Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2119: Transparent eyes

The black and white brilliance that is said to be transparent is really very fast. When Xiao Hua was aware, he was already hitting Xiao Hua’s heart. He saw the clothes that Xiao Hua had rushed out, Xiao Hua In addition, the pacing and the popular technique was hurriedly displayed, and a residual image appeared in the same place. Xiao Hua’s body shape flashed aside! The black and white brilliance plunged into the void through the shadow of Xiao Hua.

"Ah!!!!" Xiao Hua’s cold sweat on his head was secretly escaped from the attack. Immediately, a severe pain actually emerged from Xiao Hua’s heart. Xiao Hua was shocked and screamed. “How is this possible? Xiaomou Mingming has already evaded!”

"Gofei Feizhang..." Sun Hao’s screaming reminder also sounded like a singer in Xiao Hua’s ear. Xiao Hua did not think about it, flying into the sky, not only flying a mile, but more than five feet.

His figure is just standing in the air, and the black and white brilliance of a bowl of mouth is rushing out of the void in his vest...

Xiao Hua was busy in the body to accelerate the operation of the **** hole, to eliminate the attack of the virtual beast. On the one hand, he prepared to sacrifice the sword. This defensive beast's defense is impeccable, and you can only hurt it with your own ruthlessness, and it is difficult to strike the commandment. The attack of the sinister beast is so strange that it can not only attack the entity through the virtual shadow, but also can return through the void. If you have been fighting for a long time, although it may not be degraded, it is certain that you can suffer. I have just become a baby, and the realm is not stable. If I am injured, it will definitely have a great impact on my own Tao.

Thinking, Xiao Hua will wave his hand. The sword is about to be shot. At this time, the thing that surprised Xiaohua was shocked again. I saw that the sinister beast was more agile than the fish, and the black and white brilliance of the bowl was not biased. Between the eyes.

"Oh..." is like the sound of a broken blisters. Although the sound is very light, the whole space is slightly trembled. Then, between the eyes of the beast, a bowl-sized scorpion with black and white brilliance Hit, suddenly opened! That scorpion gray variegated. A piece of white is like a white cloud floating in the gray sky. Every piece of white clouds is like the most rare thing in the world. It suddenly attracts Xiao Hua’s eyes. Xiao Hua’s eyes are all gray!

"Hey, the friend of the road is careful! This is the second attack of the purpose of the virtual!!" Xiao Hua's gaze just fell in the third voice of the virtual beast. The sigh of the soul repair Xiao Hua is like a thunder to wake Xiao Hua.

"Through the eyes! Through the virtual beast!!" Xiao Hua suddenly came back. Suddenly wake up. Just as Xiao Hua turned his eyes, a silver-white brilliance shot more quickly than the black and white brilliance, and even the space between Xiao Hua and the virtual beast trembled fiercely because of this silvery white brilliance!

"False eyes??" Black and white Guanghua Xiaohua is not familiar. But this silver-white brilliance Xiaohua is familiar with home, isn't it the usual smashing eyes, and the silver of the third eye of Xiao Huang?

Of course, the silver light of the virtual beast is obviously stronger than the silver light of Xiao Hua’s smashing eyes. Even though Xiao Hua has time to open the eyes of the law, the power of silver and white brilliance is not enough. Xiao Hua may not fight. Have passed through the virtual beast. And this moment, the silver-white brilliance has already covered Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua is unlikely to retreat even if he is doping with the wind and so on.

However, when it was such a critical situation, Xiao Hua was calm and afraid of people. The face that had just revealed his white face showed a slight smile, and he was sure to be more confident than the chest! Xiao Hua did not display any magical powers. He only stretched his left hand and held it flat on his chest. The silver-white brilliance that shakes the space within a few feet is more than the nestling of the chicks. Hua’s left palm, seeing the brilliance of this sky, was annihilated by Xiao Hua’s squad, and the next Sun Yan’s eyes almost fell! What's more, the silver brilliance falls into the palm of Xiao Hua, and the vain beast seems to have lost the essence, and the soft squatting in the air, there is no resistance.

"Xian...Xianyou..." Sun was different, but I didn't have time to think about what Xiaohua was doing, and suddenly realized that a ecstasy rushed to my heart and shouted, "Fast! You are coming to replace it... ”

Xiao Hua understands that Sun Hao wants to deal with the strange insects, and he comes to kill the evil beast.

"Good!" Xiao Hua almost did not hesitate to answer, and he will fly in the past. However, it is not waiting for Sun Hao to exchange with Xiao Hua. The strange insect "嗷..." is a strange scream, the whole body rises again, and the hind legs squat, actually rushing in front of Sun Hao to rush to the virtual beast, to Rescue through the virtual beast.

