Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2282: Zhan Rushui

"Yunyun, fast... issued a command to retreat..." When Zhu Gongzi burst into tears, he cried almost without thinking. . .

"The son is going fast!" Zhu Xiyun is more decisive. When he pulls the arm of Zhu Gongzi, he will hold up Zhu Gongzi and prepare to escape.

"No!" Zhu Gongzi yelled and struggled. "Quickly order! This is the last elite of my Zhu family!"

"Where is there any order to retreat??" Zhu Xiyun is even more ambitious. In one sentence, he will tell the truth. "The son, there is only going forward tonight, there is no back!"

"This...this..." Zhu Gongzi lost his mind. For a moment, there was a sigh of relief in his eyes! It’s just what you’ve said... It’s just a cover-up!

At this moment, a wave of sensation like a **** sweeps, and then a faint voice sounds in the ears of Zhu Xiyun and others: "Oh? Who do I think? It turned out to be Zhu Xi's Zhu Xigong. You are really waiting. I don’t give up, since it’s here, it’s also saved the general...”

It is a pity that the words of General Zhai Hu have not been finished yet. A much larger **** is more rushing than the sea waves, and the fluctuations are smashed!

A squeaking voice rang between the mountains: "Hey? How was this former Yushan so busy? Is it welcome to Xiao?"

But see, in the distant sky, a lighter group that is more chaste than the Crescent Moon flies like a meteor. A seemingly holy skyma flashes the light feathers, pulling a flying car to appear in the vision of everyone!

Among the light and shadow, a thin and tall monk dressed in a robe and his clothes fluttered. Hair is raised, if the same day flying Feixian!

"Every general will listen to orders!!!" General Yu Hu saw this, where did you know that Xiao Hua was coming? I simply stopped paying attention to the Zhujia family who had been killed by the black armor in a moment. They waved their hands and encouraged the infuriating.

"Oh..." Thousands of black armies responded in unison, all of them throwing hostile Zhujiajia, sorting out the formations, each urging infuriating, whether it is Zhu Xian or Yu Shen bow. It is all flashing clear. Countless awe-inspiring slams down, and hundreds of millions of inscriptions overflow in the glory!

"Predecessors are going..." Zhu Xi was almost screaming without thinking. "This is the sacred bow of the National Army of the Copper Column to create a special spell against Taoism..."

It seems that in Zhu Xi’s impression, no Taoist monk can escape from the bow of the gods.

"Ha ha ha ... but it is a small insect ear!" Xiao Hua looked up and laughed. Laughter raised the broken leaves in the woods. In the laughter. Xiao Hua fell on the speeding car. But listening to the thunder of the "rumbling", this extraterrestrial flying fairy came to the thunder in the eyes of Zhu Xi!

"Shooting!!!" General Tiger General has been through the battlefield for a long time, and the calmness of the face like a mountain rock does not move. Seeing that Xiao Hua fell into the air, he waved his hand and ordered the order!




A burst of bows and arrows rang, and the murderous movements resounded in the dark night!

"Booming ......" But see the lonely Xiaozheng, waving a hand, thousands of thunders born in the air, one by one violently rushed to the 弑 弓 bow and 诛 弩 弩, "嘭Uh..." The more intensive sound of the explosion is rising in the sky, even if it is a fairy, even if it is a sacred bow, even thousands of black armor, in the five products of the power In front of me, it’s really a play! Killing... It’s even more.

No flying arrow can rush out of the thunder net, no trace of killing can escape in the thunder!

"You all flashed to the side!" Xiao Hua smiled coldly, and took a hand at the top door. The sound of "bang", under the moonlight, a golden light, a hand of a few acres of Yuan Ying, out of the air, Walking towards the military camp underneath is to grab it!

General Yan Hu’s face was iron-blue. He had already heard the description of Bei Guoyuan. He had already thought of Xiao Hua’s strength extraordinaryly, but he still did not really estimate the strength of Xiao Hua. He still left the warning of Bei Guoyuan aside. He really did not block the strength of Xiao Hua!

However, nowadays, there is still a reason for retreating, but listening to the generals of the tiger, roaring: "kill........."

The boxing style moved again, and a tiger-shaped awe-inspiring column once again rushed to the giant palm that fell overwhelmingly!

"Boom..." Haoran gas column roared, the giant palm blasted a gap, the tiger-shaped flying shadow disappeared, but the entire Yuan Ying's hand was not stopped, but saw thousands of black armored military camps, Hundreds of 诛 弩 弩 弩 弑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧

Seeing the golden hand in the air, the golden light disappeared, and the weight of the entire military camp disappeared. The generals of the tiger screamed and screamed, and the spears in their hands screamed fiercely toward the smile. Xiao Hua standing in midair.

"You are a child! Why do you argue with the old man?" Xiao Hua sold the allusion. "Even the cold song is not the old man's opponent. What are you? If you take your life, it seems that the old man has no grace, if you don't take you. Your life is so noisy! Stop it, see if you can eat a good old man!"

