Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2151: Ice seal

"Brush..." a sound of water, Xiaohua mouth and nose suddenly rushed into the cold river, as if he had plunged into the saints. Xiao Hua did not hesitate to display the evasive waters. However, the real elements in his meridians have just surging, and the eyes are bright again. The river in front of the eyes disappears instantaneously, but seeing the distance, Xin Xin holds A goose-sized bead, the pearl's water-blue brilliance keeps the river within a dozen feet away, which is a water-avoiding bead.

Standing on the left side of Xin Xin, the body shape is the same as that of ordinary people, and the right side of the knee is sitting on the other side of Xin Xin, and the face is very bright and kind. It was Xin Xin, his eyes fell on Xiao Hua’s body, his eyes flashed thoughtfully, and he said faintly: “The little monk is thanking you in the next, if you can accurately tell the timing of the emergence of the Fact. Even if there is a wishful friend of Cihui Xianyou, I am not easy to enter here."

"Hey, it's nothing." Xiao Hua casually perfunctory, looking around to avoid the water outside the water, laughing, "Little Xiao just feels a little bit! Everything depends on the brother of mercy, if not his wishful way, Can we come in?"

"Cihui's brother's credit is naturally very big, but... If it is not a small monk's reminder, I can't concentrate on finding the portal in advance..." Xin Xin stared at Xiao Hua, once again. At the same time, Cihui opened his eyes and smiled reluctantly. "It is true. At the time when Tipp’s teacher reminded me, Xiao Xiao has already urged the mind and prepared. The reminder of the younger brother is the finishing touch."

Xiao Hua went up and down to see Xin Xin and smiled: "Xiao Xiao has always felt that he is a burdensome person. Today, he can help the brothers and sisters, and the heart feels safe and secure. What is the merits of the work. Not to mention it."

"Small monk, when the portal appeared, it seems that you still want to talk, can you mention the emergence of the foresight portal? Do you know this ancient law array?" Guzhen seems to think of something, open the way.

Xiao Hua touched his nose. Bitter smile: "What does the master say? This is the Taoist sect of the ancient times. How do you know how Xiaoxiao knows? When he came in, he was still in Nahan, and he was clearly rushing into the portal. How could he slam into the river with his head down? Generally?"

Seeing that Xiao Hua did not admit, Xin Xin did not ask more. He only said: "If the little monk knows what. I can say it, I am now one, and I want to advance and retreat. Don't hide it."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Yan understands!" Xiao Hua nodded like a chicken. "In order to take care of your own life, Xiao Yan will know everything."

Xin Xin couldn't help but scream, and he took a hand and took out a jade. He asked Xiang Hui: "Ci Hui Xianyou, can you rest? I don't have time, I have to hurry and hurry."

Ci Hui slowly got up. Nodded: "Xin Tan is more assured, Xiao Yan has no problem."

"Ci Huifei is behind the old man!" Guzhen looked at the water curtain in the near left, some weird fish outside the water curtain, and some seaweeds with grayish colors. I don’t see any bones. I don’t know whether it’s joy or not. Sad, Shen Sheng said, "You instigated the relics and shaken the foundation of the relic. At this time, you should use the heart to warm up. It is not easy to re-energize."

"Yes, thank you Master!" Ci Hui nodded slightly, and the Buddha's light flashed around, it should be cast according to the words.

"Female Tan Yue, where do you want to fly next?" Gu Zhen is asking Xin Xin.

Xin Xin has a well-being in the chest: "The master is in a hurry. This is the bottom of the river that is the depth of the saints Jiang Qianzhang. It is surrounded by rivers. The direction is difficult. I have to avoid the water beads, but I can't fly freely. If the ban is banned, then you can't move forward. There is a secret of the door here, which is used at this time."

"Amitabha, then there is a laborer Tan Yue!" Gu Zhen hands together, answered and stood next to him.

As early as Xin Xin took out the jade, Xiao Hua had seen it clearly. There was a sign of the door outside the jade, and the inside of the jade must be the instrument used by Xin Xin.

Xin Xin looked up at Xiao Hua, and then a real gas sprayed on the jade, the affixed plaque immediately flew up, flashed a fire in the air, turned into a group of ashes. As soon as the symbol disappeared, a group of green brilliance emerged from the inside of the jade, and a familiar mana wave of Xiaohua passed with Guanghua.

"Oh, what is this instrument? It seems that the fluctuation of mana is very weird!" Xiao Hua did not dare to let go, only sweeping in front of himself, some thought suddenly.

Xin Xin then lifted his hand, and the lid of the jade opened, a two-finger wide, and the flat jade from the four fingers flew out of the jade...

"Yu Fu??" Xiao Hua's eyes flashed a kind of surprise. This jade symbol is rarely seen in the Xiaoyu mainland of Daozong Daxing. How can this ecstasy dominated by the Buddha? What is this Xin Xin? Is it difficult for a disciple of Confucianism to be able to display the jade of the gate?

