Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3011: sacrifice

With this voice, "嗡嗡..." The space around the hundreds of miles is turbulent. The five-color starlight that had previously spread all over the sky has fallen from the sky. At the same time, at the foot of the Samantabhadra in the south, I don’t know when. The five-color starlight that appeared appeared also rolled up in a frenzy, trapping him in the field of five-color starlight.

Perceived the power of the five-color starlight to restrain the Buddha light, the South did not have a big line of Samantabhadra seems to think of something, the brow is slightly wrinkled, the backhand shoots its own top door, "Peng..." Buddha light emerges, turning into tens of thousands of lotuses will themselves and The stencil was protected, and at the same time, the eight-piece Buddha Lotus at the foot was also overflowing with the Buddha's light. And his body is surging with countless Jin Yuwen, showing hundreds of Buddha statues in the singer of Wanfo!

"What is the use of this Buddha statue? It is broken..." There is still no revealing of the body of the demon in the dark clouds, but a low-pitched, five-color starlight in the sky, the lotus blossoms in the five-star starlight After being crushed, the space shrouded in Buddha light began to collapse!

"Southern no Maitreya Buddha..." Puxian Bodhisattva's face changed slightly, the mirror behind the head, the Buddha's light overflowed, and countless streams of faith flowed out of the mirror, turning into a thumb-sized Buddha. Flying out to the air, this Buddha light and Buddha lotus appeared once, the whole space was once again stable. At the same time, the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is raising his hand again. Yu Ruyi has swept through the mirror. Hundreds of Buddhist countries have fallen into the jade, "吼..." Dozens of Tianlong flew out of the void, surrounded by jade Ruyi fell to the cloud, but see the jade's whereabouts, all the space is broken, the clouds have no chance to escape, and the Buddha's light now smashes all the clouds. When the cloud disappears, it reveals the body of the demon within the cloud. But see a colorful shell appearing in front of the Samantabhadra, the shell is engraved with countless weird textures. The five colors of the light are born from these textures.

"Boom..." The hundred miles of the shell is completely imprisoned. Jade Ruyi is carrying the power of the dragon elephant. It is mixed with the power of the Buddha. It is just above the five colors, but it is seen in the Buddha. The five-color glare of the shell is also extremely brilliance, entangled with the Buddha. The whole world is shaking, and the whole snowy mountain is also shaking. Whether it is the indifferent Buddha light or the overlapping clouds, it is shattered in this trembling. The colorful shells were shot down to the void. A virtual shadow appeared in the air, but when the jade of the Samantabhadra was lifted, a laugh was heard in the void, "Pu Xian. You are fooled! Bodhisattva of Leiyin Temple, but this is the case !"

"Damn..." South Dawu Daxian Samantabhadra is rare to give birth to anger, a low-pitched voice in the mouth, a mouthful, countless small flowers falling wildly, falling towards the hall of Xiaoling Temple, seems to want to protect the inside of Xiaoling Temple stout. Unfortunately, those smallpox have not fallen. I saw the light of the mountains above the Xiaoling Temple, and the five colors of Xiaguang once again rose to the sky. The shells that were thrown into the void did not know when they had teleported to the Xiaoling Temple. The open shells cover the entire hall. Ren Tianhua fell on the five colors of Xiaguang and turned into Buddha light.

"Master..." Longma Hurricane and Yan Han shouted, at the right time, rushed out and rushed to the hall, but unfortunately they never waited for them to come near, and they had been pushed back by the five colors.

"The enchanting ......" South no big line Puxian Bodhisattva whispered, will lift the jade Ruyi again. The anger screamed, "Hey is the rapporteur of the Leiyin Temple and the Fairy Palace. His stability is related to the stability of the three continents. If you hurt him a hairy hair, don't blame me Buddha and Confucianism. Join forces to join the Thousand Demons!"

"Oh..." The sound inside the shell is very yin and yang. "Scared the baby! It turns out that this is the seeker of the two major schools of Confucianism and Buddhism! It is about the stability of the two factions of your family." I heard that the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures have already been asked, so that the dragon palace’s small **** has soon arrived in the Tibetan immortal continent. What about this quest for?

"Quickly let go!" South No Daxing Samantabhadra has some helplessness, cried, "You must bring the Mahayana Buddhism back to Changsheng Town yourself, otherwise this bliss is not over!"

"Well, don't worry, Pu Xian, I will definitely let this little monk! And, I will never hurt him a hair!" The voice is very faint.

If you don’t feel like you are so interested, you will only let go, this seat will not be pursued...

However, before he finished, the voice interrupted him: "I just want to live forever, eat a piece of meat!"

"Don't let go!" South no big line, Samantabhadra, a feeling of being teased, gave birth and sneered.

