Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3895: Are doing tricks

"Ha ha..." Yu Tong laughed and patted the shoulders of Yunxiao. "This monk in the world, who does not believe that you still believe in the brother? Remember the words that he said for his brother that day?"

"Of course remember!" Yunxiao is quite respectful and quite proud. "The brothers of the day said that this is the top of the rainy continent. You and I are working together, what can't be done? Nowadays? It seems that this is true! The younger brother is often fortunate to be able to join hands with the brothers."

"That's the case, then there is no need to say more!" Yu Tong's smile did not change, nodded, "However, the little girl of Tianmenshan Huangjia is more difficult, you have to stay up all night, don't let her see. What a flaw!"

"Yes, the younger brother knows!" Yunxiao hurriedly replied, "This Jindan female repairer of Huang Mengxiang is very alert. It is said that the conditions proposed by the night Xixiang are somewhat questionable, and the night Xixiang promises not to, nor does it agree. No, quite a lot of brains. But her strength is not in the late Jin Dan, she has never been pregnant, the brothers don't have to care too much, she is already in the Sky City, and the most unfortunate circumstances will start directly!"

Yu Tong slightly thought, and replied: "The mana is sealed, and the blood is also affected. It is best to let Huang Mengxiang take the initiative. Of course, if it is not, then it can only be so!"

"It is a disciple of the silver tiger blood..." Yunxiao hesitated and whispered, "Jade brother, things are imminent, have you decided yet?"

"Hey..." Yu Tong sighed and looked at the space. For a long time, he didn't even hear the question of Yunxiao. When he had enough time for half a meal, he had a channel. "To others." Hands-on, there is no burden for the brother, but I want to start with my own son, and feel very embarrassed for my brother. Sometimes my brother wants to grow a brain and realize a better way!"

"Yeah!" Yunxiao sneaked a peek at Yutong, his eyes turned slightly, and the same complex face replied on his face. "The jade brother said that the younger brother is thinking about it before he hesitated for a long time before he chose Yunxiao. Make up for her... The younger brother is very accommodating to her, and her request, but wherever I can meet, is to promise!"

"Isn't this the case for the brother?" Jade received his gaze, faintly. "But, I can only give foreign objects, what they pay... is life! The embarrassment of the brother can never be eliminated."

Yunxiao thought for a moment and said: "The brothers are kind, the younger brother understands it. But now the rain is changing in the mainland, the sword is repaired from the north, the demon sects sweeping the square, the blood of the real family is awakened, and the martial art is old. If it is not stiff, if the Yun family and the jade family do not rise, they will be the result of being destroyed by others. I can only sacrifice the ego and achieve everyone. Even if they know this kind of cruelty, they must understand our pains!"

"Well..." Yutong’s worries on the face went a little and nodded. "That's the case, choose Yuxi! Give the brother a family command for a while, let him obey your arrangement!"

Yunxiao’s face was a joy, and he said: “Yes, the younger brother understands!”

"The four spirits of the blood curse are handed over to the cloud master!" Yu Tong said, "For the brother, go to the night house!"

Yunxiao got up and said respectfully: "The younger brother remembers, this is going to arrange."

Waiting for the clouds to go, although the mouth of Jade's mouth gave birth to a smile, but the brows are slightly wrinkled, and the mouth is even more self-speaking: "Damn! This is not dead... What are the plans? Mysterious self-directed self-directed as a young master, after all, this young master is destined to be shameful! The night family really has a small master, and it is impossible to bear this resentful notoriety. But now... how suddenly he wants to follow Is the red Xia fairy double repaired? Is it necessary to be able to make a false truth? Isn’t the Cai family a secret that the old man doesn’t know? Or is there a secret that the old man can’t see?

Thinking for a moment, Yu Tong got up, and my heart was cold and cold: "No matter what, Hongxia Fairy is the key to the bloodline of the Four Spirits, and the old man must not let the old man who is not dead die!"

At this time, it is already night. In the city of the sky, the snow is getting bigger and bigger. The sword guarding the Sky City does not stop the snow. A Blizzard will cover the Sky City.

The streets of the Sky City are still cold and cold, even though the swordsmen are not afraid of this cold, and there are not a few figures on the long streets. The pale snow reflected the moonlight that occasionally came out of the clouds. The faint light shone on a slender monk dressed in a cloak. The monk did not mobilize his body to fly in the air, but steadily walked in the snow. On the one step, one footprint is like Xiao Hua of the year.

The monk turned a corner and saw a pavilion on the face. The style of the pavilion was simple and simple. There seemed to be a ban on the brilliance. Under this brilliance, the snow could not be close to the pavilion, and the front of the pavilion was also dry and tight. There is no snow in it.