Sure enough, Xin Xin will have a mouth, and it is a group of infuriating spurts. This is really different from the past. When it falls in the air, it immediately presents a sword-shaped type. Xin Xin’s left hand is caught, just like holding the flying sword, and then it’s like Inciting the law in general, the flying sword swiftly swam in the air, "go..." but listening to Xin Xin slammed, the infuriating flying sword suddenly burst, and the anger rushed into the previous flying sword painting Among the laws, Xin Xin is pushing his hand again, and the infuriating spirit is above the jade symbol in the air.

"Card..." A burst of noise, the jade fluttered open, and the emerald green flowers bloomed, and thousands of green lights flew in all directions...

“咔咔咔咔...” The green light reveals the brilliance of the water-avoiding beads. Once the water curtain is touched, the water curtain changes immediately, and some places become nothingness, while some places condense into ice. In particular, this brilliance is rapidly expanding towards the distance, and a beautiful ice palace is actually present in front of Xiao Hua and others.

"This...this..." Not to mention that Xiao Hua was surprised, that is, the kindness and solidity that have been discussed beforehand are also incredible to see the ice palace that appears suddenly, and can't speak.

"This is the ice-cold character of the ancient Daomen!" Xin Xin actually mischievous eyes, some of the explanations of the show, "Mo Yun said that the passage of this array is the condensation of the water-based world. It does not prevent the flooding of the river, even the river within this channel... and it may be the illusion of the Faction."

Speaking of this, Xin Xin glanced at the truth, and then went on to say: "The use of the imperial bead inside the water can not distinguish the true array of channels. And it is easy to fall into the law without care. There is no way to get out of the circle. In the cloud, I mentioned an idea. If the river inside the channel is frozen, the river of illusion will disappear, and the real channel can also appear. However, this way, The monk who applied the technique of freezing was very demanding, not only had to have enough mana, but also had to control the spells and could not touch the array. Just happened to see a kind of ice sign of the door, which is itself a water-based symbol. It is the same source as the legal array in the river. Therefore, it is not necessary to know what kind of ice-binding technique is underneath. Just hit this symbol!"

"More precisely..." Xiao Hua couldn't help but say, "The female donor knows how to use the instinct of Confucianism to motivate the door! How do you say that this world is so coincidental?"

"That's true!" Xin Xin smiled proudly, pointing his hand to the depths of the ice palace. "It's such a coincidence. Now I just want to fly into it, don't touch the walls of the passage, you can find the fairy." The trail."

"Hey, Xin Tan Yue really prepared for the full!" Ci Hui is sighing again. "If it is a neighbor, even if it comes in, it will sooner or later encounter a ban on the law."

"Hey, let's go! It seems to be still big. The infuriating atmosphere has been suppressed. You must not be far from the Buddha's knowledge. I have to wait a long way!" Xin Xin first flew, The water-avoiding beads have already been collected, and the soft sword is still in the hands.

Seeing Xin Xin flying, Gu really looked at Ci Hui, not much to say, followed by, Ci Hui smiled and said to Xiao Hua: "There is a little brother of Lautip, for me to wait!"

"No matter, this is the safest place. Small pleading is not allowed!" Xiao Hua raised his hand and asked Ci Hui to fly away.

The four men flew at the end, and Xiao Hua fell to the end. He tried to release the Buddha's knowledge. It was really suppressed. He could not release ten feet, and the circle of the four walls also blocked the Buddha. I can't go out at all. But fortunately, Xiao Hua feels that the soul is suppressed is not too powerful, if it can be as far as can.

"This is...Bone Bones!!!" Just after flying out, Xiao Hua was trying to understand the soul. Xin Xin, who was in the front, hesitated and hesitated. Xiao Hua looked up and saw the ice channel outside the several feet. There is an area, densely condensed with hundreds of pieces of white bones. These white bones have been scattered, and it is unclear what bones are, and the size of the bones is different. Some half feet are long, some are a few feet in size, and obviously not the bones of the human race.

"Hey, Amitabha..." The sound of sorrow was a bit sorrowful. "Thanks to Tan Yue for reminding. Laojiao has long seen that although the old man is already prepared, he really faces these bones, and his heart is complicated. There must be a bone of the younger brother in the middle. This law is so magical. The old man can't cope with it now. How can he escape? At that time, since he can face his bones, the old man can mourn the curse several times. And it’s the wish of life."

After that, the solid disk sits in front of the condensed ice wall of the white bones, and the hands are in ten, and the devout enthusiasm of the "Current Mantra", the silk power is sent to the ice wall with the solid mourning. Unfortunately, the ice wall has no reaction at all, just like mud cows entering the sea.

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