Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2244: Drinking thirst

"Oh..." The Wenshan character sea just collapsed. There were two loud sounds of the lyre in the air. When it was time, two flowers of blue color were born in two places in the sky. This flower looks weak and windy. Among the blue clouds, it looks extraordinarily pitiful. It seems that there is a wind in the market. The flowers are blown by the petals. "Brush..." It’s like autumn rain, with the petals flying around, the whole sky is covered. !

"Oh..." It’s like a solitary sigh, and a few vibrato sounds, and a woman dressed in a palace dress slowly shows her figure at the end of the blue brocade. This article is by . . Starting

"Who are you?" Xiao Hua was a sensible person. The sound of the fallen sound made him feel a little sad, and he stopped and asked.

The woman stood on top of Yunjin, and she was covered by Yunjin. She could only see the fuzzy palace dress and body shape. The appearance could not be seen clearly. The woman flew down in Xiaohua, and she said: "Baihou Yuqin, who is responsible for the brocade of the five brocades. Xiaoxianyou is very incomparable, and it is easy to pass two bursts, and I have to come out to welcome!"

"Five Jinyun map?" Xiaohua brows and wrinkles slightly, "Xianyou can tell this big name, Xiaomou is very happy, but why not reveal the appearance? This is not into the small ?"

"Oh, Xiao Xianyou is the gentleman's style, and he is quite respectful!" Bai Hou Yuqin smiled. "I don't want to be an enemy of the fairy." But the body is both a citizen of the Tongzhu Kingdom. I have to face up to the difficulties, and I am in charge of this water brocade and the fairy squad! Of course, the fairy sacred gods are vast. I know that I am in this position, so I can only listen to this song. At the end of the song, people can be distracted, and they are also fulfilled their obligations. They will not dare to make it difficult for them. Once they are in the eyes of Xianyou, they will lose a bit of power. Therefore, I dare not reveal it, but I also hope that Xianyou Haihan!"

Bai Hou Yuqin retired and made his own difficulties difficult to say clearly. He also explained that he was using the piano to defeat the enemy. Hearing Xiao Hua nodded slightly. Laughing and said: "Baihou Xianyou said very much. You and I are hostile today, do not have to be sentimental, there are any means to do it. Xiaomou... naturally will listen to the audience, and appreciate the sound of Xianyou Qin."

"Xianyou invited..." Bai Hou Yuqin slightly owed. Sit down. Turn your hand. The green Yunjin gave birth to a piano case out of thin air, waiting for Baihou Yuqin to put the piano on it and whispered. "It's all started!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua's eyes were slightly stunned, and the whole body was overflowing. The golden color of the dozens of feet slowly narrowed down and returned to normal size. Then he put his arms behind his back and looked at Baihou Yuqin faintly.

"Hey..." The sound of the piano was two simple sounds. The whole big battle was silent. Xiao Hua’s heart "噗噗" jumped twice and seemed to be confused by the sound of the piano. Xiao Huayi frowned. At this moment, a string of piano-like sounds slowly flowed from the high-altitude Yunjin. With the sound of the piano, the inscriptions were born on the brocade under the harpsichord. The sound of flying, flowing, and extremely fast spread throughout the sky, this is the green sky, the inscriptions are very rhythmical mutual interpretation, a glimpse of the awe-inspiring spirit, gradually, these inscriptions began to illusion, the night sky came out, the stars Embelled, the curved month is also hung, not only that, Xiaohua's left, a plant of willows began to appear, the side of the willow, a river flowing out of the river, there is a river boat above the river, A boatman standing on the bow of the river seems to be watching the mountains. The swaying willow branches are like the graceful appearance of a beautiful woman. It is more like the lonely mood of a beautiful woman. It is between the willows, there is a small bridge pavilion, inside the pavilion, a beautiful person, a son, it seems to be opposite, and It seems to be crying together...

At this time, a beautiful voice was born from the sound of the piano: "Cold and cut, the evening of the long pavilion, the first break of the shower. The door of the door has no drink, nostalgia, Lanzhou rushing. Seeing the tears, the words are confusing. Hey. Going to the thousands of miles of smoke, it’s so deep and deep..."

"Silk..." Xiao Hua has been on the alert since Baihou Yuqin plucked the piano, but the illusion of thousands of songs was born, and there was no abnormality in the sound of the music, even if he was not attacked by the lungs he noticed. . It can be biased, this beautiful is not like the human voice, the illusion in front of his eyes began to change, that willow, that long pavilion, that night is missing, but replaced by a sea of ​​ocean, at this time the seaside There is a beautiful woman who looks at herself. The woman’s eyes are full of sadness, full of love, full of decisive!

