Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2138: Turn the sky

"You...who are you?" The old man seemed to be very strange to the voice, asked in a trembling tone, and then he took a hand without hesitation, and a fist-sized green spider was in his hand.

"Oh..." The old man will have a mouth, a blue brilliance falling on the spider, and the spider will grow up and become a size. At the same time as the spiders are illusory, the old man himself is born with brilliance, waiting for the old man to fall on the back of the spider, and a sigh of water flies out from the spider, like a fountain, rushing out and falling around the foothills. Above the mountains.

"Brush..." Gently, if the water is ringing, the water and gas fall, the water blue light of the road spreads flat and spreads around, but for a moment, the four peaks like the scales are Covered by these water blue brilliance. From a distance, this water is like a spider web, and the spider who is a few feet behind the old man is the master of this spider web.

"Oh... the sky is full of children, you are still so timid, and it is generally the same as what others say." There is no unusual trace of the sound. The old man still looks at the hundreds of miles. Less than anything, but this voice is as if it is just beside the old man.

The old man in the robes looked a little bad, and cried coldly: "Which fairy friend visited me Sipingshan? Since you are here, you have to be so sneaky, otherwise don't blame the old man for not giving you face!"

"Ha ha ha, the old man is coming, do you want to give face?" The voice laughed and shook the water blue brilliance.

"Starting..." The old man smiled coldly and waved his hand, but saw a blue-blue brilliance rushing into a flying sword of a dozen feet. The sound of "呜" was crossed in midair, although it was never What is in it, but within a few dozen feet of space, the aura of heaven and earth bursts, and the momentum is extremely large.

"Haha. Little guy, the old man hasn't arrived yet. How do you spend the mana?" The voice still taunted and smirked. "Is it hard to welcome the old man?"

The old man in the robes bites his lips and releases his thoughts. He looks around carefully. He does not believe in the statement of this voice.

"Booming ......" is less than half a cup of tea, but there is a sound of wind and thunder in the sky, a group of gray clouds from which to grow out, flying like a flash to the foothills.

"This..." The old man in the robes looked at the distant clouds with some incredulity, and hurriedly let go of the thoughts, trying to explore what was inside the clouds. but. His gods have just touched the clouds, and an irresistible force emerged from the clouds, and his life tears his mind away.

"Ah..." The old man in the robe whispered a low scream and hurriedly retracted his mind. The original horrified face was now white with his hands.

"Oh... just by you, a Yuan Yinger, and a spy on the old man?" Among the gray clouds. If the same sound as the rolling thunder is born again.

"You...who are you?" The old man in the robes stepped on the foot, and the spider flashed green in the whole body, and the old man was firmly guarded, and this was the cries of the teeth.

Between the talks, the gray clouds have already flown to the side of the four peaks, the clouds tumbling violently, and the face of a young man is transformed in midair, and the mouth of the cloud opens. It seems that the four peaks are swallowed up and said: "Who is the old man, you don't have to know! Even if the old man tells you the name, you may not know. You only need to know that the old man is a monk, you are also a disciple of my door." Just!"

"The old man is naturally a disciple, but the old man does not want to go with other disciples. The old man only wants to practice quietly. The Taoist is certainly my predecessor. Can you not be strong?" The old robe is not afraid, watching the clouds The face turned, said coldly.

"Hey, since the old man was suppressed by the sea of ​​the West Sea. How did the gates of the Three Continents become so weak?" The face of the gray cloud was cold and sighed. "That is, you are waiting for such a tortoise." You only care about your cultivation, never ask the lives and deaths of others, and hide my proud head in the turtle shell. This makes the Confucian students who are not so dry and the vulgar vultures of the Buddhas step on me. At the foot. You wait until there is a strong heart, and my door cannot fall to the point of today!"

"You...you...you..." The old man in the robe heard this, first of all, and immediately, if he was hit by the thunder, he stood on the spot and looked at the cloud with an absolute surprise. I have said several "you" words, but I have never dared to call out the name of the person in the future. Obviously, the name of this person is extremely loud, and he never dares to shout.

