Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2370: Tail fire tiger Ouyang Jingran

"Grandma's, except for the **** python, the fox is stunned, and Laozi is really not good enough to let others know about it! This is the confidant of the lord of the lord, and most of the things that the lord knows, so most of them know. It’s not far from Laozi, and the tea time will come! Then, let him, this is the thing that loses face, the less people know, the better!” Tai Shizhan actually thought of the fox at this critical moment.

After thinking about it, Tai Shizhan urged the shaft roll, and a flying crane rushed into the air and disappeared.

I know, this flying crane did not fly back together for half a day, like a meat buns playing dogs.

"No!" Waiting for the eager Taishi Zhanran is not surprised, the dark road, "Is it difficult... There is also difficulty in the fox side?"

Just thinking, "Boom..." The distant sky made a huge roar, and then the red-red glow of the sky, the clouds above the entire Royal Array were like waves, and through this cloud and the glow, Taishi Zhanran Seeing clearly, the place where the loud noise came, the red star that was previously hung in the air is now moving again, like a huge projectile rushing to the white moon in the distance!

"Red Star Lingyue??" Tai Shi Zhanran's face showed incredible, "Grandma's, the Taoist monk is really powerful, really broke this big star chain burst? That ... that the red star above the red star Was it won by them? Oh, it’s a pity!”

"Brush..." Just in Taishi Zhanran, let's slap it, when a good cabbage is pricked by pigs, the snow-colored Huaguang is sprinkled over the sky, and the red star that rushed into the moon is swallowed by the moon. The brilliance of Haoyue instantly replaced the blood red of the previous Yunxia!

Only, the most discordant thing happened, just at the foot of Taishi Zhanran, the piece of stars is still a blood red piece!

"Damn!" Tai Shizhan's face was slightly hot, waiting for him to send a fairy to go out to inquire, the former flying crane flew back. Then in the depths of Yunxia, ​​a Confucian scholar came to the cloud, isn’t it just the fox?

Taishi Zhanran did not dare to neglect. I hurriedly greeted the past and said: "Let the fox brother. Where are you going? The younger brother is very anxious!"

"Oh, Taishi, younger brother, is there any important thing? In the next few things, I went to the big star of the big star and looked at it. It was because I got the younger brother’s flying crane late." After the fox slammed the ceremony, he smiled and glanced at his foot. Yunxia said.

"Oh? How did the fox brother go to the big star?" Taishi Zhanran said, "Which Taoist monk got the red treasure of the red star?"

"There is nothing wrong with it, that is, the lord of the lord is going to do something." Linghu replied faintly. "As for who got it. I am afraid that the younger brother of Taishi also knows that he is taking out the door from the younger brother." Monk!"

"Zhang Daoran!!!" Tai Shizhan almost called the name without thinking.

"Yes, it’s him!" Linghu said with a look of eccentricity. "This is what I heard is extremely incompetent with the people in the sky. In the big star of the Red Star, the two actually joined forces to lead nearly 100 monks. Other forces such as picking stars and fire-dealing real people are not their rivals. The different treasures are won by two people. The most weird thing is that the ones who get the first treasure are the people in the sky. The little guy looked at the things inside and immediately threw them to Zhang Daoran. It’s like the two have already negotiated!"

Taishi’s brows were frowned, and whispered: “So, even if it’s a big star of the Red Star, the Taoist monk...has not fallen too much? So let the fox brother go because of this?”

"Oh, it’s not the matter to go down!" Linghu replied succinctly. "But as the old man said, the Yuanying monk who fell in the big star of the Red Star... is really too little. The Lord is really dissatisfied. I am afraid that I have to do some articles on the big moon. Right, how is the younger brother looking for an emergency? What is it?"

Tai Shi Zhanran listened, and smiled with a look. Yunxia with his fingers under his feet, helplessly said: "The younger brother has a master of Buddhism inside the star array. I don't know why I have not left, the younger brother has already got the life of the master of the temple, and must destroy this Buddha in the battle. And... the younger brother’s star map has been used, and it has not been killed. The younger brother has been poor, and this is what I thought of, letting the fox brother, please let the younger brother join the younger brother to enter the star array and kill it!”

"What kind of master of Buddhism? Even the star map left by the fairy palace can not be killed?" The fox stunned, and did not feel the brow wrinkled. "This master... can you and me do it?"

"Let the fox brother, the big star of the red star has been shattered, and now the big moon is in the head, the younger brother is still red in the star array..." Tai Shizhan is somewhat unstoppable.

Just, before he finished, the fox swayed: "If this is the case, the younger brother of Taishi, you are also anxious, come over the next road, and after a dozen other star guards, you can rest assured, they are the same. There are also some star arrays and living people, and their star array is also red."