During the speech, Xiao Hua grabbed his hand in the air, and the wishful stick showed that "long and long..." Xiao Hua broke off a few times, and the wishful stick grew to two feet. Xiao Hua only slightly waved, and the wishful stick was like a mountain. Your Majesty, "Oh..." is the deafening whistling sound that makes the body of General Sui Hu stagnate!

"Oh..." Ruyi is very accurate in hitting the hoe, a loud noise, the spear with the lightning strike, crashed in the hands of the generals of the tiger, the whole spear was split into two!

"Kill..." General Tiger’s arms are sore, but the war is unrelenting, a roar, the tiger-shaped reappearance in the double boxing, and the arrogant gas rushes out again...

I know, Xiao Hua did not hide at all, but did not mobilize the mana to display any method, but see Xiao Hua’s body shape suddenly blurred, such as the same breeze, flying in the blink of an eye to the front of the General of the Tiger, right With a wave of arms and a fist in the right hand, the arm is in the mouth of the tiger!

"Boom..." A clear, tiger-shaped smash, Haoran's gas is also scattered, Xiaohua's fist appeared in the chest of General Yanhu. General Yan Hu looked at Xiao Hua almost incredibly. He couldn’t believe that a monk’s fists were more powerful than the big martial artists of his army. Then he looked at the hard-working black armor in the chest. There have been thousands of cracks underneath, "Hey..." A black blood spurted out, and the whole body fell from the air...

"Plopping..." The smoke and dust rose, and the generals of the tiger fell to the ground. They struggled for a few times and failed to get up. However, under the broken black armor, the violent ups and downs of the chest showed that Xiao Hua did not intend to take his life.

"Er waited to retreat..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and looked around. He said faintly, "I am not an enemy of the old man! The old man knows that you are in the army, not taking it, etc. Life! The enemy of Seoul is the Taoist soldier of my country!! If anyone dares to go up the first half, the old man will kill his life!"

Thousands of black armies have no murderousness, and some face the Xiaohua, and they are at a loss. The nearest hundred people from the generals of the Tigers are not aware of the generals.

"You...you wait for my order!" General Yan Hu stood up from the ground and looked pale. He looked at Xiao Hua, who was standing in the air and flashing the golden light. He knew that this was Xiao Hua’s kindness. It can only be an increase in casualties, so he raises his hand, "Abandon the weapon, sit on the ground!"

"Oh..." The soldiers were relieved and placed their weapons on the ground, and sat down.

"Hmm..." Xiao Hua nodded slightly, no longer ignored the general of the tiger, gave birth to Xiangyun at the foot, and supported Xiao Huafei to move forward to Yushan.

"Oh..." But see Xiaohua just flew a few feet, but heard the sound of oysters on the former Yushan Mountain. Then, the top of the former Yushan Mountain, and the former Yushan Cave, made a great impression on the mountain rock. On the top, the unknown stone gave birth to the brilliance of Minghua Stone, which made Xiao Hua shine brightly. With the sound of the cymbal, a chain bridge slowly emerged from the stone cave. Above the chain bridge, the old man who was standing for two years, both of them are simple clothes, their faces are With a clear and lonely.

Xiao Hua saw the situation, did not fly forward, simply fell from the air, standing on the stone cliff, faintly watching.

"I don't think Xiaozhen is so generous, no wonder North Guoming is so admired." Waiting for the chain bridge to enter Shiya, the old man in front of the head arched his hand and said, "If you do, you can't hide behind the chain bridge." The trick is that the old-fashioned copper pillar country, Yan Zhi, has seen Xiao Zhenren."

"The prime minister?" Xiao Hua frowned, raised his hand and saluted, said faintly, "The old man heard that only the national division will be killed, and all the grievances must be seen on the battlefield. What is your copper pillar country? Child? The old man killed a national teacher, how is the general and the prime minister all come out? Is it necessary to force the old man to start with your copper pillar country?"

"The erect!" Yan Zhijin did not speak. The old man behind him yelled, "Moving the country and killing people, the entire Tibetan continent is smoldered by you and the door! You have to establish a country, you will go to the country, why bother?" I am a scholar of the Confucianism of the Confucianism. I will bring the jade to you, and see that there is compassion in your heart. The old man can spare your life."

"Oh... it’s really scaring Xiaomou!" Xiaohua smiled. "Who are you old?"

"The old man is like a water," the old man said in a word, the face of the proud color is full.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua Yang raised his eyebrows. He didn't know who the old man was. But Zhu Gongzi, who wants to go in the dark and dare to go in the distance, has already seen the technique of clearing eyes. It is not stupid, whispering. "Bronze pillar country... How come this old man is invited? Xiaozhen people... I am afraid it is trouble!" (To be continued.)

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