Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2206: The best of both worlds

“Ah??” Xin Xin obviously couldn’t think of Xiao Hua’s body, but there was still a reddish heart. The face was extremely lost. Now it’s with anger and with grievances. But when it’s done, she regrets it’s useless. The bite of the lips, the lips are all white, this only ignited the only infuriating, set up a cloud to fly back to the left of the Xuanyuan control water flag.

Xin Xin can do everything. As for whether Xiao Hua can control the dragon, it is not Xin Xin who can know.

Look at Xiao Hua, the body of the body has just been cut to 30%, Xiao Hua's body of gold and red and red are echoing like a firefly, just like a firefly, "Booming..." countless awe-inspiring Into, bombarded on the magic body of Xiao Hua, the rolling magic is like ice and snow to see boiling water, instantaneous melting...

"This... What is this??" Devil, Xiaohua, seems to have not recovered, and cried in surprise.

Xin Xin smiled coldly and said: "It seems that you are not the real magic knife, and you don't even know this? The Confucianism is in the book, and the image of Haoran is hidden in the sky; the five gas dynasty Yuan Shuoyu, a Tianxin earthquake four Zhou. This is the heart of my Confucianism!"

"Tianxin? Tianxin!! Hahaha, even if it is the heart of the sky?" The dragon is extremely arrogant, "You give this half of the heavenly heart to this little monk, although it can prevent Laozi from controlling his body, can not use the magic body Destroy the small flag, but how can you stop Laozi from controlling his god?"

"If you have a heart, your body is right, and if you are a singer, you will be gods!" Xin Xin sneered. "I want to see how you control the little monk!"

Although Xin Xin’s face is calm and tight, she is also anxious in her heart. Her heart sounds very embarrassing this day, but the real role is not here. At this time, she gave Xiaohua as a last resort. On the one hand, she would stop the magic dragon from invading Xiaohua’s body. On the other hand, she would wake up Xiaohua’s heart that was lost by the dragon. Only Xiaohua’s own heart was awakened. Fang can help the mind to return to the position, fight with the dragon to grab the body.

Of course, Xin Xin still has a real stroke at the bottom of the game, that is... with the help of Xuanyuan to control the water flag. Xiao Hua, who has lost his physical temper, will be suppressed first, and then the sword will be cut off by a sword. Since the magic dragon is separated from the magic knife, the Xuanyuan control water flag can naturally suppress the magic knife. Of course, perhaps without such trouble, Xiaohua’s head will be cut off, and Xiao Hua naturally has no life. Without Xiao Hua, the magic knife and Xuanyuan control the water flag is back to the previous situation, the magic knife is still to be suppressed by the Xuanyuan control water flag.

However, this is the life of Xiao Hua, and Xin Xin is still hesitant.

"That Lao Tzu will let you see, what is called a high one-foot magic height!" The dragon is obviously very conceited. A sneer, and immediately no sound.

Then... there is no more!

Xin Xin never heard the magical laughter of the dragon! !

It’s amazing! ! !

In the golden shackles that Xin Xin tried to open, the demon **** Xiao Hua suddenly closed his eyes, and then there was no movement of half a cup of tea. But, that's it. The blood of Xiao Hua’s head was once again strong, and the sorrowful magic could not be suppressed from the top door.

"Hey..." Between the whimpers. The scorpion of the Xuanyuan-controlled water flag was suddenly rushed out of the gap of several acres...

"Oops..." Xin Xin was shocked, took a deep breath, and regained her golden color on her face. She really wanted to spur the last glimmer of gold to break Xiaohua’s head. "Hey..." Xiao Hua Zhoushen, the flashing gold and red colors suddenly annihilated, and countless magical spirits once again emerged from Xiao Hua’s skin. These magical powers revolved around this Xiao Hua, and the thick magic armor was born again. Uh..." Even the magic knife in Xiao Hua’s hands began to feel restless. The magic of a column was gone all the way, and the shackles under Xiao Hua’s body were also washed away. At the same time, Xiao Hua's magic body once again rose, filled the world, and finally there are more than a hundred feet of high!

Xin Xin shouted, watching Xiao Hua like a mountain-like magic body, bitter smile, the golden gas in the mouth did not feel contained but not sent, she secretly horrified: "This ... what is going on? I am Confucian The repair of Tianxin’s decision is not controlled by the dragon. Only the students who have practiced the Confucianism can control it. If the mind of the little monk is invaded by the dragon, he...he can’t make Tianxin’s income into Dantian!”

When Xin Xin hesitated, "Hey..." The sound of the tragedy of the devil's head came out of the magical air, and the armor that shrouded the head of Xiaohua turned into a sly devil's head! The sorrow disappeared, the devil disappeared at the same time, and then it was a sad woman crying, but seeing Xiao Hua’s face turned into a rather pretty woman...

"This is awkward..." Xin Xin suddenly realized something, and then waited for her to see the magic column that runs through the heavens and the earth. Numerous magical incessants are pouring in, Xin Xin has already understood, "This is actually In refining...the devil!!He...he is too...too daring? But he is just a five-powered product. When he touches the monk on the edge of Yuanli’s six products, how can he Easy to accept the dragon?"

