Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2914: "So"


"No...no mistakes!" Xiaohua was a little dumbfounded. Looking at this stone giant with a size of more than ten feet, he secretly thought, "Is this thing still crying? Or, is this not crying?" However, if this is not crying... what is it?"

However, watching the stone giant's slightly trembling shoulders, as well as the squatting legs, is not like a fake, Xiao Hua suddenly has a kind of enlightenment, "Grandma's, this... this guy looks huge, but he still Is it just that children can't?"

Thinking of himself actually bullying a child, Xiao Hua didn't feel embarrassed. He raised his hand and took the finger of the previous stone giant on the stone platform and sent it to the stone giant. I tapped his arm. There wasn't much difference between the finger and the stone, except that there was some warm fire in it, and the finger hit the stone giant's arm and made a "beep" sound, exactly the same as the stone.

The stone giant glimpsed, showing some red eyes from the inside of the arm. At this time, the panic has gone a little, and many of them are wronged, and when they see their broken fingers, the stone giant "wow..." again burst into tears, no different from the injured child.

"Hey, it’s really a child!" Xiao Hua sighed. He waved his hand. The broken finger once again smashed the Rock Giant. The stone giant just listened to the cry, curious to see Xiao Hua, and reached out! Then, the stone giant looked at Xiao Hua's look very kindly, and there was nothing malicious. It was to look at Xiao Hua's feet. Although she had tears in her eyes, she still opened her mouth and pointed to Xiaohua's foot and cried. Then, then..."

Xiao Hua certainly couldn’t understand what he was saying, only shook his head: "Little guy, can't you talk?"

"So, then..." The stone giant is still the word, and it is estimated that these two words are all his words.

"It is estimated that I haven't grown up yet, I can't talk very much!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "Not to mention that he didn't understand what Xiao was saying!"

I thought about it. Xiao Hua asked again: "Little guy, where are you from? I will take you back, okay?"

"So, then..." Stone Giant said nothing more than these two words.

Xiao Hua was helpless and he thought about it. From the arms, I found a few hot stone, but when I handed it to the stone giant, Xiao Hua took a more heart and replaced the best Yuan Shi with the low-order stone. really. Seeing these Yuanshi, the stone giant was very happy. He hurriedly stretched out his arm and wanted Xiaohua to ask for it, but he waited for him to put Yuanshi in his mouth, and after he chewed it, the big mouth cracked and he actually gave birth. It was a smile, but this smile reflected some hot magma at the corner of his eye, which looked a bit strange.

"So, then..." The stone giant finished the Yuanshi. It seems that the meaning is still unfinished, and it is to raise a hand to ask for it. It is completely a child who sees snacks in the world. Xiao Hua smiled and shook his head, putting several stones in his hands.

At this time, the vagueness in the distant valley is accompanied by sounds. Although this sound is very small, it can be passed very far in the mountain wind.

Listening to this voice, Shi Giant’s face was tense and he hurriedly looked up at the sky. At this moment. The sunset has long since fallen, the moon has not risen, and the stars of Zhou Tianyi have been covered with the night sky.

The stone giant saw that the time was late, and I didn’t feel a little panic. Waiting for him to stand up, he tried a little and hesitated. His left hand broke his finger and had just fallen before, as if he had a heart, and the night was over. The entire mountain has not been clearly seen, and the Stone Giant does not dare to go on easily.

"So, then..." The stone giant was in a hurry, and opened his mouth and shouted at the distance.

Xiao Hua did not bother to help, he is now holding his hands on his chest, looking up at the sky, the stars in the sky are exactly the same as his day and night. But now in his eyes, the feeling is completely different! During the day, there are many enlightenments. The night is full of warmth and memories. It is some warmth and feelings for a long time. Coupled with the naive act of seeing the stone giant, the softness of Xiao Hua’s heart was suddenly touched, as if the whole starry sky was his own home, and his strangeness to this continent suddenly disappeared.

"This must be closely related to Xiaomou..." Xiao Hua squinted, letting the night wind blow his own robe, and enjoy this kind of warmth, letting the moon rising like water on his own The body is like the one that was sprinkled in the mountain village in that village that night.

"So, then..." The sound of the rushing call will awaken Xiaohua. This voice is full of anxiety and concern. It’s just that Xiaohua, who is in the mood, can hear it all at once, although it’s just two words. The lyrics are overflowing.

Xiao Hua is crying and laughing. He seems to have understood something: "Is it wrong... This stone giant can only say two words?"

