Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2224: Yuan Tongtian and Liu Er Macaque

"Little guy, what is your name?" It seems to be hiding his embarrassment, and Yuhua Xiaohua asked casually. This words have just been said, Yuhua Xiaohua is a smile, yes, the fire is only coming out of the storage bag today, I will not even say anything before, how can he have a name?

Sure enough, the face of the fire was red, and he said: "I haven’t seen the name of the mother since I was a child. If the master does not give up, please give it a name!"

"Give the name!" Yuhua Xiaohua cried and laughed, where can he name the literary talent of his own half-hanger? However, Yuhua Xiaohua’s heart moved and nodded. “You are a monkey, not a surname Yuan, but you want to have the ability to pass through the sky, so you can call it Tongtian! So good?”

"Yuan Tongtian!! Yuan Tongtian!! Good name, good name!!" The fire stunned and scratched his head and fell to the ground. Thanks, "Thank you for giving Master a name, thank you Master for giving him a name."

Seeing the fire in this way, Yuxi Xiaohua’s heart is also a little happy. He lifted his hand: “You must first worship! The old man’s disaster is coming, he has already dismissed his disciples, and now he meets you, though he can’t List your entry wall, you can see you sincerely ask for advice, teach you one or two!"

"Thank you Master, thank you Master!" Fire Dragon Yuan Tongtian was overjoyed, but then it was sad. "Master, what old troubles do you have? Can a small master stop the disaster?"

Yuhua Xiaohua is quite moved and waved: "You should practice it well. After you know the origin of the old man, you may be able to resist the disaster for the old man!"

"Yes, the small must do their best to cultivate!" Fire Dragon Yuan Tongtian said very sincerely, "I hope that I can help Master in the future."

Then Yuhua Xiaohua said, "You are resting on one or two. Waiting for the old man to think about what you can pass!"

"Master..." The fire 猿 Yuan Tongtian listened and said in a hurry, "Small want to have three kinds of supernatural powers, I wonder if Master can give it!"

"Haha, the monkey is really good!" Yu Xiaoxiao laughed. "You said, let the old man listen!"

"Is this the first? Small people want to practice a good stick method, play the gods, play the ghosts, if there is any Taoist bully, small, this is also used to kill it!"

"Khan!" Yu Xiao Xiaohua licked his heart. Needless to say, this Taoist priest in Yuan Tongtiankou is himself.

"Too!" Yuhua Xiaohua laughed. "The old man has a thirty-six-style method of sticking, and it is for you!"

"Thank you Master!" Yuan Tongtian was overjoyed. "This is the second. Small people want to learn the art of change. Whether it is a monster or a worm, a small bird can be turned into a small bird!"

"This?" Yuhua Xiaohua is somewhat guilty, but he will be easy to shape. But if everything changes, he has never tried it himself!

"Master?" Yuhua Xiaohua did not immediately answer, and the fire 猿 Yuan Tongtian immediately laughed. "If Master is not willing to teach, he will not say small."

"It is not!" Yuhua Xiaohua shook his head slightly. "The old man's change is quite mysterious. I am afraid that you are not easy to master. So, the old man teaches you a simple introduction, and then teaches you another law. ?"

"Oh, thank you Master, thank you Master!" Yuan Tongtian's heart is happy, it seems that there is no such happiness in this life.

"Third?" Yuhua Xiaohua wants to know what the third condition of Yuan Tongtian is.

"This is the third?" Yuan Tongtian did not hesitate and laughed. "This third magical power has not been thought of well. After the disciples have thought about it, how about finding another master?"

Yuhua Xiaohua was puzzled first, but then there was some warmth in his heart. This is obviously an excuse for Yuan Tongtian to find himself later. Who said that animals are ruthless? Fairy is not righteous?

"But, this third you will think about it! The old man will teach you the skills of Xiangyun and the thought of God!!" Yuhua Xiaohua said with a big sleeve.

Yuan Tongtian was so excited, tears had to stay, it seems that no one in this world has been so good to him.

"You close your eyes! Do not resist!" Yu Xiao Xiaohua smiled lightly, and the big sleeve waved. "The old man will pass your magic!"

"There is a master!" Yuan Tongtian did not know what was called the five hearts, only quickly fell to the ground, closed his eyes, arms are also supported on the ground.

Yuhua Xiaohua’s hand stretched out, suddenly it was a few feet. It was just using the index finger to point to Yuan Tongtian’s eyebrows, but seeing a crystal wire above the index finger fell into Yuan Tongtian’s body, Yu Xiaoxiao Part of the Law of Heaven, the method of the heavens and the earth, the technique of easy shaping, and the practice of cultivating the gods were passed to Yuan Tongtian.

Taking advantage of Yuan Tongtian's enlightenment method, Yuhua Xiaohua flew out of Dongfu in a hurry, and it took a few hours to turn around.

Waiting for Yuhua Xiaohua to turn around, Yuan Tongtian hurriedly greeted him, and some anxiously said: "Master, you can always come back! Little thought you are gone!"

