Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2257: The rule of the monarch

"Yes!" Several of the temple guards ordered, hurriedly ran out of the palace.

"General of the style..." The father is also called.

The general of Wenfeng hurriedly got up and held his fists in his hands: "The end will be!"

"You take the soldiers, mobilize the soldiers and horses everywhere, hold the land that is now captured, do nothing, and wait for the next step of the monarch!"

"The end will follow the purpose!" General Wenfeng went to the sound.

The father also called out: "The general riding a horse..."

"The end will be..."

"You bring your troops and horses to the left and close to the palace, and guard against Jiang Guoyu’s sneak attack..."


"General Tiger General..." Just when the father had to give orders again, the monarch spoke first. "You bring you Ai Qing, go to the Qingxin Temple to rest, and then discuss the countermeasures with the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Housing. Discuss everything, then come!"

"The end will obey!" The general of the Tigers ordered the hand to press on the sword of the waist. Before going to the temple door, he looked at the officials coldly.

Seeing the monarch returning to normal, calmly giving orders, the father's face showed a smile, and slowly sat on the chair.

Many of the courtiers climbed up on the ground, or they had doubts in their eyes, or they were panicked in their faces, or they had a well-thought-out or calm, and slowly withdrew from the royal palace. At the office.

"You are waiting to retreat!" The monarch glanced at the temple guards around him, and some treacherous palace eunuchs waved their hands and told them, "The imperial palace can't stay in the vicinity of ten feet. Once someone approaches the stand, kill!"

"Yes!" It seems to be courageous, and with the palace **** squatting back.

When the emperor's palace was cleaned, the monarch no longer spoke, only quietly watching the top of the temple that had been broken before, and staring for a long time.

At this time, the father was calm, sitting leisurely on the chair, watching the monarch, the former respectful eyes now have a little more kindness.

"Father..." There was a meal, and the monarch had an opening, but his eyes did not leave the sky at the top of his head. "I haven't seen the blue sky for a long time. Today, I saw that there was nothing to change, just like the blue that you saw in the Royal Garden when you were young!"

"Yeah, the old minister still remembers that when the veteran minister was explaining the emperor's heart to my king. My king is not good to listen. Instead, I look at the blue sky. The old minister is still angry with the king and slaps it!" The father's face showed a trace Smile, "I still remember what I said on the day?"

"Hey, the father. At this time, the emperor has no other people, even though the father is called the name of the lonely!" The monarch sighed and said, "At that time, I was so small, I didn't remember what I said."

"Oh, Hirohiro, you should say such a sentence, 'Heaven is so blue, how beautiful it is, how big is the sky, how wide, father, ah, how is the heart of the child? Big, that would be great!'" The father said with a smile, the folds on his face were full of smiles. "The old minister was stupid. You are only six years old. If you say so philosophical words, the old minister’s The hand will never be able to fight anymore."

"Oh, but it is a child's joke, the father actually remembers so clearly." The monarch smiled helplessly.

The father is a serious man: "Yu Hong, if you think so, you are wrong. The heart is big, how high is the sky, only a broad heart can let you ride in this world! If the ancestors did not have this How can we build a copper pillar country than a big heart?"

Speaking of this, the father hesitated and said: "In fact, the so-called dragon-shaped air transport, but after the ancestors of the family, the country's air transport. This dragon is a symbol, not the root..."

"Hey, the father..." Yu Hong slowly went to Yutai, came to the front of the father, and squatted down and took the hand of the father. "There are no relatives in this world, and there is nothing to trust. People, fathers and fathers have weights in the lonely heart. In front of the father, the loneliness should not be concealed, but many things, even if they are tired, they will not dare to speak with their fathers. The worry is not the jade, nor the dragon..."

"Ah? Honger..." The father suddenly called the name of Yuhong and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"Is the father still thinking about leaving the country to go to Heiyunling to annihilate the door to the rest of the road?" He Hong laughed. "And the father has repeatedly written on it, to think twice and then do not easily capture the neighbors. country……"

"Oh, it's true!" The father took the hand of Yuhong, as if looking at his children and grandchildren, sighing, "My king has always been wise, and the country is well-organized. My national power of Tongzhu is better than Jianguo and Gaza. The country is strong, but if you want to swallow them, especially if my king swallowed two countries in one breath today, I still have no grasp. The old minister feels that he can't keep up with my king's thoughts, and he feels that it is a cold song. My king, this is angry..."

"Fathers misunderstood the national division, but also misunderstood the lonely! Father and see what this is?" Yan Hong took his hand out of the father, and the detective took a slap-sized token from his arms, and the token looked very It is normal. When the token appears in the air, it creates a colorful cloud. The cloud surrounds the token and accumulates a palace in the air about half a foot.