"Oh..." Tai Shizhan suddenly sighed and smiled. "That's good, that's good."

Linghu thought for a moment, turned his hand and took out a one-foot-sized star shuttle and handed it to Taishi Zhanran. He said, "Let's do it, there are some important things, and you can't enter the star array adventure for the time being. It is the Xingsuo that Xian Gong left for you, and you are investing in the Stars. After another period of observation, if you still can't kill it, how are you sending it to the next?"

Seeing that the fox does not want to enter the star array, Tai Shizhan is also helpless. Since his star map cannot be built, how can this star shuttle be effective? However, he did not dare to say anything. He took the Xingsuo and smiled: "Thank you for your loyalty, I hope that this star shuttle will make a contribution."

"Try it first, better than nothing!" Linghu certainly understands what Tai Shizhan thinks. "You can't really be separated under the hood. You have to wait for the things that the lord of the lord to do first to help you!"

After that, the fox slammed into the hand and hurriedly went from beginning to end. He didn’t do anything to do with Taishi’s account.

"Go..." Although Taishi Zhanran felt that this star shuttle might not work, he still flew to a place where all the celestial beings would guard. He waved his hand and the star shuttle fell within Yunxia. And then disappeared and disappeared.

"I hope it is useful!" Tai Shi Zhanran stood on the top of Yunxia, ​​staring at the red cloud, I hope this cloud will turn white.

When Star Shuttle enters the star array, Xiao Hua can be unlucky! But see the sound of the thunder of the Star Shuttle, turned into a huge meteor, flashing thunder and lightning around the stars in the sky high! "Boom..." The meteor rushed into the superstar, making a bursting sound, and the huge sphere was disintegrated! Immediately, the fragments of the disintegrated sphere fell again from the heights, not only smashing the boulder on the previous boulder, but also some meteors that were transformed by the stars were destroyed by these megaliths...

"Silk..." Looking at the falling of the giants, Xiao Hua took a breath of coldness, and under the eagerness of the mind, the law was urging, and the body became a hundred feet up and down, rushing to the smallest piece! The same Bodhi's golden body is also a thousand Buddha's light. Several relics are integrated into the golden body. The mouth speaks the truth, and the king is not impressed. The face is still the kind of sad and horrible image, rushing to the boulder!

Xiao Hua’s insistence made Taishi’s possession sway, and it’s been more than a few months. Seeing the sentimental soldiers sent back one by one, the remaining dozens of reddish star arrays in the big array, one after the other Extinguished whitish, but the star array under his feet is still tenacious and bloody, and the roar of the star array is endless, but the Buddha master is not seen.

Sometimes, Taishi Zhanran almost believes that the monk is not only crusted in the star array, but also finds a handsome nun who has been repaired. Maybe there is a little monk who teaches the little monk Dharma. It!

And the **** fox stunned. Since I gave Tai Shizhan a star shuttle, I never showed up again. Tai Shizhan knew that the Feifei crane might not work, especially sent a few cents to meet in the past. Fox’s participation in the army gave Tai Shizhan a consistent answer: “General Ling Hu is not in the military camp.”

Of course, the fox is not in the military camp too history is not concerned about, he is concerned about who can help him quickly kill the Buddha master in the star array! Therefore, in the case that he hoped that the stars would not expect the moon to be stunned, he would have to find another helper, the fire tiger Ouyang Jingran.

Ouyang Jingran is a female repairer, but she has no ambiguity about a little woman. If the place where the bulging sac is still in the chest can make her somewhat different from Taishi, she can almost be a man. However, the only difference at this time was also blocked by the pink armor, and the inscription on the thick black face that looked like a tiger pattern made Tai Shizhan somewhat nausea.

Look at Ouyang Jingran, who is standing on a white-footed tiger with a few feet in size. Taishi Zhanran arched his hand and smiled and said: "Ouyang Fairy, please..."

Ouyang Jingran's thick lips moved slightly, and some of the fine-haired mouths were awkward, and the hoarse voice sounded: "Tai Shi, don't want to make any mystery, say... What's the matter?"

Tai Shi Zhanran saw Ouyang Jingran call himself Taishi, not Xingri Ma, immediately knew that there was a play, and hurriedly said his own things.

"Gege..." Ouyang Jingran listened. Look at the cloud-red color of Yunxia under his feet. He laughed. It was a pleasant laughter. It was like a broken ear in Taishi’s ears. "It turns out! No wonder! You are in a hurry! The maiden’s star array was previously trapped by a monk who was star-studded and star-studded. It was able to kill it in the squad, but the aging mother was careless and made him entangled with dozens of other monks. For this reason, the master of the temple personally went to the star array and slammed the old lady! His grandmother, isn’t it a disciple of the late Yuan Ying? Is it a great thing to run?” (To be continued)

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