Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2989: Chengzhu in the chest (for the silver alliance, the water is falling and the fl

"The ninth product, Folian", the music is very scared, and hurried, "How is this thing in your hands?"

The swallowing beast does not answer, he will take a mouth, and the piece of Buddha is falling into his mouth.

"Damn you give it to your seat." Huale Tiantian magic roared, his left hand waved, the same is a magic knife, no magic, no magic light, is a simple brilliance flash, magic knife Has already broken into the top door of the swallowing beast. ,

"吼" swallowing the beast, the last roar is not a bark, the **** sound of the sound rushed out, only to block the magic knife count, but only this number, the purple Buddha has disappeared

Huale Tiantian once again roared: "Damn"

Then, the magic knife does not stop. In the sound of "呜", the body of the swallowing beast is swept, and the magic knife is naturally passed through. After the magic knife is passed, the blood and the Buddha light fly out with the magic knife, and the wreckage of the swallowing beast is made. Gray floating in mid air

The blood is spinning at the tip of the knife, and the red is condensed into a crystal-clear blood-colored diamond, which is the same as the previous one, except that it is inside the diamond. The brilliance of the rushing out is the appearance of a swallowing beast

As for the Buddha's light, it was the Buddha's Bodhi that was merged with the ancient color. At this time, it has been merged with the purple ninth Buddha. With the integration of the Buddha, the Buddha Bodhi has already touched the Buddha's light. Thoroughly explored into the lottery, while the color and profit melted, an eight-foot-sized Nanwu Maitre Buddha Buddha stood up again from the golden juice without fear. However, the Maitreya Buddha at this time is no longer The original face of Buddha Bodhi was like the appearance of Jiang Liuer.

"Swallow the beast" Huale Tiantian demon will swallow the blood of the beast of the beast to swallow the entrance, screaming evilly, "You actually dare to break the big thing in this seat. This seat will already torture you life and death can not let You know how powerful this seat is."

After waiting for the Huale Devil to finish, he extended his big fingers and pointed it on the bare head of Buddha Bodhi. He smiled and said: "You are a little monk. It is interesting to see that there is something wrong with the Maitreya Buddha. Why don't you explain to your ontology that you want to get the final, you can bear everything, but how can your young shoulders bear this? Absorbed by the color of the Maitreya Buddha, do you say that you are a young monk or a Maitreya Buddha?"

"Nan no Maitreya Buddha" Buddha Bodhi only speaks Buddha. Not answering.

"In fact, you are a little monk. It is the Maitreya Buddha who can't influence the plan of the seat. Because it is as early as the celestial scorpion, this seat has already got the Baye Ling chanting." Huale Tiantian konjac smiled, "have this thing." This Maitreya Buddha’s color can be refining 70% and now has the body of the heavenly man. There are hundreds of thousands of blood spirits in the land of the land, and this seat can set foot in the realm of the demon, and can escape from this **** time. ”

Speaking of this, Huale Tiantian suddenly stopped talking, and some of Nahan looked up and looked surprised. "Why is this today's incomplete and ruined mainland so busy? This is the big god's whim, Grandma, this seat is still hurrying. Act now, don't be very sad."

Say, the magical magical demon with the point of the Buddha's Bodhi's brain is suddenly "squeaky", and the tentacles that have turned into thousands of Buddhas fall on the golden body of Buddha Bodhi. The fall of the tentacles, the magic spot suddenly gave birth to the magic spot, it seems that the ink drops in the clean water, and the crazy spread on the gold of the Buddha Bodhi, no matter how the Buddha light flashes can not stop.

Faced with the magical magic of heaven and earth, the Buddha Bodhi smiled faintly and said with both hands: "There is no Buddha in the south, and the disciples pray for me here. I ask the Buddha to give the hand of the power. It is the Buddha of the Buddha." The country is the devil. Or give it back to the gods."

When Buddha Bodhi said this, it was really a word, and it fell into gold. Every time a word fell into the air. They are all turned into a golden golden enamel, and at the same time, the seeds of Buddha are emerged from the void, and the golden plaques spit out from the Buddha's Bodhi mouth. This Jin Yuwen has fallen onto the Buddha's lotus, and immediately reflects the Buddha's light. Then in this Buddha's light, the Buddha's lotus is in full bloom, and the forty-four Buddhas surround the Buddha Bodhi. After each Buddha, there are countless rivers of faith faintly born, and the sounds of music like music are heard from the rivers of these beliefs. Moreover, behind the mind of Buddha Bodhi, a fascinating country of Buddhism has already taken shape. Within the void, countless Buddha visions have been revealed one by one. It seems that this Buddha’s Bodhi is just like this.

