Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3873: Bai Fei?

Before Xiao Hua’s flight, I saw clearly that the thunder and the Thundercloud’s life limit were exhausted. The reason why they still survived, they thought they were using some secret techniques. Because of these secrets, Xiao Hua’s Huichun Dan or Xiantao Nothing can be done. ?? So Xiao Hua did not waste those precious spirits.

Looking at the two distracted monks, Xiao Hua raised his hand and it was a trick. The singular mouth of the singer contained the smashing thunder and fell into his hands. Xiao Hua looked like a power, looked at the moment, and sneered: "You are Can you hide it, did you hide it in the same year? Because your secret technique is the Tianmeng that has been passed from Yilinda 6. I don’t know anyone about Xiaoyu 6 so you design some traps to let the green fire fall into Among them, the thunderbolt will be sent back to Yu Leizong! Even if it is a dry thunder... I can’t show you the gods hidden in the thunderballs. I’m afraid that the thunder has not been relaxed for thousands of years. You have been No chance……"

With the voice of Xiao Hua, there is a heavy light in the thunderballs, but the body shape of the starry sky is gradually revealed in the thunder, but at this time, the face of the starry sky is panic-stricken, as if trying hard. Want to escape!

"Since you have chosen the place where you have fallen, then the old man will fulfill you!" Xiao Hua smiled faintly, and a beam of thunder appeared on his hand. "Rumble..." Countless Thunder did not enter Leizhu, a faint mourning The sound came out in the thunder. On the stars, Luo Xing borrowed from Lei Zhu to plot against Lei Zong, killing the Lei Leizi, and he himself was killed in this Leizhu, the last trace of Yuanshen!

Killing the **** of the stars, Xiao Hua did not stop, and the big hand grabbed it. "Hey..." The green cockroaches were caught by him. Then, Xiao Hua was using a finger to smash the thunder. Beads, "Hey..." 湮 珠 冲 冲 冲 冲 穹 穹 穹 穹 穹 穹 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮 湮

"Predecessors, seniors..." Seeing Xiao Hua easily killing the smoldering stars and distracting Du Peng, looking for Yunzi hurriedly fell in the air, cried, "The younger generation..."

"The younger generation 冤枉..." Looking for Yunzi to fall, Qi Jianghai and others dare to hesitate, and also fell.

"Killing..." At this time, beyond the distant days, the infinite number of shouting and screaming began. The four schools of the Xi State, which were besieged by Yu Leizong, suddenly appeared, just behind them, and they were compared to them. The powerful disciples surrounded them like iron buckets. At this time, they were holding the magic weapon and screaming at them!

"Made the disciples, listen to my order!" Xiao Hua is like a god, standing in the air, commanding, "kill! dare to commit the royal sect, kill innocent!"

"Follow the command of the great master, kill!!" I don't know how many disciples are roaring, if the whole world is echoing! The disciples who had previously rebelled against Yu Leizong had even the heart of death! It is a pity that they can't allow them to think about it now. The disciples of Chenghua have already formed an iron-blood team and they have pounced on them!

"Ah, ah, ah..." The screams of the screams are endless.

Xiao Hua looked down at the Yuan Yuan and asked: "You are a royal disciple?"

"The younger generation is the disciple of Yu Leizong!" Qian Yuan did not dare to neglect, and he wanted to struggle from the courtesy. Unfortunately, his life limit has been exhausted, and the essence is exhausted, how can he not struggle!

"You are a bit of a way!" Xiao Hua said faintly, waving the fairy peach to him in front of him, saying, "You have eaten this thing!"

When the Shangyuan master took over Xiantao, he did not hesitate to eat it in a hurry. However, he felt that the warmth rushed into his limbs, and he was born with a warmth. The people of the Yuanyuan people were overjoyed and stood up from the courtesy. Body: "The younger generation thanked the seniors!"

“Moxi!” Xiao Hua waved his hand. “But it’s more life limit, you use it with caution!”

"Yes, the younger generation understands!" Wu Yuan was shocked. He couldn't believe it, but he also believed that Xiao Hua would not lie to him. He hurriedly prayed.

Xiao Hua’s eyes passed over the Bihua fairy of the Huanhua School, Qi Jianghai of Shang Huazong, the dead leaves of Qi Qiaomen and the geese of the geese, and raised their hands, but they felt the light flashed. The shape actually fell into the battlefield hundreds of miles away. At the same time, Xiao Hua’s voice was born in their ears: “If you are tempted, you may actually have ambition in your heart, and the old man will not punish you, as long as you If you can't get out, let's fall here!"

"Damn!" The four Yuan Yingxiu monks saw fiercely crafted disciples, all of them gave birth to coolness, snoring, and hurriedly spurred the mana to fight with the Yuan Ying disciples who rushed...

"As for you..." Xiao Hua looked at Yunzizi. "Do you not have to say anything about Xiaomou? You also know why Xiaomou will kill you!! If you want to enter the reincarnation, you can arbitrarily decide if you are a veteran. With the old man’s hatred towards you, you must be devastated!”

