Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2073: Professor Xiao Hua Warfare (2)

More than that, with the sound of this tremor, it is a green light spot that is as big as the soybean. Once this light spot appears, it immediately ignited the sky, the sky above the Royal Academy, the wind is overwhelming, the clouds are dense, and bursts of bursts. The dull thunder tumbling with the clouds. Not waiting for Fu Zhiwen to see clearly, but also a strange sound from Xiaohua mouth, and instantly a green light spot again.

"Booming ......" This light spot has become more and more sudden, and hundreds of thousands of thumblights flashed brilliance, rushing to the Royal Academy, where the thunder is the "child" ", there are thousands of students reading the poetry book to form a blue color net!

What makes Fu Zhiwen horrified is that the seemingly unbreakable blue-colored word net, the words that will easily be broken by the thirty-six-day slogan, the hundreds of poems that are not easily broken by the Taoist method, actually Compared to the snow, seeing the boiling water must be quickly melted! Even, they all teach the "child" who is proud of it. It is shaped by words, and the shape of the master is made with awe-inspiring spirit. Under the thunder of several thunders, it is not only dull, but not angry. The words are re-formed under the green and red silk to make the purest arrogance.

"Leading technology..." Fu Zhiwen suddenly realized that he thought of a long-awaited magical power of Taoism, and his heart was very different.

In fact, it is said that Fu Zhiwen’s eyes are stunned, that is, Xiao Hua himself did not think that this lightning and thundering technique has such a miraculous effect on the singer of the Confucianism! ! Xiao Hua was shocked for a moment, and immediately shouted in the sky, "Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua was a rare laugh. The dark channel, "This is really a fake product! It just looks fierce and abnormal, but now it is a great child. It turned out to be a medium-looking item!"

Xiao Hua’s whistling sounds, with the whistling sound, the thunder and lightning flashing, the low-altitude thunder is better like a raindrop, squatting at the top of the students’ school, and Xiao Hua is a double-eyed Hey, watching the green thunder of the road bombarded the head and surroundings of Dushan. Hearing from the wickedness: "Grandma's. Even if Lao Tzu does not kill you, you must ruin your little white face!"

Of course, this is just Xiao Hua’s idea. He urged the lightning and thunder to trap the students of Yuan’s elders and Professor Du Shanjun. Then I drove Tianma. It is also the horse's long sky. The mighty rushed to the Imperial College.

"I still want to go? Jiang Wenhao! You come to life!" Jiang Wenhao really is clever, and seeing all the good sons of Qijun Qiming have been defeated by Xiao Hua, long ago oil on the soles of the feet. The Feijian rushed to the depths of the Imperial Academy. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua’s soul had already locked him. On that day, the horse crossed the red wall of the Imperial Academy. Xiao Hua screamed and thundered several miles from the sky. Jiang Wenhao’s way Blocked!

"Xiao's predecessor..." Jiang Wenhao was shocked and laughed. "All this is a misunderstanding. The previous juniors have already said that if you don't believe it, the younger generation will not leave. This will accompany the seniors..."

"Oh?" Xiao Hua looked like electricity, and looked straight at Jiang Wenhao sneer. "Jiang Wenhao, now, what do you say so much? No matter who you are today, no matter who you are, whether you are Oh, Xiaomou must take your head!!"

"Before...predecessors..." Seeing the falling of the thunder in the sky, Jiang Wenhao wanted to spit out the flying sword and resisted, but he did not dare. But he has to let him go, he is not willing, and some of them are lost, and they don’t know whether it is regret or taste.

In the case of Jiang Wenhao’s suffering, suddenly... all the earth-shattering sounds disappeared. It seems that the thunder of the sky is a jaundice. “Ah? What is going on?” Jiang Wenhao’s glimpse, just to see Towards all around, at this time, Xiao Hua’s shocked and angry voice was like a thunder in his ear: “The obstacles are also said that you have not done evil, and you look at what is in your arms?”

"What?" Jiang Wenhao was somewhat disappointed. Xiao Hua’s roar and deliberate, he shocked him! Jiang Wenhao was involuntarily looking down, and sure enough, in his arms, revealing a corner of Yugui!

Jiang Wenhao took out this jade, as if he had seen the ghost's hard throwing, loudly: "No, you are hiding me, I just thrown this jade..."

Having said that, Jiang Wenhao seems to wake up to something, white as paper, standing in the air!

"Well, it seems that Xiaomou is framing you!" Xiao Hua, who had just picked up the lightning and thunder, said faintly, "You have already thrown this jade! I just don't know, you throw Where is it? Of course, where you throw it is not critical. What is important is that this jade is the jade of my seven-door view. How can it run into your hands, why do you throw it away? What?"

Xiao Hua’s face was sneer, and he waved his hand, and Yu Gui slowly fell into his hands. This Yugui did not care about the truth, that is, Jiang Wenhao had just escaped from the Imperial Academy, and he hid this thing in a tree hole. He remembered that he did not get Yugui from Wu’s memory. Message, I am afraid that Jiang Wenhao will see this Yugui temporary intention! It was also this temporary intention that made him show his feet and finally admitted the truth of his main event, the Seven Yangguan tragedy, in front of a large number of students in the Imperial College.

