Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2231: Qin Qingyu

"The problem is that after the black bear is destroyed, you and me..." Wan Shiwang’s eyes showed anxiety. "Will it be like the old bear said?"

"What is the use of this matter now?" The golden eagle sneered. "Since the day when you entered Heiyunling, you have decided the fate of today, or take a step forward! Anyway, always better than the black bear. Live for a long time!"

"Maybe... I should also consider finding a good backer!" Wan Shiwang seemed to think more and whispered. .

The Golden Eagle King sneered slightly: "I am the infamous fairy of Heiyunling, who can see it? Who can see it?"

"Oh, it’s hard!" Wan Shiwang swayed his head, and the white lion hair on his body made a dazzling brilliance. He looked at the black wind ridge in the distance and looked angry. "It’s all **** black bears, drink the children." I haven’t attacked for many days. I want to move my muscles today!”

"Why do you want to attack?" Golden Eagle King laughed. "The group of people just wants me to wait for the black wind ridge. I didn't say it was going to be compromised. Why should I wait so hard?"

"But it has been besieged for many days, even if there are some food in the hands of the black bear, it should be exhausted now, wait for them to rush out..." Wan Shiwang heard, slightly thought, nodded slightly, but at this time, the golden eagle king again It was a slight smile, and asked, "If they are black bears, they will rush out, what do you do? The black bear's men..."

"Kill! One does not stay!" Wanshi Wang Zhang opened, the **** mouth was very long, and then spit out five words.

The Golden Eagle King nodded and said: "I am afraid that it can only be so. Hey, the black bear is very good. This is the same root and the truth is too urgent..."

"Short! Laozi is a white lion, can't fight with the black bear gossip!" Wanshi Wang sneered. "If you are kind, you can let the water go, see how the gang will deal with you Mo Yunling!"

"The king did not say anything, but admired the verses of Confucianism in the Tibetan Immortals, and sneaked out a few words at random!"

"You admire? If you eat the Confucianism, it will not turn into feces in your stomach, you can turn into a few poems..." Wan Shiwang sneered again.

Not to mention the King of the Golden Eagle and the King of the Lions surrounding the law of the Black Wind Ridge, and said that the black bear was swiftly retreating into the circle of law, and it was the simple Dongfu that Xiao Hua had previously opened in the Black Wind Ridge.

Before the Dongfu at this time, it was divided into two parts. The above part is part of the people of Changling Princess of Jianguo. They are tied to the tent to stay on the side of the Dongfu; the lower part is a goblin of the Black Wind Ridge. Unlike the Changling Princess, these goblins have no battles and are scattered randomly among the mountains. Some are lying down. Some stand. There are still some groups of three and five, but their eyes are all aimed at the tents above the mountains! As for this person and the demon. There are some thorns, mountains and stones in the middle, and there are even some soldiers who are armed with a spear and stand with a spear in the hand. It is very vigilant.

However, the heavy armor on this body, as well as the spear in the hand, can't erase the fear in the eyes of these soldiers! Because they are faced with hundreds or even thousands of goblins, naked eyes, this look is like a sword, they have long poked their heavy armor, falling on them, just like the meat on them is exposed between the heavens and the earth. The flesh and blood aroma has been released to the mouth and nose of the fairy. I don’t know which fairy is swallowing under the mountain. For a moment, the soldiers’ ears are full of coveted sounds. Even they have seen a lot of gossip’s mouth drooling...

"Not good!" The leftmost soldier looked at the few leprechauns who were closest to him, and moved toward himself and others. He was shocked and hurriedly shouted, "Go and inform the princess, the goblin can't stand it..."

"Oh..." Fortunately, just as a soldier is preparing to retire, when the first few goblins are going to step, the black bear's cold voice is not lost, the few fairies are shocked, and they hurried to stop. Before going over, looking at other directions, other goblins are also shrinking their necks, each taking their attention away from the soldiers, and even a few goblins are still trying to cover the few grasses that are rare from the ground and send them into their mouths.

"The old man has long been a law, and I can't eat human flesh in the black wind. I don't want anyone to let Laozi have no face, Lao Tzu let him die!" The black bear cried sullenly. "Moreover, the Jiang Guozhi soldiers are I am waiting for the gown, who dares to take a look, Lao Tzu dug his eyes!"

After that, the black bear fine did not look at a group of goblins. When he turned and fell in front of the Dongfu, he stepped on it. However, his face with the fairies was replaced with sorrow.

"Grandma's..." Before the black bear went into Dongfu, he shouted. "After you have negotiated, do you rush out? If you wait a few more days, they don't need gold and white lions to attack them. I will be confused when I wait for myself! When the children of Laozi’s children eat, people can blame Laozi!”

