Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2284: War demon

"Hey, the children's play is also!" Zhan Rushui snorted, but seeing the awesome gas around him, he turned into a wind, holding the shape of the water like a water, and it has a direct momentum of 90,000 miles. At that time, the wind was even more whistling, and it was like Xiao Hua’s Yuan Ying’s hand. It turned into a huge fist and headed toward Xiao Hua. “Hey... "Xiao Hua's body is close to a few dozen feet of space, and it seems that the students of thousands of years have waved their fists and shocked Xiao Hua. This article is by . . Starting

Xiaohua’s brow wrinkled, and it was the smashing smashing of the smashing smashing smashing up a few feet of golden light and stopping. Facing the ancient and sturdy water, the smashing weapon was too fierce, Xiao Hua It’s a bit unbearable, but just smashing him is just urging 60% of the mana, and didn’t dare to do it all!

Xiao Hua looked up at the high-altitude fists, and there was a vast scent of smoke around the sea. He shot his hand on the chest, and five pieces of silk and five spurs rushed out of the air, and the silk leaves came out, and the five colors of the clouds rose. One mouth, five swords fell on it, and one of the cents was born slowly in the sky.

"Thunder, the command of the sky, Wu Lei, out of the public!" Xiao Hua tongue spring thunder, will wave a hand, five gas is thunderous, like five dragons squatting, "Do not talk about you The student, or the eternal killing, is reincarnation under my thunder!"

"Booming rumbling..." Under the five angers, the vastness of the vast sea of ​​smoke, the fierce killing of the fierce sky is actually faster than the boiling water falling on the snow, instantaneously made into nothingness, or integrated into the thunder. Or sneak into the void, and then see no traces.

"Brush..." Then look at the previous smashing shears flashing in the air, passing over Zhan as the water body, and the waist of the waist is broken immediately...

"The erect..." Zhan Rushui was shocked. "How can you...there is a technique for your thunder?"

It’s a pity that he won’t wait for him to say that Xiao Hua’s Yuan Ying’s hand is once again covered, “Oh...”, the big hand has already smashed the water...

"Let the old master!" The original Yan Zhijin, who had already flew up, just saw Zhan Rushui to escape the smashing shears, and his heart was loose. The figure was parked in midair. At this time, I saw that Xiao Hua suddenly showed a hot hand, and was shocked and angry, shouting, and also driving the awe-inspiring pillar. unfortunately. The awe-inspiring temperament around them has turned into a anger. Where can I listen to his orders? Yan Zhijin did not hesitate to shoot his head on his head. The water of a clear water looks like a fountain of water, rushing to Xiaohua’s Yuan Ying’s hand!

This clear water is fierce. The water snoring, the left left stone wall is instantly corroded in this clear water, but the hands of Yuan Ying are still golden in the clear water, and have not been corroded by half.

"But..." Yan Zhijin sighed and waved his hand, only to take out an inch of long bones in his arms. This white bone is like a dagger. It has a thumb-sized blood red rune. This rune is very small, and It was extremely weird, and others did not see it clearly. Yan Zhijin’s backhand pierced the white bone into his heart. “Hey...” a faint buzzing sound, the blood infiltrated into the white bone, and the whole white bone glowed with blood red. The runes that went deep into the blood were trembling. In a blink of an eye, all the blood was inhaled, and the whole bones did not enter the body of Yan Zhijin.

Yan Zhijin’s face was a red face, and he took a look at Xiao Hua’s big hand. He mobilized Xiang Yun at his feet. If his eyes were bloody, heeping and tears: “Xiao Hua, let go of the old master, or the old man will not let you go. !"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua sneered, big manual, and swung in the air in the middle of the sky. "You love to be a ghost and don't make a ghost! The old man never thought about taking the life of the old Confucian!" It’s being tempted by you!”

"Oh..." Yan Zhijin suddenly grew up in the whole body, and the shape of the hand that rushed to Yuan Ying’s hand suddenly accelerated, making a screaming sound.

"Peng..." a loud noise, Yan Zhijin's entire body burst, flesh and blood splashed, and a lot of blood fell on the hands of Yuan Ying...

"Some boring!" Xiao Hua frowned, waved his hand, blocked his flesh and blood, and his body shape flew in the air, cold and cold. "The old man said that he would not want the life of the old master. Why are you so anxious?"

The voice did not fall, and the hand of Yuan Ying turned into an iridescent, and it fell into the distance. It was only a few dozen miles away from here. This made the big hand loose, and the shrug in the palm of his hand was shaken to the ground by him. .

Looking at the golden hand, the god-like retraction, Zhan Rushui’s face is lost, he really does not understand, how Xiaohua’s Daojie Leishu may defeat his own arrogance, but he has no time to think about it any more, stretch his hand. , tighten the already broken waist to see if you can re-attach the broken place! ! !

