Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2461: Yan Lingzhi

Seeing the whole cave situation, Xiao Hua’s figure no longer stayed and flew deep into the cave, because it was in the middle of the cave, it was a small pond, and there was another one above the pond. There are not many jade cases, and there are three things of different sizes on the jade case.

Xiao Hua did not fly fast, and God swept around the pond, and his body was surging, welcoming the attack around the jade case. It is beyond the expectation of Xiao Hua that when he falls to the jade case, he does not encounter any ban, and everything is no different from ordinary.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua’s glare is bright, and the smile at the corner of his mouth is difficult to hide. While he stretches out his hand and looks at the space around him, he can’t believe that he is so easy to get inside the cave. treasure.

"Oh..." When Xiao Hua’s mana touched the three things on the jade case, he produced a layer of small flaws out of thin air. This was hit by the thunder of the hands of Xiao Hua’s hand. Xiao Hua’s own technique of mine-leading is successful, and the body is also tempered. Under this circumstance, Xiao Hua’s half body is numb, and the condensed real element is beaten to completely dissipate. Xiao Hua’s body shape was unstable, and the “噗” sound fell before the jade case.

Fortunately, there was no ban before the jade case. Xiao Hua stood up for a moment and sneaked his mind a few times. The feeling of numbness gradually dissipated.

"Grandma's, this prodigal son's predecessor... It's too tricky!" Xiao Hua looked at the "long" style of the literature. Look at the things above the jade case, and smile with a nose. "How Xiao said is also The younger generation of Daomen came here. Didn’t open the door?"

Xiao Hua took a closer look at the jade case. On the far left of the jade case is a dark cloud. The middle is a magic weapon that is more than an inch long. It looks like a flute. There are several small holes on it, and the rightmost one is a jade bottle. There is a symbol on it, and if it is not expected, it is a panacea.

"Kungfa, magic weapon and remedy!" Xiao Hua thought quietly. "It seems that this must be the cave house of the ancestors of the prodigal son. These three things are reserved for the disciples."

"Hey. This is Xiaomou getting rich!"

In the words, Xiao Hua is also sweeping out of the gods, looking at the stone wall in the near left, and not seeing the stars and others come in. Know if they are not in the midst of a delay. That means that the Dongfu retreat of the prodigal son is not only this place. But look at the platform behind the jade case. Xiao Hua doesn't think there is any other hole in the house after this puzzle.

With this in mind, Xiao Hua unceremoniously opened his eyes and opened his eyes. It is good for him to start with it.

"Silk..." Waiting for Xiao Hua to see three three treasures above the three thick bans like a ball. The banned layer is superimposed on one layer, each layer has a lot of runes overflowing, and each rune contains a powerful power. Look at the jealousy that can't be taken care of, and there is also a matchless culture that flashes Xiaohua's dog eyes!

"Grandma's..." When Xiaohua followed the streamer and saw his feet, he jumped up from the ground. "This...there is a ban in this pool of water... Is it the baby?" The ban on this jade case is linked to the entire array of Dongfu?"

No, but see the whole pool of water is flashing multicolored colors, and there are black and white colors in the colorful, elegant, and the colorful light is connected with the stream of the jade case. As for the depth of the pond, there are actually The ban will block Xiao Hua’s broken eyes, and Xiao Hua’s current repairs will not be able to see the bottom.

After receiving the smashing eyes, Xiao Hua looked at the naked eye and sucked a cold breath again. He almost screamed out because it was not far from Xiaohua’s feet. Inside the pond, there was a Swallow standing in the water. Lingmu, Lingmu looks very wilted, but the purple tufts above the head of the swallows, like the sky-like fluff, is extremely eye-catching.

"This... This is Yan Lingzhi?? It is difficult to become a prodigal son of the predecessor... Also reserved for the preparation of the practice of dispersing the baby?" After the surprise, Xiao Hua carefully checked, after a while to dare to confirm! After all, this is the heaven and earth spirits needed to cultivate the baby. Although Xuan Songzi’s ink cloud only mentions the name, and this thing is not necessary to cultivate the baby, but if it is, it is the cultivation of the baby. Extremely important. Xiao Hua will focus on the top of the people, but I did not expect that I would not have to work hard to break through the iron shoes, and people are actually the fruit of the child. As for this Yan Lingzhi, Xiao Hua never thought about it, but what is strange is that Xiao Hua saw this Lingmu, and naturally he thought of Yan Lingzhi.

"Sure enough... this is Xiaomou who doesn't know who's got it!" Xiaohua thought for a moment, after confirming Lingmu, he thought for a moment and shook his head slightly. "Unfortunately, there is still no soul and earth in these memories." Oh! Perhaps these two Lingbaos are the same as the humans, and they are completely different from the names of the ancient times, so they cannot be found."

