Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2185: Health

This spear is different from the previous one. A sharp and straight point of Xiaohua’s lungs, Xiao Hua couldn’t help but feel awkward. Just when his wishful stick shook slightly, Xuan Shui’s ancient beast suddenly turned around, two quiet There is a smear of blackmail in the green scorpion! What makes Xiao Hua unforgettable is that the body shape of Xuan Shui ancient beast has turned into a small number of small points. These small points have passed the imprisonment of Yuan Ying’s hand, and they have escaped the wishful killing. Into the golden body of Xiao Hua!

"Booming ......" Thousands of small points rushed to Xiaohua's golden body, every drop made a strong roar, watching a hole of a few feet in the corner of Xiaohua's lungs!

The pain came, and Xiao Hua looked down again in an incredible way. This is the first time he has been so badly hit! But in the hollow, the flesh and blood are blurred, a glimpse of black light and magic gas linger between flesh and blood, and there is no drop of blood, but even so, an unspeakable dizzy arises from Xiao Hua’s mind, immediately The law of the golden body collapsed rapidly...

Not only that, after the spear of the war couple was taken out, it was stabbed toward the back of Xiao Hua’s brain. After the appearance of the Xuan Shui ancient beast appeared behind Xiao Hua, it was also ready to pounce on Xiao Hua with the spear. ...

Xiao Hua is at stake! ! !

In a critical moment, but listening to a **** exclamation: "Little monk..."

A small monk, a little less alert, a little more trust, more of a deep regret, with this cry, the entire airway inside the wind, a glimpse of the air of self-empty Condensed, this awe-inspiring color is golden, a few watery, Xiao Hua is helpless and wilting, although the huge body has not completely collapsed, but the hollow in the abdomen can still be seen, Xiao Hua face belt With pain, the hand was covered in the wound, although there was no blood flowing out, but the streaky scar was really scary. Xiao Hua’s eyes were slightly stunned and looked weak in the air, but seeing Xin Xin’s crazy raising of the golden scorpion in his hand, the mouth was squirting infuriatingly, the true gas was first golden, followed by the pink, waiting It’s finally blood red!

Kim Min Jong was under the urging of Xin Xin. Giving a splendid golden light is more glaring than the sun in the sky. Looking at the center of the golden light of the sun, a little orange is like a red heart. This red heart instantaneously rushes out of the golden light, and these red hearts become golden flying swords when they are golden. Every heart of the flying sword flashes heart-shaped, and each heart has bloodshot! Tens of thousands of flying swords are like torrents. They are better like the Milky Way. They are rushing toward the mysterious ancient beasts. The past of these swords and rivers, the golden yellowness of the previous appearances merged into them, and the stars are getting more and more magnificent. The flying sword is getting sharper and sharper, and a kind of courage goes forward and fearlessly fills the whole space!

"Silk..." The ancient animal of Xuan Shui looked up and looked up, and the eyes showed vigilance. One mouth, the same clear water fell, countless blue light appeared, and he would protect himself from the whole body. As for the war couple. The spear was pulled out and danced in front of him, as if to defend against this sword river!

The golden light is soaring, the sword is like a forest, and the star river rushes through the passage, passing over the head of Xiao Hua, destroying the "field" of the ancient beast of Xuan Shui. It seems that the waves generally inundate the mysterious ancient beasts, and the spears of the war can't block the Jianhe. Although the wars flashed blue all over the body, they tried to resist. Can be quickly, countless flying swords out of the body of the self-war, the entire battle is riddled with holes.

However, when the Xuan Shui ancient beast was inundated by the Jianhe River, and once again attacked Xiao Hua, the whole figure quickly turned into a thousand shattered firefly, although many broken fireflies were once again crushed by the Jianhe River. But after all, there are still some survived...

After the swordsmanship of the entire golden color, Jin Jin’s golden light was lost, falling in Xin Xin’s hand, and Xin Xin’s pale face was as wilful as Xiao Hua’s, which obviously spurred the price of Jin Hao. Really too big!

The war slammed down on the ground and scattered into a ball, no longer fighting!

Before the war, the mysterious ancient beast that had almost turned into nothingness was revealed again, although the form was almost completely absent, but those faint imaginary points were gathered together, a mysterious ancient beast that was much smaller than before. appear! What makes Xin Xin desperate is that the four walls are gradually flashing the green brilliance, and the brilliance is like a firefly-like figure thrown at the mysterious ancient beast, but the figure of the mysterious ancient beast gradually becomes full. Among them, the brilliance of the gradually green and green, this brilliance with cruelty, coldly looked at Xiao Hua and Xin Xin.

"Daoyou..." Xiao Hua was severely wounded, and the physical healing was extremely slow. Obviously, it was influenced by the Chinese Orthodox Church in Xuan Shui Palace. Xiao Hua had to whisper to the green robes Xiao Huadao who was born in Yuan Ying. "I don't know. Can you control it?"

"Hey, why do you want to sing the spirits! And look at the poor way!" Yuan Ying sneered, and a mouthful, a small Ding flies out, it is Xiaohua who is quietly thinking about the life of the real man, now has been the same Yuan Hua Xiu’s green robe Xiao Hua will erase the inner imprint. With Yuan Ying’s hand, Xiao Ding’s inside is a five-color Ling Xiao Zhu Zhu, a group of mysterious ancient beasts surrounded by fierce burning!

