Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2272: arrangement

Chapter 2,272

Fortunately, the troubles they worried about did not happen after all, and it was two days and two nights. The invisible Yuan Ying’s hand waved, and more than three hundred Tianlei rushed down with the dragon, the entire Heiyunling The mountain shakes, and then more than three hundred brilliances rise up in the sky, intertwined in the air, but listen to Xiao Hua scream: "town!!!"

"Call..." All Guanghua did not enter his hands at the same time. All the vibrations were completely gone. I saw that Xiaohua’s hands were more like a stone-like jade card. The stars were everywhere, and the brilliance was brilliant!

"Congratulations to the masters of the Dacheng, congratulations to the Lord's Eucharist..." Heiyunling a group of goblins and monks, watching the high-altitude clouds open the moon, and then look at the entire Heiyunling has nothing to change, look at the gods , Yuan Nian, etc. are not able to find out, all worship, and the sound is like a mountain.

Xiao Hua saw everyone and waved: "You wait! Now I have a big battle in Heiyunling, which is more solid than before, so you can practice with peace of mind."

"Thank you, Master!" Everyone got up and did everything.

"Xiao Wei, you are in charge of this town mountain spirit monument, the usage of one should be recorded in the previous jade!" Xiao Hua was slightly exhausted, and threw the jade card to Qin Xiaoyu.

Qin Xiaoyu took the jade card in the eyes envied by everyone, and he said: "The disciple understands."

Then Xiao Hua no longer said anything, his body shape fell into the Dongfu, closed-door retreat, this is a star-studded array... let Xiaohua burst into tears! ! Nowadays, it has already been the realm of Yuan Ying, the strength of Yuanli's five products, how do you feel that it is not enough! If there is a green robe Xiao Hua, if you don’t have treasures such as Jin Yuan Xin, you are afraid that you will lose face in front of a group of masters and monks!

Xiao Hua’s retreat is more than a month. Qin Xiaoyu’s self-accepted jade card does not dare to neglect. He first understands the use of the jade card, and the jade that was previously given to him by Xiao Hua, while arranging the defense and cultivation of the human monk. On the one hand, it is also the arming of the black bear, the golden eagle and the white lion to discuss the fairy, and it is not too busy to say.

Previously, the black bear and other goblins did not pay attention to Qin Xiaotong. It can be seen that Xiao Hua’s such great dynamics, they also saw the power of the five Jin Yuntu, not to mention the side, even for their own lives, they could not help but obey the arrangements of Qin Xiaotong. . Fortunately, Qin Xiaolan knows that Xiao Hua’s plan is more likely to be a human being, but it does not cause any friction with the three demon kings. During the rest of the month, Xiao Hua’s famous aftermath gradually revealed that not only the monks and Taoist soldiers scattered in the Jiang State came to go, but also other scattered repairs, or wanted to find a backing monk who came to the door to come to the door. Of course, the country of Confucianism and the United States also began to spy on some students, rangers, etc., but in the face of Xiaohua's guardian squad, most people are reluctant to return.

This is just a small storm before the storm. Qin Xiaotong himself is also very clear. All he can do is to help Xiaohua build the door and make a duty to make a foreign disciple. What he is eager to hope is Princess Changling and Xiao Jian. Act as early as possible, call the old Jianguo, recruit soldiers, and begin to recover Jiang Guo as soon as possible, so that the pressure on Heiyunling will become smaller.

However, resuming the country is not a trivial matter. Where can it be done by thinking? The Princess of Changling was busy all day and night, and Xiao Jian was also assisted by the dedication. Every day, the two generals, Qian Qian and Kang Li, sent troops to go out. At the same time, they saw that the soldiers sent before would return, but what did they actually do? The degree, with a bit of grasp, does not say that Qin Xiaoxi does not know, that is, Changling Princess himself is afraid of no concept. However, whether it is Qin Xiaolan or Changling Princess, now they are all confident. They never thought about the problems of the creation of the door. What is wrong with Jiang’s re-congression because they know that as long as Xiaohua is in town, it’s all It’s a matter of time. All the problems are in the face of Xiao Hua’s cultivation.

All things seem to be carried out in an orderly manner. On this day, Xiao Hua went out from the retreat. After a month of work, Xiao Hua was both rehabilitated and enlightened, and more was considered. How to do it down. Since the large array of Heiyunling has been arranged, Xiao Hua is confident that this large array can withstand the attack of Yuanli Wupin or even six-character monks, then he can leave Heiyunling and go to the former Yushan to Jiangjiang second. Guoshi Li wanted to save it. After all, Li Yi was a national teacher and had more experience than himself. In particular, Li Xiang is a Yuan Ying monk. He can play a deterrent role when he leaves Heiyunling. Presumably, this is also the day when Qin Xiaotong told Li to be imprisoned in the former Yushan, Qin Xiaotong’s own plan?

Sure enough, Xiao Huagang walked out of the quiet room, and Liu Yi, who was waiting in Dongfu, went to see him and said that Qin Xiaoyu had visited several times. It seems that there are important things to be told.

"With Qin Xiaoyu come in!" Xiao Hua nodded.

