Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3861: Various means

Under the secret technique, the madman really urged the Thunder's body, and in the twinkling of an instant, it rose by a dozen feet. The thunder of the right hand also rose slowly with the thunder, and a thunder and war **** will see it!

But seeing the thunder of the real people, the Thunder Law gave birth to an unspeakable deterrent. The whole competition was gradually shrouded. There was no special movement in the ruthlessness. His Yuan Ying only looked calmly, waiting for the madness to look like electricity. In general, I looked at myself. The Yuan Ying, who was covered in thunder, was not in the flesh. When she was ruthlessly opened her eyes, she glimpsed the power of the rush, and her body swayed and flew toward the side of the competition. For a moment, I opened the distance with the madman.

Then, without seeing how ruthless, I heard that the sound of thunderstorms was born from the sky near him, and then spread a series of high-altitude, but in a matter of interest, the other half of Jing Leiping was shrouded in thunderstorms. The blast that is a supporting role is quite awkward, and the thunderstorm sounds, and the power of the Thunder's body is so crowded that it flies to the edge of the competition!

However, the hurricane is not discouraged. He is also rushing to shoot his own door. The strange whistling sound of the whistle rises as well. The suction of one stock is born from his body. This suction rushes into the sky and tries hard. From the heavens and the earth, they are robbed of the aura of heaven and earth that is ruthless and maddened by real people. With the aura of these heavens and earths entering the body, the whole body of the blast is also flashing a faint ray, and the whole body is changed, and the body surface gradually becomes illusory. Obviously, I also want to motivate the body to fight for the real people.

Unfortunately, before he reveals his corpse, the ruthlessly controlled thunderstorm suddenly appears in the vicinity of Jing Leiping, but sees thousands of thunderstorms like fireworks. Thousands of thunders rush out from thunderstorms. The ancestors fell into the ruthless flesh!

"Ah??" Seeing so many thunder hits ruthlessly, even the Hyun-Bir fairy can't help but can't help but open his mouth and cried, "What is it to be ruthless?"

"Let's watch it!" The thunder and the real double eyes are like the stars. It is really opposite to the Venus star above Gao Tian. He seems to understand something. He responded with a little excitement. "Nothing or surprises for me." ......"

Sure enough, with the sound of Thunder's real people landing, "Hey..." ruthlessly screamed in the sky, it was the ordinary flesh that suddenly flashed the glaring thunder, this thunder, countless thunders from the ruthless body The surface of the table emerged, these thunderous crazy rotations, crazy vibrations, under this thunder, a piece of purple-black scales began to spread, the scales began to be only the size of the thumb, can grow with the ruthless body The scales are gradually increasing! And under the scales, the ruthlessness is that some whitish skin is getting darker and darker, and the faint lightning is between the scales, gradually condensing on the dark body surface!

Not only that, but with the ruthless flesh's variation, behind the ruthless, two dark wings are also revealed from the flesh, and the pressure in the middle of the Yuan Ying is gradually revealed, and with the increase of the ruthless flesh ......

In the end, when the ruthless flesh rose to two hundred feet, the pressure had already reached the late Yuan Ying!

Ruthlessly there is the strength of the late Yuan Ying! !

But seeing the ruthlessness at this time is already the body of the beast! The body is dark and the scales are all over the body. Each scale is a few feet in size. After the body of the law, the wings of the two feet with a size of more than a hundred feet swayed slightly in the air, and countless black and purple electric lights flashed from above the wings. Look at the ruthless, this is a cold face like water, now it has been colored into a green, a layer of fine scales will cover the entire face. The two eyes are slightly protruding, and a heavy golden light shines through the eyelids like a huge bell. It was thin, and the lips that were squatting now protruded sharply, like a bird. As for the top of the head, the lightning-like lightning will illuminate the Jing Lei Ping, which is close to dozens of miles away, and the pressure from the late Yuan Ying is revealed from this lightning!

The ruthless display of the body of the beast, in addition to the vest to produce wings, the arms turned into more than a hundred feet long, the hammer that was previously sacrificed, has now been taken in his right hand, the thunder hammer is a few dozen feet, Its thunder is shining and the power is endless.

"No... no!" Hyun-chan fairy is stunned, and the five major thunder palaces, such as Hurricane Fairy, are stunned. They are really unimaginable. They have just stepped into the mid-term of the Yuan Ying, and they have turned into a late stage. Strength, if this is the case, it is said that the dry thunder palace has no rivals, that is, the entire Royal Leizong... fear is also rare rivals!

The Thunder is not so surprised. After all, he has seen a small knife for the ceremony. As for the hurricane fairy, his face naturally shows a bitter smile. Such an ugly body of the beast, Cui Wei’s life and death will never be performed!

Thunder really smiled and looked at the hurricane fairy, whispered: "The big thing has been decided!!"

