Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2296: Good luck

"Yes, real people!" The left-hand boy was more clever and hurried to get up. He picked up the jade pot on the case and smashed the spirit wine with a smile. "The cultivation of the villain is still shallow, but also the real person. A lot of pointing, if you can really enter the real people, I will not fall into the face of the real person in the future."

"Haha, you can rest assured!" Xuan Songzi smiled and picked up the jade cup and said, "The old man is in charge of the position of the national teacher, you can be a well-behaved professor disciple, although you just waited for the foundation, and later like the old man. It’s not impossible to laugh at Tianyu with a child.

"Where do the villains dare to compare with real people?" The other boy also said quickly, "The villain can ask for some immortal spells, and can do something for real people!"

"Oh, you can..." Xuan Songzi nodded, what are you waiting to say? Suddenly his brow wrinkled, his eyes picked and looked forward, that is, just the moment, a touch of colorful breath flashed away in the sky, but at this time the sky was just brightened, and some of this breath appeared. unexpected.

Xuan Songzi's gaze is everywhere, there is nothing unusual, that is, the gods rushed out, and did not find anything wrong with the left. However, just as Xuan Songzi just took back his thoughts, he felt a sense of horror, and he did not wait for Xuan Songzi to push the mana. A loud bang of "Boom..." was suddenly flying in front of the snow eagle. The figure is rolling up, like an invisible rope in the sky, under the snow eagle, the snow eagle can not maintain balance, the huge figure is out of control!

Xuan Songzi is obviously caught off guard, but he does not look the same. At the moment when the figure was smashed, Yuan Tian’s eyes were filled with a small hand, and a majestic breath was emitted from the body of Xuan Songzi. At the same time, Xuan Songzi waved his hand, the case, the chessboard, etc. They all fall into the hands. However, it is not waiting for Xuan Songzi to bring these things into the Qiankun bag, and Xuan Songzi will not reach out and grab the two boys who have fallen from the eagle's back. "Booming rumbling..." And down, a breath of ruining the earth is coming towards Xuan Songzi!

"Hao Hao gas column!!!" Xuan Songzi heart is slightly shocked. I can feel this breath and sneer. As a Taoist monk, he is more familiar with the murderous pillar than the Confucianism. He has a loose heart and will have a mouth. A small tower flew out. The little tower fell in the air. Thousands of cockroaches flashed, making a huge roar, and Baihua’s brilliance rushed out. The energy of the left and the right will be swept away, and it will rise to a dozen feet, rushing toward the top of Xuan Songzi!

Xuan Songzi himself still puts his hand into the Qiankun bag, and the other two brilliance falls to the two boys...

"Booming and banging..." The dozens of loud bangs in the past are comparable to the sturdy air pillars squatting on the small tower. The brilliance of the small tower flashes violently, and the sound of mourning is heard. The whole tower has just been raised. Hit back to the original shape and roll it up in midair!

"Not good..." Xuan Songzi's face changed greatly. He couldn't think of this awe-inspiring gas column so powerful, and the smell of destroying the earth and the ground was only rushed out of Haoran's gas column at this time, and Xuan Songzi was completely shrouded. Xuan Songzi’s dark road is not good. He dared not take care of the life and death of the two boys. Both hands rushed and swayed. Thousands of dark red filaments rushed into the small tower with the law.

The small tower is trembled quickly, and the phantom shadow of a circle rushes out, and every phantom shadow is born out of the turbulent waves, to resist the breath of the destruction of the earth!

The mana of Xuan Songzi’s influx into the small tower is just the right time. The second wave of Hao Hao’s gas column is comparable to the wave-like pounce. Xuan Songzi is also shouting loudly. “Where is the shameless mouse, kill me? , kill, kill!"

Three sounds to kill the word export, the small tower sounded up, then the sky, the sky, the flying flowers, "Boom..." The roar of the sound is endless.

"Hey..." Xuan Songzi sneered, the breath of the awe-inspiring pillar is indeed very strong, so strong that he is now trembled in his heart, can not help but want to release the Yuan Yingwei pressure resistance, can see that this life magic weapon will be arrogant The column resisted, and Xuan Songzi’s heart was scorned, and he was prepared to reveal a trace of God’s thoughts to explore the two boys. After all, the two boys in the electric light and flint could not fall too far.

"Hey..." Xuan Songzi’s **** thoughts had just been separated, and the snow eagle, whose strength was stabilized in midair, suddenly screamed, and the voice of this scream was very harsh, and the sound cracked into the sky!

"This..." Xuan Songzi was surprised again. He hurriedly looked at it. He saw a few rainbow-colored Hongqiaos flying in the distance from the distance in front of the snow eagle. Xuan Songzi has already seen clearly that this Hongqiao is not a monk's method, but a sword that is condensed by the five-color column!

"Amb!!" Where does Xuan Songzi know that he is in big trouble? When I was shocked, I was eager to take it back. I didn’t dare to distract myself. I manipulated the magic weapon in one hand, and shot my forehead with one hand. The hand of Yuan Ying, who was the size of Baizhang, rushed out and grabbed the rainbow bridge...