But seeing this simple cave house, there is not much difference before Xiao Hua’s departure. However, except for Changling Princess and Xiao Jian, there is one more hair on the side of Xiao Hua’s seat. The old man, the old man’s brow wrinkled, heard the black bear’s grievances, turned his head and glanced at Qin Xiaotong, who was sitting next to him, and Liu Yi, who stood in the distance and took the dust, and said: “The black wind king is urgent. ......"

"I am still in a hurry!" Black Bear seems to be very dissatisfied. After waiting for the old man's words, he sat down on the seat of the crowd and complained. "Master Qin, you go out and have a look." The king’s children watched the eyes of Jiang’s soldiers. They were hungry for many days. If there is no more food, the king really does not know how to restrain them!”

The name of the old man, Qin Qingyu, was the uncle of Qin Xiaolan. After Xiaohua left, Qin Xiaoyu took his disciples to Jiang to find a Taoist monk who had not been killed by the Copper Pillar. When the Jiang State was destroyed, Jiang’s Taoist repairs were naturally broken, and they had long since escaped. The so-called second country teacher Qin Xiaotong himself did not find it. He only found Qin Qingyu, who was too late to see it. At that time, Qin Qingyu took it with him. I have a dozen disciples and hundreds of Taoist soldiers. I want to plan where to go. I have to hear that there is a Yuanying monk in Heifengling who wants to help Jiang Guofu. This Qin Qingyu is always happy, from the Dragon’s merits. I know, at this time, when Xiao Hua used people, he was relying on the charcoal in the snow, which was a hundred times stronger than the icing on the cake. Qin Qingyu did not hesitate to follow Qin Xiaolan to the Black Wind Ridge.

However, Qin Qingyu did not expect the determination of the Zhuzhu Kingdom to kill the Princess of Changling, but did not expect the Jiang family and even the Tongzhu Academy to kill Xiaohua. He just took the Taoist soldiers to the Black Wind Ridge, the whole black. Fengling was surrounded by the fairy of Mo Yunling and Lion Rock! Qin Qingyu is of course disdainful to a group of goblins. While telling his disciples to take the resistance of the Taoist soldiers, he also let the black bears take the leprechauns of the Black Wind Ridge. Although the Dao Bing is an enemy three, effectively resisting the birds of Mo Yunling, but the monster of the Black Wind Ridge is not the enemy of the beast on the Lion Rock. It is almost a blow, and Qin Qingyu has no choice but to obey Xiao Jian. The arrangement, with a group of soldiers and disciples followed the black bear fine into the large array of Xiao Hua's prior arrangement.

Of course, Qin Qingyu is also a lot of people who have seen a lot of people. He did not expect anything from this big battle at first, and waited for Mo Yunling and Lion Rock to break through the big battles. But the reality is that Qin Qingyu has fallen sharply. The lions of Lion Mountain and Mo Yunling have attacked the troops for several days. The whole big squad is unscathed, and the monsters of the Black Wind Ridge are as easy as watching the fun. Birds and beasts are killed and killed in the battlefield. Seeing this situation, Qin Qingyu was a bit curious about Xiao Hua, a Yuan Ying, who had never met.

However, curiosity has not been born for a few days, and repentance is coming. Xiao Hua did not come back on time. The offensives of Mo Yunling and Shizishan also stopped. The birds and beasts were not attacked, and they were so consumed. It’s up. At the beginning, Qin Qingyu still had some confidence. He felt that a Yuanying monk would not speak without a letter. It could be a long time. Ten days and ten days passed. Until a hundred days, he was disappointed, dead, and upset. It’s incomparable, and the most shocking thing for him is that he has fallen into the calculations of Mo Yunling and Shizishan. Because Mo Yunling and Lion Rock's encirclement and attack, the people of Heifengling and the demon have been for a long time, and this mountain does not rely on water, and everyone does not even have water. The monks are naturally not afraid of these, but the Tao soldiers and the goblins are afraid. The leprechauns of the Black Wind Ridge did not think so much when they retired from the squad, and they did not bring anything. The Princess of Changling and other small pockets carried with them. There are some foods inside, but they can't hold the consumption of the Black Wind Ridge. At the end of the day, there is very little that everyone and every fairy can eat every day. This is why the Black Wind Ridge Fairy is so eager to see the eyes of the Jiang Guo soldiers.

Until then, Qin Qingyu thought about it. How could Mo Yunling and Shizishan's goblins have such calculations? How do they know the plan for the food? There must be high-ranking men behind them, and their goals... must not be themselves. In addition to the Princess of Changling, I am afraid that it is the Yuan Ying monk Xiao Hua. However, he can understand that the other purpose of the goblin is not to attack, but to force Xiao Hua to make his head. What makes Qin Qingyu bitter is that Xiao Hua’s departure is very awkward and even secret, even the fairy of the Black Wind Ridge. Most don't know, how can Golden Eagle and White Lion know? I am afraid that I am being treated as Xiao Hua by others, that is, I have made a scapegoat! ! (To be continued.)

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