"It's too late!" Sun Hao made a trade-off in an instant, and hurriedly said, "Xianyou first received this beast!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua brows a wrinkle, seeing the strange insects to teleport disappear, rushing to the heart of a roll of the sinister beast, a large size of a huge monster instantly fell into his space.

Seeing that Xiao Hua was so arbitrarily decisive, and that the virtual beast was so fascinating, Sun Hao’s heart could not afford a trace of doubts. After all, this sinister beast was the main purpose of his entry into the space node, but for this time he entered. It took a lot of energy. Now that the monster has been defeated by himself, it has been accepted by a monk who has never met, and it is still a monk. If he can get it back, it will become a big problem to get it back. However, his doubts just started, and the strange insects finally got out of power. The strange insect's body suddenly spewed a strand of gray mist. The gray mist was extremely sticky. It just fell into the void, and some of it volatilized. Some of them were obstructed by the strange body.

"Xianyou, this strange insect..." Sun Hao gave birth to a miserable feeling in his heart, and hurriedly looked at Xiao Hua, expecting Xiao Hua to give an exact answer.

It is a pity that Xiao Hua has never seen such a move as a strange insect. He was also shocked by the heart. He waved his hand and shouted: "Sun Xianyou, this strange insect is also encountered for the first time, and does not know its origin. Now you and I have to work together, there is no gap, this kind of virtual beast can be useless, just eliminate this strange insect... No, only you can escape life, small can immediately pass through the virtual beast to the fairy Friends!"

"Escape?" Sun Yi listened, but he did not feel proud on his face. The three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand swayed, cold and cold. "To deal with a bug, why not escape? Although it is within the space node, if it is I am known by others, what is the face underneath? You don’t have to say more, I will work together to kill this monster!"

"Space node?" Xiao Hua slightly glimpsed, and immediately understood that this space node is afraid of another name for the spatial context, but he still disdain for Sun Hao’s pride and his face. What is the face?"

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua left and right to see, the previous passage has been closed, the space is large, with his understanding of the strange insects, he is afraid that he can not escape the chasing of the strange insects, he can only defend the enemy with Sun Hao here.

Xiao Hua just flew to the other side of the worm, "Hey..." A sharp wind filled the space, but after seeing the gray fog, the worm figure doubled again, already close to Sanzhang. And the worms have a groove that looks like a crescent, and the sharp, harsh wind is emitted from the groove. With the sound of the wind, the strength of the heavens and the earth fell into it, and the shape of the strange insects gradually rose again.

The suction in the groove is getting bigger and bigger with the passage of time. Not only the wind in the whole space is shaken, but the body of Xiao Hua and Sun Wei’s size can’t stand still, even, it is extremely strange. The breath similar to the pressure or Yuan Nian was born from the body of the strange insect. Xiao Hua perceives his own thoughts, and even the Buddha relic can't help but jump out of the mud pill palace and pounce on the breath.

"Oops~" Xiao Hua really did not encounter such a weird attack. The congenital **** of Mumao Palace rushed to flash the golden light, and gave birth to God on the Buddha relic.

Look at Sun Hao, the same face with shock, the golden brilliance of the whole body, is obviously also resisting.

"Oh..." The strange insects are showing their wings. For a while, the sound of howling with the burdock is not known to be born from the mouth of the worm or the feathers. The same two illusions are blamed. The insects flew out of the two wings, and they rushed toward Xiaohua and Sun Hao!

Not waiting for the virtual shadow to come near, an unspeakable coldness was born from the periphery of Xiaohua. A **** of ice was actually born in the void, and a layer of hoarfrost appeared on the bald head of Xiaohua. That cold seems to be able to freeze to the bone marrow, Xiao Hua, who has long been unaware of the heat and cold, could not help but shudder. Looking at the illusory worms, Xiao Hua suddenly smiled coldly, and the smile was colder than the cold shadow of the strange insects, because between Xiao Hua’s eyebrows, a quiet green brilliance The words "lei" and "electricity" were born out of thin air in a short time, and then a few miles of thunder light shrouded between Xiaohua and the strange insects. In the sound of "咔嚓嚓", it was falling. On the ghost shadow!

"Oh..." The worm shadow is obviously unprepared. Even Xiao Hua’s attack is beyond its expectations. It’s just a layer of thunder, and the illusion of the worm has been wiped out. Dare to move forward, for the first time in front of Xiao Hua rushed to escape, but the strange insects just retreat, Xiao Hua's second wave of Lei Guang is even merciless dumping, this incomplete virtual shadow was immediately killed by Xiao Hua! Seeing that he succeeded in a blow, Xiao Hua was very courageous. Before this strange worm was with the hedgehog of the long thorn, Xiao Hua didn’t dare to open his mouth. Now it’s finally a breakthrough. It seems that the soul repair technique is also a mess for this monster. Effective, his own lightning and thunder is enough to kill the monster! (To be continued.)

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