Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2194: Innocent disaster

Xiao Hua was very curious. She looked at the past and saw a few strokes that Wang Yufei started to talk about. It was actually painted around the whole rice paper. It is said that it is a human figure. It means that the graffiti seems to look better than Wang Haofei. However, just counting the numbers, Wang Yufei is only slightly outlined in these lines, and an extremely full-fledged woman's silhouette is revealed!

"Good..." Xiao Hua didn't know how to paint. He could watch Wang Haofei's chest and he didn't look at the woman at all. Under the pen, the woman was able to outline the woman with help. "There is such a bright boy, the world." Really rare!"

And he also understood at this time, why Wang did not go to find another painter.

Wang Yufei sketched the outline with a thick pen, and picked up a thin tube and a small pen. The outline was drawn on the outline. After the end, the rough red pen was taken out from the embroidered bag behind him. In the side of the portrait, the lips are slightly modified, and finally, take a deep breath, take the thickest brush from the pen wash, stain the ink, and point it on the eyes of the portrait with lightning. Two times. Xiao Hua feels that his eyes are bright, and the people above the rice paper seem to be alive. The kind of shyness that looks like a spring, the fascinating gods of the moment reveals the mind of the lady above the swing.

"Good!" Xiao Hua forgot that he was hiding beside him, and almost called out.

Fortunately, Wang Haofei was concentrating on the brewing. He did not pay attention. He waited for him to collect the brush and looked up and said: "The housekeeper, the villain has painted!"

Wang Haofei, who painted the portrait, disappeared immediately. Carefully put the brush down and say respectfully.

"Master, lord..." The housekeeper did not come over, but cried.

"So fast?" Master Wang hurried over, his body fluttered, and the sweat fell.

The two were happy. They walked to the desk and saw the portrait of Wang Yufei's painting. The face was covered with frost.

"Master..." Wang Yufei saw this face is also slightly changed, whispering. "Is it difficult... a villain... is it bad?"

"Oh..." Wang Wang snorted. Did not speak, eyes glanced at the butler. At this time, the lady also came over from the swing and waited to see the portrait. The face is also changing. There are vague tears in his eyes. Slightly cover the face, and walked away quickly.

The housekeeper's face changed and he angered at Wang Hao: "Don't you have a long eye? My lady is like a flower. How can you be so painted? With your painting, how can the magistrate of the county magistrate What?"

"Well...but..." Wang Haofei yelled, and looked at his paintings inexplicably. He said, "Master, the villain is painted like a lady, and it is not bad!"

When Wang Xiaofei was unclear, Xiao Hua’s heart in the air was like a mirror. Sure enough, the butler’s left hand on the portrait of the finger was called: “My lady here is obviously not black, why are you painting here? One?"

"Master, villain!" Wang Xiaofei quickly replied, "Miss's left-hander clearly has a black skull, and it is not small! There are four above..."

"Shut up!" The housekeeper slaps and screams on Wang Xiaofei's face. "Come, remove this black cockroach!"

"No..." The five fingerprints of Wang Xiaofei's face were red, and the tears flowed out, but they still bite their teeth. "He said, the artist is the eye of the person, seeing what is going to be drawn, if it is out of thin air. False, it’s not a painter!"

"The little doll..." next to the king, Wang, took a hand and took out a piece of gold from his arms. He shook in front of Wang Haofei’s eyes and smiled. "You remove this black cockroach, and the lord gave it to the gold." you."

Unfortunately, Wang Xiaofei glanced at the gold and bit his lip slightly. He shook his head again: "No, the villain sees it, he has to draw it..."

"Oh..." Wang slammed his sleeves and threw gold on the ground, cold and cold. "If it wasn’t for this black scorpion, Lao Tzu could use it for you to paint..."

Said, panting away.

"Wang Yufei, you don't want to toast and not eat fine wine!" The butler looked at the gold on the ground, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes. He carefully chopped up and wiped the dust off. "I know that your family only has your mother." Pro-textile washing day, the charcoal, paper and other things you use for painting every day are all your mother’s daily hard work, and now you just gently move the pen, this gold is yours, enough for you The cost of a family of two years, think about this decade... Your mother doesn’t have to work hard, you don’t feel like yourself...”

Speaking of this, the butler did not say much, it is very confident to watch Wang Yufei.

"No!" Unfortunately, Wang Yufei still shakes his head. "The ancients are good. They don't want to be small and small. They don't want to be evil. The embankment is destroyed in the ant hole. The villain just starts to draw the first time. If you lie, you can’t do it anymore..."

"Hey..." Before Wang Haofei finished speaking, the butler was another slap in the face, and the other half of Wang Xiaofei’s face was red.