"Silk..." Xuan Shui ancient beast screamed, and his body shape was unstoppable. The green shattered firefly also effortlessly penetrated into the fire from Ling Xiaozhu. It is obvious that this tripod could not be compared with the ancient method. The array is counterbalanced.

"I am afraid that there is only a fire!" Xiao Hua was a little faint in front of her eyes, and she secretly said to Xiao Hua, the green robe.

Green robes Xiao Hua helpless, smiled bitterly: "There is only a friend of the Tao can be motivated, the poor road is powerless!"

Xiao Hua’s situation at this time is very weird. His physical injury is not able to motivate mana. Instead, the Yuan Ying who supports the mana can be separated from the body under the control of the green robes Xiao Hua, but if Xiao Hua is in charge of Yuan Ying This Yuan Ying has no mana to control.

"Yes..." Xiao Hua opened his mouth, and the sky was dark and dark in his mind. It seemed to faint in the past. In the vague eyes, he looked at the rapid formation of the ancient animals of Xuan Shui, and the mouth was bitter and incomprehensible. The help of Xin Xin, the two eyes and four eyes, are seeing each other helplessness and despair. This ancient Xuan Shui Palace is really famous, and it is comparable to Xiao Hua, who is distracted by the Xin Xin, who is holding the heavy treasure to the end. After all, it is impossible to go against the sky...

"Oh?" Suddenly, Xin Xin’s face showed a shock, and then the surprise was a surprise, and he raised his finger slightly on Xiao Hua’s head.

Xiao Hua is also a glimpse, and he looks up hard, but what he sees is just a light wave that flashes blue and blue, and there are light waves, some of the backs of the hurried mysterious ancient beasts, the wings of the back are not Unwillingly Zhang Zhang, Jian Shuo’s tail was still circled in midair, and it disappeared into the blue hustle...

But this is, Xiao Hua's eyes are slightly black, there is a feeling of fainting in the past, the green robe Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, hurriedly control Yuan Ying did not enter Dantian, urged Xiao Hua to take the drug from the space, waiting for Xiao Hua When the green robe Xiao Hua was sent into the space, when the medicinal herbs were not taken out, a scent of scent was born from his mouth and nose. Xin Xin's slightly tired voice is in the ear of Xiao Hua: "Little monk, this is my Confucianism's Chao Yuan Dan, it is the holy medicine to repair the internal organs! You were injured by the Xuan Shui ancient beast, or quickly took it. What?"

"Xin Shizhu, you should take it first!" Xiao Hua slightly supported the body and pushed the way.

Xin Xin is not pleased: "I just lost the drama, not to the Yuan Dan, you used it first, I immediately take other medicines!"

"Good~" Xiao Hua nodded and took over the Yuan Dan, and did not look at the entrance.

The entrance of the medicinal herbs, the "Zi La La" sound was born from Xiao Hua's body, and Xiao Hua's body vibrated violently!

"Well..." Xiao Hua Wei Wei, immediately understand that this is the conflict between the power of Chao Yuandan and the blood of the blood in the blood. Xiao Hua rushed to converge on the **** hole, waiting for the blood to be exhausted. Xiao Hua’s body instantly gave birth to thousands of tiny vortexes. The Yuandan was actually repairing Xiaohua’s internal organs and at the same time, giving birth to a powerful suction, giving birth to awe-inspiring anger. Xiao Hua's body!

The voice of "Zi La La" fell into Xin Xin's ear. Xin Xin did not seem to hear it. He took a jade from his arms and poured some pink pieces from the jade, but it was a The practice of simmering tea, a touch of red is slowly born from her cheeks.

During this time, Xiao Hua's abdomen gradually healed, and the surface did not see any scars. Xiao Hua took out a piece of clothing from the space, and the robes were not available. The robes and other things Xiao Hua did not dare to take it. When I came out, I only found an ordinary Confucian charge.

Xiao Hua gave a little look at it. I didn’t feel a bitter smile. My body was really strong. It’s really like the post-Turkish witch’s old saying, but it’s the realm of the demigod’s body, just a deadly blow of the mysterious ancient beast. Even if he stabbed himself into the golden body twice, he could not have his life. His body is now being repaired quickly, especially in the blood. The **** hole is more crazy, and the blood has recovered from the blood. However, this recovery is not without cost, these repairs consume Xiaohua's fine elements! These fine elements can certainly rely on the extremely rare spirits to make up, but the most important thing is to rely on the accumulation of self-cultivation! There is no special quick way for the way of the Jing Yuan. The ordinary can only rely on the accumulation of days and meditation.

Even so, Xiao Hua’s most seriously injured internal organs are still not repaired in time. Xiao Hua’s body is filled with heaven and earth, and the meridians have the Taoist sect. The blood has the blood of the devil. There is no special cultivation in these five internal organs. Their repair can only rely on the flesh. Xin Xin’s Chao Yuan Dan is very effective. He has repaired the most basic outlines under the condition that the internal organs are extremely damaged. At this time, Chao Yuandan has no effect, and the rest can only rely on Heaven. Slowly repair after the operation.

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