Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2558: set off

"Xiong Yi, these gossips, who used to be the old people of my black wind ridge, don't want to be slow!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly, and finally told him, "Of course, the Yaozu is not my own, and his heart is not daring to measure." If there is any abnormality, it is not necessary to keep it, and it is most important for me to make the safety of my disciples!"

"Yes..." Xiong Yi replied in a hurry. "The disciple knows."

Xiao Hua thought about it and felt that there was nothing to tell. He got up and said: "The old man doesn't say much. The Tibetan mainland is so big. If there is any abnormality, the old man can hear it. The old man's energy may not be able to Come back in time."

Xiong Yi and others certainly do not know that there is a transmission array in Heifengling. When Xiaohua is waiting for the time to mature, he may arrange the transmission array in other places. It is really blinking to come back, so the face is showing a yearning color.

"Gong singer to the lord..." A group of disciples and disciples worshipped on the Tenglong Mountain Range, and they sent their voices in unison. Xiao Hua sent Liu Yi and the black bear into the Kunlun mirror, flying in the air, and all the disciples in the sleeves were not in the body. Get up from yourself, "You wait for the meditation, don't let the old man come back when you are disappointed!"

After that, Xiao Hua was shaped and turned into high altitude and disappeared. Waiting for Xiong Yi three people to get up quickly, when you open a big glimpse of the corner, where is there any trace?

"Master's martial arts have been ecstasy!" Although Xiong Yi and others did not dare to release their thoughts, they could look at each other and couldn't help but whisper.

"Yeah, Master is doing this, and he will surely catch up with that person in the future!" Li Xiang said with a slight sigh of relief, "I am waiting for my father to be a disciple, and I must not lose the face of his old man!"

"Two younger brothers, I am negotiating a charter..." Xiong Yi will both close the star array and whisper. "I have to wait for the rotation of the door, the practice of rotation, and the development of the power of the door."

Not to mention the creation of the door Xiong Yi, Lan Dianzi and Li Xiang three Taomen Yuan Ying monks began to plan for the building of the door, integrate their respective forces, and make the door to embark on a difficult development path, saying that Xiao Hua flew out of the Tenglong Mountains. First, I took a look at the direction that I thought I was doing for a few hours. This showed my body shape, and I waved my hand. Tianma and the speeding car fell in the air, and I put Haotian and Fuzhiwen from the Kunlun mirror. Come out.

Xiao Hua looked at Hao Tian and asked: "Hey, how can the heaven and earth in Kunlun Wonderland be abundant?"

Hao Tian did not dare to neglect, and said: "Good teacher father knows that when the disciple enters first, the inner world's vitality is not sufficient. Now entering again, the feeling is gradually recovering. Although it is not enough for the disciples to be inside. Free cultivation, but disciples believe that as long as the time is long... surely."

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded slightly, his brows were slightly stunned, as if he was thinking about something, he didn't dare to ask more, and looked at Fu Zhiwen standing next to him.

Xiao Hua now accommodates disciples such as Hao Tian in addition to space, as well as Shanhe and Kunlun mirrors. The mountains and rivers don’t say anything. It is a national weapon that purely suppresses people. There is no such thing as heaven and earth. This Kunlun mirror is somewhat similar to space. Inside, hide a Kunlun wonderland. This Kunlun Wonderland can provide the heaven and earth vitality for the disciples to practice, but this Kunlun fairyland has been destroyed when the Kunlun mirror is broken. Xiao Hua obtained the fragments of this Kunlun mirror from the Xiaoyu continent and the Tibetan continent, a little bit of sacrifice. The Kunlun Market is slowly recovering into the Kunlun Wonderland. However, from the current situation, the days of Kunlun mirror's restoration of power will not be too far, but Kunlun fairyland enchantment wants to recover...not a simple matter.

When Xiao Hua was honouring Kunlun Mirror, he had already explored the enchantment of Kunlun Wonderland, knowing that this is an extremely mysterious space enchantment. It is somewhat similar to the so-called polyling array. Of course, if it is a simple high-order polyphony array, Xiao Hua believes that as long as it is time-honored, as his cultivation improves, he will certainly be able to refine such a wonderful space. However, when Xiao Hua sang Kunlun mirror, he discovered that this enchantment is far from being as simple as he thought. There are hidden traces of congenital sin in this enchantment, but it is very different. And this difference makes Xiao Hua feel extremely strenuous! Even a long time will make Xiao Hua feel a strange, even horrible feeling. Xiao Hua didn't know that this feeling came from the enchantment itself, or was born out of self-defense, so I didn't dare to imagine it after trying to understand it a few times.

Of course, in addition to the unpredictability of this enchantment, the lack of heaven and earth is also a shortcoming of Kunlun Wonderland. Therefore, Xiao Hua asked about the feeling of Haotian.

