Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2277: Confucianism's way of life

"Well, this Xiaomou knows that it should be the secret of five angry and thunder!" Yuxi Xiaohua nodded, this secret is also a great question in his heart. This article is by . . Starting

The green robe Xiao Hua said: "Yes. Now I am waiting for Yuan Ying to condense the body in the five gas and thunder, and gather the road base. The doubts of the poor road are born again, why the five gas is right? Condensing the body of Yuan Ying, let Yuan Ying grow fast, and why isn't the thunder that was born in Sendai in my space? Even the thunder of the previous friends, etc... can't?"

Yuhua Xiaohua touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "This day, the thunder seems to be the same, but I am afraid it is still divided into many kinds. I remember that I have never heard of the Tianlei Leixing and the ground support in the past. What is Geng Xinjin Lei and Shen Jinjin? Lei, Jiayi Mulei, Bingding Huo Lei and Wuji Tulei, may be different from Lei Lei and other Thunder?"

"Not necessarily!" Green robes Xiao Hua, a detective, caught in the air, a group of thunder appeared in his palm, but see the lightning flash, the countless mysterious annihilation inside, even the jade Xiaohua can not look at it See through, "The poor road knows that this thunder and thunder is the beginning of life. The heaven and earth aura is also born with lightning strikes. However, the heaven and earth aura seems to be dead, or it is dead, not like the awe-inspiring Vitality, popularity! This is also the difference between my Taoist and the Confucianism. Why is there a vitality in the spirit of Haoran? Is it related to these five gases? Is it related to the five-dimensional Chaoyuan of Confucianism?"

"Not bad ~" Yuhua Xiaohua naturally understands the words of the green robe Xiao Hua, nod. "Although I also pay attention to the five elements, the five elements of the Taoist Temple are all over the world! The five elements of Confucianism are in the body! Since it is in the body, it is alive, not a death. The door is about five elements, and the Confucianism is about five things, although it involves gold. There is a fundamental difference between wood and fire!"

"Perhaps there is no difference in essence, but when it comes to the ultimate in cultivation, there is a fundamental difference!" Greenpao Xiaohua continued, "Sometimes the flow may not be returned to the sect!"

"The real five-dimensional Chaoyuan. I have not yet gotten all the time. It can't be partial!" Yuhua Xiaohua shook his head.

"Does the Taoist friends think about it, what is the 'yuan' of the Five-Yuan Chaoyuan? Is it the 'yuan' of heaven and earth, is the 'yuan' of the Yuan Ling Yuanguang?"

"Yuan. That is Tianyuan. The meaning of the Central. The five-gas dynasty is the five-gas-like cloud that condenses in the heavenly spirit, revealing the supernatural power!"

The green robe Xiao Hua is shaking his head: "The poor road is not the same as before the Yuan Ying received the five gas and the right baptism. It is obvious that under the five angers, the infinite vitality of the Yuan Ying body. The poor road is no longer Think so!"

"The meaning of Daoyou is, is this 'yuan', is it one?" Yuhua Xiaohua brows a wrinkle, and a flash of colorful light flashes in his eyes!

"Not bad!" Green robes Xiao Hua nodded. "If you look at it from my door, it is Daosheng! This is the birth! Life and death!!"

"Silk..." Yuhua Xiaohua sucked a cold breath, "Booming rumbling..." But seeing the whole space began to change, the lightning flashed.

"Daoyou said earlier that the "five-gas dynasty is a five-gas-like cloud that condenses in the heavens and reveals that there is no magical power", which is also explained from the perspective of pursuing magical powers in my door!" Said, "Daoyou has thought about all the ways of cultivation in this world...not necessarily all of them are pursuing supernatural powers, not necessarily pursuing power, not necessarily pursuing longevity! If they are all like the supernatural powers, they are only brave and brave, Isn't it simple in this world? Nothing is gorgeous? Daoyou thinks about that little mine, and I am waiting for these eggs under my feet... Why haven’t they been awake after the yin and yang have been opened? Was it awakened under the spur of the five gases?"

"Boom..." The whole space is like a sudden night, and suddenly it is suddenly bright, and Yuhua Xiaohua loses his voice. "Is this the way of Confucianism, the way of life? The purpose of the cultivation of Confucianism... the mystery of the book that day and Isn't it the magical power of Tongtian? It's the mysterious life? Now that Confucianism has produced a lot of people, are they practicing wrongly? Or are they all misunderstood? After they killed my door, they envied my door magic. The mighty, the pursuit of the effect of the spell?"

"If this is the case, when you can explain why Haoran’s gas is energetic, why does Xinxin have a book that cannot be read?"

"Confucianism is a life, then what about death??" Yuhua Xiaohua is frowning again. "Is it a Buddha??"

"Death??" Green robes Xiaohua shrugged and smiled. "The Buddha can interfere with the six reincarnations and emphasize reincarnation. If they say that they are practicing the dead, the poor roads are not yet! Only I am waiting under the body. Space is dark...just qualified to say a dead word!"

"What is the root of the Buddha's cultivation?" Yu Xiao Xiaohua is puzzled.

