Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2251: Wulong Yuxi

"Impossible?" North Guo Yuming smiled faintly and pointed his hand. "Look at the situation of Xiao Hua today, even if the five-track axis can't take its life, it can also be smashed to the point where the oil is dry. If you have a heart, you can fly and kill it at this time! The great credit of this day is the fairy friend!"

Xi Bohong’s heart moved, but his figure was stable and rock-solid, and the movement did not move. Xiao Hua’s figure looked very weak at this time, but his face could be split, and the unyielding warfare It is just like the essence, so that everyone can't dare to look at it. Among the five people, there is no one to dare to challenge! ! !

"No, this Xiaohua is a little weird!" Jiang Yuming frowned, his eyes flashed deep doubts. "Xiao Hua is so heavy, how... How does the whole body have no trace of blood??"

"Oh, no!" said Xi Bohong, also exclaimed. "Even if it is the law of the gate, this method is the flesh, not a shadow. If the law is injured, there must be blood!"

"Daomen secrets!" Bai Houyuqin said faintly, "This is Xiao Hua who is leading me to wait!"

"Don't think too much!" The eyes of Leng Qingge also flickered and sighed. "I have five brocades, so I don't have to do anything fortunate, and I am ready to anger!"

Speaking of this, the cold Qing song is a glimpse of Bai Houyuqin and Bei Guoming, and said faintly: "This last blow must work together, do not have any slack!"

"Yes, I will wait until I know!" North Guo Yuming and Bai Hou Yuqin felt a glimpse, followed Jiang Yuming and others immediately. . .

Seeing that the five people disappeared from the clouds, they struggled to fly in the hollow of Xiaohua’s heart. I hurriedly endured the pain of the whole body, urging the body's potency, and the method of practicing the heavens and the earth, trying to repair the body, even the **** hole inside the blood is also under the force of the magic to repair the body. In Xiao Hua’s mind, the scene of the previous sinister anomaly was still difficult to wave for a long time.

At the same time, Xiao Hua’s several kinds of supernatural powers have long surpassed the ability of Yuan Ying’s monks, but these supernatural powers are different. The sword of the nine-sword flying swords is interpreted as a nine-star transit. After all, it is better than a real sword, and Xiao Hua itself can't turn the sword against the "French" sword net. Hundreds of swords and shadows rushed to the sky. The first to collide with the sword net, this impact is the beginning of the shaking of the entire large array of vibrations.

If you look at the sword, the nine-star transit may not be inferior to the axis of the text. Hundreds of swords and shadows are like a lone plum in the snow! But the sword net is even more powerful is the power of bombardment! This sharp and powerful force is certainly fragmented by the nine-star transit. However, the sharpness of the nine-star transit was also exhausted. Play between the fingers. The broken sword net rushed through the nine-star transit to the golden body of Xiao Hua!

The nine-star transit is not the worst, and then it is the ding furnace that Yuan Ying is urging with the Wen axis. This is the Xiaohua’s self-consideration. Xiao Hua’s Yuan Ying just wiped out the inner seal of the gods, and used the ding furnace to hold the fire, and there was no special quenching. Now, the kiln is ignited, and the fire in the fire is a fire. Really rushed to the top of the "land" character axis, only to defeat the 30% of the awe-inspiring spirit, and the Ding furnace in the green robes Xiaohua spurred under the Yuan Ying issued a rune with the tide, these runes flashed strongly Power, the birth of the remaining 30% of the arrogance of the gas, but the darkness of the black color, but far from the real thing can resist, the remaining power of the text shaft will be broken, even Yuan Ying There is a small golden blood in the mouth, and the whole air wave will be covered by hundreds of feet.

However, this blood just spit out, the green robes Xiao Hua immediately abandoned the tripod furnace, a mouth sprayed onto the ice mirror, the brilliance of the ice mirror, three brilliance vibrations, a roaring roar, hit Yin and Yang fish! The yin and yang fish's light and dark brilliance kills the ice mirror three-color brilliance, and the three-color brilliance also kills the light and dark of the yin and yang fish. Even the ice mirror under the yin and yang fish swells, there are cracks on the mirror surface!

The green robes Xiao Hua saw that the ice mirror was also invincible. He hurriedly pointed his hand to Xiao Hua in the middle of the air as a spare cover, which was printed under the sustenance of Panlong and turned into dozens of sizes. The birth and death of the yin and yang fish at the junction, under the force of the light and dark, finally cooperated with the ice mirror to kill the yin and yang home language axis!

The most relaxed, when it is innocent water, perhaps Baihou Yuqin has some sympathy, perhaps it is the sturdy river that was originally restrained by the innocent water, the real water is everywhere, the long river falls in the real water disappears, only the powerful impact The force is mixed with the starlight and the real water is smashed.

