Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2221: River flow

"Is it difficult... Your abbot has no hobbies?" Xiao Hua couldn't help but interrupt the savage of Ming and Shenzhen. It is not so much to listen to him about the hobby of the Zen Master. It is not to say that he is complaining. Tell your own history of blood and tears.

"Fart!" Ming Shen replied without hesitation. "However, even if you wear his flattering, he will not promise to help you!"

"A flat hobby! For example, what kind of Buddha, Dharma like?"

"No!" Ming Shen shook his head, but then explained again. "Of course, the disciples do not practice Buddhism, nor do they know whether the abbot likes it! However, when it comes to like..."

Speaking of this, Ming Shen is somewhat hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua came to the spirit and asked.

Ming Shen thought for a moment, whispered: "My abbot has a quirk, and it was also discovered by my disciples in recent years..."

"What quirks?"

"Thirty years before the twelfth lunar month, the disciples went out to find wine, and they were not drunk, and they could not return to Jinshan Temple in time. In the night, Chen Jiangshui rose, and the disciple took the opportunity to steal a broken boat crossing the river. The heart suddenly saw the abbot on the high stone on the riverside. At that time, the disciple was scared and stunned, and fell down on the boat to plead guilty. However, the disciple did not know how many heads, and saw that the boat was drifting. Far away, I still didn't see the abbot blinking or opening. Later, the disciple went to the temple with fear and fear, and the abbot did not seem to know about it. He never mentioned it, nor did he punish the disciple." Ming Shen said carefully, "So last year's twelfth lunar month At night, the disciples can no longer sleep, and they sneak out and secretly explore, guess what?"

"What?" Xiao Hua is also curious.

The mystery of Ming and Shen’s face said: "There is no moon in the Thirty-seventh month. The disciple saw that the abbot did not know when he was sitting on the high stone. He fell asleep and went to the east. The brilliance of the brilliance on the abbot, the abbot disappeared again! Just like the one that never appeared. You say no strange?"

"This... can't be weird?" Xiao Hua cried.

"How come it's not strange? If there is something in your heart. If you don't remember which one... Who will not sleep all night? Is it a daze in front of the river? Even the disciples can't find it next to it?" Mingshen obviously wants to say "Which nun"? Look at Xiao Hua’s bald head, after all, dare not say it.

"Thirty Years of the Twelve?" Xiao Hua brows and picks, smiles. "Is it today 27th of the twelfth lunar month? It’s been a few days! Are you still going to peek this year?"

"Of course. The disciple must come. The disciple will have to look at... There is something hidden in the abbot's heart!" Ming and Shen said with a hard neck, and seemed to want to grasp the handle of his abbot.

Xiao Hua’s thoughts have already been understood, and the great Zen master was afraid to enter the silence around the twelfth lunar month. Even his place of silence is the high stone on the edge of Chen Jiang. I don’t know why he quickly came out of the silence. Later, he would have to squander the great Zen master. No matter what method he can use, he can no longer be silent. I have to realize that night, looking for the feeling of being lonely in the past?

"Oh, sometimes it’s not a good thing to be too persistent!" Xiao Hua sighed in his heart and said, "The little monk, the secret of others is better not to know too much. Once and twice, the voyeurism of the great Zen master may not pay attention. But if he was discovered three times and four times, even if you want to eat meat and drink again, it is impossible! You think, you can hide here, you can find the poor, you can peek at the side, the singer can not know ?"

The forehead of Mingshen immediately had a cold sweat and hurriedly nodded: "The disciple understands that the disciples are no longer dare!"

"Go, it's not early, although the rain is still down, but you have to go back to the temple. Today, the great Zen master is in a bad mood, and he is not provoked!" Xiao Hua said with a hand.

"Yes, the disciple will go back!" Ming Shen looked at the gloomy sky outside the cave, but also estimated that there was no time, after the hands clasped together, he hurried away.

After the Ming and Qing dynasty, Xiao Hua looked at the messy caves and the scattered bones on the ground. He didn't want to stay too much. He walked out of the cave and walked slowly along the Chen River in the rain. His mind is very chaotic, but he can't figure out what to do. Because it seems that the Zen Master is out of the realm of silence, it is so remorse, obviously the state of silence is extremely precious for the Buddha, and the river has been quiet for a hundred years, still not awake, afraid of The chance has not arrived, even if you find someone to wake him up, it may not be correct.

After a while, Xiao Hua felt that she was really tired. She just found a place, sat down on the knees, closed her eyes, and calmed down in the heavy rain!

This retreat, I didn't feel it was over for a few days, and Xiaohua opened his eyes again. It was darker and the rain was even bigger. The water inside Chen Jiang also rose a lot.

