Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2204: Difficult to understand

"Amitabha!" The solid ten-footed golden body is folded in both hands and bowed down. "I have a Buddha in my heart, but a Buddha in my heart. I have a Buddha in my heart. I am a Buddha. In my life, my heart is Buddha. In the afterlife, my heart is still the same." Returning to the Buddha, the Dharma is boundless, but my heart is ashore. Thanks to the Amitabha Buddha, the disciples once again thanked."

After that, Guzheng hand gently shot at the top of his door, and his face gave birth to a picture of compassion: looking at the little monk: "Two sisters, big brother can't live with her mother, can't take care of you, willing to live forever I am still your big brother, I swear... I must take care of you!"

The king was also paralyzed that day, and he was shocked and hurried: "You... what are you doing? You... how could you do this?"

At this time, Uranus also realized the things that Guzhen had to do, and almost incredulously called. He really couldn’t understand how this kind of solidity in this chest could be such a move! ! !

But when I saw the truth, I lifted my hand, and the golden body of several dozen feet collapsed, and the pieces of film were turned into Buddha light. As the solid gold body collapsed, the golden body of the king also collapsed, leaving only a thick The magic of the air hovered in midair. In the same way, the hand of the Buddha is also disappearing, revealing the injured Xiao Hua inside...

Xin Xin looked around. She didn't have the magical power of the golden body. In the face of the solid body and Xiao Hua's body as a young child, it was a bit stunned in the face of the sudden turn of the situation. Listening to what Guzhen said, looking at what Guzhen really did, she really couldn’t think of it. It’s so easy to be taken by the dragon. This kind of magical and solid heart is so persistent in the heart of the brothers, even in the heart. The piety of the Buddha is far more than all the Buddha she has seen!

"No!!" Seeing this golden body turned into nothingness. Gu Zhen’s **** eyes are unwilling to disappear, or staring at the little monk, Xin Xin suddenly wakes up. “The truth may not be true to the Buddha, the last words... may not be able to believe in all! Is gambling!!!"

How does Guzhen think about it, whether his concern is true, Xin Xin certainly does not know, what she can do is to use her own self, what can be true and true? Maybe only the Buddha knows it!

At the thought of this, Xin Xin thought again and again. Looking at Xiao Hua, who has been sluggish in midair. Xiao Hua’s left arm was never born, and the broken arm was black and entangled, and the heavy blows that had been made one after another had made him unable to cope.

Xin Xin’s inexplicable taste sighed: “But it. People are human beings. Naturally human beings, only Buddhas have Buddhahood, and there is no need to think more about the true intentions. Since he has obsessions in his heart. Can be abandoned at the crucial time, although he did not break the dust, but he was cut off himself. But after all, it is cut off, he has no regrets!"

Look at the little monk again, with grief on his face, where is the fear of the moment? He is very solid, in order to see his brother, lonely in the illusion for hundreds of years, but who knows, the moment to see his brother is a separate moment, how can I not let his heart hurt? Seeing the pain of my loved ones, everyone can afford it. The little monk is flying in the air. I want to touch my brother’s body before my brother leaves...

It is a pity that the words before the confession did not touch the Buddha. The smallpox and the goddess disappeared, and no one appeared. His soul did not appear. The young monk could clearly perceive his brother’s gentle gaze, but he could not see his brother’s everything. The way to protect the law... This is a void.

The truth is gone, the king is also destroyed, and the magical dragon's carefully planned Buddha and the same kill is also a failure. The Xuanyuan control water flag is followed by Guanghua Dasheng. One large and small dragonfly is revealed from Guanghua and was previously excluded. The cockroaches at the same place also flew toward the Xuanyuan control water flag.

"Good..." Xin Xin nodded slightly, urging Xiangyun to fly to Xiaohua. Even here, although Xiao Hua was hit hard, as long as he could escape from Xuan Shui Palace, away from the battle of the fairy, Xin Xin confidently There are ways to treat Xiao Hua.

Just when Xin Xin was flying about ten feet, suddenly the blood was shining in the space. "Hey..." The sound of the dragon swelled into the sky, Xin Xin felt that it was red, a few feet in size. The dragon shape rushes out of the hustle and bustle, and the dragon shape is followed by a crazy magic.

"Not good..." Xin Xin was shocked and lost his voice. "Dragon!"

However, beyond Xin Xin’s expectation, the magic dragon rushed out of the hustle and did not attack the Xuanyuan control water flag, but directly rushed to Xiao Hua.

"Little monk is careful..." Xin Xin rushed to pass the sound, but unfortunately, Xin Xinxin’s thoughts were faster than the magic dragon, and Xiaohua was weak at this time. The dragon rushed to him. There was no reaction at all. Xin Xin’s words have never been heard. The dragon has opened the **** mouth and swallowed Xiao Hua’s left arm!

"Ah!!!" Xin Xin was surprised to cover his mouth, and felt inexplicable sting in his heart. A feeling of unwillingness to believe was a sudden birth. "Is it a little monk? This is going to be swallowed by the dragon??"

