Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2603: Enlightenment

"To tell the truth, the right to swim!" After waiting for Chang Yuan to finish, Xiao Hua is also opening the way. "The old man saved you, it is entirely because of Chang Yuan, you must remember the words that the old man told you when he saw you." Even the old man’s purpose of going to Yifeng is because Chang Yuan, now the old man knows that Chang Yuan is the person the old man is looking for, and the old man has already accepted her as a disciple! You, although the old man said in front of others, I want to accept you. Disciple, that is to stop the disaster for you. It doesn't matter if you don't worship the old man. If you are willing, the old man will remove the yin of your body, you can go by yourself!"

"Master..." Chang Yuan listened to the big shock. She was a sorrowful heart. But when she heard that Xiao Hua was not prepared to accept the apprentice, she did not feel hurriedly.

Xiao Hua ignored Chang Yuan, and shocked Kunlun mirror in his hand. Yuan Ya and Liu Yi also flew out from Kunlun Wonderland and told him: "Go, you two past, and hold this eyeless thing!"

Yuan Ya and Liu Yi are the old knowledge of the right to travel. As early as in the territory of Kunlunxian, Fu Zhiwen talked about the right to swim and Chang Yuan. At this time, I saw the two people look like this. I immediately understood what I knew. In fact, I don’t need Liu Yi’s hands. At the touch of the world, the tour will be lifted.

"Hey, brother, we met again!" Liu Yi smiled and shook hands.

"Liu Ge is good!" The tour rights are a bit embarrassing, and some are happy, whispered, "Ya Ge is also good!"

"Well, good!" Yuanya nodded and stood by.

Xiao Hua is not scornful, his heart is released, and he has a roll in the weight of the tour. He has a heavy weight but feels that he is light, and that the glory of the sacred bones turns into a flesh that rushes out of the right to swim. Xiao Hua once again explores A catch, a few crystal filaments flashed, the Nether of the air was stunned by Xiao Hua, slightly urging the mana, a smaller than the fingers of the beads out of thin air. The glory of the Nether is gone, although the power of the power is weak, but it has also been able to move, and prayed: "The younger generation thank you for your help!"

"Well, no thanks!" Xiao Hua waved the bead to the tour center and said, "Zhu Xi has already gone, this you took the commemoration."

"Yes, the younger generation knows!" The tour was taken over and carefully hidden.

Immediately, Xiao Hua took some medicinal herbs and handed them the right to travel. He said, "Okay, the right to swim, your cause and effect should have ended here. The old man should give the favor of others, and now it is over. You If you want to go, no one will stop you!"

"Master..." Although Chang Yuan knows that Xiao Hua must be a plan to slow down, but he is uneasy in his heart, he pleads. "Even if Lang Lang is not willing to stay, can Master ask the disciples before? How are you old?" Can you do it?"

When I heard Chang Yuan say this, I was shocked by the right to swim. This is the temper that I didn’t go backwards. I was eager to leave, but Xiaohua sighed and explored and took out a thing. When the object is out, it will take away the soul of the heavy weight. Even if it is two steps, it is always unwilling to leave. Because Xiao Hua holds the sword in his hand, but sees that the flying sword flashes cold, and a sharp sky seems to be able to open the void. In particular, the sword inside the flying sword swims like a medium inside. Through the human spirit of the sword spirit, the eyes of the heavyweights are firmly attracted, and the heart can't help but feel the feeling of love.

Xiao Hua waved his hand, and the flying sword fell to the front of the right to swim. The sword and the wind spurred the wind to swim on the skin. The end was a tearing sensation, but he listened to Xiao Hua and sighed: "But! The old man promised the child. You can't eat words. You have the right to swim. This is a flying sword that the old man got in his early years. You can hold it. Maybe you don't know the sword so much at this time, you will know it after you sacrifice. Not the old man bragging, the door The spirit of the sword is not necessarily comparable to this sword!"

Xiao Hua’s cow blew twice, and did not blow the cows of the two cows. Instead, he hooked up the curiosity of the heavyweight. He took the flying sword with his heart, but he couldn’t pull it down. If he didn’t take it, he’s in his heart. It seems to be caught by a cat, and it is uncomfortable.

"Gentle brother, are you still a man? I want to hold it, Master is very generous!" Liu Yi did not know what he wanted to know and said with a smile. "Moreover, Master did not force you to become a relative with the sister."

The face of the heavyweight right was red, and he grabbed the flying sword and shouted: "I took it, what happened? It forced me, I would not be a pro!"

"Cut..." Xiao Hua’s sleeves said, "Who do you love to be with whom to get married, and what about the old man?"

"Hey, right brother, even if you take it, Master can't help you!" Liu Yi smiled again. "Just, Feijian has, do you have a sword that spurs Feijian? You want to talk to Master." I will practice the swordsmanship, Master is very generous, and Master will not force you to become a relative with the teacher because of your apprenticeship."

You have a hard neck and said: "Even if I am a teacher, Master will force me, I will not be a relative."