"Imperial Palace??" The father's eyes were surprised and shouted. "Where did my king get this thing?"

"Father, this thing is half a year ago, and the messenger of the Immortal Palace descended from the sky and gave it to the lonely." Yu Hong explained, "With this immortal palace, there are five brocades, five gas. The law of the thunder, and the other things of the Immortal Palace! The emperor of the Immortal Palace said that the fairy palace is a fancy to the prosperity of my copper pillar country, and this is the help of the help of the copper pillar country. The name of the First Empire. However, Xian said that it is clear that no one can know this secret, and it is afraid of causing dissatisfaction with other countries of Confucianism in the Tibetan Immortals."

The father frowned, staring at the immortal palace order, as if thinking about something, straightforward and half-baked, this opened: "So my king did not discuss with the old minister, he decided to fight with the national teacher to fight the country, He won the Jiang State with the speed of lightning, and then fled the Yangtze Princess of the Jiang State, and wanted to take advantage of the country’s hook to capture the Gaza State.”

"Yes, it means this alone!" Yan Hong did not hide it. He said, "The country of Gaza is a Buddha and a country. The gangs are very united. My arrogant attack will cause dissatisfaction in other countries. Saskatchewan intervened in the case of Princess Changling, and it was a good name to be conquered! Unfortunately, Princess Changling did not escape to Gaza, but was rescued by a monk named Xiaohua in Heiyunling! It is also the blood monument in the tree of the Seven Yangguan, hard to smash my copper pillar Yushuyuan, broken the lonely face!"

The father opened his mouth, but it seems to think of something, but also shut up, listening to Yu Hong decomposition.

"The soldiers who went to chase and kill the Princess of Changling will be destroyed by the whole army. They will realize that Xiaohua is well-informed, and even the forces behind him are very powerful." Yan Hong said, "So I am alone with the national division." After deliberation, I will give him the five-golden map and the five-powered justice that he gave, so that he will kill Xiao Hua in Heiyunling anyway! But then the national division and other sieges in Heiyunling have not seen in the past month. Xiao Hua should fight, but the goblins, as well as the embers of Jiang Guo, showed up. The national teacher was afraid of any accidents, and he discussed with the orphans. He took out the town’s jade, and gave him the secret technique of the immortal. In the eyes of the lonely, even if the door of Xiao Hua is powerful, he may have escaped the five-powered thunder and escaped the five sons of the five Jin Yuntu. But he could not escape the wrath of the emperor! Where do the disciples know this? But...but...who thought..."

Speaking of this, Yan Hong is somewhat dejected, because Xiao Hua’s dragon does not know how many times he is stronger than him. He really steals chicken and does not erode the rice.

"It seems that the cold song is afraid that it will not be able to come back, and the Royal Academy and other people will not come back!" The father nodded, "My king is greatly damaged this time!"

"Well, I don't worry about the dragon being swallowed. After all, the copper pillar country is in the hands of the lonely." Yu Hong replied, "But the five Jin Yun map, the five gas is right, the magic is the gift of the fairy, in case Immortal patrol, can't cope!"

"Does the king have thought of why the immortal lord came to find the king? Is it not a country above the Tibetan celestial continent that there is no stronger country than the national power of the country, and the air transport is more prosperous?"

"The strong national strength should be everywhere!" 嬴弘一愣, do not understand, "If you look at it compared to air, lonely..."

"Is this the fear that the immortal makes it?" The father was somewhat disdainful, and actually interrupted Yuhong’s words.

You can’t be surprised by the fact that you can’t be surprised. “It’s true. It’s true that you don’t care about your father. Actually, you’ve thought about it. Although Xian’s has also proposed other conditions, if you carefully try to figure it out... This is something that is related to the Xi State. !"

"Oh, my king! Since you all understand, why do you have to enter?" The father sighed, "The sacred Buddha's battle is unpredictable, and one will be careful if there is no bones. Why do I have this copper pillar? Drowning?"

"Father, the position of my copper pillar country, with the national strength of my copper pillar country, is the best of the rule of the country!" Yan Hong smiled, "If the fairy palace is looking for a country, not my copper pillar country can not!"

"My king is afraid to see through it long ago, but I want to borrow the wind of the fairy palace and check the banner of my copper pillar country across the Tibetan continent?"

"I know the orphan, the father is also!" Yan Hong nodded. "If there is a sudden emergence of Xiao Hua of Heiyunling, the plan of the orphan should go smoothly!"

"But, thank you my king for the old minister!" The father heard it, and frowned, said, "This is a wonderful opportunity for the rise of my copper pillar country, but the occasional Xiaohua of Taoism, this makes me Wang’s plan is a scorpion. The most urgent task is how to remove Xiao Hua, take back the things of the fairy palace, and push everything to the trajectory of my will...” (To be continued.)

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