Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3880: Wan Leigu

I don’t want to talk about how Zhong Haoran, Fei Yunshu and Zhong Zhan discuss how to besieged the Sky City, and do not say that the disciples of the Huanhua Fairy and other disciples cooperate with the disciples to clean up the mess outside the gate. They say that Xiao Hua is flying with hundreds of thousands of Leigu disciples. Back to Wanlei Valley.

Xiao Hua is certainly a road idiot, even if it is in the Royal Leizong, there may be lost, but at this time, it is not necessary to distinguish, do not have to release the mind, waiting for everyone to see, Wan Leigu ... just in front of me ! Everyone already knows that Xiao Hua’s mana is boundless, and there is no special surprise. However, everyone has not said anything. He only looks at the mountain-like figure in front of his head. He only feels that a deep attachment is like a mountain. The autumn of the yellow is over, dyed all over the mountains, and spreads around!

Xiao Hua has a strong attachment in his eyes, and he seems to be familiar with his eyes. Actually, he is stranger to Wan Leigu. The memory is mixed with helplessness and inevitably rushes into his mind! It is not so much that Wanlei Valley is the place where Xiaohua dreams to take the soul. It is better to say that it is the place where the mind is confined. The joy of growth, the maturity of maturity, the worries of concern, and the unforgettable embarrassment are the real meaning of Wan Leigu.

Thousands of years, Wanlei Valley has long been not the Thunder Valley of the year. It does not say that the sound of the dark thunder is not in the air, not to mention the white sorrow of the mountain, not to mention the resentment of the iron and steel. Will appear. It is said that because of the increase of Wan Leigu's disciples, there are a lot of Dongfu in the hundreds of miles left. The mountains and plains have begun to have a lot of spirits, which is enough to make Xiaohua lose.

"Wan Lei Valley is no longer..." It seems that the expectation is greater than the disappointment. Xiao Hua looks at the left, and the thoughts are quietly released. The deep fall turns into the yellow autumn, and the left is shrouded. Compassion is inevitable and full of heaven and earth!

Zhuo**** and others have slightly produced tears in their eyes, and they have realized the loss of Xiao Hua’s heart. They have some guilt in their hearts. However, the changes in Wanlei Valley are born a little bit. They are indifferent to them, how can they be seen? Only Xiao Hua, a disciple who has not revolved in the millennium, can look back from the old memories.

However, this grief falls in the heart of ruthlessness. The ruthlessness is the big shock of the body. His eyes are incredibly surprised, and then they fall into the air and then ignore the others! Actually rebuilt. It’s very incomprehensible to see the ceremony and Cui Wei, but they are all rich and well-being. They also don’t hesitate to squat down, but they are counted, they realize it, and they are ruthlessly hurt by Bai Fei. The realm is retrogressive. Xiao Hua is sure to send the medicinal herbs, which will block the ruthless injury. But the ruthless Yuan Ying is still in a state of serious injury. Is the ruthless state of mind not in sorrow? A place to die? The Thunder is the end of death, the beginning of life, can not comprehend life and death, the monks who cultivated Lei will not be successful. It is certainly not a matter of life and death, but it may not be so profound, but Xiao Hua’s temptation to change the sky is just in line with the ruthless state of mind, but it is a good opportunity to relentlessly cultivate for the future! Ruthless, ritual and Cui Wei have always practiced together, ruthlessly feeling, to the ceremony and Cui Wei then wake up, they also motivated the exercises, perhaps they are not ruthless, but this opportunity is also rare!

Ruthless and other three people understand each other, Wan Leigu other people have no special feelings, and even they have not noticed, because their eyes have seen the gloom of Wanlei Valley, just like the memory of their hearts.

"Oh? This is Xiaomou's Dongfu..." Xiaohua's thoughts finally came from the stranger to the last familiar place, but there is not much change around the Dongfu. The inside of Dongfu is exactly the same as before. It was Xiangyang and others who deliberately made it, and at the same time, the slightly tender voice of the ceremony was ringing in his ears. "You can rest assured, the father, Wan Leigu is your home, this cave is your Old, the baby has taken care of this cave, waiting for your return..."

"Booming and banging..." The bursting thunder suddenly came out again from the high-altitude of Wanlei Valley. This thunder is more fierce than the thunder that appeared in Xiaohua before. An unspeakable world is banned from the sky and instantly shrouds everyone. !

"Oh, huh..." Xiao Hua smiled slightly, and Qiuyi and the smuggling swept away, saying, "There is no annihilation of the past, how can there be the present, there is no present, where will there be the bud of tomorrow? Everything will be turned into Memory, everything is changing. Everything changes, life is not extinguished, nothing is true! Wan Leigu is no longer, but Wanlei Valley is still Wanlei Valley, Wanlei Valley in Xiaomou's heart..."

After that, Xiao Hua’s figure swayed slightly, seemingly in front of everyone’s eyes, and it seemed to be a million miles away. Xiao Hua’s hand, the thunderstorm sign above Gao Tian disappeared again! Waiting for Xiao Hua's figure to be solid again, an empty and unspeakable revealing from him, Xiao Hua knows that his cause and effect in Xiaoyu mainland has been settled again, and he is farther away from the sky...