However, I don’t know what is missing. It proves that the Buddha’s vision is like a virtual shadow, a case, and there is no essence at all. The Buddha fruit is also like a painting cake, and it will not be completed.

"Ha ha ha" listened to the Buddha's bodhisattva, and saw the vision of the Nanmen Maitreya Buddha's evidence. The Huale Heavenly Devil did not have a trace of panic. On the contrary, Huale Tiantian Devil sent a shocking laughter. Laughter is both arrogant and ridiculous. He pointed the head of Buddha Bodhi with his hand and said loudly. "It’s so funny, Grandma’s, it’s like time back. The Maitreya Buddha was also like this. It’s also like this. Stepping out of the last step, but he still can't escape the fate of being killed by this seat. It is surrounded by the turbulent flow of time. There is no regular superposition of thousands of spaces. Even the demon of my music can't find it here. The location of the space. The little monk, you use your bald-headed door to think about it. If you have a magical day, you can do so much. I have no dreams when I have a dream. How can you wait for the Buddha's disciples to prove their fruit or go to my mouth? Let this seat use your body to swallow the merits of Maitreya Buddha."

In the magical laughter of the day, in the huge magic body, there was a very faint green brilliance, and then the brilliance disappeared.

"How can you be?" The music is amazing. "How can you come from the sky? How can you get out of this space? You found a breakthrough time. This is where you are. Here"

At the time of Huale Tiantian’s self-speaking, the thirteen loud noises of “Booming and Booming”, the thirteen **** sculptures from the Spring and the Forbidden Sea Spirit Renovation Site, flew out of the magical green mans It was just around the magical body of the Huale Heavenly Demon, and then with the smashing green scorpion smashing in the magic, the thirteen statues of the great gods turned into thirteen giant green stars, with the magic body as The center rotates slowly, and each of the green stars is flying with different souls. These souls fall into the magic from all directions with the different angles of rotation. The magic is in the soul. The next is not weakened, but it seems to be somewhat clarified, as if the thirteen stars are purifying magic.

At this time, the soul repair Xiao Hua, who has never seen the trace, came out from the magical voice, and instantly gave birth to all the hearts of Xiao Hua: "The devil is a child, the poor road has introduced Huale Tiantian Devil into Shenhua, you come to help the poor. You can't hesitate to follow the poor roads and suppress this magical demon. This is the dragon pulse friend and other people who I arranged early on, and sealed the entire space. The devil escapes a detachment"

The voice of the soul repair Xiaohua is like a glimpse, all of a sudden wake up all the avatars

"How is it possible?" Green robes Xiao Hua will stand up from the corner of the space. Some of them are puzzled. "Isn’t you still saying that you want to ambush the beasts?"

"Fart" Confucianism Xiao Hua was in a hurry, swearing, "I am waiting for you to be the most familiar with Shenhua. Before I wait for the body to recover, you still have to hurry to help the soul." When the mind is awakened from the enchantment, I will have a way to live."

"Yes, yes," Greenpao Xiaohua suddenly woke up, and did not dare to delay, urging his body to rush into the Shenhua continent is almost at the same time, the magical spirit of the handgun, Xiaohua, also flashed through the magic. , rushed into the Shenhua continent

"Master" Confucianism Xiao Hua look at Buddha Bodhi, some heartache, said, "You have seen, this is what I and my body deliberately do."

"Southern no Maitreya Buddha" Buddha Bodhi does not wait for Confucianism Xiaohua to finish, raise his hand and shoot his forehead, the sky of the Buddha's light falls, it is the magic of the magical magic of the magic, and then he is a wave The Daelong Linglong Tower, the Daru Rulai Buddha, the Wanfotu and other Buddhist treasures have been sacrificed, and the magical power and the devil head that are desperate to move together with the soul repairing witch defeat the magic spirit.

"Good" sees Buddha Bodhi hands, Confucianism Xiao Hua shouted at the dragon pulse Xiaohua, "Daoyou slightly bothered"

"Good" Dragon Pulse Xiaohua should have a voice, seeing Kyushu Ding flying out from the mountains and rivers, spewing five colors of true gas, falling into the magical body of the magical demon, the magical body of the demon, although lost control, but the inner China There are a lot of other devils that have been suppressed by the magical music. These devils want to go out crazy, and they have to fight with Confucianism Xiaohua and Buddha Bodhi. However, at this time, Xiao Hua’s soul repair, Confucianism, and Buddhism were simultaneously shot, not to mention the purification of the witches. The realm of that awe-inspiring spirit emerges from the five colors of infuriating, the power of a strand of raw light flashes the brilliance of the five colors, not only kills many devils without the devil, but also the speed of the magic body without the control of the devil. To be continued. ~Search the basket color, you can read the full chapter later


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