"Jiang Wenhao!!" Waiting for Xiao Hua to say anything, has already turned white than white paper, but unfortunately there is no scar on the face. Professors are heartbroken. "You... you are so wolf-hearted! The old man is wrong to see you. It!"

Jiang Wenhao is actually a moment of loss of consciousness. At this time, he has already stabilized his mind. Where can he still care what face is being borne, and the sword light under his feet is rushing into the Imperial Academy.

"Want to run?" Xiao Hua sneered, "Xiao Mou if you don't kill you today... you are a disciple!"

Talking, jumping into the sky, the horse did not wait for Xiao Hua to order, the four hooves rose like a stream of chasing Jiang Wenhao.

"Xiao Hua..." Although the professors were languid, they were still screaming and shouting, "Even if Jiang Wenhao is evil, it is also the case of my Royal Academy. My Royal Academy has the power to dispose of its disciples. Dao disciples, no qualifications..."

Yes, Jiang Wenhao has exposed his face and has already cut the face of the Royal Academy. If the Royal Academy wants to recover its face, the only thing is to personally punish Jiang Wenhao and even kill it! But at this time, Xiao Hua will kill Jiang Wenhao, not only the opportunity for Yu Shuyuan to get back to the face, but the Imperial Academy is even more afflicted by Xiao Hua. This face is afraid that it can't be pulled back anyway. Therefore, Du Shanjun hurriedly chased him up, even though he himself did not recognize Xiao Hua’s rival.

"Ha ha ha ... think of beauty!" Xiao Hua stunned Zhang, "I will take Jiang Wenhao's life today!"

Said, Xiao Hua glanced at his feet and there were a lot of students chasing after him. The technique of lightning and thunder was applied again, and the lightning of various colors appeared out of thin air...

"Hey, erect!" Suddenly, the mid-air of the Imperial Academy gave birth to a disdainful coldness. As soon as these three words appeared, the awe-inspiring spirit of the Imperial College immediately swayed, and the wind of a cloud-changing sky changed! "Oh..." Immediately, one hundred and ten white pillars of light were born from the arrogant gas, sharper than the giant sword, and swiftly penetrated into Xiaohua Leiguang than the thunder, the electric that was just invincible. Flashing thunder and lightning were instantly punctured by this light column.

"This..." Xiao Hua was shocked. Before he could once again spur the lightning and thunder, a singularly arrogant rushed out of the academy, like a hammer-like hit. I have never been there before, and a feeling of hardship and regret is born from the bottom of my heart.

"Come on, this is the great Confucianism of refining the spirit!" Fu Zhiwen reacted faster than Xiaohua and hurriedly urged.

"However, it is refining the spirit and returning to the gods..." Xiao Hua’s heart secretly groaned, but his hands and feet did not dare to neglect, and he took a shot of the Tianma. The horse’s drums swayed in the sky, and the sky began to rise, before the hero’s intention to catch up. Far away!

"The court is an adult~" Du Shanjun stopped in the air and was praying. "There is no talent, it provokes the cleaning of the adults!"

"Well..." The voice of the adult is coming. "The things of the Seven Yangs are not the same, you must..."

Just in the middle of the hospital, the words of the adults have not been finished. Xiaohua’s cold voice has been uploaded from the sky: “There is a righteousness in the world, this is the righteousness, that is, the outline, the outline is like a sword hanging over the top of the people. What big Confucian scholars must be killed as long as they touch this sword. Xiao Mou is not, since you want to take Jiang Wenhao’s life, you must do it..."

When I heard the words of Xiao Hua, the professor’s face was inexplicable, and looked up at Jiang Wenhao, who was not far away. At this time, from Jiang Wenhao’s arms, it was just two small heads. These two things are like black and yellow winds flying out of Jiang Wenhao’s arms, disappearing in the air. In the middle, the professors did not understand how to fly two small things!

Looking at Jiang Wenhao, a shallow crack in the neck gradually spreads out the blood of the black ink, and the numerous black wires around the crack spread to Jiang Wenhao's whole body...

"Booming" is a myriad of arrogant gas condensed into a column, and Hao Hao slammed into the distant Xiaohua, but these gas pillars have just been born, Xiao Hua is comparable to the tide of the mid-Yuan Ying, like a flood of water, "劈啪啪" a burst of noise, like a dense firecracker, then those awe-inspiring slowly dispersed.

"Hey!" This is the last sound of the adult in the hospital, and then it is silent.

"This..." Professor Wang looked at Jiang Wenhao's body falling from the air. He had not fallen on the ground and had turned into pieces of ink dripping, and he could not help but give birth to a hint of chill. Xiao Hua’s means is really different, and it’s a real solution, which gives him a sense of powerlessness that can’t be enemies. (To be continued.)

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