Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2927: Encounter a strong beast

Xiao Hua Shen swept the room and divided the ball of light into a small half. The big hand was once again out of thin air, and the light ball of the small half was turned into thousands of tiny pieces of firefly! These broken fireflies are like fireflies flying to every disciple.

"You wait for each one to collect one! If it is organic, you can charge some polar magnetic light, and you can use the technique of the refiner of this door to temper a mystery similar to Ling Ling Yuanguang." Xiao Hua said, The sword was taken out again, raising his hand and pointing, and the seven-color light group fell into the sword, and Xiao Hua took the sword, and smiled at the disciples.

Those disciples are overjoyed, they all have a mouth, and the seven colors of fluorescence fall into the body, and then they are all thankful.

"Well, there are still some things for the old man. You should go ahead according to the plan!" Xiao Hua said, "This is a rare tour, different from the battle of the previous market. This continent is all over me. Do not treat yourself with the treasures used by the monks and monks in the cultivation of the monks!"

"Hey, I will wait!" All the disciples are monks of the four or five products of Yuanli. Where do you not know the treasures? After walking for so long, I have already collected a lot of good things in Qiankun Bag or Sumiyabashi. Now, after listening to Xiao Hua’s words, they all smiled and agreed with joy.

Then Xiao Hua will not stay for a long time, and his body will rise to the sky, turning into a place where the Hongqiao disappears in the moon.

The night wind blew, the moon is like a frost, the vague sound of the beast is born from time to time under the black sky, a strange bleakness gradually converges in the night, always silent before dawn. Not only melts the eyes of the people, but also makes people's hearts slowly cool! Xiao Hua did not have a teleport, nor did he deliberately use his skills. Instead, fly freely between the high altitudes! His gods swam in the dark night with the night wind, sweeping through the mountains and sweeping through a heavy forest. The changing scenery did not make Xiao Hua’s mind have some ease, but instead soaked in the night. under. It's getting a bit heavier. Not only because the Dragon Wave Xiaohua and Fenghua Xiaohua have no news, but also because this mysterious continent reveals a lot of unspeakable weird!

And the most bizarre of them is that there is no Terran on this continent!

Xiao Hua has been here for a few months, and his scope of sweeping may not be great, but in the past few months, the scope of the disciples of the birth of the disciples is not small. Within this range, no one has ever been found! Although Xiao Hua also knows that the land of the wilderness is not the land of the Terran, it really makes him face such a continent. As a human being, he feels a kind of loneliness! He could hardly imagine the land without human race. What kind of continent will it be, there will be no land for human races, and what kind of life will be there!

Xiao Hua had previously asked the disciples to find the right place for the human race to survive. However, he wanted to find the place where the sacred disciples were found. Try to adapt them to the environment before joining the mainland, and then interact with other people. After flying for so long, he did not find any people, and his heart began to embarrass. A flooded world without water is suitable for spreading the life of a disciple.

It was the time to fly a meal, but see Xiao Hua’s left hand. A round of red sun rose from the horizon, Xiao Hua mouth, a sun Jinghua fell into the abdomen, a pure force of force instantly rushed into the body, and even invested in Yuan Ying! The flame in Xiao Hua’s eyes flashed away, and a strong breath also flashed from him. Fall in the void!

Looking at the sun is like a bright big hand, the night above the earth is easily uncovered, in the sun. A variety of noisy sounds came from the ground, and the sound of life spread out from all over the earth. All kinds of heat are also gradually diffusing in the air, and the gloom of Xiao Hua’s heart is slightly weak.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua’s mood was just great, but a roar of noise came from a distant mountain range. A monster with a height of several thousand feet explored the neck with a thousand feet from the winding hills. The head of a hundred feet in size opened the mouth of the blood basin and blocked it in front of Xiao Hua!

"Grandma's..." Xiao Hua looked at the beast that was much bigger than his own body. He almost laughed and shouted. "Is this the bird that gets up early, is there a worm? If it can be a worm, Cheng, but Xiaomou can't even plug your teeth, why are you so coveted?"

That monster can be ignored by Xiao Hua, the head crossed the sky, and the fiercely rushing toward Xiao Hua, the stench in the mouth was really dirty and bleak for the cool morning.

Looking at the monster's head, and the three half-awake eyes on the head, Xiao Hua smiled slightly, urging the body to rush to the big mouth of the monster. However, just near the animal's head, Xiao Hua's flight direction suddenly turned, it is the right hand, the monster will naturally not let Xiaohua, followed by Xiao Hua's body shape to chase the past. Xiao Hua seems to be teasing this monster, flying too tightly, waiting for the monster's big mouth to arrive again, he once again slightly accelerated his body shape, flew toward the right front, so flew around the body of the monster, Xiao Hua’s figure suddenly accelerated, flying straight toward the middle of the monster’s neck! The monster was eagerly teased by Xiao Hua, seeing Xiao Hua and fleeing, the animal head was chasing it up quickly...

