
A relic melted on the pale fingertips, glowing with a faint golden light, and it melted into the palm of the hand, like a strand of gold thread, penetrated into the bones, turned into bone marrow, and circulated.

The strong wind passed through the deep ravine and passed through the "Xuanyin Gathering Ghost Array", and immediately turned into a billowing yin wind, whistling like a thousand ghosts howling, and the long flags flew fiercely.

Xiao An got up and looked up, a round moon hanging in the sky, as if immersed in a dark river, the wind was the river water, the abyss was the river bank, and the moonlight was dim.

She took out a sharp cone-like object, the color was as white as a bone magic weapon, and it was shaped like countless ghouls engulfing and hugging each other. Although there was no sharp edge, it had a faint edge that penetrated the realm, and the power to reverse the void.

This is the key to the Hungry Ghost Gate. With this "Hungry Ghost Key", she can use the Hungry Ghost Gate very calmly, so that all those who regard her as the enemy of Buddha will not dare to act rashly.

This was entrusted to her by Concubine You. After knowing that her death was a conspiracy of the Xuanyin Sect, she believed her without any doubts. King Chu Lie sighed, "Xuanyue, do it yourself" and left.

Thinking back on the events at that time, she couldn't help but let out a sigh, very much like a mortal with affection and sex. She refined many relics obtained in Dafoshan, and injected a new power into "The Way of Zhu Yan and Bai Bone."

However, it was unavoidable that the thoughts of Buddha and Demon clashed fiercely, brewing a heart, and began to have many feelings and emotional reactions to many things.

For example, Li Qingshan is about to get married.

Although she didn't care about these modesty, she didn't envy Han Qiongzhi, and she didn't worry that Li Qingshan would be fettered by love, but she always felt a little strange in her heart.

She couldn't help shaking her head, expelling all the distracting thoughts, and preparing for the next step of cultivation. Of course, she would not go to the wedding, so as not to steal the bride's limelight and wait until the flying locust king was strangled. Let's go to Qinghe House again!

Now that the Xuanyin Gathering Ghost Array has been restarted, the blood sea flag and the skull rosary have been completely restored, the Buddha-killing sword has been tempered again, and the cultivation of the "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Dao" has also improved. It can be said that everything is ready, just waiting for the door of hungry ghosts to open,

But before that, she has to refine a new treasure of bones - Chaos Soul Bell!


Thousands of miles of yellow sand, a lonely city.

Wind and sand swept through, obscuring the stars and the moon.

This is the junction of Qingzhou and Chizhou.

There are endless storms all year round, and sometimes even arouse the astral winds in the sky, turning them into terrifying tornadoes, sucking up yellow sand. Like a yellow dragon, destroying everything along the way, only powerful practitioners can survive here.

This lonely city is where the sect of the Shazhou sect is located. The head of the Shazhou sect has also survived the second calamity with a "white camel art". Condensing the golden pill, he is also quite famous in Chizhou.

However, at this moment, the Shazhou Sect was completely silent, and the disciples and disciples were nowhere to be seen.

A shrill scream came from the Kuangsha Hall. That's not a human cry. Inside the open gate, the blue ghost fire swayed unsteadily. All the disciples and disciples gathered in the hall, but they turned into dry corpses, and their souls were tormented in the ghost fire, and the head of Shazhou was among them. Spells a curse of malice:

"We have no grievances and no enmity, but you actually committed such a poisonous hand... You must not die!"

"Heh, grievance? Isn't there now?"

Elder Ming sneered, he had not seen such a scene for many years, as the Supreme Elder of Xuanyin Sect. There are inexhaustible ghosts in the Hungry Ghost Gate, and there is no need to do such a dreadful thing as "sacrifice and refine the soul".

But now he has no scruples, watching the souls wailing in the flames, a twisted pleasure in his heart, but recalling the white fire in the abyss of thousands of ghosts, he felt a burst of horror, and he pushed harder and harder. ghost fire.

But he didn't do this to vent his anger or practice cultivation. As the mourning became louder and the ghost fire became more and more prosperous, he solemnly took out a black spiritual seat and came to the god's case in the main hall. Behind the heavy yellow curtains, stood a The statue of the old man, wrinkled face, ravines, and unkempt beard and hair are all white, stooped, leaning on a poplar cane, staring blankly ahead.

