Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2238: Liu Yi's talent

"Go ~" but listened to Xiao Hua's scorn, lifted his hand, and two mung bean-like shadows were thrown into the jade liquid. With Xiao Hua, several martial arts hits, "咔嚓" and "咔嚓" Crisp sound, jade liquid condensed into two jade cards. The chapter update is the fastest

"Master..." The black bear cried with a hard look. "You always think that two **** things are all right. Why are you happy with small blood?"

"Hey, what do you know!" Xiao Hua snorted and waved his hand. "This jade card is taken!"

Seeing that two jade cards are in their hands, the black bear is holding up the jade card and looking at the shadow of the vulgar gold and white lions inside. It is very puzzled. "Where is the master, what is the small thing to do?"

"The two demon are your pleadings, and the life of the two demons will be handed over to you! If you are not obedient, you can crush the jade card at any time!" Xiao Hua said with a cold face, "Of course, if they have any bad pool Only you are asking this seat!"

"No, sir!" The black bear's face is more bitter and pitiful. "This thing is so expensive if it's small and accidentally broken. Isn't it the life of two demon? Or you are old!"

"Black Bear..." Xiao Jian is now waking up and reminding him, next to him, "I can see you, Master. You are holding a jade card and thinking about it. If you want these two monsters to move, they will have to How to move..."

"Ah? Is it?" The black bear was very happy, and hurriedly shouted, "Golden Eagle, give Laozi a roll!"

The golden eagle is no longer hurting. I just stood in the air. If I heard the black bear, I was hesitant, but then the pain was born again. The golden face was white and moved, and the whole body was shaking. He bit his teeth: "The black wind king, you and I are both demon kings, and later will help you with the white lion... you are doing this, I am waiting, I I would rather die!"

"Oh?" Black bear fine two small eyes turned around, look at the golden sculpture is uncomfortable, know that Xiao Jian said good, immediately received a jade card. With a smile. "The two brothers are the fault of the younger brother! The younger brother just wanted to see the effect of this jade card. I will not dare to try it later. The two brothers only treat the master with the younger brother. This jade card is not normal!"

"Big brother is wrong!" Golden Eagle looks at the white lion. Hastily circulated. "Today, there are three heads in Heiyunling. The black wind king is the first, the younger brother is in the third place, and the white lion is the second seat! I will wait for the three demon kings to work together. It will protect the peace of Heiyunling."

The white lion smiled, but also said: "The third brother said that it is very! Today, the older brother is repaired as a light one, but there is a master's care, in less than a few days, it must be the first of me!"

"Hey, hey..." The black bear licked his mouth and his mouth slammed into the back of his head.

"Go, clean up, in the future, Heiyunling is your three brothers!" Xiao Hua waved his hand. "This seat can guarantee that as long as you wait to be obedient, it is said that it is Heiyunling, that is, the whole Tibetan immortal continent, etc. Will be famous!"

"Yes, little know!" The three demon kings were overjoyed. After hurriedly giving a gift, they fell to the cloud and reorganized their own hands.

Xiao Jian at that place got Xiao Hua’s remedy. Now that he has recovered, he walked up and said: “The disciple thanked the old man for his help!”

Xiao Hua looked up and down Xiao Jian. In fact, he was quite puzzled. Xiao Jian has always been very selfish. How can he risk because Liu Yi has no reason? But think again, the entire black wind ridge, in addition to Xiao Jian, Liu Yi can not find the invisible and fire characters, and reliable Taoist monks, but Xiao Jian did not live up to Liu Yizhi, Xiao Jian It is a great achievement.

"You did a good job! Xiao Jian, let this seat look at you!" Xiao Hua nodded. "If you practice in the future, you can come to the seat if you encounter difficulties. If nothing unexpected, get a Jin Dan Yuan Ying. It’s not a big deal!”

There is no excitement on Xiao Jian’s face. It seems that he is not suspicious of Xiao Hua’s words. He said: “The disciple thanked the old man for taking care of him!”

"What kind of eyebrows do you have to wait for the rejuvenation of the country?" Xiao Hua stood in the air, and did not return to the Dongfu. He actually regarded the clouds in the air as a layer of swaying as nothing, and then asked.

Xiao Jian looked at the Princess of Changling, the two nodded slightly, and Xiao Jian said: "The disciples and others have already calculated the same, only the master came back to the main event."

"Like Qin Qingyu, etc.?" Xiao Hua asked with interest.

"This is the disciple's fault!" Qin Xiaoyu next to the hurried interface, "In order to enhance the power of the Black Wind Ridge, the disciple ... had to ask the disciple to come to the town, but did not expect..."

"Well, you can't be wrong, it's the fault of this seat!" Xiao Hua nodded and liked Qin Xiaolan's role. "There are some things that I can't get back in time. Yes, you should look for it." What is the life and death of the second-country teacher who is called, and I will inquire about it. I will not have to look for him in this seat. If the seat is not in the future, at least someone can support you!"

