Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 2999: Charge Tongtianfeng

After carefully scrutinizing the five small disasters, Xiao Hua turned his eyes to the body of the ink jade, he said with a smile: "Mu Yu Qi Lin, the old man may soon leave here, you have promised the old husband, the old man Where do you go with the old man, what is the word now?"

"This" Mo Yu Qilin did not expect Xiao Hua to meet this question, but he did not feel hesitant. In a moment, he resolutely replied, "Good teaching master knows that after this flood, the small knows what is called Jingcheng. Unity, what is the same boat, so the small is not willing to leave them. If the lord has to follow small, the small will follow, there is no complaint, but if the lord can give in, it is best to bring them together. of"

"Oh, the old man has nothing to do with you." Xiao Hua smiled. "Now the catastrophe of the mainland has just passed, it is just a waste of time. You are waiting for the five small, how can you leave the flood, then, Previously, your agreement with the old man made it happen. The old man only hopes that you can converge on your own character and be kind to the weak and uninhabited creatures."

"Thank you for the lord" Mo Yu unicorn was overjoyed and sighed in front of Xiao Hua. And the golden dragonfly, the colorful peacock, the black and white basaltic and the Xuantian white tiger are also happy, all are worshipping

Seeing five small thanks, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "It’s rare that you are all sentimental. As the saying goes, the prodigal son will not change the gold. Today, the old man also gives you some benefits."

Said, Xiao Hua raised his hand, and the finger gave birth to a crystal mans, and then it seemed to give birth to five arms, and the same five fingers fell on the forehead of the small five.

"Boom" ink jade unicorn, etc. but felt a black front, countless flood maps poured into their minds like a flood, they were shocked, and quickly closed their eyes to realize. And Xiao Hua’s big sleeves waved the small body of the wilderness to the earth, and he’s gone.

After dozens of days, after the five waking up, there is still Xiaohua’s figure.

Unexpectedly, the Xiaowu five times came to Tongtianfeng again. Looking at the collapsed Tongtian Peak. The peak of the whole body is like a backbone that defeats the hero. The unyielding breath still volatilizes under the scorching sun. The alien animals on the mainland are not too close, and Xiao Hua is sighing. Said: "Tong Tianfeng is not guilty, but it can be left in the hands of Huale Tiantian, and it is a sinful sin. The whole floodland is almost because of this Tongfeng."

Confucianism Xiaohua nodded: "Tongtianfeng is the crystallization of the efforts of hundreds of millions of stone giants. It is also built on the land of the wilderness. They are afraid that they can only be regarded as the shame of the post."

“The material of Tongtianfeng seems to be very strange. The method of refining is also mysterious, not the poor road can be seen.” The green robes Xiao Hua’s eyes are also shining, “and under this innate water, the land of the ruins of the mainland is not corroded. Only this Tongtian Peak is not damaged at all, this thing can be used greatly."

"In fact, the Fengshen Xiaohua hesitated, suggesting that "the material needed to worship the five elements of the wishful sticks does not seem to have such a foreign object as Tianfeng. However, since the gods are created, it is a waste. I may wish to Received, see if it is useful later"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and his heart wrapped around Tong Tianfeng and tried it. He shook his head and said: "This thing is the refining system of the gods and gods. The weight is earlier than the ability of the poor road. It is impossible to collect within a short time."

"It's a pity." All the people are sorry.

When Xiao Hua turned and wanted to fly away, Long Xiao and Buddha Bodhi suddenly spoke at the same time: "Dao You Mo Ji"

"Oh," Xiao Hua stunned, and then smiled on his face. "Is there a way for the two Taoist friends to fail?"

Dragon Vein Xiao Hua and Buddha Bodhi flew to Tongtian Peak. Dragon Pulse Xiao Hua first released Yuan Nian. Sweeping from the top of Tongtian Peak to the bottom of Tongtian Peak, while Buddha Bodhi is releasing the Buddha's knowledge from the bottom to the top. After the two bodies were examined, they looked at each other and their faces showed a smile. Xiaomai flew to Xiaohua and smiled in front of Xiaohua: "Congratulations to the Taoist friend, although the Tongtian Peak is very incomparable, but every inch of the interior is made by my dragon mystery and the Buddha's secret technique. If it is the poor road and the Bodhi masters And then by the friends of the Tao, together, when there is a 60% grasp of the grasp"

"Big good" Xiao Hua is in charge. In the first place, "have a good friend."

Immediately after the Dragon Wave Xiaohua and the Buddha Bodhi were carefully negotiating for a few days, Xiao Hua and the various princes were listening to each other. When the discussion was stopped, the dragon vein Xiao Hua revealed the dragon phase of the five-clawed dragon, and the dragon crystal that had not been refining Turned into a scale, the general appearance of his scales outside the dragon's torso, the dragon veins Xiaohua smashed into one, and the dragons on the dragon's armor gave birth to the dragon's interest, falling into the head of Tongtianfeng, the dragon's nest, one layer The dragon pattern oozes from the depths of Tongtian Peak, and turns into an inch-sized dragon shape to swim toward the other end of Tongtian Peak. On the other end of the broken Tongtian Peak, Buddha Bodhi holds the seven treasure tree, and mourns the scriptures in the mouth. The seven Taobao lights fell into the Tongtian Peak, and one Jin Yuwen also oozes from the Baoguang. These Jinyuwens grow like a one-inch-long linden tree, spreading toward the end of Tongtianfeng.

