Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 239 Place of Experience


A big hand covered with scars pressed down on the ground, sending up fine dust smoke, but the perseverance contained in it seemed to be stronger than the torrent of rolling mud.

Li Qingshan, who was originally so seriously injured that he couldn't move, actually sat up. His body was covered in scars, but he was glowing with colorful brilliance.

Gu Yanying was slightly startled and felt his waist tighten.

The moment before they were swallowed up by the landslide, a tornado roared up and swept them up into the night sky.

Li Qingshan stood on top of the tornado, his long hair flying like ink, looking far into the distance, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in sight, the canyon below has been completely filled with rock and soil, and almost became their burial place, and the starry sky is vast, with Not inferior to the splendor of Kyushu.

"Is the enemy this time the sky?"

The sadness of separation has turned into a high spirit of fighting. How can we be the people who groan and lament.

Gu Yanying looked up, his heartstrings trembling slightly, he was indeed still him!

After the billowing smoke and dust cleared, Li Qingshan slowly fell down, his feet softened, and he was half-kneeling on the ground. His injuries were far from fully healed.

Gu Yanying quickly helped him up and asked curiously: "What kind of power is this that can go beyond the laws of the world?"

"Dayan Talisman."

Li Qingshan opened his palm, and there was a colorful and magnificent talisman floating on it. It was the core of the novelist's power - the Dayan talisman.

In the crater, he tried all the power in his body one by one, and finally discovered that this almost forgotten Dayan Talisman was still flowing with brilliance.

Although he is also suppressed by the laws of the world, he can only use the methods of the Qi Refiner and cannot break through the invisible boundaries of this world. But it's enough.

"I almost forgot that you are also a novelist. I understand. It turns out that it is the power of faith and wish."

Gu Yanying somewhat understood that the power of faith and wishes was a very special power. The most common one was among Buddhist and Taoist believers. No matter what world they were in, as long as they prayed sincerely, they could communicate with gods and Buddhas with just one thought.

However, if it is used as a way of practice, it is too troublesome to gather them together, and it is not very useful in combat. And it's also a consumable item. Therefore, few people take this road specifically.

At most, it is only used as an auxiliary to refine one or two magic weapons, such as the golden seal in the hands of the state pastors in each state. If you fall into such a small world. It is absolutely impossible to activate it.

in this regard. Novelists are truly weird.

"I'll tell you your luck if you meet me!"

Just because of the scene of landslides and earth-shattering. Being treated as an enemy by the world is definitely not just bad luck. But wherever there may be danger, danger will definitely occur. In case of mountain collapse. If the river floods or goes out during a thunderstorm, you will definitely be struck by lightning. If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to survive even a day.

If Gu Yanying was alone, he might have died here.

"This is to keep the 'green mountain' there, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood!" Gu Yanying patted Li Qingshan's shoulder seriously.

"It's too cold. I have no interest in dying in the same year, month and day with a woman like you who has no sense of humor."

"Of course it would be best if you survived. How is your injury?" Gu Yanying raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"It's unlikely that he will die." Li Qingshan moved his limbs and activated the Dayan Talisman to improve the injury. He reached out and touched Gu Yanying's nipple, and the light flowed between his fingers.

"It's a really useful ability, but you'd better save some, we might be trapped for a long time."

Gu Yanying took off the bandage. The injury was healed and his mind was much clearer. Although it was not a serious injury, she had no doubt that it would have killed her if she had not been treated in time.

"You are right. I still have ties to it, not just Xiao An, but also all kinds of grievances that have not been settled. I have to go back to Kyushu. How long will it take for you to completely refine this piece of Kunpeng Feather and accept its inheritance? , take us back to Kyushu?"

"It's hard to say. This world is too small, and all my powers are restricted. I was probably stronger when I was born than I am now. If you give me a magic weapon now, I can't even refine it. What’s more, this Kunpeng’s Feather?”

Gu Yanying also frowned. Her current situation was really no better than that of a mortal. It was difficult for an individual to fight against the world, even a small world.

"As expected, you are the unlucky man in hell, and nothing goes smoothly."

"I think this is the luckiest place. Think about it, what would happen if we were in a bigger world? What if we were in a world bigger than Kyushu, what would happen?"

"That's true!"

If the world were bigger, it wouldn't just be as simple as imprisoning power, but it would be a direct blast of thunder and fire.

If it were a world equal to or even larger than Kyushu, if they descended from the sky so impressively, I don't know how many powerful people would be attracted. Not only would the Kunpeng's Feather be unable to be saved, but their lives would even be in danger.

Precisely because this world is weak enough, no one has been able to come over after such a long time since they arrived.

"You're too weak. You didn't come here on horseback, did you?"