The change of Xiao Hua is naturally that the late Jin Dao’s **** can’t be realized. Seeing this ****, he was shocked and hurriedly said, “Xiao Hua, you... what happened to you?”

"Oh..." Xiao Hua smiled slightly: "It’s okay, my mother, my disciple is not coming back for nearly a thousand years. When I saw Wan Leigu, I was excited!"

Cui Hongyi is more agile than Xiangyang, and immediately understands what he said. "Two brothers, in the millennium, I added a lot of disciples to Wanlei Valley. They also have to build their own caves in Wanlei Valley, so Wanlei Valley has changed. A lot! But, the brothers can rest assured that your Dongfu is polite and ruthless, no change!"

Xiao Hua smiled and looked at Cui Hongwei: "I already know, thank you!"

Later, he looked at the ruthless three people and said: "Zhenquan, ruthless, they are retreating, you are holding a few disciples here, don't bother them. Can they fit into the fit, look at today's realization... ..."

"Combined... fit!" The people were shocked and hurriedly shut up, and they were flying away from each other, fearing that they would bother the three.

"Little teacher, for the brother here..." Xiangyang said with no confidence.

In fact, there is Xiao Hua here. How can there be someone else who will influence the cultivation of the three people? Xiao Hua let Zhen Yue look at it here. This is to make everyone feel at ease, but he still stunned the family's affection, so Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "So, the master is..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua felt a move and smiled: "This is the case, Shi Niang, Master Brother, Shi Yi, Cui Shidi, Shimei, you are coming with Xiaomou..."

In the words, everyone felt that the scenery was changing, and the people actually fell to the Leifeng near Wanlei Valley. Xiangyang did not know why Xiaohua did this. He hurriedly looked at the ruthless people, but he felt that the three people were sitting around Xiaohua. Waiting for the sun to recover his eyes, Xiao Hua’s voice came: “The disciple Xiao Hua’s screaming, the disciple’s Wan Leigu’s helpless master, the master of Xiangyang’s teachings, and his grace, today’s disciple Wan Leigu’s statement, Repaying the teacher's friendship, brotherhood, and Yu Lei Zong Enze..."

Xiao Hua’s voice doesn’t sound too big. It can cover the entire Lemo Mountain Range for a moment. This is the order for the disciples to clean up the mess, and prepare to return to Lei Mingfeng’s Lei Lei Temple to look at the storage bag and discuss how to distribute the secrets of the exercises. Hua Xianzi’s figure was awkward and hurriedly shouted: “The disciples of Yu Leizong, listen to the command of the palm of the hand, Xiao Zhenren’s statement, stop all affairs, and immediately listen, don’t miss such a worldly fairy!!”

Then Hyun Huan fairy ignores the other, left and right to see the teleport to the left side of the welcome pavilion, sitting on a rock above the knees, five hearts facing the face with respect and piety!

The Thunder real person had previously learned that Xiao Hua gave the sacred fairy to the storage bag of the celestial fairy. There was a big chance in Yu Leizong. I thought about it in my heart. Now I see the Hyun-Ban fairy so cautious, and I hear Xiao. Hua sounds like a thunder in the Thunder Mountain Range. They don’t know what the Huanhua Fairy is. I hurriedly found a place, sat down on the knees, and listened calmly.

However, it is a half-tea practice, and all the disciples of Yu Leizong sit down on the spot, and they are all in the heart, listening to Xiao Hua’s statement. But seeing Xiao Hua’s voice is like a torrent of water, like Ganlin’s coming to the world, falling into the ears of thousands of Yu Leizong’s disciples, infiltrating into their hearts, and the fist-sized thunderflowers are born from heaven, or It is splashed from the thunder, or from the bottom of the earth. The small half hour will fill the heavens and the earth. A sincere faith falls into Leihua, and falls into Xiaohua’s crystal godhead through the void...

Three days and three nights, the length is not long, and the short is not short, but these three days and three nights are enough to make people reborn, enough to affect the cultivation of thousands of monks! After the last word of Xiaohua was finished, the world was quiet. The thunder in the morning was like a dew, falling from the sky, or falling into the earth, or falling into the rock, or falling into the suburb of Yu Leizong. Disciple! The guest pavilion is close to the left, and the former Yuan Jingying monks who are still sitting still, now have their own different light and thunder, and the fluctuations of different heavy coverage will be shrouded in the left, and the falling thunder flowers fall into this wave and infiltrate into their bodies! Waiting for the integration of Leihua, these Yuanying monks are not surprised and ecstatic in their eyes, and they open their eyes in a hurry. Unfortunately, the opportunity is the opportunity. If you get it, you will get it. If you miss it, you will miss it. The thunder flower that had previously filled the world has disappeared into the earth, the ups and downs. Between the mountains.

Everyone couldn’t wait to fly out, Hyun Huan fairy resisted the joy and whispered: "Thunder brother, you... what do you feel?"

The Thunder really suppressed his mad heart and replied in a low voice: "The bottleneck of the poor road is finally loose. If it is, you can step into the late Yuan Ying before the end of the life limit!"

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