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua just flew a hundred feet, and his body suddenly stopped in the air. Some of them proudly turned their heads and smiled. "In the morning, when you are dressed up, this little friend, you still Wash it slowly!"

After that, Xiao Hua’s figure is rising from the sky. Looking at him, the neck of the beast is just a knot. Now, no matter how you struggle, you can’t pull your head out of the knot. Where else can you? Go and chase Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua, who easily teased the monster, has a good mood. The figure flies in the air and has a decision: "The reason why my family can survive is not the strength of the height, but the brain. This land of ruins is dangerous, as long as There is a place where it is suitable for survival. It is not a big problem for a disciple to teach a disciple to open a mountain here."

With a decision, Xiao Hua has accelerated his body shape, but his gods still remain vigilant within a thousand miles.

After flying for a dozen days, there is still no news about Dragon Wave Xiaohua and Fenghua Xiaohua. Xiaohua has no perception of them. During this period, Xiao Hua also encountered a lot of wild animals, but Xiao Hua did not fight more, or released the pressure, or teleport, and left the battle early. Moreover, on this road, Xiao Hua also did not find any traces of the river, just like the existence of no water on this continent.

Xiao Hua stopped in the air, looked up and saw the hot sun hanging at the top of the head, and there was a cloudless blue sky. He was somewhat hesitant. From the direction of the secret treasure Guanghua, Xiao Hua did not fly. wrong. Can fly for so long, still can not find the trace of the secret treasure, Xiao Hua's heart can not help but he, he really does not have any grasp of his sense of direction!

"Maybe you should find a wild animal to ask!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, backhand shot his own door, the pressure of the Mahayana monk was released, and, Xiao Hua waved, layer by layer of light came out of nowhere, It will be covered within thousands of miles, "Booming..." Thunder to the mountains above the earth! I don't know why, this thunder is more than 30% richer than the market, and the thunder hits the mountains, almost knocking off the surface of the mountains, and the power is also much larger.

However, after the thunder, the whole world is silent. The pressure of Xiaohua feels that there are some wild animals in the mountain, but these strange animals are scared by Lei Guang, and no one dares to come out. Xiao Hua was helpless, and he flew forward for tens of thousands of miles. Once again, he tried to force one or two different animals to come out. In a few days, Xiao Hua flew hundreds of thousands of miles, and did not force a dare to follow. Xiao Hua’s beast against the base.

"No!" Xiao Hua couldn't help but laugh. "Is Xiao's strength already reached the point of sweeping the flood? I didn't want to disturb the beasts. Instead, there are different animals who have cast their own nets. Now Xiaomou wants to find a few strange animals, but instead Can't find it, is this the rhythm of luck?"

Of course, Xiao Hua’s idea is just a kind of self-deprecating. He does not think that a Mahayana monk can hang through the flood! Even if it is a continent of wild debris!

Sure enough, for half a day, Xiao Hua’s powers swept into a mountain forest. The nine sacred gods had not yet fallen. A sly voice was born from the mountain forest. This voice is like a thunder, just born to evoke the sky, countless worlds. The gas condenses into large and small crystal beads and falls toward the mountain forest. Xiao Hua was shocked. The mana urging couldn’t extract the vitality from the heavens and the earth. It was more powerful than the area that Xiao Hua had seen before. At the same time, a Yuan Dynasty, which is as good as a star, is slow, but it can be swept away. Xiao Hua’s thoughts touched this Yuan dynasty, just as the breeze hit the hills, there was no possibility of incitement. Where Xiao Hua still dares to stay, the urging of mana will be teleported. It is a pity that Xiao Hua is now in the control of this fundamental crystal bead. His figure has shook twice and has never fallen into the void. In desperation, Xiao Hua once again urged the thunder to "the rumbling..." Xiao Hua’s figure was suddenly stretched and even distorted, and then Thousands of Thunder were born in the figure, and the shape of Xiao Hua was pulled out from the mud-like crystal beads! Then, Xiao Hua's body shape turned into a series of afterimages, whistling and rushing to the sky!

"Hey..." An unusually hoarse voice, strangely born again from the mountains, high in the sky, countless crystal beads are more than half of the lightning, and straight to the direction of Xiaohua escape! Among the crystal beads, the hollow of the film collapsed, and Xiao Hua’s robes were revealed in this emptiness. This strange animal has not revealed its figure, and the voice forced Xiao Hua out of the void... (to be continued)

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