"Oh, the old man has some last things, just finished cooking!" Yuhua Xiaohua explained, "How can you understand these kinds of exercises?"

"Yes, the small ones understand and understand!" Yuan Tongtian respectfully said, "But these exercises must be cultivated for a long time. At this time, I don't know if I understand it!"

"Well, you will talk about your own enlightenment!" Yu Xiaoxiao said in a cloud bed and closed his eyes.

Immediately, Yuan Tongtian said that his enlightenment was rumored. Hearing that Xiao Yu was satisfied, he corrected several mistakes of Yuan Tongtian, and he again told several exercises from beginning to end. This time I stopped my mouth.

"Master!" After Yuhua’s remarks were over, Yuan Tongtian closed his eyes for more than half an hour, respectfully, "the disciples have already kept in mind. But..."

"Say!" Seeing Yuan Tongtian hesitating, Yuhua Xiaohua asked.

"The technique of the gods is very mysterious! The disciples listened with enthusiasm, but the disciples seemed to have so-called gods, but this God can't control them. Isn't this god-threatening technique a rootless one?"

"This is a good saying!" Yu Xiao Xiaohua understands that the **** of the fire, Yuan Tongtian should be called Yuan Nian. If you want to cultivate control, you must use the Taoist spirit, and he himself happens to have the rainbow, which was originally used for The birth of the Taoist disciple's thoughts should be valid for use in Yuan Tongtian. Of course, Yuan Tongtian does not have to re-inspire the mind, as long as he can use the rainbow to strengthen the Yuan dynasty, and use the gods to control the Yuan dynasty.

Seeing Yuhua Xiaohua is almost omnipotent, Yuan Tongtian is even more excited, almost jumped up in the hall, watching Yuan Tongtian's happiness, Yuxi Xiaohua's heart moved, want to ask some Yuan Tongtian's come There is even another fire, and the origin of the male and female beasts. But when Xiao Hua wanted to open his mouth, he swallowed it back. After all, these things are easy to ask. Although Yuan Tongtian may not have doubts, Yuan Tongtian’s coffin has already been opened. Who knows what he is? Will you wake up? If it is because of this, the mistakes of the river, Xiaohua can be regretted.

"Forget it, who is not secret? This Yuan Tongtian has always been unruly, but it is so clever in front of my so-called Master, it is also a filial piety, but it does not have to worry about it!" Dispelled the meaning of the investigation, took the rainbow to the out, let Yuan Tongtian use. Sure enough, the material of Yuxi Xiaohua was unmistakable, and the rainbow was as effective as Yuan Nian, and even let Yuan Tongtian’s Yuan dynasty produce a slight change, which can be motivated and tempered by the Taoist monks. Now!

"Thank you Master, thank you Master!!" Yuan Tongtian turned his head over the hall and shouted, "The small one can be as powerful as the six ears! This is..."

"Six ears?" Yuxi Xiaohua, a strange road, "Who is the six ears?"

"Six-eared macaque!" Yuan Tongtian didn't care. "There are six ears, good to hear, can be heard, and before and after, everything is clear, like there is nothing in the world that he does not know. Small from Master here Learn the magical powers, and then practice more, you will be able to catch up with him in the future!"

"Oh, this is the case!" Yuhua Xiaohua said with a smile. "There is a natural supernatural power. You are a god, and the scope used is limited. I am afraid that it cannot be compared with others!"

Yuan Tongtian was unwilling, and posed his furry claws and shouted: "It’s no better than nothing! This is the most deceptive and sinister, and the whereabouts are sneaky. When there was something small, please help him, and look for Mengshan without seeing... ”

Yuan Tongtian’s "Mengshan" was like a blue sky beaten in the ears of Yuhua Xiaohua. In an instant, he was reminded of the death of the master, the "six" word before the master’s death, not exactly Is the murderer a "six-eared macaque"? ? A hate was born from the heart of Xiao Yu’s heart!

"Master..." Yuan Tongtian suddenly panicked. "How did the hall suddenly shake? How suddenly is it so cold in the cave??"

Yuhua Xiaohua fixed his mind and knew that his emotions were slightly out of control and affected this illusion. His face was a bit gloomy and cold and cold: "Nothing! The old man’s catastrophe is coming, this cave house...and even the Lingtai Fangshan Mountain will fall. !"

"Ah, Master, you can go out as soon as you can! If you stay in this cave, you are not in trouble," Yuan Tongtian was very worried.

Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the real concern in Yuan Tongtian's red eyes. The anger in his heart slowed down and he put on his sleeves: "For the time being, there is still time, and the old man will teach you more!"

"No! Master, the small would rather not learn, do not delay Master's time!" Yuan Tongtian replied without hesitation.

"How is so much nonsense? Fast, what else do you understand?" Xiao Hua said in his heart, cold and cold.

Yuan Tongtian did not understand why Yu Hua suddenly changed his face, his heart was afraid, and he did not dare to say anything. He whispered: "Small is like the technique of change, but the small one has never touched it!"

"Close your eyes and open your mouth!" Yu Xiaoxiao said faintly... (unfinished.)

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