"Oh..." In the continuous roar, Xuan Songzi’s Yuan Ying’s hand was crushed by these five-colored swords, and the roaring waves were overwhelming. Such a big movement was also resounding in the space near me. At the same time as Xuan Songzi's body-shaped giant earthquake, the blood and light suddenly rise to the sky. The huge snow eagle struggles only slightly in the five-color sword column, and is immediately become a lot of meat.

"Oops..." Xuan Songzi naturally knows the power of this snow eagle, but also knows the power of his own hands, but these are not rivals in the five-color sword column. This oncoming confucianism is at least the fourth product of Yuanli. Intermediate!

Xuan Songzi’s fearful heart just started, and the air column that was resisted by the small tower in the sky was changed again. “Boom...” The gas column roared, and the pressure on the small tower was several times larger. The whole small tower Instantly annihilated, plunged from the air, and the breath that had just been stunned by Xuan Songzi even extended the deep fangs, broke the pressure of Xuan Songzi, and fell to the body of Xuan Songzi!

Xuan Songzi noodles, almost no hesitation, Guanghua Yishang on the top of the door, a Yuan Ying rushed out of less than a foot, it is Xuan Songzi just bred, not yet solid Yuan Ying. When Yuan Ying was out, the small hand waved immediately, and the flash of the Guanghua Ruo silk line, the small tower reborn, not only will the Yuan Ying protect, but also the place that emerged from the void, will have closed the eyes of Xuan Songzi The flesh is also covered.

Unfortunately, Xuan Songzi is still a small smasher of the strength of the sniper, not waiting for Xuan Songzi's Yuan Ying to promote the small tower, but see a five-color sword light born out of thin air, as if straight through the heavy shackles, and it seems to pass through the void Falling in the body of Xuan Songzi, it is just a soft sound of "噗噗", the brilliance above the flesh flashes a few times, the treasure of the body is pierced, and the body of Xuan Songzi turns into a minced meat. !

"Oh..." Xuan Songzi’s Yuan Ying made a sharp scream, and his eyes were like the anger of a fire. Until then he had never seen the true face of the attacker, and his body had been destroyed!

Xuan Songzi took the opportunity to make a decision. Yuan Ying’s body was full of faint light. He lifted his hands and held the small tower in his hand. The whole Yuan Ying suddenly disappeared in the air. Xuan Songzi wanted to use the teleport to escape from here and escape the ambush’s clutch. .

"Booming and banging..." A dozen of Haoran gas pillars were born around Baizhang, and they were completely closed around, and a cold voice was heard all around, "Repression!"

With the sound, the air column produced a solid around, the awe-inspiring gas condensed into a group, somewhere in the space, Guanghua flashed, Xuan Songzi's Yuan Ying face with panic revealed, very eager to look up, waiting for him to see At high altitude, a Confucian man in a golden war suit will appear, and his face will be with absolute solitude, because this Confucian will not know him at all.

"Who are you waiting for?" Xuan Songzi's voice is very sharp, and there is some feeling of anger.

"Oh..." The Confucian would ignore it at all, and put a mouthful of it into the air, but see a disc falling in midair, the horror of the previous awe-inspiring pillar and the destruction of the earth The disc is issued, and at this time, the Confucian will obviously kill the Yuan Ying of the Xuan Songzi!

"Damn!!" Xuan Songzi knew that he had encountered a Confucianism that had inexplicable hatred against the monks of Daomen. This kind of Confucianism had no reason to start with the Taoist monks. He screamed in his mouth, his hands twitching the law, and the brilliance of the whole body flashed, apparently to blew Yuan Ying with this Confucianism.

At this time, it was a multicolored sword light flashing, and Jianguang completely controlled the space of Yuan Ying’s neighboring feet, and the law of Xuan Songzi was born. All the heavens and the earth were gone, and Yuan Ying himself It also seems to be suppressed, and the movement cannot move.

Xuan Songzi Yuan Ying’s eyes are bleeding, and he has been practicing for thousands of years. Now it’s just to be on the Tibetan continent. He is actually ambushed here. The strength of this ambush is too horrible. The conflict is nothing but a tea time, his body is destroyed, Yuan Ying also has to fall, all the painstaking efforts, all the hard work will be turned into water at this time, he is really unwilling!

Seeing that the colorful sword light fell, Xuan Songzi’s Yuan Ying was also torn apart. Suddenly, Jianguang’s volume was actually turned into thousands of colorful instinct, just like the silk thread generally wrapped Xuan Songzi Yuan Ying, while at the same time The disc slammed down and put Yuan Ying into a disc.

The disc fell and slid down, turned into a palm-sized, rushed to the sky, and fell in the hands of the Confucian who was wearing a gold armor. Confucianism would look at the disc and grab the hand. The five fingers gave birth to five airs. Disk, as the Confucian will lift the hand, Xuan Songzi's Yuan Ying came out from the disc.

"Hey, congratulations to Wang Xiong~" A tall, Confucian student stepped on the colorful Xiangyun flying, and the Confucian sacred bones were prominent, his eyes were slender, and his sword was held in his hand. This sword reflected the beginning. The rising sun, the illusion of a rainbow of iridescence! (To be continued...)

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