Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2241: Beat the cold song

"Good, good, good!!!" Xiao Hua's eyes flashed fiercely, and the wishful stick in his hand became thick again. "I will let you know who is the brave man in this world! I will destroy your men." Kill, see what else you have to fight with Laozi!"

During the speech, if I waved, the blast of Hao Hua’s awe-inspiring pillar was immediately crushed, and Xiao Hua’s figure was huge, but it was very flexible, and there was no force to resist the gas column. Force, the shape of a kick and kick, is kicked on the rushing horse, "Peng..." a loud noise, the horse instantly turned into a red mist, dissipated in the air!

"Hey..." Seeing Xiao Hua so stubbornly fighting, the cold song is first scorned. "It’s just a small child’s ear. How is it the enemy of my country? Waiting for exhaustion, you can’t be soft and numb? Where can you be a veteran? The enemy?"

"Booming..." The road is awesome or half-foot-sized, or a few feet in size. It’s not falling from the clouds at high altitude. Every time, with a strong momentum, you want to kill Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua. Holding the wishful stick in this air column is more than enough, the gas column will be completely red-faced in the black cloud ridge, Xiao Hua is still intact! The **** red horse is certainly a strong iron horse. In the face of Xiao Hua, the **** of the gods, it is really fragile. It is not only the iron horse collapse between the punches and kicks, but also the happiness of Xiao Hua. These iron horses are also invisible. ! It seems that Xiao Hua is the nemesis of this iron horse! He was like a wolf in the flock, and he was invincible. .

"Ha ha ha..." North Guo Yuming, who was on the top of the clouds, laughed, almost slamming down the Wanma under the clouds. Said to Du Shanjun, "Good Jun, you can see, this soldier... always relying on the strength of the terracotta warriors, seeing a small monk with a good martial art, they have no countermeasures! It is really humiliating my Confucianism. face!"

Du Shanjun knows that the college of his college is somewhat inconspicuous with the national teacher. He only smiles a little and does not say much. Suddenly, Junshan’s face was slightly changed, and he whispered: “The court is an adult. The national teacher seems to use Jin Ge! And it seems that this sturdy Jin Ge still contains 诛仙弩 and弑 弓 bow, this thought is a bit sinister!"

"There is illusion in reality, and there is truth in imaginary. It is for 诡. It is the way of the military." North Guo Ming sneer. "Isn't he just sitting on the position of the national division by this?"

Sure enough, the words of North Guo Mingming just fell, thousands of Jin Ge from the heights of the clouds. Born in all directions, it seems like a locust flying like a dance to the joyful Xiaohua.

“It’s really noisy!” Xiaohua shouted. “Is there any real means? What are the tricks for Xiao’s itching?”

Said, Xiao Hua seems to care about these Jin Ge, striding like a wolf into the flock, still chasing in the direction of the cold song!

"No?" Dushan was stupid and raised his hand. "This...this Xiaohua actually...doesn't resist the Jin Ge Arrows?"

Bei Guoming is also frowning, whispering: "The monk of the Daomen has the golden light of the body. This Xiaohua has the repair of the four elements of Yuanli. Is it afraid to resist Jin Ge?"

"But the 诛 弩 弩 弑 弑 弑 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 正是 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”!

Bei Guoming Ming looked at Dushan, and smiled: "Good, you know these secrets, Xiaohua doesn't know!"

Du Shanjun shook his head slightly, and his interest in the gaze was even more intense. He felt that Xiao Hua would never be as simple as the hospital said.

Sure enough, "hey..." is like a rain-like banana-like sound. Hundreds of Jin Ge densely hit Xiaohua’s golden body of more than 20 feet! The other thousand Jin Ge wiped Xiao Hua’s golden body and inserted it into Heiyunling!

"Booming bang..." A burst of strong sounds from the mountains, the mountain that was completely unrecognized by the iron horse is now being smashed again, the mountains are falling, the rocks are cracked, and the smoke is splashing! Can be seen the power of these Jin Ge.

However, these Jin Ge, who are stabbed in Xiaohua’s golden body, are also very unsatisfactory. These Jin Ge are really like raindrops. They only played Xiaohua’s golden body and trembled, then they slipped from the golden body and could not Xiao Hua’s golden body is a threat.

"Oh..." In Xiaohua’s disregard, another wave of Jin Ge fell, and this time, Xiao Hua’s brows were slightly raised, as if he had noticed the anomaly, but he still ignored it. The 诛仙弩 and 弑神弓 fell on themselves.

Jin Ge does not have to say, it still has no effect, but the 诛仙弩 and 弑神弓 are different, the bow thorns on the golden body of Xiao Hua, hundreds of thousands of inscriptions swarmed out, flashing strongly Qingguang, the rapid tearing of the golden light of the golden body, a stock has a sharp whirlwind than the sharp cone, born from the void, pierced into the golden body of Xiao Hua, in particular, on the bow of the gods, an article covered with inscriptions On the golden body, the golden light is annihilated, and the sharp and incomparable bow is deeply penetrated into the body of Xiao Hua! It is a pity that these 诛仙弩 or 弑神弓, even if it is sharp again, can be a soldier after all, how can it penetrate Xiaohua and spend countless efforts to quench the demon? Hundreds of bows have fallen from Xiao Hua’s gold, like the helplessness of the bronze pillar soldiers.

