Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 3928: Eighty-one root pillar

Xiaoyu’s disciples in the mainland’s creations are actually more and more powerful, and they are real and shallow. Li Xiang and Xiong Yi have already urged the disciples of the three continents to protect them. They can face even Xiaohua’s ruthless punishment. There are still unsuccessful forces, and many disciples have begun to fall.

Xiao Hua glanced at Hongxia Fairy and Huang Mengxiang and others, knowing that their situation was still safe, so they raised their hands and took the Kunlun mirror from the hands of Feng Yu, and then flicked and flew over the Sky City. He did not cover up the cultivation, and the thousand-footed body was like a **** standing there. Xiao Hua looked around and looked at it. He said, "You are poor, Xiaohua, you must be familiar with everything! Today's situation, etc. I also look at it, no matter what purpose you are waiting for, and don’t dare to wait for what you have done before. The old man must thank all of you for your help. Now, in the realm of life and death, I have to work together to fight against the enemy. get rid of……"

"Xiao Zhenren..." Kunlun sent the head to dazzle the net first, he cried, "The younger generation and other people are shallow, and there is only a defensive power in this battle. It is difficult to have the power to fight back, but it is a mess for the real person! You Let me talk about it, how can I wait for it? I am Kunlun but I listen to the real person..."

To say that there is no remorse in the heart, it is a fake, but he has already prepared and arranged when he came to the Sky City. Even if all the disciples of the Kunlun School were completely destroyed, the Kunlun School would not hurt too much. And in order to still Xiaohua's human feelings, Xuan knows that he has to do only to listen to Xiao Hua's arrangement.

"Not bad!" Shang Huazong Yang Shuo immediately contacted the real person. "The younger generation and other people have troubled the real person before. Now they are going to redeem their sins. What have sent the seniors, despite the instructions, I still have to die."

Immediately, many of the heads of the martial art sects also expressed their views. Xiao Hua saw this. Laughing: "That's the case, then the people who listened to the poor roads, each formed a team, listened to the orders of my disciples, and went to the criminal array to break through!"

"Yes!" All the heads, including the sword repairs, did not dare to neglect, and they agreed.

"Oh..." At this time, thousands of miles away, eighty-one prison columns sounded like giant whales, and they saw eighty and one big ones like the mountains. The bamboo slips of the general scroll from the earth, and the bamboo slips made a simple policy to the crowd. Every time there is a bamboo slip, the heavens and the earth are transparent, one is inscriptions, the bamboo slips, the scrolls, the ink pens, the Wenshan and The space of the word sea is revealed!

"Not good!" Xiao Hua was shocked in his heart. He knew that the rules of this criminal array had changed. He did not dare to have any hesitation any more. The Kunlun mirror urging, the squadrons of the squadrons poured out. These disciples are all Yuan More than four products, standing in the air than any other sect of the door is not inferior!

Hyun et al. previously thought that Xiaohua’s disciple was Li Xiang and others. At this time, when he saw such a prestige, he could be stunned when he raised his hand and swept the building of the Xiaohua mainland.

"The disciples..." Xiao Hua had already passed the command in the space. At this time, he only waved in the distance. "Listen to my order, protect all the people, and break the penalty!"

"Yes!" The disciples of the people who made the door screamed like a rainbow, "The disciple obeyed the command of the great master!"

"This... This is my big brother Xiao! I knew you would have such a supernatural power!!" Huang Mengxiang saw so many Yuan Ying disciples respectfully listening to Xiao Hua’s order, the face was already excited and flushed, hands shot The mountain is ringing, and a pair of eyes are staring at Xiao Hua, and I don’t want to move away for a moment!

"Hey..." Li Zongbao, who has always been concise and concise, couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air. Look at Cai Zhuoxia and say, "A previous family already felt that they knew the strength of Xiao Shidi, but now it seems that a certain family is still small. Kill him!"

"It’s faintly heard that the Mozu once said that Xiaozhen is already the Terran Supreme..." Cai Zhuoxia’s eyes are also a faint look, and the mouth is admired. "I don’t know when I can cultivate to this level." !"

In order to avoid the suspicion, the Nightingale did not go to the place where the Three Devils were located. He carefully looked around and guarded Cai Zhuoxi and Hongxia Fairy. At this time, he heard Cai Zhuoxia talking and smiled: "Why should the Taoist envy? Xiaozhen is here, and the Taoist friends can cultivate to the extreme sooner or later!"

The ceremony and others only listened, and the rare ones did not speak. Their eyes looked around and their faces were full of excitement.

"That is!" Cai Zhuoxia closed her eyes and looked at the red-eyed fairy who looked different. She touched her with her elbow and smiled. "Hong Xia, I really can't think of it. Your eyes are really powerful. With Xiao Zhenren. Later, my Cai family can walk across the Xiaoyu continent..."

"Well..." Hongxia fairy bite her lips, and her face is also excited. She looks at Xiaohua with great enthusiasm in her eyes. However, there is a trace of confusion in this fiery, just as everything is in the dream. ......