"Oh, I don't think that for many years, the name of the old man is still so loud! The old man seems to be looking for you right today!" The cloud seems to be solidified in the air, although there is a gust of wind, it can not blow away. A cloud of silk, if the sound of the same thunder is coming from the arrogant, "Since I know who the old man is, this name does not have to be called out! Nanzhaobezhou is the site of the old vulture, his Buddha's six gods I have already reached the limit, it’s not easy for the old man to come here. If you read it in your mouth, you can’t say it by the old vulture!”

Listening to this cloud, the old man who is famous in the sky bites his lips slightly, his face is uncertain, his eyes are staring at the cloud, and he does not know what he is thinking. Only, for a moment, the old man’s face showed a trace of sarcasm, and a cold voice from his nose, said: “Predecessors, no matter who you are, or whatever you are, why? In the lower eye, there is only cultivation, only heaven, and entering the gate is the luck of the next, but all the gates are not doing the same! The rise and fall of the gate is not affected by the next, but it is not for you to decide. You do not have to Say more, if you have nothing else, please forgive me, and I am going to practice!"

After that, the old man in the robe slammed the cloud slightly, then flashed the blue brilliance around him, and the mountain peaks falling down.

"Ha ha ha..." The cloud doesn't seem to be angry. It only laughs wildly. "When the old man was in the three continents, you were still not born. You are afraid to know the name of the old man. Do you know the old man's temper? To be honest, if In the past, just by your words, the old man will immediately kill you! Mo said that you are a small Yuan Ying monk, even if it is a monk and a distracted monk to see the old man is also respectful. However, nowadays Withered, you are also a rare Yuan Ying monk on the Three Continents. The old man will let you for a moment... How can it be?"

The old man in the robes seemed to be absent-minded. He turned a deaf ear to the words of the cloud, and his body quickly fell into the glory of the blue water, and gradually disappeared.

"Damn!" Seeing the old man in the robes not only did not listen to his own instructions, but also such a defense, the cloud made a roar, the whole cloud is like the fountain in the previous mountain, the violent drums, the overflow of the silky clouds, Rapidly swelled up, the gray brilliance flashed frequently, and the central part of the cloud turned into black and white. The white rushed into the sky, and the black sun fell. It was only a moment, and the cloud that was just a few feet was actually good. Clouds of several acres in size, although not enough to completely cover the four peaks, but the momentum of the overcast cloud is like a real impact on the water blue brilliance between the four peaks.

Looking at the brilliance of the water blue, it does not show weakness. After the old man of the robe disappeared, the brilliance of the road lingered from the four peaks. The blue brilliance of the water was like a real wave of water and roaring. In a moment, the water under the clouds actually rises a few feet high, and as the waves of water swell, the rhythms of the four peaks releasing the water are gradually unified, just under the glory of the water waves, one by one. The vortex of the mouth is formed under the strong water light impact.

"Oh..." The louder sounds of the water than the water rushing out of these vortexes, the huge air currents descended from the sky, and the heavens and the earth within dozens of miles around the peaks rushed into the whirlpools! It seems that the wind helped the wave, and the water that had been raised several times before was once again lifted up, and it rushed into the air of a dozen feet.

"Oh... the sky is full of children, is this your wave of flood peaks?" In the clouds, an arrogant voice came out with great disdain, like Jin Zhongqi, "I really humiliated my door, can you not do these bells and whistles?" Something? Although your water light seems to be extremely powerful, you can actually break down your strength. If you encounter a strong enemy, you can defeat your weakness by a single stroke. You are a golden smasher!"

"Oh..." The old man of the robe did not answer, but the tens of thousands of vortexes in the blue water brilliance began to vibrate, not waiting for the sound to drift into the distance, the brilliance of the bowl in the whirlpool. A trace of white light rushed straight out, and tens of thousands of beams of light condensed into a beam of light of a dozen acres, slamming into the clouds that also swayed to the ground! The power of the light column is so full, and the sound of the humming sound between the gaps of thousands of small beams of light resounded throughout the world.

"Hahaha...somewhat it seems! It seems that you still have some means." The slightly old voice still laughed. It seems that the attack on these powers is not careless. Sure enough, it is at the beginning of the sound. The dark black clouds of the earth are like dense tentacles. They are explored from the clouds, facing the huge beam of light. They are not waiting for the cloud column of the dark cloud to meet the beam, and there is a complete white cloud. The black cloud rushed out, and then it looked like a strange fall.

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