Green robes Xiao Hua can't smile. "You have to ask the bald guy above! He read the Buddhist scriptures every day. He has already achieved five gold lotuses. I am afraid that I will get nine products soon. At that time, you will not ask, the big day will come. The world is also coming to find you, telling you the roots of the Buddha in person?"

"Hmmm..." Yuxi Xiaohua understands that the Buddhist scriptures and Dharma of Xiaoling Temple are the foundation of the Buddha's cultivation, and he also knows that the relics of Buddhism should be fundamental, but what is the use of this relic? He didn't know.

"When the dark clouds are thick, the night is stunned, but the sun and the light will always appear. Everything will have a revealing day!" Yuhua Xiaohua slightly raised his head and pointed his hand. The whole sky was scattered, it was a sunny sun. day.

Xiaohua, a green robe, took a long breath and smiled. "It’s still a good place in this space. The poor road can turn over the hand and cover the rain for the cloud. In the Yuan Ying, it’s really awkward!”

"Dao You Mo is lazy!" Yu Huan Xiao Hua is also stretching and saying, "I am waiting for the future, although it is bright, can provoke more and more, Liu Yi and Wang Yufei, Qin Xiaotong and others, the aura of the seal seems to be a problem, I wait Must step up cultivation..."

"Yes, got..." Green robes Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand. "The poor road has just been pulled by you, but it is a moment of rest, you have to come to noise! ​​Why don't you go find someone else?"

"Who else is there?" Yuhua Xiaohua is also a bitter smile. Look at Gao Tian and say, "Heavenly friends are like dreams. The poor roads can't find his traces; the causal friends are like giants, never heard from me. Discourse; the soul of the Taoist martial arts has specializes in guarding the mysterious yin; the dragon yue daoyou is in charge of the air transport repair and is different from me; the Confucianism and Taoism friends are now immersed in the five-dimensional dynasty, to uncover the mystery of Confucianism; He is afraid that he can no longer be called a friend. When it is a bitter practice of Buddhism, he wants to prove that there is no Buddha in the South. He is a leisurely buddy, but he has a leisure time, but he can practice the heavens and the heavens. Entering the space; the bone-hardening friends? Do you think that the poor road can be used to move? And he is also practicing the Beidou Shenquan, which is the foundation of my cultivation. I wait. Ten people, can you get it?"

"Hey, Daoyou, I knew why I didn't divide a few Yuanshen on this day?" Greenpao Xiaohua sighed.

"How do you know that the poor road can't divide the Yuanshen after the three gold robbers?" Yuhua Xiaohua shrugged. "The poor road thought that it could be divided at will in the future. When it was, I didn't think much. But now think about it." Many more gods are afraid that there will be problems. I don’t say that the phoenix body has never returned. Recently, I have received another demon as a younger brother. Even the boned friend... is also a bit unruly, if it is later Can't get along well, the trouble of the poor road is even bigger!"

"Forget it, forget it, let's go." Green robes Xiao Hua puts his hand, "The poor road knows, that is the skill of the good, the technique of Yu Fu refining, especially the transmission array you want, the poor road I will work hard. I will not delay you to take out the Jinmuyuan magnetic, and there will be a big array there!"

"It’s still a friend of the Tao who knows the poor!" said the head of Yuhua Xiaohua’s smile, "The poor road went out."

"Oh, don't worry, look at Xiao Huang before going out. This little guy seems to have some problems." Green robes Xiao Hua seems to be casual, and the arched hand shape disappeared.

Yuhua Xiaohua, a hand, will see Xiao Huangfu now in front of his eyes.

Sure enough, as the green robe Xiao Hua said, Xiao Huang was somewhat languid, and Yu Xiaoxiao added a little bit of indulgence. He thought that when Xiao Huang went out, it seemed to be like this. Waiting for Yu Xiaoxiao to take a closer look. I don't see anything wrong with Xiao Huang.

"Xiaohuang..." Yuhua Xiaohua said.

"Nanny?" At this time, Xiao Huangfang was amazed by the awakening of the soul. But it was not as lively as the previous one, but it was slightly swinging its tail. Very plain.

“Do you have any discomfort?” Yu Xiaoxiao laughed. “If there is anything you can do with your mother.”

"Nothing!" Xiao Huang was bored and turned his neck. "The child is boring!"

"Nothing? What does this mean?" Yuxi Xiaohua did not understand, "Is it uncomfortable at home? Or..."

"Mother-in-law" Xiao Huang said with some embarrassment, "The house is very good, there is nothing uncomfortable, but it is because it is too comfortable, there is no outside wonderful! And the mother-in-law is so prestige outside, can kill so many bad people. , help the justice, the road sees the injustice and help, when the baby can be with the mother..."

"Ah?" Yuhua Xiaohua is stupid. He looks at Xiao Huang with some incredible thoughts. "You...what do you know about the mother-in-law? Do you know what it is to help justice? Is the road unspeakable?"

"Mother-in-law..." Xiao Huang put her tail on her tail and seemed to be laughing. "This is what Wang Haofei said!"

"What?? Wang Yufei??" Yu Xiaohua is even more stupid. "You...you saw him a few times!! Oh, not good!!!" (To be continued.)

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