"Brush..." Just after the red-eye fairy feels half-dream and half-awake, everyone has a flower in front of him, just like Xiaohua, like a god, and the streamer falls to the front. Xiao Hua shook his hand in Kunlun mirror and said to the red miracle fairy: Hongxia, here the criminal array is too dangerous, for the husband to concentrate on breaking, afraid to take care of you, this is the Kunlun mirror in the hands of the husband, the inner Kunlun Wonderland can accommodate all things, if you can, you and Zhuo Xia, Master Li Waiting to enter the Kunlun Wonderland first, after waiting for the husband to break out, you will wait until later!"

I know that Hongxia Fairy looked at Xiao Hua and did not answer, but turned to look at Li Zongbao: "How does Master Li feel?"

Is Li Zongbao a retreating person? He raised his hand and waved the fairy whip. He said proudly: "Xiao Shidi will bring his disciples out of Kunlun Wonderland. They can fight **** battles. Can a family be alone? This Kunlun Wonderland does not go!"

Hongxia Fairy smiled slightly, watching Xiao Hua also proudly said: "Since Master Li does not go, then the body does not go!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua had already known the ending when he was looking at Li Zongbao. When he made a decision, he immediately decided to stop. "So, wait until you are careful! Black bear, ya, you are waiting to protect your teacher, don't want her to be hurt!" ”

"Yes! Disciples know!" Yuanya did not dare to neglect, hurriedly answered.

The black bear fine is even more shouting: "Teach the master to rest assured that there is a small, broken and dare not let the main mother break a hair!"

"Xiao Big Brother, there is me!" Huang Mengxiang shouted at the opportunity, "I want to go to your Kunlun Wonderland!"

Xiao Hua didn't have a good look at Huang Mengxiang, his body shape shook and fell to the side of the sword!

"Oh... you have no conscience!" Huang Mengxiang snorted, squatting in the air, trying to spur the body to fly over, but did not dare to really anger Xiaohua.

In a moment, thousands of infants and monks flew over and surrounded the crowd. The disciple of the team leader said: "The disciples are teaching the great masters to protect the seniors..."

"I will wait!" Yuanya saw Xiao Hua flying away, to see the leader commanded.

"Yes..." The disciple responded with a command, a day of demonization, and under the command of the disciple, pushed toward the north of the Sky City!

At this time, the four spirits of the blood curse have been completely destroyed, and the scorpion spirits issued by the swords are only nailed to the crystallization of the dragon. The former silver tiger crystals have long been integrated into the crystallization of the dragon, and Xiao Hua’s body shape falls, and the inflammation is perceived. The strong yin and yang power around the dragon crystal is also seen in the crystallization, the two Xiao Ling and the drought!

"Good insurance!" Xiao Huaxin has a lingering thought. "Fortunately, there are two people in Xiaolong and the drought and the men and women in this crystallization of the dragon, and their blood is somewhat similar, otherwise the **** crystals have already collapsed! At this time, the two of them should be free from obstacles.

Speaking, Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and Ling Ling Yuanguang’s rapid income swordsman, and then the sword fell into the hands of Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua looked at the regrets with some regrets. He smiled and said: “It seems that the book fairy is also timid. The generation, Xiaomou put this sword here, he did not dare to come!"

The book fairy will naturally not agree, and he has seen it for a long time, and it is impossible to come to the hook.

Xiao Hua felt boring. Kunlun mirror swayed, and the nearly convergence of Yanlong crystallized into the space. Then he wandered around for a moment and whispered, "What do you think is the difference between this criminal array and the ordinary magic array?"

Before the rains of the mainland, the demon statues were not suitable for appearance, but he had already seen the criminal array as early as everyone! At this time, I heard Xiao Hua ask, and Mo Zun hurriedly replied: "Big brother, this criminal array should be an extremely powerful fairy squad, because it is placed in the magic book fairy, and above this Xiaoyu mainland interface. Xian Yu array is bound by the interface rules, and there are restrictions on materials, and can not exert its power of 30%! The most important thing is that Xiaoyu mainland does not have awe-inspiring spirit, or even if there is awe-inspiring gas, this awesome gas can precipitate The humanity has very little literary spirit, which is not enough to support the needs of the criminal squad. Therefore, in order to maintain the criminal chain and the law of the squad, the celestial sect must rely on the eighty-one penalties around it. Previously, the older brothers and the celestial avatars In the fight between the younger brothers, the younger brother has carefully read the source of the criminal chain, which is from the 81-point penalty column. If the big brother wants to break the battle, he must push down the 81-point penalty column!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "But the big brother did not carefully explore it. It can be seen that there is a bamboo slip from the prison column. The book fairy must change the rules of the criminal array. The older brother thinks that these criminal columns may be the eyes of the criminal array! Therefore, the eldest brother sent a disciple to break through the breakouts! However, if this is the case, the older brother should have torn down the penalty column at the beginning, but now it is a missed opportunity..."

"No, no..." Mozun hurriedly shook his head. "The eighty-one prisoners need to be pushed down at the same time. It doesn't make sense for the older brother to be pushed down before!"

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Thanks to the support of "Starry Sky Reproduction 8" and other friends. (To be continued.)


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