"Jiang Guo's second country teacher name Li Yili is a real person!" Qin Xiaoyu replied quickly. "The disciple heard that his old man was taken by the Copper Pillar!"

Princess Changling also explained: "The good teacher knows that Li Zhenren is obsessed with the national teacher's words, but it is somewhat unfamiliar to my Jiang King's room. The younger generation is not too familiar with this predecessor."

"Well, wait until you return to Dongfu! The deliberation will be discussed, and the hands-on will be done!" Xiao Hua put his hand on it, and everyone went to the ceremony.

Only in the air, Liu Yi could not fly, waiting for Xiao Hua.

"Oh, Liu Yi..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said with a silent mute, "You can say now, how do you know that Qin Qingyu wants to take the initiative of Changlingong? Xiao Jian’s invisibility and fire charm are Did you give it to him?"

Liu Yi faced Xiao Hua, naturally did not dare to conceal, the reason for the matter is said to be one and fifty, and I heard that Xiao Hua is also somewhat stunned. It is very simple to say, because Liu Yi can feel what other people think! ! ! That is to say, when Qin Qingyu discussed with the people in the Dongfu, Liu Yi had already perceived his kindness to the Princess of Changling from the heart of Qin Qingyu, but he was not sure, did not dare to expose it at the time, so he had to take the opportunity The cave house was also called out. Liu Yi will naturally not tell the truth about the black bear. It is only said that if Qin Qingyu is the highest monk, no one will restrict it. Of course, there is no way for the black bear to be able to help the younger ones. I can't help but help. However, when Liu Yi takes out the invisible characters and fire charms left by Xiao Hua, the black bear is also an idea. He is a fairy, too. Without the cultivation method, of course, I can't use it, so he recommended Xiao Jian. Liu Yi can't be assured of Xiao Jian, afraid that Xiao Jian will run away, otherwise these things will be taken out. Here, here, for the safety of Changling Princess, Liu Yi can only gamble, and it happens that Xiao Jian came to find Liu Yi, Liu Yi took the opportunity to say his own worry, Xiao Jian did not take things seriously, casually agreed. After Qin Qingyu flew to the Jiang Guo soldiers, he was prompted by Liu Yi, which ignited the invisibility and hid in the vicinity of Princess Changling. As a result, the development of the matter was really not expected by Liu Yi. If there was no Xiao Jian blocking, the Princess Changling had already lost the yellow spring.

Xiao Hua listened to Liu Yi, and nodded slightly: "Yes, this is your talent! You don't tell others, the old man will keep a secret for you. You should practice the Taoist method first, and the time is ripe, the old man will pass you again. Another Buddha Buddhism, the name of his heart, will surely send you back to the extreme!"

"Thank you, Master!" Liu Yi was overjoyed.

"Well, do you think about what the old man thinks?" Xiao Hua suddenly asked.

"Hey, the lord is so hearted!" Liu Yi said with a smile. "When the small man saw the lord, he was already injured. There was no way to perceive what the master thought, but he had to wait for Jiang Chaoguan. I can only perceive that the master is a good person. I will never harm the small and the small, but what the master thinks, the little does not know! And, not the master, this perception is that the spirit is not working, and the perceived crisis ratio Perceive other things to use, when I was a child, I used this to avoid a lot of danger!"

"Well, the old man knows!" Xiao Hua nodded, look at the high altitude, the low pressure of the clouds, some sneer, "Grandma's, Laozi waited for so long, how is it still not laid? Just rely on this... also dare to follow Old husband fight? If the old man wants to take you and wait for the power, you have to wait for the time!"

"Master doesn't want to care!" Liu Yi reminded, "The Confucianism is not a day or two. Now that the master is back, they are not starting, they must be the ones that must be saved..."

"It’s just a hit! It’s just a pot!” Xiao Hua sneered. "They will kill the monsters of Mo Yunling and Lion Rock together! After a while, you pass the old man’s law, let all the goblins enter the law. Within the array."

"Ah?" Liu Yi was shocked, and he refused to answer. He hurriedly shouted, "Master, you must be careful!"

"No problem, this is just taking advantage of this big battle, will clean up Heiyunling, save the old man!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and smiled. "Oh, yes, you come with the old man, the old man has found a younger brother. You also teach him some words of the Tibetan continent."

“Teacher?” Liu Yimei opened his eyes and smiled. “The lord just missed a boy, and now it’s right and left!”

"I still lack a girl!" Xiao Hua gave him a glance, and said with no anger, "Don't you find a little girl, how about being a jade girl?"

Liu Yimei was slightly dark, but he smiled again: "If this is the case, the little one is thankful to the master."

"Think of beauty, or honestly be your boy!" Xiao Hua reached out and used his finger to play on Liu Yi's head and smiled.

Liu Yi stretched out his tongue and his face showed naughty... (To be continued.)

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