Li Qingshan didn't expect that he had guessed correctly, and a large group of people was coming here.

"Actually, I have a feeling that it is precisely because I experienced these things when I crossed the void that it brought us to this small world. I told you that it likes me, and as long as it can escape from here, it will definitely be able to bring it to me. Refining.”

"Without Kunpeng's Feather, how could we get out of here? If you can really control your thoughts, why don't you want to go back to Kyushu?" Li Qingshan asked.

"Well, of course, all this is my opinion and may not be accurate."

Gu Yanying said sternly, in fact, if you want to keep this Kunpeng Feather, returning to Jiuzhou will not be as stable as here. The fall of the meteor is really too eye-catching.

"I can trust you, bring it to me!" Li Qingshan reached out for Kunpeng's Feather.

"Hey, what are you doing? This is mine..." Gu Yanying also struggled hard, but how could he resist Li Qingshan's brute force. He forcibly opened his hand and took away the Kunpeng Feather. He couldn't help but stare. He closed his eyes and shouted: "Li Qingshan!"

"How?" Li Qingshan played with Kunpeng's Feather, trying to activate the Dayan Talisman and analyze it. As expected, although it had some resonance with the "Phoenix", it was extremely affected by the turtle, bull demon, and tiger demon. Great rejection.

This is natural. It is difficult for the most powerful bloodlines to blend together. The remaining four images of gods and demons changing do not have Kunpeng.

"Give it back to me when you've seen enough!" Gu Yanying came closer, a little nervous.

Li Qingshan thought, no matter how cool and calm he was, it was just because he didn't meet anything important, and he shouted:

"You are such a short-sighted woman, this Kunpeng Feather is so extraordinary, you actually treat it as an ordinary magic weapon, if it has intelligence, it will definitely be furious. Of course your power is restricted, I feel I am weak, but in the eyes of the owner of this feather, is there really such a big difference in your strength and weakness?"

Gu Yanying's expression was shocked, and she suddenly lost all her strength, making her feel weaker than ever before. When she heard Li Qingshan say this, she suddenly felt like she saw a glimmer of light.

"You used to be a frog at the bottom of the well, but now you have become nothing more than a worm at the bottom of the well. And when the eagle flies across the sky, I am afraid that even the well may not notice it." Li Qingshan said with determination, twisting the Kunpeng Feather in his hand: "If If there really is a inheritance, then the standard for evaluating successors must not be strength, but something else!"

This was something he had personally experienced. A green bull once accompanied a mountain boy throughout his childhood, and it was not because of how powerful he was.

"That makes sense..."

Gu Yanying's eyes were sparkling, full of unabashed admiration. Even when he saved her life, he was not so alert. He cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, my vision is still too narrow after all, and I take it too seriously." Strength is taken seriously.”

"Give me jìn kuài to get it done!"

"Definitely!" Gu Yanying took the feather from Li Qingshan's hand impatiently.

"Going back to the original question, I hope I can go back to Kyushu." Li Qingshan said.

"Now, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first? I'd better tell the bad news first! It takes us across the void and consumes its own power. Although I can't understand it in this way. The method is slowly recovering, but it is really very slow, I am afraid it will take hundreds of years!"

"One hundred years!" Li Qingshan frowned.

"Or two hundred years, we must accumulate enough strength to cross the void next time."

"What about the good news? Wait, I get it!"

Li Qingshan suddenly understood that the flow rate of time between the big world and the small world is different, and the difference can even be very large. "One day in the sky, one year on the earth" is also common.

According to the clues left by Brother Niu, the time ratio between Jiutian and Jiuzhou is probably one day waiting for ten years. The difference in time ratio between this small world and Kyushu may not be that big, but it will definitely not be very small.

A hundred years is not a long time, it is only equivalent to one retreat in Kyushu.

"Although this world imprisons us and wants to destroy us, it gives us the most precious time! I need time to obtain the Kunpeng inheritance, and you also need time to sharpen your mind. After all, your cultivation speed is too fast. Those so-called It only takes you one-tenth of the time to do what a genius takes thousands of years to do, but there are some things that talent cannot make up for.”

"Good news indeed!"

Li Qingshan nodded. What Gu Yanying said is very reasonable. Many times, the advantages are also the disadvantages.

Although words such as character, enlightenment, and experience sound illusory, they have a great impact on a practitioner. The so-called "bottlenecks" basically originate from these internal reasons.

That big dream of the Phantom King had benefited him a lot. It sounds somewhat similar to the current situation. I have lost all my strength and experienced all kinds of pain and setbacks. However, it was still a dream after all. What I am facing now is a real world, and the insights it brings must be even more shocking.

For those mediocre people, staying here is a waste of time, because there is no practice at all, but for them, it is the best place to experience. To be continued...)

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