Looking for Yunzi to look at Xiaohua, the **** of the gods, sighed: "The younger generation understands that since the younger generation did that, they don't have to regret it at this time. I hope that the seniors can treat my Shanghuazong disciples well. I don't know what's going on here!"

"Death is dead, why bother to worry about things outside!" Xiao Hua cold and cold.

"Hey!" Seeking Yunzi is not a singer. There is no rebuttal at all. The backhand is on top of his own door. He sees blood and splashes. A distracted monk is forced to fall by Xiao Hua.

Everything was quiet, no sound, everyone looked at Xiao Hua quietly, like in a dream! The disaster of extermination was just disappeared after the appearance of Xiao Hua, but it was only half a cup of tea. Whether it is the refining of the monks, or the distracted monks have turned into a smog!

"Shi Niang!" Xiao Hua, who had previously filled the world with imposing manners, suddenly sighed low and the momentum converges. Like a child, it turned into a thunder and fell between thousands of Yu Leizong disciples, and even fell to an ordinary gold. In front of Dan’s woman, she cried, “The disciples are not filial, and the teacher is frightened...”

"The disciple is not filial, and the teacher is shocked..."

"The disciple is not filial, and the teacher is shocked..."

A faint word, a few deep apologies, like thunder in the hearts of all the Royal Lei Zong disciples. They... they stood there, they couldn’t believe their eyes, and the monks who could easily kill the deputy ally of the singer’s ally would be so swayed in front of a monk in the realm of Jindan, so modest, so filial repent.

"Children..." Zhuo **** was shocked, with tears in his eyes, gently raised Xiao Hua and said, "When you get up, the teacher will not blame you, even if you master, he will not... Blame you..."

Zhuo **** only said here, can no longer say half a word! Reluctantly blame Xiaohua for not giving him a face, even if he was helpless, Xiao Hua was still driven out of the Royal Leizong by the Hyun Huan, although he knew that Xiao Hua was a terrorist phoenix, that is, Yuan Ying is unknown, but he never lost his life. Not waiting for Xiao Hua to get a half face. At this time, Xiao Hua Rongguang returned, not to mention the head of Yu Leizong, even the ally of the Xianmeng must bow down to greet, these glory is helpless dreams, but can be partial, but helpless has returned to the Nether, then Can't see it either. Zhuo **** think of this, how to not let her heart hurt?

Thousands of words are turned into "even if you are a master, he...will not blame you...", the voice of "card" in Xiao Hua’s heart, a heart knot with words, Xiaohua’s tears I couldn't help but fall, and cried in my mouth: "Master, I am sorry for you..."

"Booming ......" is not Xiaohua's intention to do it, because of the law of Xiao Hua's law, but when some feelings leak, the sky will change, with Xiaohua crying, thousands of thunder and sorrow, the entire Lemo mountain range! Everything is chilled, and thousands of thoughts die!

After a few moments, he flew to the room and whispered: "The righteous father, the royal Leizong crisis has not passed, and the old things are waiting for Wanlei Valley to say no later!"

"Yeah!" Xiaohua wiped her tears and got up to look at it. She said faintly, "What is the crisis? But some chickens and dogs, let the disciples clean up! Oh? Ruthless, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Hua said, looking at the ruthless, hurriedly took out a jade bottle from his arms: "This is the old man's refining remedy, you take it quickly!"

"Xie Erjiexiong!" The ruthless and respectful take over the jade bottle, calmly taking it, this is the ceremony, "the younger brother has seen the brother!"

"Father of the righteousness!" How can the ceremony be overwhelmed by the blast, and hurriedly pointed out, "The previous ruthless fight with the hurricane and the real person struggled to kill the thunder palace, the ruthlessness was defeated, and the blast was hit by the real person. In order to scold the roots and let the ruthlessly lose the qualification to compete for the Royal Leizong, the real person will be ruthlessly wounded..."

"Hey..." Xiao Hua turned to look at some panicked hurricanes, and grinned. "Yu Leizong is the old ancestors of the old man. Anyone who dares to be bold and arrogant, Lei Zong, the old man will kill!" Wan Leigu is the place where the old man came from. Whoever dares to move my Wanleigu disciple to a bristles, the old man will kill him! However, the old man can’t think of it, you’re from Xiaoyu 6 to the same, and then from Linda 6 to the dawn of the big 6, even the heart has not changed! Previously, the old man heard Zhang Jie said that he separated you from Du He, afraid that you will be killed by the Mozu, but Zhang Jie is a small one in your heart* *, you have once again turned to Duhe, you are afraid to smash the position of the blue royal Leizong, want to take advantage of Du He's tricks, step on the throne of Yu Leizong's head? My white flying brother ???"

"You...you..." The hurricane heard the last, like a ghost, exclaimed, "You are Xiaozhenren?? That... that Xiaozhenren??"

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