"Oh..." The monk walked to the end of the snow, sighed, and opened the cloak to see that the appearance was not the jade system? Yutong looked at the ground whispering not far away. "People, always thinking about ease, enjoyment, and learning some spells, thinking about doing the right thing against the heavens and the earth. Although the snow is deserted, it is really the spirit of heaven and earth. Being able to walk in it, when you can communicate with the world, stimulate vitality, and maintain the vitality of the flesh! These physical body quenching can only be felt in the real world, and the living monks can feel it. Now the use of the world is isolated. Can it be heaven and earth? It is no wonder that there are no monks in the Daoyu mainland on the mainland, not to mention the robbery that is eligible to rob the fairyland! The night ancestor... Although it is after the immortal family, even this principle does not understand It also seems difficult to become a big device!"

However, after whispering, Jade unified foot on the dry ground, and he smiled and shook his head: "Oh, no, let alone others, if I have not experienced the experience of almost ecstasy, how can I know These? Know to cherish these?"

"Which predecessor visited my Qiming Villa?" Yutong just took a few steps. Immediately, there was a voice coming out of the pavilion. Several swords in swords were flying out from all over, blocking the head of Yutong. before.

Yu Tong looked at these swordsmen faintly and said: "The old man Yujia's family, the old man is the old knowledge, you will be notified!"

The swordsmen repaired each other and saw that the first sword was a serious mantra: "Good teachers know that my family is not in the city..."

Yu Tong smiled slightly, and the detective took out a token from his arms and threw his hand to the sword.

Jian Xiu took over the tokens and looked at it. He hurriedly respected the return of the tribute and accompanied him with a smile: "The seniors waited a little, and the younger generation of disciples quickly reported..."

Waiting for the sword to finish, a majestic and old voice floated out of the pavilion: "Please come to the Qingfeng sword room, the old man is waiting there!"

Listening to this majestic voice, the swordsmanship hurriedly stood up and respectfully answered: "Yes! The owner..."

"Predecessors, here please..." The first sword repair then flew into the pavilion with the jade system, while the other sword repairs still disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

Waiting for Yutong to step into a quiet room with a sword, the old man who needs to be white is standing in the middle of the quiet room. The old man’s eyes are like swords, and the whole body is also full of thousands of swords, Jianhua or If you don't get into the void, or if you are connected with the Jianguang of the quiet room, if the old man intentionally reveals his body shape, he is afraid that it will be within the quiet room, and it is not easy to find out the existence of the old man!

Yutong stood under the Jianguang and looked at the old man who had a similar appearance to the night Xixiang. He smiled in his heart. He was clearly tight. Tonight is just a cut-off. He must come, but the same, he must not Maybe get the answer you want. Don't wait for him to speak, the old man frowned and asked: "Yu Daoyou, Wen Xian did not tell you? The old man is in the Sky City, but if you don't have very important things, you must not look for an old man. Everything is going to find Xixiang, otherwise if you attract the attention of the patrolling sword gate, Feiyumen and Lushan faction, it is not good for my night house layout!"

Jade received his gaze and respected Shi Lidao: "The predecessors of the night, the younger generation really do not want to see you, but ... things can be changed again, the younger generation had to come to see the predecessors personally!"

"Oh?" The old man heard, some unexpected appearances, the strange road, "At this time, I have only been discussing for ten days, how can I change again?"

“I don’t know what the predecessors did?” Yu Tong thought for a moment and asked, “Is there no obituary in the night?”

"In order to exercise Xi Xiang, the old man did not tell him that the old man was in the Sky City. He thought that the old man was still in the Qiming Villa in Laos!" The old man shook his head. "From the Sky City to the Qiming Villa, the 10th is afraid, not so. He thought that the communication was too late, there was no obituary?"

Yutong grabbed his chin and hesitated without opening.

The old man said: "Yu Tong, Xi Xiang, but what did the wrong thing, affecting the cooperation between the old man and Wen Xian?"

"There is no..." Yutong sneered in his heart, but he still pushed the boat in the water. "But if he is allowed to do what he wants, he is afraid to influence it!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" The old man hurriedly asked, "What happened to Xi Xiang? If so, Yu Tong, you have to bear more, don't bother to disturb the fairy..."

"Yes, yes, the younger generation has not told the immortal to make an adult!" Yu Tong nodded. "After all, it is only a little less careful. I am afraid that I want to use the mouth of the younger generation to explain to the older generation?"

The old man looked like a fog, urging: "Yu Tong, if you have something to say, what is Xi Xiang in the end?"

"The young master wants to kiss the red fairy fairy!" Yu Tong said with a smile.

The old man did not think about it and blurted out his debut: "He was supposed to be a relative to the Hongxia fairy..."

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