"So, then..." The little stone giant on the mountainside also replied, the stone giant at the foot of the mountain is "so, then..." The speed of speech is accelerating, as if scolding, "So, then..." Xiaoshi Giant grievances After responding a few times, I sat down and looked at the darkness at the foot of the mountain.

After a long time, a stone giant who was several times larger than the Little Stone Giant, carefully climbed from the darkness of the foot of the mountain to the stone wall with moonlight. At this time, the stone giant accelerated the speed, and quickly climbed to the stone platform.

"So, then..." Xiaoshi Giant had already let go of the gap. When he saw the stone giant climbed up, he rushed up. "So, then..." cried, and the stone giant had raised his arm. It seems that I want to play Xiaoshi Giant, but I can watch Xiaoshi Giants hug myself. The arm is gently falling down and pats the back of Xiaoshi Giant. It seems to be comforting.

"So, then..." After a moment, the stone giant asked, the little stone giant poked his head out of the stone giant's arms, pointing to the high cave, and the explanation of "so, then..." Xiao Hua in the distance really does not understand why these two words contain so many messages?

"So, then..." The stone giant apparently cared about his child's escape from the cave, watching the small stone raised by the little stone giant missing his finger, his face changed greatly, and asked the Xiaoshi giant to interrupt.

Xiao Shi Giant took out his broken finger and pointed it to Xiao Hua, not far away. He called: "So, then..."

When the stone giant heard it, he was shocked and hurriedly looked at Xiaohua. Then he did not hesitate at all. He placed Xiaoshi Giant behind him and shouted in his mouth: "So, then..."

This time, the stone giant’s voice was rushing and threatened. Xiao Hua immediately heard the meaning of this sentence. Seeing the stone giant’s eyes flashing in the fire, Xiao Hua smiled slightly and his body shape floated. Zhang, faintly watching the stone giant.

"So, then..." Xiaoshi Giant said behind the stone giant, his voice was low, and the stone giant also asked a few words, then slowly relaxed the alert, actually At the same time, Xiao Hua’s double-handedness and respectful dedication.

Seeing that the Stone Giant is a standard Foshan dynasty, Xiao Hua is dumbfounded again. He can't help but say: "Hello, is there a Buddha on this continent..."

"So, then..." The stone giant obviously couldn't understand what he said, or he replied with two words.

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua was helpless and did not answer.

Later, the little stone giant took out the fire stone that was in his hand and looked at the stone giant. The stone giant nodded and looked at Xiaohua’s **** fire stone and pointed to himself. Xiao Hua understands that he took out a few firestones and sent them to the stone giant. However, the stone giant waved his hand and motioned to indicate that he did not want it. Then the stone giant placed the small stone giant on his shoulder and directed Xiaohua Zhao. Beckon, the path has been slowly going down the foot of the stone platform!

Xiao Hua did not think much. He looked up at the familiar starry sky. His body shape fell with the shape of the stone giant. He understood the tightness. This continent is full of mystery. This stone giant is afraid to open the key to this mysterious door.

The stone giant carefully climbed down from the mountain and saw Xiaohua standing in the air behind him. The big mouth cracked like a smile, then he walked wide, but listened to the sound of "咚咚咚" on the ground. This stone giant strode towards the valley! The little stone giant crouched on the back of the stone giant. It seemed to be overwhelmed by fear. Now he has fallen asleep, and his vertical eyes are closed.

The stone giant is more than a hundred miles away, but this hundred miles is nothing in the huge mountains, and even the two mountains have not crossed. However, after crossing a broken mountain, the shape of the stone giant obviously slowed down, and the footsteps were much smaller. Under the moonlight, the eyes of the stone giant flashed from time to time, as if they were on alert.

"Hey..." Just as the Stone Giant just turned around and wanted to remind Xiao Hua, a strange sound of breaking the air suddenly threw himself from the corner of the mountain. Xiao Hua looked up a little and saw a dozen feet. The size of the strange bird, like a boulder like rolling down from the night sky, waiting for the stone giant to be close, only to have a double wings, between the abdomen, a foot with a few feet of claws facing the giant Grab it!

The stone giant was obviously shocked. The one that was on alert was immediately a piece of time. A red-yellow fire pillar spurted out of the monocular and hit the strange bird!

"Oh..." The strange bird is also extremely powerful. The claws are caught in the air, and there is no fluctuation in mana. The fire is caught in two segments, and in the dance of the strange birds, it seems like the rain. The color water drops are born from his wings. "啪啪..." falls on the stone giant and the small stone giant. "Zi Lala..." This dark water drops on the two stone giants and immediately corrodes. The sound is like cold water falling on the hot oil... (to be continued.)


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