"Xue Xue..." Xiao Hua knows that this is a fantasy, and can't help but whisper in his heart. This is the sorrow of the monk, but if ordinary people are very acquainted with others, each person's dream may meet, but the monk rarely sleeps, even if there is a short break, there will be a dream? Xiao Hua is still thinking of Xue Xue in his heart, and can see the Nether Lotus in the shadow of the space at any time, but if you want to see Xue Xue's appearance, you can only remember it in your own memory! And this memory, even if it is as strong as Xiaohua's supernatural powers, can't stay strong. As time goes by, it gradually fades. Now, when you see Xue Xue lively, how can Xiao Hua not move? How can I be willing to break this illusion?

"Fu Jun..." Xue Xue’s voice was fierce. "I really want to be the wife of Fujun..."

Xiao Hua’s heart hurts, and the unspeakable sputum is scattered. It’s just to grab Xue Xue’s hand. The scene in front of him is changing again. It’s Xue Xue’s hand holding the pink jade slip, and it’s flashing in the eyes. The pain of words, whispered: "Xiao Lang, this is what I want to say to you, but this is a secret, after you get it... you read it..."

Xiao Hua’s heart was shrinking more tightly. How ignorant he was at that time, he did not know that Xue Xue gave her the heart of her, and gave it to her... her most precious life. Guilt is born involuntarily, think about his owe to Xue Xue, Xiao Hua is almost willing to come up with everything to exchange Xue Xue's life!

The illusion changed again, the palace of the Misty Mountain was in the eye, the poor Xue Xue was in his own arms, the face of sweet sleep was full of tears, the tears soaked his clothes, and Xiao Hua’s eyes could not bear it. I also shed tears. Yes, careless self thought that it was the saliva of Xue Xue, but I couldn’t think of it anyway... Xue Xue in the dream was still heartbroken.

The heart is like a knife... This is the only feeling of Xiao Hua. The sound of Bai Hou Yuqin still reverberates in the ear. Xiao Hua also clearly understands that this is a fantasy! He is not willing to crush this illusion, he would rather be intoxicated in this illusion, he would rather use his own safety to get a chance to meet with Xue Xue, drink and quench thirst.

Within the big array, at this time, Xiao Hua’s body is surrounded by green clouds, and the green gas in Yunjin is like acupuncture. It’s sharply drilled into Xiaohua’s body. Xiao Hua’s body is a flashing bodyguard. It’s just a fleeting moment, as if it was stopped by Xiao Hua’s birth. Within the entire space, in addition to the sound of the piano is filled with grief, this grief is more heavy than the green Yunjin.

The slow passage of time, previously only the brocade that entangled Xiao Hua's body, gradually filled the whole array, the sound of the piano is still clear, but it is somewhat slow, and the sound of singing is also euphemistic: "Lovely since ancient times Injury and farewell, it’s even colder and clearer. In the future, when the wine is awake, Yangliu’s shore is ruined by the wind. This time, it’s a good time for a good time. There are thousands of styles, and who said it...”

Gradually, the music is scattered, the clouds are open, and although a look is beautiful, it can still resist the corrosion of the years. The woman with the wind and frost between the eyebrows reveals the figure on the top of the cloud, and the woman’s eyebrows are close. There is no triumphant happiness, and some seem to have lost the heart.

"Congratulations to Baihou Fairy..." A hearty voice came out of the distant sky. It was the bronze priest who was previously injured by Xiao Hua.

Bai Hou Yuqin shook his head slightly and said: "Cold son, squatting in the body... The last time he worked for the monarch, and then there will be such a battle, no more to find out!"

"Oh, the fairy is too sad!" The shape of the cold Qing song has been restored. It looks like a handsome old man. He didn't come in, he smiled in the distance. "This is the door of the door, just You also saw that he is a powerful means. The old man and the Jiang family are not their opponents. If you don’t surrender him, you will be afraid that it will be a sacred sacred sacred continent. The battle of today is a great merit. It is when the king is rewarded. Removed one harm for my Confucianism..."

Unfortunately, before he finished, Baihou Yuqin waved his hand, "Hey..." Two sounds like Jin Ge’s piano sounded, but the woman said coldly: "There is no rhythm in the cold son's heart, now the rest It’s all killing! The state of the son is no longer the same, you only see the blood of this son, but you can’t see the tenderness in this heart. This kind of illusion, the heart is like a mirror, but you are not willing to think in your heart. The monk who has been erased, how can he raise up infinite killings? According to his own thoughts, if I am not forced to do so... he may not have a fight!"

"Well it out..." Leng Qingge did not care about Baihou Yuqin. After listening to this statement, he waved his hand and smiled. "Do you want to judge whether he is tender or not, and he can’t dare to pick up the blood, I will only Take it and send it to the front of the temple, and the self-owned monarch will dispose of it..."

But at this time, a faint voice is born: "Who can take Xiao to the front of the temple? Cold songs... Are you? Why don't you come to Xiaomou?? You are afraid that Xiaomou will you. Killing on the spot?"

The cold song was shocked, and the mouth hurriedly said: "You...you..." (to be continued.)

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