Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2499: Have a heart

H2> "Go! I will wait until the kill will pass!" The battle figure gradually flashed auspicious clouds. "This...the more powerful beasts in the valley have just been killed, so I can just enter the sky."

"Kill..." Zhu Xi was cold and cold, and his body flew in flames and flew toward the field. However, the flame that could be soaring under the control of Zhu Xi was not particularly conspicuous.

"Oh, it really can be heard, although it is somewhat vague, but it will be able to hear clearly after the deep cultivation." Xiao Hua has long gone, leaving only a trace of soul to explore in the left, see Zhu He and the squadron flew out to kill the beasts. He also laughed badly. "Grandma's, how can the old man not think about it? Even if you don't get any holy blood, you can get some monsters and demon. Ah! Maybe there is any use for these flesh and bones!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua naturally thought of the ink scorpion he got in the black forest of Mo Yan, those brains are really useful, and the Buddha’s Tianyantong is such a successful cultivation! Moreover, within the void, the essence of the virtual beast was obtained. These time, these fine elements were gradually absorbed by the broken eyes. Although the Tianyantong was cultivated by the Buddha's relic, the Xiaohua's broken eyes can also be borrowed. What makes Xiao Hua particularly happy is that in addition to seeing farther, the broken eyes have a new function, that is, you can hear some secret voices! Just Xiaohua is to leave the soul and try the magical power that I just got. Although he is far from the battle and Zhu Xi, he may not be able to hear anything clearly, but this is enough to make Xiao Hua jump.

"There is no such magical power in the eyes of the smashing scorpion. It is the act of the Buddha's celestial eye! Everything in the world is in the eye! All this is not just an illusion, but also a sound, etc. The pure dust mage of that big snow mountain that year. Isn't it possible to see everything with Tian Ertong? Xiaomou hears everything with Tianyantong. It is normal. Some inks can have such effects. What about these beasts in the world?"

Thinking, seeing the money opened, Xiao Hua couldn't help but feel the heat. Today's Yuanshi can't make him tempted. The flesh and demon of this strange beast is his favorite.

The legacy is naturally an enchantment. Unlike the outside world, the Sun Star and the Taiyin Star in the sky are not alternated. The soul of Xiao Hua is good, and the killing of the small half-day is very rewarding. There are a few very powerful beasts, but Xiao Hua is using the soul and the martial arts to escape. He is not at all sharp. In the face of such an enemy, those beasts can only report their anger and chase their own forces. Will come down.

"Haha, the harvest is not small!" Waiting to escape a strange animal that looks like a cockroach, can be huge bigger than the previous Thunder, Xiao Hua looks far away from the strange animal spit out a weird bubble, the bubble falls on the ground, will The boulder on the ground was so clean that it stretched out and laughed. Then, Xiao Hua looked at the left and smiled bitterly. "This direction is like the place agreed with the battle. Unfortunately, I don't dare to release Fu Zhiwen, otherwise Xiaomou will Can be sure."

"Oh, it should be true!" At this time, in the distance, but listening to the roar of screams and screams, the screaming of the sky and some ray of sunshine, quite a feeling of flying chickens and dogs, Xiao Hua laughs Now, he knows that it is a battle.

He was motivated to fly in the distance, but for a long time, a beast like a beast flew out of the giant wood forest. The long forearm with sharp pliers, there are more than a dozen feet, and every time between waving, that There is a thin long black texture between the edges of the pliers, which is like a torn hollow, and the beasts are so powerful.

"This thing is similar to the monster that met in the void!" Xiao Hua urged the law to be golden, and the wishful stick took it out and watched the beast secretly self-consciously. "Unfortunately, the spirit of Yuan Ling has not been sacrificed." Finish, otherwise you can try it!"

"Hit..." Seeing the strange noise between the wings of the beasts, the impetuous flies, the breath used to perceive the enemy has already swept away, and Xiaohua’s wishfulness is a rush, and his mouth screams. past……

The beasts that can occupy the site are of course powerful. This is like a beast of a beast. Although it can't be compared with a monster in the sky, the body is also tough. The sharpness of the pliers and the strength of the arms are beyond Xiaohua’s. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hua can only be tied with this stranger by virtue of the wishful stick and the Tongtian stick method.

Of course, Xiao Hua’s heart was amazed, and he still retreated in the direction of the demon and other demon in accordance with his own plan.

In the distance, nature is a demon and other demon. With the experience of killing different beasts, as well as the tactics of walking, Zhu Xi and the battle of the squad do not take too much effort to find the demon and the demon. It is the King of the Stag, and there is no trace at the beginning! I don’t know if the Hart King is intentional or unintentional, but I already believe in Xiaohua’s words.