"If I used to, I wouldn't believe it, but... I saw the image of the evidence on the snowy mountain today. How can I not believe it?" The voice was very proud, and the light on the whole shell was like a laugh. "Isn't the body of the reincarnation before the testimony, is it the introduction of the elixir?"

There is no big sage in the south, but the sorrowful face of the Buddha is born with a cold light. It says one word at a time: "This must be the ancestors of Hongmeng telling you? They are good at stealing the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth. In retrospect, there may be some magical effects in the body of my Buddha. But you must know that my reincarnation is accompanied by a causal karma. How can Daomeng can eliminate this karma? On the edge of the upper level of the eight elements, you can see the position of the demon sacred, if it is for the so-called immortality, the future is not true!"

"Oh, if there is no life limit, what is the great saint, what Buddha Lord is also in the mirror in the water!" The big demon seems to have some heart for the South without a big line of Samantabhadra.

"It turned out to be like this!" South No Daxing Puxian Bodhisattva heard, immediately understood, smiled, "This seat already knows, if you put it, you can pack the ticket, personally for you to the big day, such as the afterlife Ask for one for you, how do you see it?"

"This..." The monster inside the shell sounded hesitant.

Nan Bu Da Xing Pu Xian Bodhisattva is also persuading: "You can rest assured! Your origins have already known that the existence of this seat also knows that you must not pass the consent of this time, otherwise That person will never let you come, do you say it?"

"You... how do you know?" The monster was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked.

"What's the hard part of this?" Nan Wu Daxing Puxian Bodhisattva laughed. "Can there be a few demon people in the five-color halo under the sun? I am in charge of everything in the world, and the existence of that person, how is my Leiyin Temple?" Can you not know?"

"Okay!" The monster in the shell saw his origins being seen, and did not want to cause trouble. He took a step back and said, "I can put this monk, but the fire must be handed over to me. ”

"What are you going to do?" South has no big line, Samantabhadra, "He is just protecting the awkward apprentice!"

"He killed my great grandson..." the demon yelled and yelled. "If I don't take him back, cramp and skin, how can I put my face down?"

"Oh..." There is a little embarrassment for the Samantabhadra of the South without a big line. Looking at the look of the demon, it must have been flicked by the ancestors of Hongmeng, and the great grandson he said is definitely such a scene, but his The great-grandson made a sacrifice in the catastrophe of the bliss, and achieved the number of robbers, and he was powerful, and in turn he wanted to marry the Buddha.

Nan Wu Da Xing Pu Xian Bodhisattva Zhang Zhang mouth, want to say something, but also shut up, who is the grandson of this demon, he may not know, but the Buddha Buddhism responsible for the robbery must know, to say that the culprit is If you are short-selling, it is better to say that you are the ancestors of Hongmeng or other Buddhism Buddhas. How can you say that the Nanwu Daxing Samantabhadra is spoken?

The South without a big line, the Samantabhadra bodhisattva had to think for a moment, looked at the darkness that had been hiding in his own Buddha's light, and said: "The hollow is here, you can come and take it at any time, but you still have to Let it go, ask him! After all, he is the master of the hollow..."

At this time, the powerlessness collapsed in the air, and the five-color halo of the monster was extremely weird. Not only did his body be destroyed, but it also prevented the recovery of the body, and the erosion of the heart and lungs was extremely fast. The exercises are trying to resist. Everything that happened in front of him was in his eyes. Perhaps he already knew his own ending, but in that blind eyes, he did not retreat and fear.

"Haha... Pu Xian, are you playing and shirking?" The monster felt uncomfortable and laughed. "The little monk is in my hands. His life and death follow me. Can he object? You are not a bit crisp. If you send it out, why bother?"

"Nan no Maitreya Buddha..." South No Daxing Puxian Bodhisattva waved, and he was sent to his own eyes and said, "You ask, as long as he nods, this seat will be short-selling to you!" ”

"It’s really a trousers fart, and it’s all!” The monster is somewhat intolerant, and the shell’s light is showing up, revealing the squatting figure, cold and cold, “Little monk, you know the origin of the matter, you want to be eaten by me. Is it still? Let the hollow go with me!"

"There is no Amitabha in the south..." There is hardly any hesitation in the mouth, and the Buddha said, "How can the poor make the disciples die for the dead? The poor are willing to go with you!"

"Ah??" The monster was completely stunned. "You...you want to be eaten by me? Is your brain not necrotic?"

"Hey..." South Dawu Daxian Samantabhadra is also anxious, cried, "You don't forget your responsibility, you don't forget your ambition in the Changsheng Zhenjiang tide! Sacrifice the hollow, you can save countless Life..." (To be continued)

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