the wishful stick in his hand, still rushing The claws coming! At this time, the claws were more fierce than before. Xiao Hua seems to have seen the twilight of the Jiuyi people to eat raw food. If it was before, Xiao Hua said that he could not pretend to panic, but now, Xiao Hua is like a water, and there is no idea of ​​contrived. Just like a stick just now, the wishfulness in his hand is still loud, and it is very heavy. The claws that hit the cockroach.

Obviously, hey is not moving for Xiao Hua’s calmness, thinking that Xiao Hua has nothing to do with it, and that the two claws even gave birth to the sound of wind and thunder, and crashed down!

Wrong, and very wrong, this is the feeling that his unsmashed left paw hits the wishful stick! A painful blow, not only to defeat the wind and thunder, but also to crush the left paw, I really do not understand, a small human race, the strength of the wishful spirit is even more powerful than the power of the gods .

The jaws of the dragonfly are completely smashed, the huge figure can not be balanced, the wings are thrown away, and they fall toward the stone wall!

Xiao Hua temporarily slammed the slam, but he believed that 鹞枭远 is not so strong, but he is only relying on lightning and thunder and Ruyi to attack it, and then attacking himself is afraid that it is not easy to deal with! Therefore, he will swing well, his body shape is slightly heavy, let the power of force in front of his body, quietly wait for the attack, and he himself is a brainstorming, thinking about the law.

Besides, the bright beast, madly rushed to the handsome, the handsome pair of scorpions met the bright beasts that are very similar to their own, and they actually gave birth to a trace of fear, and hurriedly gave a mouth, a breath of life from the belly, Pounce on the bright beast! The bright beast certainly grows a dragon head, but the body is a unicorn, seeing the dragon fall down and rushing to the mouth, a column of white light rushing out, can block the dragon! Then, the entire body shape of the light beast is a fold, and once again rushed to the stag king...

The stag deer king has just stabilized his body shape, where can he dare to fight with the bright beast? The swaying of the jade smashed into three, and the front of the body was protected. I know, the bright beast shook a little before the eyes of the stag, and there was no meaning to attack the stag king. The whole body was turned into a stream that had just fallen into the bidding hall, and the bright beast actually had to escape! !

The action of the bright beast is really unexpected for everyone and the demon, even Xiao Hua is a big man! Because the light beast did not inform himself beforehand, look at the bright cubs next to the Tianma without any reaction.

"Go~" Even if the heart is a bit strange, Xiao Hua still dare not sneer, urging a little black, that day, the horse will show off the light feathers, it is under his own body, the light cub thinks that it is play, and the foot is chasing the clouds. come! Tianma Guangyu flashes, dragging Xiaohua to fly a few feet...

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