For a full dozen days, the dragon and linden trees completely cover the broken section of the sky. Sure enough, as the dragon pulse Xiaohua said, within every inch of the space of Tongtianfeng, the dragon pattern is very entangled with the bodhi tree, a kind of heaven and earth to the vaguely born from the inside.

“唉” Xiao Hua witnessed this scene, and felt uncomfortable. “The heavens are endless, and I have a cliff.”

"From" Longmai Xiaohua screamed on the side of Tongtianfeng, and hundreds of millions of dragons rushed with the sound of dragons

"Starting" Buddha Bodhi is almost at the same time opening, mouth buddha, the seven treasures of the tree is also lifted, hundreds of millions of linden trees also rise with the dragon

"Boom" the whole earth is shaking, and there is a sign that the huge peak of the sky is shaking.

Xiao Hua saw that he was overjoyed, and at the same time his heart was released, he called: "Please ask your friends."

"Get up" green robes Xiao Hua screamed, and sacrificed the swordsmanship, tens of thousands of 诛ling Yuanguang flew out, entwining part of Tongtianfeng.

Confucianism Xiaohua also showed no weakness, Jiuding flew out, and the five-color infuriating gas also turned into a huge tripod that wrapped a part of Tongtian Peak.

The phoenix body Xiaohua screamed and flew to the Tongtian Peak. The body flashed the power of the stars and moons. Countless invisible beams of light descended from the sky and also lifted one place in Tongtian Peak.

The devil Xiaohua fell to another place, and the magical light of the whole body was turned into a magical body. The big hand firmly grasped the rock of Tongtianfeng, and countless devils roared and topped the peak of Tongtian.

The bones of Xiaohua will be sacrificed by the human bones. The three-armed and six-armed population will be covered by Tianfeng, and the six arms will be the last part of Tongtianfeng with the hands of the law.

"Receiving" saw a huge Tongtian broken peak moving under the concerted efforts of many avatars. Xiao Hua hurriedly urged the secret technique, and the mind was mixed with the gods and so on, and fell to the top of Tongtian Peak. At the same time, many avatars simultaneously spurred the magical powers, and a strange whistling sound, it seems that the space near the left is falling and splitting. And as the whistling sounded, the Tongtian broken peak was lifted up, only a few inches were lifted, and the huge incomparable Tongtian peak suddenly disappeared strangely.

With the disappearance of Tongtian Broken Peak, countless explosions and fluctuations are difficult to suppress, and it is madly rushing out everywhere. Whether it is Dragon Vein Xiaohua or Buddha Bodhi, even the Phoenix Body is not flashing. Guanghua, hurriedly urged the mystery to suppress the magical power that is close to control. Not to mention Xiao Hua, the early face is like a pale gold, the whole body has signs of collapse, and there is a faint blood mark between the eyebrows. The surface of the mud pill palace is the brilliance of all kinds of congenital gods, the **** of Xiaohua Both the mind and the mind have been exhausted.

Xiao Hua did not dare to say more, hurriedly took the medicinal herbs to adjust the interest rate, and the other avatars also sat in the workplace and did not mention it.

After waiting for a few months, the original Xiaohua and the avatars once again lost another half of their income to the space. This is quite a weak departure from Tongtianfeng, where they flew to the transmission array.

The transmission array is the key to Xiao Hua’s departure from the mainland, so there is a starry array of green robes Xiao Hua personally laid out outside the transmission array. Seeing that this star array has not suffered any damage, Xiao Hua only checked it, leaving the Confucianism Xiao Hua in the big array, let him use the secret technique of Confucianism to continue to transform the transmission array, and he took the other I was the first to meet the magma's magma.

Where the magma is located, its surface is completely covered by innate heavy water, and the thick magma is hundreds of miles deep. However, it is precisely because of the intensive heavy water coverage, under the magma stratum, there is an extremely fierce power in the constant brewing, constantly roaring. When the previous floods flooded, the congenital heavy water kept infiltrating, and the power was extinguished. The innate heavy water is no longer there. The heat of the magma will solidify the innate heavy water of the stratum, and then it will be exposed to the surface. It is.

"Big good" Xiao Hua looked at all of this and didn't feel the applause. "There is a heaven and a public, everything is in order, but when it is destroyed, the bud of rebirth has been deeply implanted in Xiaomou." Although it has disappeared from invisible, after all, the ruined mainland has been ravaged by congenital heavy water for many days, and this trauma is extremely difficult to recover. However, it seems that things are far from being able to speculate, perhaps it will take less than a few days to wait for this magma. The surface is broken, and a new world is coming. "To be continued." ~Search the basket color, you can read the full chapter later


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