Xiao Hua was very angry. When he raised his hand, he was about to start. He was frowning again. He looked around and wondered: "Is this Wang Haofei supposed to be the predecessor of the predecessor? It is impossible to use the power of the predecessor. I don’t know what’s going on here, how can he not do it for the elderly?”

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua also put his hand down and looked at it with interest.

"Master..." Wang Yufei's tears plunged and fell, and the grievances were tight.

Unfortunately, the butler still did not intend to let him go. He pointed his hand to the portrait and said coldly: "Wang Yufei, see what you painted, not like my lady, I will not let you remove the black cockroach. Zhang Xuan paper, one or two silver, you can lose money if you lose money!"

"You...you..." Wang Yufei was shocked. "Where does the villain have one or two silver? You didn't say that it is not good to lose money!"

"No matter how much Laozi is, since you don't paint, you have to pay for it!"

“What can a small person see when he sees something, how can he not paint it?” Wang Haofei argued, “If you can let the lady compare it with this portrait!”

"Hey, Miss, what did you see when you met?" The steward sneered. "Unless you can prove what you paint, or..."

Wang Xiaofei may not be able to hear that this is a small trap, but Xiao Hua can understand it, but if he is here, he is not afraid of any danger to Wang Yufei, so he simply flies to the wall and sits. Watching there. However, after the disappearance of the little monk, it never appeared again. Xiao Hua released the Buddha’s knowledge several times, and there was no trace within this hundred miles.

"How does the master say how to prove?" Wang Yufei was really hooked, he could not afford the one or two silver.

The housekeeper’s mouth showed a trace of smirk and said: “This is easy! Laozi will invite your mother to come from home and let her be with my dog. You can only draw the dog to scare. If the tiger comes, it will prove that you are painting well. If you can't... Hey, let the dog eat your mother, or you will remove the black skull of this portrait!!!"

"You...you..." Where did Wang Haofei think of pulling his own mother in a sudden, and suddenly it was a mess.

"Come on..." The evil steward screamed, "Take the mother of Wang Yufei!"

"Yes..." There was a family member in the early morning, and he went in a hurry.

"But, but... the little man has not seen the tiger! How does this make the villain paint??" Wang Yufei turned red and hurriedly argued.

The evil steward squatted and went up.

"Mother-in-law..." Wang Xiaofei cried, and stumbled and ran out.

The interest of the family members is very high. Not waiting for Wang Haofei to ask for a few words in front of the king, he has brought Wang Yinfei’s mother. Wang Yufei's mother-in-law is in her thirties. She has some gray flowers in her face, and there are many wrinkles in her eyes. Even the eyes are slightly squatting. Obviously, there are many labors under the nighttime oil lamps.

"Children, how did you offend Wang, and quickly apologize to his old man!" Wang Yifei’s mother didn’t know what happened, and when she saw the fierceness of Wang’s family, she was scared and screamed as soon as she entered the yard. .

It is a pity that Wang Yifei did not answer, "Wang Wang..." The roar of several murderous dogs, a dog cage that was taller than one person has been lifted out.

Wang Xifei’s mother-in-law seems to be extremely afraid of dogs. When she heard this voice, she immediately fell to the ground.

"Mother-in-law..." Wang Yufei did not seem to think that the mother-in-law was so afraid of the dog, because she used to be in front of her when she met the dog. At this time... he had forgotten that he was afraid of the dog and bravely rushed. past. However, the wicked are more fierce than the dog, and he does not wait for him to run over. A family member blocks him. The other two family members have set up his mother and threw it into the dog cage.

Although the dog has been smashed in the corner of the dog cage with the iron chain in advance, the sinister dog still flies to the foot of Wang Haofei Niang, and the sound of the dog screams the hair of Wang Yufei’s mother, the dog The liquid was splashed on her body...

Wang Yufei’s mother-in-law trembled and couldn’t stand. She tried to hold the wooden stick on the dog’s cage with her hands. The nails on her hands were blue. “Children...you...how did you offend Wang’s master...”

Listening to the mother’s voice from the throat, the sound of Wang Haofei biting out the blood of his lips, his hands were tight, and the tears that flowed out stopped at this time. He glanced at the smug The housekeeper, cried: "Bring the pen and paper!"

"Well..." The housekeeper laughed and swayed his hand. "You are so interested, why bother?"

However, after waiting for a group of family members to move the book, and beyond the expectation of the housekeeper, Wang Xiaofei did not remove the black scorpion on the painting, and did not re-paint, but a one-piece painting of the tiger! ! ! (To be continued.)

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