Although Xiao Hua has a hundred yuan of infants to cultivate the scattered infants, this Yan Lingzhi certainly can't satisfy the needs of these scattered infants. Seeing that Xiao Hua has space, he is afraid of not being afraid of it, as long as he has this kind of Yan Zhizhi. It will take a long time to meet the needs of all the baby.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua extended his right hand and gently stroked it. "咔嚓嚓" did not take it for granted. A layer of fine scorpion fell into the right hand of Xiao Hua.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua is already prepared and hurriedly, knowing that the direction of Xiao Hua’s hand is still unrelenting.

"Silk..." It was just a numbness in the left part of the body. Now it is numb in the right part of the body. Xiaohua’s mouth is standing next to the jade case, and it seems very uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Xiao Hua did not dare to try again. He squatted down and looked at it with a broken scorpion method. He also pinched the chin and thought: "The hammer of the mind or the wishful stick should be enough, but this is forbidden. The power of counterattack is also huge. This is the prohibition imposed by the monks who have been robbed by the monks. It is not easy to get into trouble. They steal the chickens and do not erode the rice. The most secure thing is... the fire."

Thinking of the fire that didn't even have heat, Xiao Hua was quite a headache. Although this thing has been tempered, there is no special effect, and the mana consumed by urging once is also extremely large. It does not matter how deep the mana of Xiao Hua is, it is directly consumed by half and half. Therefore, after the success of Kunlun mirror, Haiyin and other rituals, Xiao Hua will not consider it until the end of life, and the ordinary difficulties do not think about it.

However, now Xiao Hua wants to use the fire, it is obvious, Xiao Hua can only be used twice! At most three times, then the mana will be consumed, even if there is a baby. In other words, Xiao Hua has a choice, where to use it two or three times.

At this time, although Xiaohua, who is not very valued by Yuanshi, is greedy to look at three treasures, as well as Yan Lingzhi in front of him, it is quite impossible to decide.

"The magic weapon left by the prodigal sons of the prodigal son is absolutely unusual. It is not a spiritual weapon or a spiritual treasure. Maybe it is a heavenly treasure!" Xiao Hua secretly thought, "But Xiaomou can now sacrifice the spirits, and the green robe Xiaohua I also said that although some of the magic weapons in Xiao's space are not good, but after the yin and yang, they may become the treasures of the heavens. Especially the Kunlun mirror is now complete, although it has not been successfully restored, it must become The possibility of Lingbao is very great. The same applies to the seal of the sea, and it is promoted to Lingbao as much as possible. Therefore, this Lingbao can be ignored."

"Then is the medicinal remedy and the martial arts. Xiaomou now has a good cloud of Moyun, which records almost complete exercises. The ancestors of the prodigal son are of course a robbery monk, but what he left... may not exceed Du Shanjun, it is the reason why this ink cloud, Xiaomou does not have to think more, just the target falls on the jade bottle. Then, this is the spirit of wisdom, this thing is not necessary to cultivate the scattered baby, but also cultivation The key to loosening the baby, with this thing, the baby can be approached by the body, whether it is a **** or a spirit. As for what it is, the ink cloud is not recorded. But since Xiaomou has to do it, then Do your best!"

The idea was set, Xiao Hua will take a mouth, a two-color fire spurt out, in Xiaohua carefully spurred the fire of the gods, turned into countless fiery entangled in the ban of the genius!

Sure enough, the fire fire is so soft, there is no mana at all, and there is no attack on the prohibition! Under the great joy of Xiao Hua’s heart, he is pushing the mana with all his strength...

Although the power of the fire is enough, Xiao Hua’s sacred fire is also superb, but the ban is, after all, the smuggling of the predecessors, and it took Xiao Hua a half-hour to break the ban, and will use the income of Yan Lingzhi. The ingenuity disappeared on the surface of the water, and a layer of light ripples on the surface of the water. This is extremely strange. It turned out to be ripples inward, and the outer layer of the water surface was gathered toward the jade case. The place where the contraction was located was where Yan Lingzhi was.

"Good..." Xiao Hua will accept Yan Lingzhi, and he is overjoyed. He dared not delay too much time, and did not look at other things on the water. He hurriedly came to the jade case, one mouth, another two-color. The fire is falling again!

However, just as the fire was lingering around the jade bottle, Xiao Hua suddenly stopped and hesitated a little. "Xiao Mou is different from other Yuan Ying, and the amount of taking the drug is different. From the practice of my door, the ordinary monk practiced to the late Yuan Ying, it is necessary to mark the gods in the Yuan Ying, and the practice of controlling the flying sword with the sword on the Xiaoyu continent, because Yuan Ying is It is a spiritual body, which is different from the life magic weapon, and can cultivate the brand mark of the gods. When the gods are mature, that is, when the Yuan Ying Gong Dacheng is a big man, the monk needs to cut off the connection between the body **** and Yuan Ying. In this way, the Yuan Ying can freely go out from the body of the monk. This is the so-called out-of-the-box. And when Yuan Ying is able to grow up again, he can swim in the sky, especially when the monk Yuanshen can be small, and he can use the mystery to distract It’s a thousand miles away, and this is distraction.” (To be continued...)


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