The cold Qing song looked far away, his face was extremely ugly, he really couldn’t think that Xiao Hua’s skill was so strong, and it was still a rare physical repair in the door. Are these people with bronze arms not the nemesis of their own Jin Ge iron horse? The defensive array that I have painstakingly thought about now seems to have become the famous place of Xiao Hua!

"Oh... the old man is looking at it, how can you rush out of the siege of the Jin Ge Iron Horse!" However, the cold Qing song is also anxious, within the five Jin Yun map, the awe-inspiring atmosphere is extremely strong, whether it is Jin Ge or iron horse is almost endless, Even if the 诛仙弩 and 弑神弓 are gone, relying on these alone can exhaust Xiao Hua’s strength!

Who knows, it’s half-baked tea, Xiao Hua smiled up and said: "Ha ha ha, cold old child, you have so many means, since you have no new gadgets, let you see Xiaomou Means!"

Said, Xiao Hua will take a mouth and cover the sea and fly out of the air. "Hey..." There is no heaven and earth aura inside the whole five brocades, but Xiao Hua will wave his hand and the real yuan in the body will be sent. The seal of the sea made a strong roar, and in a moment it was turned into a dozen!

"This Xiaohua... is too powerful!" Jiang Yuming in the distance was also shocked and whispered. "Until then, there is no means for the cold-song song. He took out the magic weapon of the gate, and he defeated it before. The cold song is just the slightest way of the door!"

"Boom..." Without Jiang Yuming's thoughts, Xiao Hua's cover of the sea was printed, and the dragon whistling and rushing to the sky, Xiao Hua's hand was again a finger, and the seal was instantly turned into several acres. With the dragon's rushing down, the Wanmao will become a powder!

"Cold old boy, your Jin Ge iron spear is just like this!" Xiao Hua sneered. "If you don't shoot again, Lao Tzu will be able to make your disciples and grandchildren into meat!"

"Looks like you really have some means! Come, come, come, the old man fights with you for eight hundred rounds!" Being bullied by Xiao Hua into such a way, the cold Qing song can no longer retreat, throwing a wave of iron in his hand, a string of broken The sound of the air, led to a few Haoran gas column stabbed Xiaohua.

Where will Xiao Hua fear him? If you want to swing, it is very exciting: "Where is it used for eight hundred rounds? If you can hold five hundred rounds in front of Xiao, Xiaomou will drop the stick and fight with you!"

The cold-song song was heard, and the nose was almost discouraged. What was the bet that lost the stick? You don't have a magic weapon if you don't have a stick?

Can not wait for the cold song to say anything, the suffocating wind has been smashed, can not let him hesitate.

Xiao Hua is really watching the cold songs, although the cold songs are the generals of the martial arts, and the top monks of the Yuanli four products, but how can his strength compare with Xiao Hua? Moreover, the tricks and the arrogance of the cold songs are nothing in front of Xiao Hua. Although Xiao Hua has not concealed the special attention of the Confucian family, he has already repaired it to the level of Yuan Ying, but he has spent more than 100 lives. After the round, the cold Qing song would no longer dare to use the smashing iron gun and Xiao Hua's wishful stick! Waiting for another ten rounds, the cold Qing song is quite stretched, although Xiao Hua has not used any imprisonment techniques, but the cold songs feel that their hands and feet are tied, ten percent of the martial arts is difficult to play 50%.

There is some urgency in the cold-song song. Think about what he said earlier. Xiao Hua actually relied on his own efforts to resist the power of a country in the copper pillar country. If he killed him again, he would not really want to fall here. At the place! Thinking of this, Leng Qingge did not hesitate to take a hand, "Boom..." The golden top of the song was cold, and Jin Ge, who had already earned money in the body, rushed out again, but see the golden light of Baizhang. Thousands of Hao Ranqi with this golden light rushed to Xiao Hua, and Jin Ge, a sharp bite into the heart and lungs seems to be able to cross the sky and penetrate into Xiao Hua's body!

"Ha ha ha..." Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He watched the blood of the cold songs go gradually, and the bronze brilliance flourished. How can you not know that this cold song is to be used like a magical sword? Xiaohua laughed and laughed. He took a hand and simply gave up the power of Feijian. Yuan Ying’s hand stretched out and did not digest for a few acres. Only a few dozen feet have already been the gold of the gold gas. Ge is firmly covered, and Ren Qingqing’s red face can’t push Jin Ge to half a inch!

Seeing the cold songs will be defeated by Xiao Hua, but listening to the high altitude, a layer of blue brocade, like a rainbow, is falling in front of Xiao Hua’s Yuan Ying’s hand, above the clouds, thousands of winds. The volcanic forest rushed out in front of Xiao Hua... (to be continued.)

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