Xiao Hua received the hand of Yuan Ying, and the Tengyi cut was placed in his hands in a half-empty moment. The night was darker, but the vicinity of Yushan was even more messy. The rocks were scattered and the trees fell. There were a lot of black armored forces that were hit by the mighty pillars and smashed into the stone wall and shredded into meat. After the awe-inspiring air dissipated, a **** atmosphere that was difficult to hide gradually dispersed.

“唉~” Xiao Hua sighed, and he took a handful of it. The five-gas ray of the silk was collected in the dantian, and was still dubbed by Confucianism Xiaohua into the Sendai, and then looked at the silence all the time. Yushan, Yang Sheng, "former Yushan Zhujiang, the old man is to save the country's national teacher Li Xiang, you wait for him ... and disciples can be sent out, the old man does not want to kill again!"

However, there is a full half-tea time, the silence is still silent, the night is still the night, and there is no change.

"Oh... I really don't hit the South Wall and don't look back!" Xiao Hua sneered, and God read it, faintly said, "In this case, don't blame the old man for being arrogant!"

Speaking of Xiao Hua’s body, he did not take any chain bridges and rushed toward the front Yushan Cave!

"Hey..." Just as Xiao Hua’s figure just crossed the cliff, and never flew over the foothills, suddenly, Xiao Hua’s body was full of blood, and suddenly the golden light was covered, and Xiao Hua’s mana was stagnant. The figure is like a falling stone falling towards the black water in the mountain...

"Old man!!" Xiao Hua was shocked, watching the blood of his body floating, immediately understand the reason why Yan Zhijin blew himself in front of himself, this ... was designed by him. Just as Xiao Hua hurriedly mobilized Yuan Ying, when the real yuan was drawn, but he heard a strange sound in his ear, like a flood of water, and at the same time, a burst of light and shadow was in front of him, and like a mountain shake, the scene around Xiao Hua completely changed. .

The former Yushan disappeared, the cliff disappeared, and there was only one black and dark place! There is no starlight in the darkness, no moonlight, only an unpleasant stench!

"What about the magical array?" In a moment, Xiao Hua's mana's mana returned to normal, and he felt that his brow was wrinkled and he stopped his body. It was just to open his eyes.

"Hey..." A sound like a bird's voice was introduced into Xiaohua's ear, but there was a weird rune in the darkness in front of Xiao Hua. This rune is similar to the Taoist rune that Xiao Hua practiced. It can be quite different. Once this rune appears, a kind of blaze is born from the runes, and even the positive runes are a red color.

"Hey..." The bird's rune has just appeared, and another roar has appeared since Xiaohua. This time the rune is different from the previous one, and it actually emits a light cyan color.

"What is this?" Xiao Hua's curiosity rose, and he simply received the eye of the law. The golden light flashed around him, and he was always changing. He was rather strange. At this time, there is still a royal squad in the Tongzhu country. More powerful.

"Oh..." The red rune screamed again, suddenly rising, and a flame erupted from the rune. A bird of similar size with a lot of Suzaku rushed out. This bird appeared red. The eyes turned, and immediately saw Xiao Hua’s still faint blood, and lifted his head. An unspeakable fierceness mixed with the rush of the sky and rushed to Xiaohua!

"Demon?? Demon??" Xiaohua was shocked? Knowing that I fell into the trap of Yan Zhijin, I dare not sneer in my hands, my hands are moving, and thousands of gold silks are born, flying around the wild birds!

"Call..." The wild bird will have a mouth, a red flame in the mouth, and the body is a lot of fire, and the rapid smoldering, Xiao Hua's shackles can not fall.

"吼..." The rune in front of it moved, and the rune in the back was naturally unwilling to lag behind. The brilliance of the water-blue color was born, and a savage beast with the shape of an anteater was born, and the same fierce flames, the same floods are hard to hide!

"Demon!!!! This is the demon of the Thousand Demons! Grandma's, how can there be a demon in the prison of the Copper Pillar?" Suddenly, Xiao Hua wakes up, this demon is afraid of the former Yushan. .

Sure enough, the two breaths rushed together and unpredictable changes occurred. The entire dark space burst instantly, and the void was split, and the dark water shone in the space. In particular, two weird characters The scrolls are spinning, and the two savage beasts carry the ancient atmosphere to Xiaohua. This breath is like the essence. It can be believed that if it is on the real cliff, it is a situation where the mountains are cracked and the trees splash.

The atmosphere of crushing everything impacted everything in the whole space. Xiao Hua’s body care golden light is in this breath, extremely flashing, as if it is to be broken at any time!

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was shocked, then spurred the law and the heavens, "Hey..." The wind was loud and fierce, and the golden body of a dozen feet suddenly gave birth, which made Xiaohua feel puzzled. The demon squad did not shield the world! I am urging the vast amount of heaven and earth to flock in the sky!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua's two big hands waved separately, one after the other and grabbed the two beasts. Xiao Hua's big hand was with his sleeves, and the shadows of the two beasts were suddenly covered... (To be continued.)

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