"God is unpredictable, the situation is changing, who knows the geometry of tomorrow?" Xiao Hua looked up and sighed. When Xiao Hua’s gaze inadvertently saw the faint whiteness in the east, he suddenly thought that today is the twelfth lunar month! If it is as revealed by the Ming and Qing Dynasties, then the Zen Master of the Desolation is sitting on the high stone side of the Chenjiang River!

"Hey, let's go see it! See if he has feelings in his heart!" Although he advised that Ming and Shen should not go, Xiao Hua himself was curious, stepping down Chen Jiang is going down, and my heart secretly thought, " If you can hold on to the little tail of the so-called Great Zen Master, see if he dares to stop Xiaomou!"

A few days of heavy rain, Chen Jiangzhi's water is already very anxious, the inside is muddy, or some upstream sediment, or some branches of hay, or some thick wood and drowning animals, it is estimated that Chenjiang upstream Some places were affected and livestock were rushed into Chen Jiang.

Xiao Hua carefully followed Chen Jiangfei, secretly releasing the soul, and sure enough, just under the Jinshan Temple, there was a high-spirited spurt, which was sitting on the side of the Great Zen Master. At this time, the Great Zen Master is really dead with the silence. There is no sound. There is no Buddha light in the whole body. The heavy rain is more concentrated than the pouring water on his body. It was wet, and the bright bald head was full of water, even in the darkness before dawn.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to be too close. The soul swept through the silence and the Zen master looked at other places. He didn't see anything unusual. It was a woman who was a girl, and she was a shadow.

Xiao Hua was disappointed. She knew that she was the gentleman's belly. It was when she retired. The soul was swept away from the downstream of Chen Jiang. Where is the floating up and down of the floating body in the river. Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly turned the soul again. When he looked at it, he sighed again. This floating body had no life.

"Life is short!" Xiao Hua turned around, and the soul did not see that the floating body was a man or a woman. "This is the silence of the great Zen master. I am thinking about how to silence, how to prove the fruit, Even if there is a floating body in front of me, I don’t know how to fish it..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua’s figure suddenly became a spurt, and a light flashed in his mind!

"That is..."! Xiaohua’s face showed ecstasy. Immediately, he looked at the Zen master, and once again looked at the sky in the east, he did not dare to neglect. I will take a hand and take out a huge lotus flower from the yin and yangtan water in the space. I don’t know where I searched from the colorful lotus lotus. When the lotus lotus enters the rain, it gives birth to colorful light and blocks the heavy rain from the lotus. !

"Nan no Maitreya Buddha..." Xiao Huakou Xuanfo said, "The disciples sincerely pray, may the disciples save the river!"

Said, Xiao Hua is shaking his hand again, the eyes of the closed river are also taken out by him and sent into the colorful Lotus, waiting for an estimate, Xiao Hua will push, the colorful lotus He took the river and fell into Chen Jiang. It is also weird. At the earliest, Xiao Hua still had some concerns, fearing that the lotus will sink in the water, or that the river would fall into the river. However, after reading it for a while, Xiao Hua knew that his fears were superfluous. When Jiang Liu entered the space, he was only five or six years old. At that time, there was no yin and yang in the space. It was not old. Later, the five elements were stable, and it was a hundred years. The stream is still in silence. The centuries of years have not left traces on him. At this time, it is still the child's general appearance. The colorful lotus and lotus dresses are more than enough for him to be stable.

Seeing the colorful Lotus drifting out a few feet, Xiao Hua is about to display the magical hidden habits, but suddenly his heart is a big jump, the dark road: "No, colorful lotus is too dazzling! With the silence of the old monk How can you accommodate these treasures?"

I thought that Xiao Hua hurriedly flew to the riverside and wanted to change things. However, the place where the soul noticed, above the high stone, there seemed to be a glimmer of silence in the sacred Zen master, and there was a brilliance in the sky! Xiao Hua was in a hurry, knowing that this opportunity was fleeting, and he waved his hand, and the colorful lotus lotus fell into the space. There was no particularly good arrangement between the rush of Jiang Liu’s body shape. Xiao Hua saw that there was just one next to it. Breaking the tub, I don’t want to think that I have sent it in the past, and I am rushing into the void.

Xiao Hua’s body shape has just disappeared. The eyes of the great Zen master are just open, and it’s just right. The East wants to know, and thousands of Guanghua flew past. “Amitabha...” The silence of the great Zen master’s mouth, the voice, the voice It is full of loneliness, remorse and helplessness...

As the Buddha of the Great Zen Master was born, the torrential rain was actually small, and the clouds above the Jinshan Temple were visible to the naked eye.

"Hey?" The Zen Master is facing Chen Jiang. When his eyes are open, he can see the river flowing in the broken tub with his hands together!

The sorcerer of the sorcerer’s sorrow is stunned, and it’s a dead chicken... (to be continued.)

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