After listening to the words of Hao Tian, ​​Xiao Hua knows that it is not a long-term solution to put Haotian in the Kunlun Wonderland! This will not only delay the cultivation of the sky, but also interfere with the cultivation of Liu Yi and others. Xiao Hua's space is the best choice, but Xiao Hua has a great worry! That is, the strength of the heavens and the earth within the space is completely different from that of the Xiaoyu mainland and the Tibetan mainland. However, the Yuan Ying who enters the space outside the space will collapse. Xiao Hua does not dare to take risks and let Haotian enter the space to practice. Finally, Can't come out of space again!

"In this space of Xiao, he has also received Taoist disciples before. Cui Hongjun, Zhen Minghui and Su Qing and other Royal Leizong disciples have also stayed there for several years, and they have also been rebuilt after they came out. Explain that Xiao’s space is suitable for monks to practice. But the problem is that they are just refining disciples. The highest is but the foundation, far less than Yuan Ying. Xiaomou does not know whether he can come out again after practicing in Yuan Zhen. If they can't come out, can Xiaomou these disciples only hold the space that is still not formed? Can they not be the lonely disciples of the green robe friends? Those lonely disciples have men and women, if cultivation is not done, Can also be proliferated within the space, creating a world of realism..." Xiao Hua thought of this, suddenly a bright light, clap smile, "Xiao Mou understand! Master Ci! Xiaomou have to thank you, if not met When you arrive, Xiao can't think about the relationship between the flesh and Yuan Ying!"

"Well, within the cultivation of Buddhism, the flesh and the relics are two things that are difficult to reconcile. The Buddha has always been striving to abandon the flesh and achieve relics. And my door is a little different, the flesh is very important in the early days of cultivation, the Taoist monks It is necessary to rely on the flesh to perceive the strength of the heavens and the earth. It is necessary to rely on the meridians of the flesh to quench the heavens and the earth. After the birth of the Yuan Ying, the Yuan Ying body reshapes the two meridians and the two meridians. The two meridians directly communicate with the heavens and the earth. The flesh may not be important in cultivation. Even after losing the flesh, Yuan Ying can still exist and still be able to cultivate the so-called scattered baby."

"But at this time, the flesh is a kind of protection! The flesh is a boat floating in the water, and the Yuan Ying is a passenger on the boat. No matter what space, no matter what changes in the heavens and the earth, It can protect the safety of Yuan Ying. Therefore, the flesh is also the evidence of my monk's flying up the fairyland! Because the heaven and earth vitality of the fairyland is definitely different from the real world of Tibetan immortals!! As for the scattered baby, it can only reshape the baby after flying the fairyland. Or what secret technique is used to maintain a little bit of remodeling while the baby is not crashing!"

"If this is the case, Xiaomou's space... Although the strength of the heavens and the earth is different from that of the Tibetan continent, it can also allow the disciples such as Haotian to cultivate in the middle!"

Seeing Xiao Hua first frowns, then clap joy, and Tian Tian and Fu Zhiwen are somewhat inexplicable, but neither of them dare to speak out, looking down at the speed of the foot.

“邬天...” Xiao Hua took out the Kunlun mirror and smiled. “Thinking of a method for the teacher can make the heavens and the earth in this Kunlun mirror very full, but your cultivation practice may have to be changed.”

"But listen to Master's instructions." Of course, there is no objection to Haotian.

Then Xiaohua pretended to sculpt the Kunlun mirror, and then narrated some exercises to enlighten him, and his mind entered the space. In the corner of the space, he created a Kunlun wonderland exactly like the Kunlun mirror.

"Oh, in fact, the Taoist friends should have been like this!" Green robes Xiao Hua's figure appeared in front of Yuxi Xiaohua, said with a smile, "Don't say that the disciples of the Tenglong Mountains give income to this space, that is, within the legacy Those monsters I saw should also be brought in!"

"The green robe is also a bad friend!" Yuhua Xiaohua waved. "This space can certainly be cultivated, but after all, it is your space, not the rainy continent, nor the three continents. Now you and me still You can't control the fate of others. The poor road can't be decided by others. As for the monsters in the legacy, you must have forgotten the worms in the Xuanshui Palace!"

"Well, the Taoist friends think that the poor road is also known, the space around it is so big, so many roles, the Taoist friends still have to use a lot!" Green robes Xiao Hua puts his hand, "Poor road to teach disciples" When you get to the poor road, you have to look at it, who is the disciple."

Yuxi Xiaohua smiled bitterly: "Isn't it all yours and my disciples? Is there any comparison? And...you disciples have been cleaning the marrow since childhood, and have been subjected to lightning hardening and thunder water shaping. The disciple is afraid that it is not good!"

"Haha..." The green robe Xiaohua smirked and laughed, and the arched hand disappeared.

"Hey..." Yuxi Xiaohua’s mouth is also a smile. The green robes Xiaohua can use it. He can also use it naturally. The qualifications of Liu Yi and others are far more than the disciples of the green robes Xiao Hua. May be exceeded?

"Booming ......", just as Yuhua Xiaohua was about to leave, suddenly there was a whisper of thundering sounds from within the starry sky! The whole starry sky was slightly distorted, and the cause and effect hand swayed slightly, a kind of awkward, only the fluctuations that Yuxi Xiaohua could understand fell into his body, and the face of Yuhua Xiaohua changed greatly... (to be continued...)


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