That look inexplicably made Elder Ming disgusted. He thought he was the first-generation head of the Shazhou Sect. Now that he has wiped out all the sects, he didn't even put a statue in his eyes. With a wave of his sleeve, the statue flew out and hit the wall. , torn apart, and then put the black spiritual seat in his hand respectfully on it, with a line of gold lacquer characters written on it - the third-generation suzerain of the Xuanyin Sect, "Li Meizi".

Before entering the realm of hungry ghosts—whether they ascended or transformed into ghosts—the past suzerains and elders of the Xuanyin Sect would leave such a spiritual place, in which a little spirituality was stored and kept in the "Ancestral Spirit Hall" of the Xuanyin Sect In the middle, the elder Ming is responsible for guarding the ancestral hall, and when needed, he is responsible for presiding over the ceremony, sacrificing the soul, and summoning the ancestral spirit.

However, the spirituality of most spiritual positions will soon be annihilated, and even after a few days of enshrining, the spirituality will be cut off. These great monks who are rampant in Kyushu, can't escape the end of being swallowed up in the hungry ghost realm. Feeling frightened, so unless it was a last resort, Elder Ming would never enter the hungry ghost realm.

The cries of the wind and sand became louder and louder, Elder Ming straightened his color, bowed his knees and bowed, chanting words in his mouth, subtly blending with the mourning of the soul, gradually excluding the wind from the hall, and throwing the souls one by one into the spiritual position. , a darker shadow suddenly appeared in the black spiritual position, twisted and uncertain, resembling a human rather than a human, and in an instant, it filled the entire hall.

"Disciple sees Sect Master!" Elder Ming kowtowed deeply, feeling a chill that went deep into his bones.

"What are you calling me for? Have you found the skeleton descendant?" The voice seemed to come from the depths of the cave, echoing hollowly in the darkness.

"The disciple is about to report this matter..."

The elder Ming explained everything that happened in Xuanyin Sect, one by one, and put all the responsibility on the dead Xuanyin Sect Master, saying that he was tricked into being a descendant of bones, which led to the annihilation of the family.

Hei Ying was silent for a moment, and he didn't seem to have expected such a change. He suddenly approached Elder Ming and said: "So you escaped alone? Why didn't you open the Hungry Ghost Gate?!"

"I'm here to report this to you! That white flame is no trivial matter. Millions of ghost soldiers were ignited in an instant, and dozens of ghost kings were no match. If they rashly opened the door of hungry ghosts, I'm afraid they would provide her with supplies. , even more difficult to deal with!" Elder Ming lowered his body even lower.

"I know you're afraid of death, but I forgive you, and I will reward you when you reach the Hungry Ghost Realm. If... your soul is not destroyed... long time no see... old hunchback, you are not dead... "

The black shadow retracted back to the spiritual position, and the voice gradually became faint, with malicious ridicule, but the last sentence was not said to Elder Ming.

Elder Ming was stunned and turned his head abruptly. A hunchbacked old man was standing outside the gate with a cane, his eyes staring blankly in front of him. If it weren't for the faintly enchanting aura, he would almost suspect that it was still a statue.

"You are..." Elder Ming suddenly found a name in his mind: "White Camel Sand King!"

One of the demon kings of the ten directions, the king of the Chizhou demon clan.

Unlike the Big Banyan Tree King and the Mohai Dragon King, who both stay in a stable place, the White Camel Sand King roams the Wanli Sand Sea in Chizhou all year round, his whereabouts are a mystery, and few people see it.

Legend has it that he will turn into a white camel, guide the lost in the sandstorm, and even guide the sandstorm to avoid the oasis where the living creatures gather.

Elder Ming had only heard the name "White Camel Sand King", and without hesitation, he turned into a ghost and flew away. All the ghost kings in his hands were lost in the battle of Xuanyin Sect and were in the weakest state. Besides, even if the strength is not damaged, it is difficult to compete with the demon king of the ten directions, but he still has confidence in getting out.

The White Camel Sand King didn't move, and lightly flicked the Populus euphratica cane in his hand, and the sandstorm became tenfold and a hundred times more violent in an instant, sweeping thousands of miles and devouring everything.


At the other end of the Hungry Ghost Gate, boundless black shadows descended, and countless corpse kings and ghost kings fell to the ground, including several corpse emperors and ghost emperors, all of them restrained their arrogance, went forward, and shouted: "Congratulations to the Emperor Li! "

Li Huang ignored it and stared at the Hungry Ghost Gate, as if seeing the scene on the other side: "Come on, I know you will definitely open this gate, I know you are also greedy and hungry!"

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