Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 236 Kunpeng

If you can enter the Shura field and then transfer to the Shura path, all problems will be solved.

Although there are all kinds of dangers in the Shura Path, it is still better than being trapped alive in this void.

Then, there was no response from Shura Field.

"It's useless. This place is outside all realms. The six paths of reincarnation are only connected to the worlds of all directions." Gu Yanying said.

"In other words, if we die here, it will be impossible for us to enter reincarnation?" Li Qingshan frowned.

"Yes." Gu Yanying nodded.

"With our strength and no means of crossing the void, can you refine that feather?" Li Qingshan asked again.

"No, the time is too short."

"Let me try."

"This is mine!" Gu Yanying's eyes widened.

"You...have reached this point!" Li Qingshan said angrily.

"Who asked you to follow me?"


Li Qingshan pulled her in front of him, raised his hand high, and was about to slap her down. Gu Yanying did not dodge, and raised her head in response.

Against the backdrop of endless void and endless stars, the two looked at each other.

Li Qingshan put down his hand and said, "That's all, I don't share your experience. It's true that adversity reveals a person's heart!"

"How is it? Do you regret it?" Gu Yanying asked again.

"I have no regrets in my life!" Li Qingshan said.

"Thank you for not killing me, but don't be angry, we still have a chance."

"what chance?"

"This feather."

"Didn't you say it can't be refined?"

"Even if you want to refine this feather for a while, it is impossible. On the contrary, it will consume your own strength faster and die faster. But have you ever thought about how this feather happened to fall into our hands?" Where is the world?" Gu Yanying's eyes shone brightly.

"So many worlds. They just happen to fall in Kyushu."

"No, although the three thousand worlds are too numerous to describe, they are nothing compared to this endless void? But I don't think this feather was deliberately put into our world. The world of Kyushu is among the worlds. It's nothing special."

"Humph. That's not necessarily true. I'm here in this world. Maybe this feather was prepared for me!" Li Qingshan retorted, feeling that it made sense.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll give you this feather!" Gu Yanying said.

"Huh? Just now you regarded this feather as more dear to me than your biological father. Why are you suddenly so generous now?"

"This is my 'Tao'. Of course I am closer than my biological father, but you'd better pray that this feather is not prepared for you, otherwise we will be in trouble this time!"

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

"If not, and it happens to fall in a certain world, maybe it is pulled by the world, or maybe the feather itself wants to fall in a certain world, otherwise, what is the point of drifting in this endless void? But this Everything is speculation on my part."

"Do you think there is some will in this feather?"

"Yes, if it is really a inheritance, we must find a successor, at least a world with a successor."

"So you won't suffer any loss inside or out."

Li Qingshan finally understood. If everything goes as she expected and they survive, then naturally this feather does not belong to him. And if she guesses wrong, then everyone will die together, and it does not matter who this feather belongs to.

"Yes." Gu Yanying nodded firmly.

"Why didn't you make it clear just now?" Li Qingshan frowned. If she made it clear, he wouldn't be angry.

"Adversity reveals the heart!" Gu Yanying smiled brightly, it was exactly what Li Qingshan said just now.

"You are getting more and more annoying." Li Qingshan shook his head. The excitement of falling in love at first sight has long been lost.

"Otherwise, why don't we hug each other to keep warm, and then reveal our feelings to each other when we are about to die, and vow to each other? We don't want to be born in the same year and the same month on the same day, but we want to die in the same year and the same month? I am not Xiao An."

Li Qingshan fell silent. Where is she now? Perhaps on the other side of a certain star. The distance between them has never been so far.

We made an appointment to enter the six realms of reincarnation together. Only death can separate us...

"Sorry." Gu Yanying said apologetically.

"Yes, you are not Xiao An. I regret it very much now!" Li Qingshan waved his hand again, "This is very good. Two people holding hands and dying alone in the endless void is simply wonderful! But you I don’t care if the feathers are broken!"

He already has the best inheritance in the world, "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons". Although it does not exclude other powers, this piece of green feather is not that simple. It must come from a powerful life, whether it is strength or blood. It is no less than any kind of gods and demons. If it is refined rashly, it is likely that the balance of "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons" will be completely broken, and it will never be restored.

In fact, this balance has always been very fragile. Even the "Demon Fighting Catalogue" will have an impact, let alone such a inheritance. So he has no intention of coveting this green feather.

"Thank you!" Gu Yanying said.

"Thank you for not arguing with you?"

"No, thank you for coming to accompany me. If I were alone, I would not be able to laugh now." Gu Yanying raised her left hand and clasped her ring finger and little finger with her thumb: "Gu Yanying swears to the stars that I will do my best. Do whatever you can to reunite Li Qingshan and Xiao An!"

"What if I break my oath?" Li Qingshan.[,! ] glanced at it and said casually.

"Hmm..." Gu Yanying thought about it seriously, "If I break my oath, I will pledge my life to you!"

"Ah?" Li Qingshan originally thought it was something like "if the sky is struck by lightning, you will die a good death", but after hearing this, he couldn't help being stunned, "What is this?"

"This is a poisonous oath!" Gu Yanying said seriously.

"I swear to you, uncle!"

Gu Yanying laughed loudly, his laughter was swallowed up by the silent void, but his expression became more and more free and wanton.

Between life and death there is great terror, but also great joy!

And in this silent laughter, the blue feathers suddenly glowed with hazy light and mist, continuously extending and changing until they transformed into a big blue bird, with a wingspan spanning thousands of miles of void.

Li Qingshan and Gu Yanying were both stunned. The piece of green feathers they held in their hands was now attached to the end of the wings, like two small fleas.

Immediately I understood who the owner of this piece of green feathers was.

"I don't know how many thousands of miles there are on the back of a Peng!"

Li Qingshan muttered in a low voice, this is the feather of the Kunpeng. Looking at the Kunpeng that could not be seen with his full field of vision, he suddenly thought of the back of the green bull.

There seems to be some similarity, but one is as solid and calm as the earth, while the other is vast and looming, but both exude a spirit that cannot be described in words.

Kunpeng's sharp eyes stared into the endless void, piercing through it all at once, locking onto a distant target beyond the reach of Li Qingshan and Gu Yanying, and raised his wings.

Gu Yanying looked excited, "My guess is indeed correct. Hey, boy, hurry up, we are about to set off!"

In an instant, the sea of ​​stars turned upside down, and the vast starry sky seemed to turn into a rotating kaleidoscope, and it seemed like all the stars fell together, but they were the only ones to soar upward.

A fly attached to its tail can travel thousands of miles. The endless void is nothing anymore. You can follow your heart wherever you want, and there is no limit to your reach!

Gu Yanying cheered like a child in her heart.

Li Qingshan muttered: "I hope I can return to Kyushu!"

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