Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2143: Explore

Xiao Hua didn't have a good white, Xin Xin, and said: "You thought I didn't have long eyes! I can't see it is absorbing water? The question is, is he absorbing water?"

Cihui is also somewhat puzzled, but he hesitated for a moment to test: "Maybe the place where the ancestors came has experienced drought, and the old man is carrying the water here to other places to solve the drought."

Speaking of this, Cihui is waking up to something, speeding up the speed of speech: "Oh, yes, or the wise brothers want to take the water of the four poles away, and then explore the destruction of the four poles." By exploring his old man or finding the clues of the master!"

"There are so many waters in the Siji Mountain. Is it true that the master of the real life has the water bottle of Master Cihang?" Xin Xin was disdainful. "On his own embarrassment, he does not think he can finish it!"

"Xin Tan is too small to see the Buddha's sacred Buddha!" ​​Ci Hui laughed. "The ancestors of the ancestors may not be as good as the water purifiers of the Master Hui. They can accommodate the waters of the four seas. Where is the tenth place, when it is not!"

"Oh... if that is the case, then it is best!" Upon hearing this, Xin Xin smiled, and the eyes flashed in a strange look at the passing of the scorpion. The Buddha light would be a deep pool and a gully. Is sucking away...

There are two hours straight, Guzheng has inhaled all the water in the four poles into the hustle and bustle, so there is no change in the squatting, but the Buddha’s body is half a circle, but the Buddha’s light is also bleak. A lot.

Guzhen is very satisfied to see the surrounding, pointing his hand, then the cockroach is falling back into the mouth of the purple donkey, and he does not take back the body, and walks to the cloud to one of the four poles. Up...

"It seems that this is just the case!" Xiao Hua saw that it was very serious to first release the Buddha's knowledge, and then carefully explore it with the naked eye. Even in some places, it still fell into the cloud and grabbed it. Grab some gravel and other things from the ground or the stone wall, and do not feel the secret nod.

"Xin Tan Yue..." When I saw the truth, I ignored myself and waited for him. Xiaohua said, "There has been no one in the sky. The instruments you think can't be borrowed. The time of Xiaoyan is not much, if it is possible ...... Let's go now? Xiao Yan can help the two of them, and don't worry about the teachings of the brothers!"

"Don't worry. Don't worry..." Xin Xin smiled. "It's very dangerous. I only have 40% of the three people waiting for me. And the instrument of the heavenly man is one of the dangerous nemesis. Nowadays I didn't find the heavenly man, and God sent the master of Guzheng. With the master of solid truth... I have more than 20% of the grasp."

Speaking of it here. Xin Xin said with some embarrassment that Ci Hui said: "Ci Hui Xianyou, who only thought about the Taoist people who had the Taoist door, should have given you everything related to the Buddha. Now there is a master of solidity..."

"Oh, no problem!" Ci Hui smiled and waved. "Isn't it just said that you haven't said it before? You can get the feelings of Dharma in your experience, which is more precious than what remains of the Buddha. If you say it, if you are a little Buddha, you can see what Buddha is." How can I invite Tip's younger brother? If Tan Yue feels that the ancestors have some help for you, you can invite them, and Xiaoxi will not mind."

"Hey, thank you Ci Hui Xianyou!" Xin Xin sighed. "This way I always feel wronged by the Fairy. This way, the fairyware and the Buddha that promises the master of Guzheng are excluded, but all the fairy friends are fancy." Things. You can have the right to choose first!"

Cihui shook his head very much: "It is useless to say so much at this time. Tan Yue still thinks about how to convince the true ancestors for a while, and his old man may not be keen on this matter."

"Hey, the fairy friend is relieved!" Xin Xin smiled. "The ordinary master of Buddhism has a 40% grasp of the movement. Since the master of Guzhen is the guardian of Buddhism, there is now a 60% grasp of the shot. !"

"Well, it is also!" Cihui nodded. "The Buddhist Buddhism is based on the magical powers. The ancient treasures that Tan Yue said are quite attractive to the Buddhism. If you can go, the real masters can go naturally!"

"Now I only see if the master of Guzheng needs to go back to the temple to recover his life. If the time is too tight... I am afraid that it will not happen!" Xin Xin said his concern.

Xiao Hua next to "Xin Xianyou..." spoke up. "Since you have a master of solid truth, do you have to go to Otaru? Xiaoxi really has something to do!"

"The little monk is not going to go with the next!" Xin Xin grinned and said, "You ask your kind brother!"

"Senior brother..." Xiao Hua opened his mouth and could look at the way Hui Hui smiled. He immediately shut up. He already knew the answer. He only groaned in his mouth. "Forget it, then Xiaoxiao said nothing."

