Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2982: Tower, stupa (for the silver alliance, the water falls and the flowers add more

Then, swallowing the beast turned his head and said to Xiao Hua: "Don't be afraid of the little guy, there is Laozi! How to do it, you do it according to what you want!"

"Premier waits a little!" Xiao Hua succeeded in causing the confrontation between the two beasts. After the ritual of the swallowing beast, he jumped into the stupa and carefully read the Buddha and looked at it again. Unfortunately, it was As swallowed up, there is nothing in this stupa! Xiao Hua flew out of the stupa and once again fell into another space and began to look at the beginning of the stupa until the end of the stupa!

Hearing coldly, he looked at Xiao Hua and didn't speak.

The swallowing beast is watching coldly and coldly, beware of the sudden start.

Swallowing the sky is like a little girl who is angry, a few minutes away from the two beasts, accompanied carefully.

Xiao Hua walked out of the pagoda, and found out the Buddha's knowledge and looked at the distance. Then he shot his forehead and opened his eyes. After a while, Xiao Hua flew back to the inverted space and released the Buddha. Look at the distance, then listen to the perception of Xiaohua's Buddha, the Buddha's light movements on the body, swallowing the sneer of the beast, screaming and swallowing the beast, and concealing the murder in the heart, sneer: "I want to Look, what can you find out!"

Xiao Hua did not speak, standing on the ground, once again opened the broken eyes, waiting to see all the things in front of the eyes is a big bang! Because the stupa in the previous space does not have a specific outline, you can only see the occasional Buddha light, but this is the true pagoda of the stupa inside the space!

"Da Yan Ling Ling Tower?? Grandma's, how could there be two??" Xiao Hua was shocked, and hurriedly flew up, looked at the heights, and looked at a few eyes, Xiao Hua's surprise gradually go with. Because the shape of the stupa seen with the naked eye is generally the same as that of the Da Yan Ling Tower, it can be different in the eyes of the broken law. This is different in the eyes of Xiao Hua and others, and cannot be distinguished in a hurry. come out!

But seeing this stupa is also a nine-fold, with the sun and the moon above the spire, the flow overflowing the sky and the Minghua; the tower base is the mountain river. Showing the earth and virtue. The place where the nine towers are smashed is the shadow of Yunxia, ​​showing infinite brilliance!

“No!” Xiao Hua finished the pagoda and frowned. “This...this seems not to be a pagoda!! It’s not the instrument of my door! It’s the instrument of Confucianism!! Here... here’s how Will there be a royal device? Is it here that in addition to the Dragon God and the Maitreya Buddha, there are other people? Or... Xiaomou’s guess... correct??”

"Small things..." I asked without a sneer, "What can you see with your third eye?"

Xiao Hua will break the law and close it. The faint one refers to the stupa: "There is another...the stupa inside this stupa. Everything I see is a fantasy!"

"How is it possible?" Hearing was shocked. His incredible is moving his ears, but the look on his face has not changed much.

The swallowing beast naturally also released Yuan Nian, and even the same mouth opened to the stupa to fluctuate! However, the two beasts all showed an incomprehensible look, and apparently did not find any anomalies.

"Two predecessors..." Xiao Hua spoke up. "You don't have to look again. The pagoda on the floor is blended with the outer pagoda. Only... the outer pagoda is broken. Perhaps the inner layer can be revealed. Stupa..."

"Who dares!" Hearing this is to expel Xiao Hua and the swallowing beast from the scorpio, where can they let this stupa break? Hearing a roar. The Buddha's light everywhere rises up, and the voice shocks Xiao Hua's mind, like the legendary Buddha lion.

"Of, of course, dare!" Swallowing the beast will not even eat this set, the body shape is shaking, the dark demon cloud is born again, the figure has expanded several times!

The attitude towards swallowing beasts. Hearing no accidents, he just looked at Xiao Hua coldly! Xiao Hua is a cold body, and he listens to the fierce eyes like a flying sword to pierce him! Xiao Hua sneered, and at this time, does he still have a chance to retreat? Even this unnamed tower is the dragon god. It is the Lord of Buddha. For the sake of his own survival, in order to bury the billions of souls in the mainland, Xiao Hua will definitely give up his life!

"I dare!" Xiao Hua stepped forward, stepping forward, the voice is not high, the unmistakable taste of the gas is true than the stone.

"Damn!" Hearing the roar, the whole body was huge, and the breath completely changed. It was generally the same as the day before the peak of the sky. There was a blossoming Buddha in the surrounding space, and every Buddha’s lotus Containing the horrible karma, even in the center of these Buddhas, a glimpse of blood is like a flower, and in the compassion, it has been contaminated with incomparable desolateness.