Of course, Xiao Hua himself was not idle. It was a great dance. When the Ding furnace was broken by the text axis, it suddenly slammed into the air. The "地" character axis was completely destroyed by the wishful rod. After that, Xiao Hua’s disaster was Come, the "Fa" word Jianguang overwhelmingly fell, Xiaohua dances like a great effort to shoot down as many swords as possible, but in the sword net, Xiao Hua's law is still wearing a lot of Jianguang cave! In particular, although the yin and yang fish and the "land" character axis have been damaged, the amount of internal pressure in the city still falls on the golden body of Xiao Hua through the void. Xiao Hua relies on the body of the golden light and the golden body. The strong resistance to resist, the golden body is inevitably torn, that is, the mouth is cracked open a great mouth!

The reason why Xiao Hua can only resist the sword net with the flesh, is that he used the mana of the whole body on the fire of red and yellow.

To say that Xiao Hua is the most powerful means now, it should be said that the blood magic knife in the left arm! Under the five great Confucian works, this Gorefiend knife is a chicken rib! Therefore, the two-color fire has become the most useful means for Xiao Hua. The "Confucianism" written by the Confucian Confucius created the auspicious clouds of the Five-Yuan Dynasty! This five-color Xiangyun connects the four text axes together, and is also integrated with the five Jin Yun maps. It is already the key to cracking the five sons. For Xiao Hua to live, he can only put the most important energy into this "Confucian" Up. Therefore, Xiao Hua displayed the ancient control fire to release the fire, and urged all the golden heaven and earth aura in the meridians, and immediately turned the fire into a fire net of several dozen feet, and the fire net will slowly fall five colors. Xiangyun hold! This auspicious cloud is very weird. The five-color balance is that the awe-inspiring pillar is not the same as the other four essays. It is just a steady anomaly, especially the star-studded star in Xiangyun is far beyond Xiaohua’s imagination! Xiao Hua feels that even if he uses the wishful stick, it is impossible to destroy the five colors of clouds! The five colors of the clouds are weird, the two colors of the fire are even secretive, the fire has just supported Xiangyun, the fire and earth inside the Xiangyun immediately melted, the other three colors also shook slightly, like the light clouds to disperse!

However, the fire is still not fully functional, and the auspicious cloud is still with infinite power, it is impossible to fall, obviously even if Xiaohua has broken the golden body, Xiangyun will also suppress it!

At this time, Xiao Hua can only spurt out the three heavens that have not yet taken control of it! As soon as these three heavens appeared, the five colors of Xiangyun instantly collapsed. Among them, the three colors were absorbed by Tianxin, and the unconstrained awe-inspiring spirit also fell into the heart of the heavens. Seeing that there was a leak, the green robes next to Xiaohua actually had the strength to handle. At the same time, under the stars, not many lightnings appeared in the space where the waves were rolling, and together with the fire, the original works of Confucianism were killed...

The original words of "Confucianism" were destroyed, and the other surviving essays were also ravaged. Xiao Hua was playing the last bit of magical power while being shot down by the "French" sword net and Haoran, and the green light flashed between the eyebrows. Wipe all the remaining inscriptions, and even take the axes to break! ! !

The sly Xiao Hua, the strong record, lived and lived five Confucianism!

Can live in the town is alive, seeing these five Confucianism disappear again, Xiao Hua heart to turn sharply, secretly figure out what other powerful means they have! However, after thinking for a while, Xiao Hua couldn’t think of these five people... even the many Confucianism after the five Jin Yuntu can have any powerful means!

"Hey, Xiaomou has reached the end of the strong, what are you waiting for?" Xiao Hua sneered, "Even if Xiaomou this Yuan Ying is now extremely weak, can not come out again, but Xiao Mou also has Jin Yuanxin marrow, Xiaomou body still There is a force of power, consumption ... will also kill you! The most unfortunate, Xiao Mou and the Buddha means! Amitabha, Xiaomou also mourned, South no Maitreya Buddha redemption!"

"Brush..." Xiao Hua flew about a hundred feet. Suddenly, at the top of the five Jinyun map, a little golden light was born. Immediately, the golden light is like the sun, and the whole big array is illuminated. The power of ruthlessness and ruthless power will come out of the golden light, and the same glory will be sprinkled throughout the glory!

"This...what is this?" Xiao Hua was shocked again, not knowing what means to use it.

"Booming ......" At the same time that the golden light gradually fell, the five gongs were born at the top of Xiaohua's head, but the five "children" appeared in the air. At this time, the five "children" are also covered with golden light, and the hands of the five "children" are all copied together, and the waist is slightly owed, which is like a kind of respect, a modesty or a kind of respect.

"Ah? This golden light... can it actually let the ‘child’ bow down?” Xiao Hua was amazed.

Waiting for the golden light to fall slowly, to the top of the five "child", Xiao Hua looked at his eyes clearly, this is a big four-way five dragons and jade, the four sides of the jade and the top each There is a golden dragon shape, and an inscription overflows over the surface of the jade. As the inscription overflows, a golden gas is born from the void and rushes to the jade, while the golden gas falls on the surface of the jade. It is made into a thousand small lines and wrapped in jade. Therefore, although this five dragons are jade carvings, they are also emitting strong golden light. (To be continued.)

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