"Then you worship!" Liu Yi certainly knows that there was a sense of appreciating the teacher in the heart of the game. However, there was a tour of the seven-year-old, and the right to tour could not be worshipped. If there is no Changyuan today, the right to swim is afraid to be a teacher. Therefore, there is also the meaning of fulfillment, forcing the right to swim.

The right to swim is not a fool. The steps sent by Liu Yi are so comfortable. Can he not know how to step down? "Hey, worship it!" said, the right to swim and smashed the head. "The disciple wants to worship the celestial being as a teacher. I wonder if the fairy can teach the disciples of Feijian."

"Hey, if you don't look at Chang Yuan's face, the old man won't take care of you!" Xiao Hua lifted his foot and took a tour of the weight and said, "Get up, take out a drop of blood."

"Ah? Master wants to do?" The right to swim has not yet got up. He heard a lot of legends about blood, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked.

Liu Yi was in a hurry and hurriedly said: "You stupid, have you not heard of the blood of the spirit to recognize the Lord?"

"Ah, yes, yes..." The right to swim is like a dream, and hurriedly rushed a drop of blood to the eyes of Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua faintly looked at the tour and took a look at it. He raised his hand and grabbed it. The blood rushed into the air, and it was beaten with several methods. But the blood was like a boiling water, and the blood was so bloody. Xiao Hua is also raising his hand, and a tiger shape that looks a little faint flies out from the tip of his finger. This tiger shape is swaying in the air and it is turned into a deer shape. This deer shape is The opportunity to fall into the Changyuan Feijian is exactly the same, waiting for the deer-shaped clearing to fall into the blood! "Disease..." Xiao Hua waved with both hands, and several crystals fell. The blood flew at a rapid speed, and the texture and symbol of the scorpion gradually emerged from the surface. A **** deer gradually emerged.

"Go..." With Xiaohua's big hand grabbing it, the deer-shaped sword fell into the flying sword. "Hey..." The sound of a sword screamed and the flying sword almost came out of the hands of the heavyweight.

"You have the right to swim, you have already practiced the skills of flying swords. This sword is meant to be sealed into flying swords. The process of cultivating flying swords is a good understanding of this sword meaning, and it will make you do more with less." Xiao Hua said with a strong heart, " You take out the previous flying sword!"

"Yes, Master!" The right to swim will be one, the previous flying sword flew out, Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed it. The flying sword immediately melted into a mass of juice floating in the air, Xiao Hua Shen swept, cold and cold "You have been practicing the skills of flying swords, and after practicing for more than 30 years, you must die and fight back!"

A heavy pain in the mind of the tour, knowing that Xiao Hua will erase the Yuanshen imprint in the flying sword, and then hear Xiao Hua’s saying that his face is paler.

"The technique of your knowledge of God has not been great, and you still want to plant a sword heart. It is really a matter of quick success! This is definitely not the skill of your flying sword!" Xiao Hua raised his hand and pressed it in the eyebrows of the heavyweight, saying, "This is the technique of knowing how to grow up and the skill of the old man's flying sword. You can practice it slowly!"

"Thank you Master!" The heavy weight of the tour has been smashed and smashed a few times, and this is what he really got up.

Chang Yuan looked at her side and smiled. She could almost perceive the breath of the sword above the flying sword. If the right to swim has to understand the sword, it must be with her heart. Isn't that what she wants?

Waiting for the right to swim, Zhang mouth will inhale the sword in the middle of Dantian, Xiaohua mouth a corner, the heart secretly proud, how to rebel against the right to re-elect, to the end of the calculation of Xiaohua?

“Don’t thank you for being a teacher!” Xiao Hua looked at the look of the right to play, and was so angry and funny, thought about it and said, “Let you show a story for the teacher!”

Speaking, Xiao Hua raised his hand slightly, and one finger was in the eyebrow of the right to swim. This finger looks very similar to the one that was previously on the forehead of Chang Yuan, which is completely different from the previous one. Nowadays, Xiao Hua’s soul repair is almost great, and he can control the original force of the land. It is really easy to use this soul to display it. You don’t have to use any soul, you don’t have to spend too much effort, you have to pay attention to it, but everything in the world falls into Xiaohua. Among the fingers, and all of this has turned into a stream of rushing into my mind, the story of Tianmenshan, Xiaocai, Youzhongquan, Ranger, and No Happiness, etc.

Sure enough, two moments of tears flowed out from the eyes of the heavyweights, slowly falling, not waiting for the tears to fall to the lower jaw, the right to swim and open the eyes, the eyes of a remorse, a piece of attachment, and a look. However, when the right to look at Changyuan was seen, it was discovered that Chang Yuan did not have any movements, as if he did not see him. Even Liu Yi and Yuan Ya are the same.

"Do you understand?" Xiao Hua looked at the right to swim and asked gently.

"The disciple understands!" Yu Zhongquan looked at Chang Yuan Wen Sheng and said, "If Chang Yuan is a small cabbage, the disciple is the right to swim, and the disciples owe her too much. The disciples also thank Master for his pains." r1152


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