The development of the incident once again exceeded Xin Xin’s expectation. After the dragon dragon swallowed Xiao Hua’s left arm, he did not continue to swallow the other flesh of Xiao Hua, but the speed was reduced, and the dragon’s body was a few moments. It has become a few feet, which is exactly the same as before Xiao Hua did not break his arm.

In particular, after the dragon shape is reduced, the dragon-shaped blood around the body flashes again. This black blood in the blood is thousands of tiny devils, roaring up and down, a same arm as Xiao Hua’s previous body. Suddenly born!

With this armification, Xiao Hua, who was previously sluggish, suddenly opened his eyes, and the silver-white scorpion in his eyes disappeared. Instead, he was replaced by a blood red. This blood red has no other feelings, only... brutal!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua looked up and shouted, and the magic of his left arm was spreading rapidly toward other parts of Xiaohua's body. At the same time, Xiao Hua's body grew again, and the body was in other places, completely in the pores. At the same time, there are also magical and black and rushing out!

Just as Xin Xin was stunned, the full body of Baizhang appeared in front of her eyes, but seeing Xiaohua wearing a blood-colored armor at this time, this armor will completely cover him, the armor, the billions of devils. At the same time roaring, the blood of the blood-colored armor is mixed with black light, and the left side will be bright, and the black brilliance will pierce the cockroaches one by one. Even, Guanghua still produces a more subtle devil, madly swallowing cockroaches.

Look at the top of Xiao Hua's head, the two corners flashing a touch of golden light, a glimpse of golden light is like flowing water along the magical surge deep into the magic and blood.

What surprised Xin Xin was that Xiao Hua’s left hand appeared a black magic knife!

This magic knife is just a foot long, the head is still broken, not the tip of the knife, this magic knife looks unremarkable, but in the eyes of Xin Xin, it is not shocked. Because of the black enchantment of this magic knife, her eyes swept over, the whole mind had a feeling of being smashed in, and the moment when the mind was slightly lost, the blood in front of her eyes and the mind was all red, one by one, the shape was difficult. The imaginary devil appears out of thin air. When she finally moved her eyes out and saw the handle of the magic knife, the magic knife did not seem to have a handle. The whole magic knife was connected with Xiao Hua’s left hand, both as part of the blood-colored armor. It is like a part of Xiao Hua’s left arm.

For a moment, Xin Xin understood.

The previous magic dragon should be the shape of the magic knife. The magic knife cut Xiaohua’s left arm to swallow Xiaohua’s flesh and blood, and then merge with Xiao Hua’s body. At this time, it’s not a magic knife. Already eroding and winning the body of Xiao Hua! Of course, as for why the magic knife wants to invade Xiaohua’s body, not the solid truth, it is not Xin Xin. After thinking about Xiao Hua’s injury, the blood does not flow, and there is a black suffocation in the wound. As a Confucian Xin Xin knows with his heels, that is because Xiao Hua himself has the reason for practicing magic!

"You can't live for yourself!!" Xin Xin didn't have a moment of ease, and it was as easy as unloading the burden of 10,000 pounds! However, this was just a matter of time. She felt a emptiness for a while. It was more like a small thorn and it was stuck in her heart.

"Hey..." Xin Xin’s heart is full of thoughts, and the five flavors are mixed. The demon **** Xiao Hua is a big bang, and the whole body is full of magic. With Xiao Hua’s masterful move, “the rumbling...” The tides of the sea should be loud and loud. The space that was previously filled with suffocation has gradually been occupied by the magic of the sky, whether it is at the foot of Xin Xin, or around the Xuanyuan control water flag, or even the top of Xin Xin. There is also a faint wave of magic that is madly eroding!

“When you are a small monk?” Xin Xin suddenly thought of the little monk when he was in the air. Fortunately, he did not see the trace of Gu Nian in the left. “With the small monk’s alertness, he can live in the magic array for hundreds of years. I am afraid that I can avoid it in such a crisis! But... how can I escape?"

Looking at the magic of the cockroach, and the devil in the magic that just gave birth to Xiao Hua, Xin Xin did not know how to be good! The brilliance of the Xuanyuan-controlled water flag in front has been faint in the magical spirit, but it is also very warm in the eyes of Xin Xin, which is her only hope.

Almost without thinking, Xin Xin urged Xiangyun to rush to the Xuanyuan control water flag.

It may be that Xuanyuan’s water flag has been oppressed by Xiao Hua’s magical power. The distance that Xin Xin could not get close anyway is now a breeze.

Xin Xin thought it was too optimistic. Her hope is naturally the despair of the devil, Xiaohua. How can the magic knife make her succeed? Xin Xin just flew a few feet, but seeing Xiao Hua, who was a hundred feet high, waved his hand and smiled coldly: "Hey... especially the thief flag, you suppressed the old man for a million years, is it cool? I am also changing my posture today, I will make you cool!" (To be continued.)

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