However, for a long time, Qin Xiaoyu hurried in, and went to see the ceremony, then asked the door: "Master, the disciple has two things to tell, ask the master to decide."

"Say!" Xiao Hua asked with a smile.

"The first thing is that after the masters have arranged, there are many Taoist monks who come to rely on them. Those who are low-educated do not say much. If the disciples see that they have good qualifications, they will discuss with them and see if they are willing to worship... ...Under the door of the old man. Of course, this disciple now does not dare to say that the door is made, but only under the national division of Jiang Guo. If he does not want to go under the door of the old man and wants to rely on the master, the disciple will follow the practice of Jiang Guo in the past. "There is a courtesy." Qin Xiaolan said, "There are some that are slightly higher, even several higher than the disciples and others. Although these disciples treat each other as a guest, they can look like they... ...still some dissatisfaction..."

"Oh? What dissatisfaction?" Xiao Hua did not understand.

"There are a lot of Taoist monks who are the strengths of Yuanli. They feel that they are high and want more, such as Yuanshi and Dan medicine..." Qin Xiaoyu’s eyebrows showed a grace, obviously these were the monks of his predecessors. It really makes him embarrassed.

Xiao Hua sneered: "Don't bother, if they want to stay in Heiyunling, then you have to listen to you! If they don't want to leave, don't have to stay strong."

"If they can leave... the disciples don't have to worry so much!" Qin Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly. "The grandfather's big battle is really good. After they finish reading, they have to rely on Heiyunling!"

"Hot!" Xiao Hua took the initiative and faintly said, "You control the big mountain spirit of the mountain, you can control the power of the big battle, but in this circle, you want to kill anyone! This does not have to tell the old man. ”

"Is this not good?" Qin Xiaoyu was hesitant. "They are the disciples after all, and some people are still coming to the lord!"

"Since you want to go to the old man, you have to listen to the old man's arrangement!" Xiao Hua waved his hand. "You are in charge of the big battle. It is the old man who trusts. They don't even listen to your words, but still keep them?"

"Yes, Master, disciple understand." Qin Xiaoyu did not think about this, but he knew that Xiao Hua was kind, and he was so disappointed that Xiao Hua was dissatisfied. Naturally, he had to sue.

"In addition, the lord... There was news from the former Yushan. There were several Confucianism and Confucian scholars who came to Yushan before. It is estimated that they want to wait for the lord to go, the things of Li’s predecessors... Wouldn’t it be said after a while?” Qin Xiaoyu slightly bites his lips. Whispered.

"No, Xiaomou is going to go out today for this matter!" Xiao Hua stood up and said, "Everything in Heiyunling is handed over to you. You are good at helping the old man to be good at Dongfu. After Xiaohua returns, he will There are rewards."

"Master..." I heard Xiaohua handing Heiyunling to himself. Qin Xiaoyu didn't like the counter-shock and hurriedly shouted, "The disciple was the disciple of Jiang Guo's escape. Although it is the best, it can be... Can't convince the public. If you don't give Dongfu to Liu Yi or Wang Yufei, the two of them are the boys under the grandfather, no one dares to say anything!"

"They must go with the old man!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

Liu Yi and Wang Yufei listened to the big joy, they all stumbled: "Thank you, Master!"

Qin Xiaolan smiled bitterly, and biting his lip was on the way forward: "Master, if so, would you please ask Changling Princess or Xiao Jian to give orders? Now they preside over Jiang Guo’s reinstatement, which is the most important thing for me now. thing."

"Different!" Xiaohua smashed the railroad, "Jiang Guo is Jiang Guo, Heiyunling is Heiyunling, and the building gate is a building gate, not too confused. And Xiao Jian and Changling affairs are more complicated, where are you specializing? Is it good to take care of the Dongfu for the old man?"

"Yes..." Qin Xiaoyu still wants to say something, where is Xiao Hua still willing to listen again? I waved my hand. "Xiao Wei, if you don't want the old man to save Li, you can tell the reason, the old man can listen. If you don't have these ideas, the old man will leave, the old man will have to look What other means can the Copper Pillars prevent the old man from helping the country to recover?"

"Yes, Master!" Qin Xiaoyu promised nothing, he knew that the burden on his shoulders became heavier.

"Liu Yi, where are the books sent by the Tongzhu Academy?" Xiao Hua said as he walked out of Dongfu.

"Master, all here!" Liu Yi listened, hurriedly took out a Qiankun bag from the waist and replied, "The books sent by the Tongzhu Academy are really many, and the small ones would have to put these books in the quiet room. You can see that the static room can't be put down. If you are small, please ask Qin Shishu to put those books in this Qiankun bag, and ask the master to check."

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua smiled and picked up, shaking hands into the space.

Waiting for the Dongfu, Xiaohua said to Wang Yufei: "Hey, let's talk to your mother, you go out with the old man, from three months to more than six months."

"Yes, Master!" Wang Xiaofei did not dare to neglect, replied in a hurry and ran out, but it was just a slap in the face of tea.

s: It was written too late yesterday, I forgot to upload, and today there is something...r1152


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