Although Xin Xin did not understand, but at this time she can only be the end of the resignation, the last Tianxin... has become a meat buns, and Xiaohua, who was so greeted by Xin Xin, has swallowed the spirit of Xin Xin. Exhausted, with the magic knife of Xiao Hua's body is no longer afraid of Xuanyuan to control the water flag, what can Xin Xin do?

Look at Xiao Hua’s head where the devil head appears frequently. Afterwards, Zhou’s body is full of blood, and the devil’s head and the resentful spirit are everywhere. Xin Xin has to fly back to Xuanyuan’s control of the water flag. . Seeing that Xin Xin flew back, the Xuanyuan control water flag is like a normal close to Xin Xin, Xin Xin's eyes flashed a touch of joy, it is a dare to believe, the Xuanyuan control water flag hand in hand!

"This..." Looking at the Xuanyuan control water flag that is not too eye-opening, Xin Xin is really happy. She didn't think about trying to conquer this fairy. She wanted to find someone, but here, not only No one, I almost had to send my life; just now I had the opportunity to conquer the fairy, but my body could not accommodate the fairy, but she completely died. This fairy was sent to herself. In the hands. Sorrow and joy are two different days!

Of course, at this time, Xin Xin also understands a bit. I am afraid that the previous magic knife will make the water flag of Xuanyuan control damaged, and his blood can penetrate, although the blood has only passed over the fairy. This fairy has also been close to himself. If it is time to temper and temper in the future, it is possible to control this fairy.

Of course, the most reassuring thing for Xin Xin is that since the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag has taken the initiative to fall into its own hands, the magic knife should be no danger. Xiao Hua will not be a big problem. This feeling of peace comes so suddenly. Let Xin Xin be a little off guard, even accepting is very natural.

However, holding the Xuanyuan control water flag in his hand, Xin Xin is still very alert, far from observing the movement of Xiao Hua, and taking some medicines.

I don't know how long it took, Xiaohua's demon head no longer appeared, and the magic arm gradually plunged into Xiao Hua's body, and Xiao Hua gradually narrowed down to the final size of the ordinary person. Waiting for the magic of Xiaohua’s face to disappear, it’s a little monk! It’s just that the blood of the little monk’s eyes flashed red, and this was a smile full of smiles.

"Little monk?" Xin Xin whispered.

"Hmm..." Xiao Hua looked down at the magic knife on his left hand and answered inadvertently.

"Tip??" Xin Xin called again.

"In the case..." Xiao Hua was somewhat intolerant and did not respond with good anger.

"Who are you..." Xin Xin still didn't trust, asked again.

Xiao Hua looked up and glanced at Xin Xin, and Xin Xin’s hand in the hands of Xuan Yuan’s water flag, replied: “Small squatting! You can rest assured! Xiao Yan or Xiao Yan, it’s okay with the magic dragon! Congratulations to Xin Tan, and you can get the Taoist sect of the Tao. It’s really a blessing!”

"That... that magical spirit of the demon dragon?" Listening to the sour tone in Xiaohua's mouth, Xin Xin did not care, and asked for temptation, because she was really puzzled.

"That dragon? Oh, Xiaoyan is calling it to read the word!" Xiao Hua is a serious man.

"What? Word recognition?" Xin Xin was a bit stunned.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Yeah, Xiao Yan is teaching it how to write ‘After entering the Houmen, it’s like the sea. From then on, Xiao Lang is a passerby’, these inscriptions!”

"This...this..." Xin Xin listened to the real crying and laughing, knowing that Xiao Hua is actually perfunctory, but what she does not know is that Xiao Hua said it is the truth.

In fact, as early as the magic knife of the magic knife seized Xiao Hua’s left arm, Xiao Hua had already noticed that it was not good. After the magic dragon began to control Xiao Hua’s magical blood, Xiao Hua knew that he was not a dragon. The enemy, facing such a strong enemy, Xiao Hua is helpless. When the dragon controls his body, he hurriedly let out the body, and his mind is free in the space.

As Xin Xin expected, the magic spirit is indeed a million years, even in the longer time, the blood of the magic knife is condensed, this magic spirit in the days of the suppression of the water flag by Xuanyuan I tried to escape. The dragon in the longevity lamp in the Changsheng Temple is also a trace of the devil. The ancient Buddha of Manjushri is enshrined in the Hall of Eternal Life. It is not like the power of the dragon to condense faith. The real purpose is also to suppress this. Magic knife. When the ancient Buddha was in the limelight, the dragon did not dare to appear, and the Cihui small monk meritoriously took away the ancient Buddha's colorful proceeds, and achieved the Manjushri Buddha fruit, and the dragon dragon dared to look up. However, the solid body can't be used, and the dragon can't take the arch bridge that has entered the Xuanshui Palace. It is the devil that can only confuse the truth...

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