Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 232 Heavenly Tribulation, God’s Blessing

Black clouds pressed over the city, and the wind and thunder roared.

The Cloud Shadow Crane King spreads its wings, almost covering Yunzhong City, blowing up strong winds.

Although the feathers are not known for their strength, they can withstand Yunzhong City with the strength of their muscles and bones that have been cultivated for thousands of years.

Bai Jie looked back and saw only a sea of ​​thunder, but no figure of the king.

The master of Yunzhong City is gone, and no one has the authority to control the Yunzhong formation, and all kinds of attack methods will be unable to be used, otherwise this old crane will be defeated.

And their breath caused the calamity cloud to continue to expand, spanning hundreds of miles, and the sea of ​​thunder became more and more violent, with roars and flashes without interruption, as if the sky was furious and wanted to destroy everything.

Electric arcs were intertwined all over her body, and the pressure doubled.

There are more and more thunders bombarding Yunzhong City, and they are getting denser and denser. No matter how strong the formation is, it cannot compete with the sky. Its power has no limit, and it becomes stronger when it encounters strong ones.

If this continues, neither they nor Yunzhong City will be able to sustain it.

"Bai Ri, Bai Ling, come with me!"

Bai Jie said hello and went straight to King Yunying Crane. At the same time, she thought in her heart, not daring to say anymore, "King Yunying Crane, we have no enmity or enmity with you. Why do you want to be our enemy for a Phoenix you have never met?"

King Yunying He snorted coldly, "Now, I'm afraid it's too late!"

"The Yuren clan will never forget today's revenge!"

Biting her white silver teeth secretly, she opened her bow and shot an arrow, which turned into a rain of arrows in mid-air, dragging thousands of light filaments.

"Monster, look at the sword!"

Bai Ri was so angry that he swung his hundred-foot lightsaber and slashed it down with a roar.

Bai Ling raised a white circle of light. Expanding rapidly, it tried to trick King Yunyinghe.

"Crane roars in the sky".

Cloud Shadow Crane King stretched his neck and sang loudly, sharply and loudly, like a cracked silk, covering up the thunder.

Arrows, lightsabers, and haloes of light were all twisted and shattered.

Bai Jie frowned,

This old demon was indeed difficult to deal with, and he shouted:

"Everyone, continue the attack. The safety of the Yuren clan is in our hands!"

As he spoke, he kept strumming the bowstring.

The feathered men burst out with bright light in order to defend their homeland and protect their people. They all tried their best, regardless of the damage.

As the saying goes, "If one person fights hard, ten thousand people cannot stop him." What's more, there are more than a dozen feathered warriors who have survived three heavenly tribulations. The intertwining white light is like a giant hand pushing Yunzhong City forward slowly, away from the scope of the tribulation cloud.

King Yun Yinghe had to concentrate on dealing with the harassment from Bai Jie and the others, so he couldn't hold himself back. On the contrary, it withered a little. But he was unwilling to give up.

Countless people on the ground looked up at this shocking scene. Discussing with each other:

"Who is going through the tribulation? It's so powerful!"

"It seems to be the Feathered King, but how did he provoke the Crane King to take action?"

"The Crane King is elegant and indifferent. It must be the rudeness of these bird people that made the old man furious."

"But it seems to have fallen behind."

"Well, after all, these feathered people are powerful in numbers. Even if Daxia can't do anything to them, King Yunyinghe will be unable to support them alone."

"Hey, what is that?"

"It's the king!"

In the eastern sky, a colorful cloud slid silently across the sky, dragging its long tail.

Standing on the colorful clouds was an old man with white hair and a childish face, a three-foot-long beard, a green wooden crown on his head, and a cloud-patterned robe. He asked in surprise: "Mr. He, what are you doing?"

"King Donglu!"

Bai Jie's heart skipped a beat. It was rumored that King Yunying He had a close relationship with King Dongyi, and they often drank tea and discussed Taoism together. If he was also an enemy of Yu Ren, that would really make matters worse!

The words of King Yun Yinghe confirmed that the rumors were true. He said overjoyed: "Younger Yun, you came at the right time. The Yu people have bullied me too much. Come and help me!"

Bai Jie hurriedly said: "King Donglu, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't bother..."

"That's unreasonable!"

King Donglu was furious after hearing King Yunyinghe's words. He reached out and took out a small three-legged cauldron and threw it at Yunzhong City.

The rumors are not accurate. They are not only close friends, but also close friends. When King Donglu was young, he roamed the East China Sea on a crane. That was the friendship they forged.

The small tripod rises in the wind and becomes the size of a mountain peak. It is painted with cloud patterns and stars, as well as the mountains, rivers and vegetation of Yunzhou. It is the Yunzhou big tripod, one of the nine tripods.


Yunzhong City's forward momentum suddenly stopped.

King Donglu held the mantra in both hands and recited it silently. Colorful clouds rose up beneath his feet, pressing towards Yunzhong City in layers.

At this time, he sent a message to King Yunying He: "Fortunately, I heard the noise and came here. What happened? Why are you angry with these feathered people? Who is going through the tribulation? It doesn't look like a natural tribulation. But this momentum..."

King Yunyinghe explained the cause and effect and his own speculation.

"I see, there is such a thing! This matter seems to have nothing to do with you?"

King Donglu said curiously that the Mr. He he knew would not go to war over a word, let alone drag his friends into trouble.

"It has nothing to do with me, it has everything to do with you!" King Yun Yinghe said.

King Donglu glanced at the sky again and nodded knowingly: "This is indeed an opportunity!"

There is no room for snoring on the side of the couch. Therefore, in ancient times, the king of Nanyue conquered the sharks in the south and left behind "the King of Yue's remaining plans", not to mention being stepped on on the head.

The threat of the Yuren is far greater than that of the Sharks, not to mention the daily struggle for resources. Over the past thousands of years, they have been accumulating strength, just like a sword hanging above their heads. Once the time is right, the Donglu Palace will most likely take the lead. One suffers. The kings of Donglu in the past dynasties wanted to solve this serious problem, but they just lacked the ability.

"Bai Chen just lost that feather. We must not let him swallow the phoenix again. He has long coveted Yunzhou. Now that the world is in chaos and Daxia no longer has the power of the past, he must take action. Before you and I ascend, we must do something for The younger generation should solve this problem so as not to be enslaved again." King Yun Yinghe said,

"This is exactly what I want. When I summon the White Dragon King, I will destroy this city in the clouds!"

King Donglu waved his sleeves and issued an edict to summon all the ministers.

The Demon King and Human King of Yunzhou once again suppressed Yunzhong City, preventing it from advancing even an inch.

At this time, the calamity cloud has included everything under the cover of the attack, and it has become more violent.

If we look at the scale alone, even the Golden Cicada Spirit King's ascension to heavenly calamity cannot be compared to it.

The Yuren experts were gradually exhausted. Not only could they no longer enter Yunzhong City, they were pushed back several miles. The city defense formation was wildly bombarded by thunder, the white light curtain also dimmed a bit, and the buildings in the city began to tremble slightly.

King Donglu was secretly stunned. Manpower was sometimes scarce. If it weren't for the power of this heavenly disaster, even if all the great monks in Yunzhou were to use their strength, they would not be able to break the Yunzhong City.

"No, if we continue like this, we will fall!" A feathered man shouted.

"We can still escape, but what are the people in the city going to do? Once the formation is broken, it will be a disaster!"

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"

Bai Jie also felt desperate. Could it be that it was really a magical bird and it was ominous to kill it.

Suddenly, she threw herself into the depths of the thunder. She could not go on like this. She had to end this disaster, no matter what method she used! To be continued…

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