Swallowing the beasts and screaming at the sky, smashing the huge beast head in the air, "Hey..." That is the sky of the demon cloud, and immediately flew tens of thousands of black gas, these black air Into the air immediately into a small swallowing beast, each swallowing the beast of the beasts are strange waves, pounced on the blossoming Buddha in this Buddha. When these fluctuations fall into the air, they immediately create a space like a spiral. They cover the Buddha's lotus. The Buddha's rotation seems to be annihilated by space. He can listen to the Buddha's light swaying everywhere, and there are endless ceilings in the void. The smallpox not only dispels the void of the swallowing beast, but also makes the rotation of the Buddha lotus steady.

Listening and swallowing the beasts of the beasts are evenly matched, and at this time the injuries of the two beasts are the same, and it is difficult to distinguish between the ordinary and the ordinary! As for Xiao Hua, in fact, it has not been seen in the eyes.

Unfortunately, I have heard it wrong!

At this time, the scream of "吼..." is not far from the fight between the two beasts. Numerous hurricanes are born, and countless unspeakable fluctuations are born from the void. The alienation of the ruined continent also begins in the hurricane. Twisted, a breath that is enough to affect the battle, let the singer and swallow the threat of the beasts slowly emerged.

Hearing and swallowing the beasts, he hurriedly looked at it and saw Xiao Hua’s head. The bones of Xiao Hua had already ridiculed the human bones from the space. The triangle’s blood bones are falling to the heavens. Over the top of the head.

"This..." I was shocked and shouted, "You...what did you get from the heavenly bones..."

"Fast, fast..." The swallowing beast is very happy. "Hurry up and help the old man to help you kill the **** cockroach!"

"Kill..." The blood bones fell on the top of the white bones of the heavens. An ugly three-headed six-armed man formed rapidly, and a sound like a thunder-like sound spit out from the mouth of the heavens.

"Oh..." When the heavenly man was born, the three mouths spewed different rays of light, and they rushed to the sound like a practice. The kind of wild smell was more obvious than listening to and swallowing the beast! Although the power of this Xiaguang is not enough, but wherever it goes, the space is also producing fine lines, and the slight thunderous sound is born in this fine line!

"Brushing..." Xiaguang fell, and the countless small flowers that were stunned and shattered were shattered. The steady Buddha's lotus was moved, and it fell toward the mouth of the swallowing beast, and the edge of the Buddha was also destroyed by Xiaguang. !

"Call..." Seeing that Xiaguang’s power is weak, he listened with a long sigh of relief and sneered. "It turned out to be a piece of paper, and this strength is still dare to come out?"

"Oh..." A strange smile suddenly appeared in the mouth of the heavenly man. This laugh fell in the ear and made him feel uneasy in his heart!

"Booming ......" But seeing the two men’s arms waving slightly in midair, there have been some faint glows of light and brilliance. The countless ray of ray is blooming like a flower, and it instantly blooms. Killing Folian more than 40%!

"Damn..." He was shocked. He was seriously injured at this time. He didn't dare to rely on the body to fight hard, so the two beasts had a tacit understanding of spells. However, this spell is not his long. Item, in particular, the Tianren, who is controlled by the bones of Xiaohua, seems to be more than stunned at present. However, if the ability of the body is raised, the heavenly people are still going to listen to a lot of power. Therefore, the power of the instinct of the heavenly man is the power of the thunder. And it is the ability to catch up with the 40% of the spells cast after the injury! In the case of listening to and swallowing the beasts of the beasts, it is said that the power is 40%, that is, the power of 10% is enough to push the victory to Xiaohua and swallow the beasts. How can these situations not be shocked?

The Buddha was destroyed by 40%, and the rest could not resist the swallowing of the little swallowing beasts. When they were shocked, they were all sucked into the belly by the swallowing beast! The whole demon body that has got the Buddha's light is soaring, and it is re-incarnation of the infinite temperament. It will block the space within ten thousand miles, and even the connection between the stupa and the singer Also cut off!

Hearing the loss of contact with the stupa, the Buddha’s rapid contraction immediately revealed the scarred body!

"Small things! Laozi will kill you!!" Hearing and shouting, the whole body was bloody, and the golden fists of the size of the fists in the blood were like a bubble, and with the tumbling of the golden gong, the sound of wooden fish The sound of chanting, the sound of singing and singing of Wanfo has never been born in the golden plaque. A heavy **** Buddha light has emerged from the golden plaque, not only piercing the blockade, but also turning it into a **** color. The virtual shadow flutters to the swallowing beast! This illusion has been born, the complete golden urn culture has made a golden sap, every drop of juice is like a small world, surging the power of powerful karma!

"Ha ha..." The swallowing beast laughed. "Hey, even the **** Buddha shadows are displayed. Are you afraid that it is already dry?"

In the words, the body of the swallowing beast is saved, and the demon cloud of the whole body is connected with the demon cloud that was previously blocked by the blockade. The huge sound of the buzzing sound is born in the demon cloud and the Buddha shadow. The whole space is in this thunder. Shake it violently!

Ps: Thanks to the Silver League, which is the "flowing water", the last three days of the National Day holiday are five. The flower promises will be added to the "flowing water e" from time to time. Thanks again to all the friends who support the flower. (To be continued.)


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