Xiao Hua knew in his heart that Ci Hui took himself to that place for his own good. Previously, Cihui was to explain Buddhism and Buddhist scriptures with Xiao Hua, so that his own Dharma practice would be matched with Buddhism. He would not embark on the path of practicing Dharma and not understanding Dharma. Later, he would see his own Buddhist monk is not inferior to him. It is also the meaning of the promotion. I want to let myself have the income in this trip. Even in the words, I vaguely give half of the Buddha in the danger. I am better now, and there is a solid environment. The law of protection, although it may have less benefits, but it is a lot safer, Ci Hui will naturally not let go.

"Jiangliuer's things... It's a place that can be solved! I can't eat hot tofu, or take a step by step, maybe with Cihui's referral, not Xiao Xiao's own troubles, then the Jinshan Temple's empty Zen master can promise Will Jiang Liuer wake up from the silence?"

The solid inspection was very careful. It was soon after half a day, and the moon rose, and there was no other movement on the whole quadric mountain. The birds seen in the ordinary mountains were no sounds.

Xiao Hua didn't care about it at first. It can be understood for a long time. This situation is afraid that when the heavens are fallen, the monks who are also disciples will start to smash, not only will they kill the heavens, but also the quadruple mountains. The nearby one should have been affected.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed without a reason, like a real Tantric disciple.

"Why are you waiting for it?" A slightly tired voice sounded, and the solid monk had already received the body. He sat on the back of the purple donkey and flew slowly. The bright eyes were obviously under the moon. A little more gentle than before.

Ci Hui stepped forward and respectfully said: "The disciples and others are shallow and can't help the ancestors. But without the instructions of the ancestors, the disciples and others are afraid to leave!"

"Repairing is shallow? Oh, the little monk is a bit sloppy!" Before the purple donkey had flown to the crowd, Guzhen fell from the mount and looked at Cihui from the top and bottom, faintly said, "The clearing of the earth is a watershed. It is not an ordinary Buddha who can enter. The young monk can have the cultivation of today, and it is also the early cultivation of Huigen, which is not comparable to the old man!"

"Don't dare, it's far worse than the ancestors!" Ci Hui hurriedly bowed his head and folded his hands.

"Everyone has their own fate!" Solidly said, "The old man also envied you to wait for the Dharma to practice, can enter the reincarnation, do not have to be karma!"

"Yes, the ancestors and other Buddhist guards for the Buddha to demons the demon, remove the demon, protect my Buddha's door calm and the safety of the Buddha, the end is that I should respect!" Ci Hui said carefully.

“What did the master discover?” Seeing the scene was a bit cold, Xin Xin hurriedly asked to introduce the words.

However, Guzhen did not answer Xin Xin, but looked at Xiao Hua, looking up and down, and asked: "You are the number of Tip, claiming to be a disciple of Xiaoling Temple, how have you never heard of this temple? You just entered My Buddhist temple is actually a clear-cut environment. Is it difficult to walk the road to protect the law?"

Xiao Hua’s hands clasped Shi’s smile and said: “The Xiaoling Temple that the disciples said is a small mountain temple. It’s normal for the master to see it. As for the disciple’s way to protect the law, the disciple himself does not know. But in the past few days, he has been with Cihui. The brothers talked about the Dharma and didn’t listen to him. It shouldn’t be!”

Ci Hui, who is next to "Zhuzu...", hurriedly explained, "Tip's younger brother Huigen has been deeply cultivated, and he has not yet entered the Buddhist temple and has cultivated into the realm of Ming. Even if it is above the Dharma practice, it is quite accomplished, but he has never The fate of worshipping my Buddha's door, that is, a few days ago, just shaved in the small Linglong Temple in Daxueshan, Xiaoling Temple received the corpse of the monks, and the disciples also saw it with their own eyes."

"Well..." Solidly nodded, no matter what, but also to see Xin Xin said, "The female donor is a Confucianism, why is it so concerned about the death of the sky? If there is no secret, can you tell the old man?"

"Under the next, I don't care about the life and death of a disciple!" Xin Xin smiled. "It's just a little curiosity. If the master doesn't want to say it, he won't say it."

"In fact, there is nothing!" Xin Xin did not want to listen, but the truth was actually opened. "Whether the sky is falling, the old man can’t break it! However, from the traces of the four-pole mountain fight, it is a repair that is far beyond the sky. The monks and monks took the shot, and the two men’s fights involved the entire quadruple mountain, and even affected the sky around the four poles.

"Repairing is far beyond heaven. Who is this person? Where did it come from?" Xin Xin was stunned. "The sky is already the third-order of Yuanli. Is it far beyond the heavens?" Isn't it a five-powered product? These masters are few in the three continents!"

"This... is not what the old man knows!" Guzheng shook his head slightly, and it was strange to tell Xiaohua if he said it. "The old man just came to warn the heavens. Since he is gone, the old man will also explore here." Clearly, you can just go back to the temple and tell you! The strength of that person should be much better than that of the old man. How can the old man get rid of it?"

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