Hurricane Fairy shook his head slightly, and even looked at the Hyunhua Fairy. Although he didn't say a word, the expression has already shown that even if she ruthlessly wins the Royal Leizong, she will not be surprised!

"Damn..." What can I think of the Hurricane Fairy? In addition to bitterness in the mouth, Hyunhua Fairy is the deep uneasiness and unwillingness in her heart. She already knows the intention of dry Leizi, and she knows the role of ruthlessness. She can’t help but whisper, bite her lips, and watch her ruthlessly. Defeat the madman!

It seems that everything is a foregone conclusion, but the madman is not moved by it. Seeing the pressure of the ruthless beast and the body of the beast will press himself to death. He has an unspeakable blood red in his eyes. The huge Thunder is still rising rapidly. After the law body rose to more than a hundred feet, the madness of the real person roared again, a spurt of blood, hands waving, the thick crystal mans rushed into the blood, with the law, the blood is also For the thunderfire, "Boom..." stayed the hottest, and the maddenal man turned the thunder into his own thunder, and the huge roaring sound was born again from his body, but see the already formed body surface. Hundreds of whirlpools, this whirlpool is like a baby's small mouth, greedily sucking the apocalypse of the heavens and the earth, "hey..." With the reiki of heaven and earth re-enter the body, the body of the mad **** is also up, the body Also released the pressure, arrived at the ruthless pressure, and gradually, under the ruthless persecution, the power of the madness is close to the late Yuan Ying!

"Not good!" Thunder really saw the scene of the madness of the real people, and did not feel a low voice, and reluctantly said, "The sky is going to be desperate, how can he control the power of the late Yuan Ying with his strength? He even Can win this fight, out of the competition Lei Ping also have to lose the yuan. This is not a battle of life and death, why not?"

"In the eyes of the wilderness, this is the battle of life and death!" Thunder said faintly. "It’s better to fight with the ruthlessness of the juniors. It’s better to kill him. You see his thunder, there is still a bloodshot. If there is no accident, this is the battle of the main thunder palace palace... a hit can be divided into the results!"

"The two men are so desperate, the real people say that they can't take advantage of the fishermen!" Jingfeng Fairy said with some concern.

Yan Yunzi glanced at the real person who had been squeezed into the corner and smiled: "The ruthless and mad gods are the strength of the late Yuan Ying, and the real thing is just a small Yuan Ying early realm, even two people. He was injured and he definitely couldn’t take advantage of it!"

"It is also..." Jingfeng fairy nodded slightly, his eyes removed from the real person of the wind, and he looked back to the ruthless and wild real people.

It’s not that everyone is watching the wind and the real person. Because of the brilliance of the two masters, the real people are also crazy in extracting the aura of the heavens and the earth. The flesh is growing rapidly, and even the surface is also golden. Scales, the left and the lower heavens and auras into the hurricane into the gap between the scales, but these visions are covered by thunder, compared with the power of the late Yuan Ying, really like the fire of fire!

However, the blast is also unyielding, and the seemingly dull eyes gradually flash a faint, golden glow!

Jingfeng Fairy’s gaze has just fallen on the madness of the real person, and the madness is a loud voice: “ruthless, Laozi fights with you!”

This roar is really like a slap in the face. Many of the disciples who have been repaired as shallow and shallow have trembled and fell directly from the air. Even if they are still standing in the air, the heart is also an abnormality of fear.

With this roar, the madness of the real person is full of thunder, hand-drilling thunder, smashing the courage of Wanfu, rushing over to the ruthless, but seeing the madness of the human body, the void creates a fissure, one An unspeakable force of imprisonment emanates from the top of the Thunder Spear, like the suffocation before the rainstorm, and the small half of the competition Lei Ping is firmly covered, the tip of the Thunderbolt, the silk lightning is not condensed!

"Oh..." The madman is flying first, but after flying for dozens of feet, he is kicking his legs again, step by step in the air, like the sound of gongs and drums ringing above the Lemo Mountain Range. The sound not only shocked all the hearts of the Royal Lei Zong disciples, but also crushed the darkness before dawn! The hearts of the disciples of the Royal Emperor Leizong could not help but squat together!

The wild madness of the madness is like this, and it is the first to face the ruthless nature of the maddening real person. However, the ruthless binoculars of the sacred beasts have no color except the golden light, and the thunder wing is turned into a night sky. The most beautiful thunder in the light, waved the thunder hammer and greeted the thunder! Thunder hammers pass by, the voids are born and folded, and a space of 晦涩 波动 急 急 , , , , , , , , , , 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间 空间In the ten-miles, the condensation of the dew is instantaneously made into nothingness...

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Thanks for the "semi-sentence" award, for you to add more, \ (^o^) / (to be continued.)

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