However, the purpose of the battle is to accompany the squatting experience, the so-called true dragon blood, he can get that is the best, even if it is not available, he will not regret too much, after all, the essence of the Dragon Palace is not what Xiao Hua thinks. There are many ways to cultivate in battle.

With Zhu Xi, this equally high-spirited demon is next to him, he is also a domineering side leakage, and he has come up with a full spirit to kill the monster. In this small half day, although there is no such thing as a high score, The harvest of the two demons is far more than the battle of the war, the handsome and the old demon. As for the wisdom of the old demon, although after the copper pillar country competition to buy, there are some encounters, the strength is not the same as before, can be compared with the 天 and Zhu Xi, etc. Far away, he did not dare to grab some monsters with the two demon, only to collect some small monsters in the left, and wait for something unusual, and immediately meet with the three dragons and Suzaku, the harvest is not small.

The thing is quite strange, just in the battle, I feel that when I meet Xiaohua, I will not meet the King of the Hart, and the King of the Deer appears! And it still appears with this beast that looks like a wolf! The huge beast was filled with a light brown demon cloud, and his eyes were filled with blood-red silk, flying faster than the Hart King. However, this wolf does not have much wisdom. It is better than the stag of the stag, and he will be escaped when he is about to catch up with the stag king.

The stag Wang Yuannian did not dare to release it too much, and when he saw Zhu Xi and other demon, he still cares for the other, and he did not hesitate to scream and rushed over.

Zhu Xi and Yan are naturally not saved, but this wolf is really powerful. When he sees the stag king, he has a helper, and he is screaming, attracting a group of wolves, facing the powerful wolves, Zhu Xi and Yu. I have to run away again. Of course, this time the six demon is lucky and has not escaped. That is to say, after they escaped the chasing of the wolf, according to the war and the heart, they encountered four different beasts similar to the coffin.

These four coffins are slightly weaker than the wolves. Under the anger of Zhu Xi and Yu, they have all taken out their strengths and attacked a coffin with the help of the war, that is, they are preparing again. At the time of the attack, but listening to the "嘎...", the golden-winged Dapeng bird appeared again. Although it was far away from the battles, the fierce breath had already scared the three dragons to tremble, and there was no such thing. Any hesitation, Sanlong escaped from the battle group of Sanlingyi, and flew away in the direction of Xiaohua, and Zhu Xihao, the real deer king, etc. naturally did not love the battle, and the three spirits got cheap and roared behind the six demon. And start to chase!

It turned into a dragon with a light blue color, not too arrogant, only a few dozen feet, just toward the front, suddenly heard the sound of roaring in front of the "吼吼", and "wipe" The strange sound of wiping, he cried almost without thinking: "The battle, there are different animals in front, I wait..."

Not waiting for him to finish, the battle has already released the Yuan Nian, shouting: "Little Wang Ye is flustered, and there seems to be a demon coming in from the front! He is fighting with a monster like a beast!"

Between the talks, the warfare looked at the eyes of the deer king and Zhu Xi, not far behind, and carefully observed the look of the two demon.

"How is it possible?" The stag deer king, who had suffered so much, naturally did not dare to release the Yuanyan. At this time, he couldn’t help but give a hint of surprise in his face. The panic, although this panic is very subtle, can also be seen clearly by the heart of the battle.

"No??" Zhu Xi was also strange. He hurriedly released the Yuan Nian, and he was surprised to see it. "No... No! This... It doesn't seem to be a demon! Yes... it is a person!" ”

"People??" In the speech, the demon are all releasing the Yuanyan, waiting to see the appearance of the real person, whether it is the King of the Hart, the handsome, or the old demon, the face is born with an incredible look.

"Xiao... Xiao Hua??"

"This... is this Xiaohua?"

"No, it can't be Xiao Hua!" Zhifeng old demon really dare not see the mighty Xiaohua actually gambling a beast.

"The strength of this Terran is good!" Zhu Xi spread his wings and hurriedly said, "Although he is not the enemy of this beast, he may escape from the claws of the beast, but with a boost, I will wait for him to meet in the past. Experience together!"

"No!" Hart King did not hesitate to stop the road. "Zhu Xi, this cold soul valley is the holy land of my demon family! It is the legacy of the ancients. No matter how strong the human race is, it should not be demon." The ancient shade of the tribe! Moreover, in my opinion, it is precisely because this human race appeared here that it has evoked the change of the monster, making my experience so unpredictable. I want to experience it here. To make the monster in the entire Cold Valley stable, you must kill this person first!"

I laughed.

The Zhifeng old demon at that place said that he was gnashing his teeth: "Not bad! If it is a neighbor, the old man may still tolerate one or two, but this Xiaohua’s big-time trivial matter is now seen here. It is him. Death!" r1152


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