Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 241 Sadness

"I don't care whether you asked or not!" Li Qingshan said.

The White Ape King said with a cruel smile: "Interesting, no one has dared to talk to me like this for many years!"

Ever since he saw the two of them, he had an indescribable feeling of disgust, especially for Li Qingshan. He quickly got rid of him and didn't even spare his life. At this time, he was even more murderous. The group of apes bared their teeth and showed their fierce looks. They waved their weapons and approached step by step, intending to cut Li Qingshan into pieces.

"Communication is not possible."

Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders at Gu Yanying. The hostility of the White Ape King towards him was simply inexplicable. Could it be that he was also affected by the will of the world? There is no shortage of this possibility. It is said that many people who are about to doom are mentally ill. Confused, seeking death by changing the law, this mysterious fate is really terrifying.

"Li Qingshan, if you don't want to live anymore, don't drag me with you. Sir, I am willing to surrender!"

Gu Yanying raised his hands, faced the weapons of the ape demons, and walked towards the White Ape King.

"You?" Li Qingshan was surprised. She was not much better than a mortal now, but he understood her intention as soon as his mind changed. Although it is a dangerous move, it is still a clever move. If it can be successful, it can save a lot of trouble.

Those ordinary ape monsters have not shed their animalistic nature, so they will attack Gu Yanying with their weapons no matter how beautiful you are.

"Let her come over!" said the White Ape King. This Gu Yanying is a rare beauty. She can be brought back to the cave to enjoy slowly.

Gu Yanying crossed the sword and walked with difficulty on the ruins left by the landslide. He had to carefully test the terrain with every step he took to avoid falling into another unfortunate trap.

The White Ape King saw it in his eyes. Dispelling the last trace of doubt, her martial arts was weaker than he thought at first. She was cautious and almost timid. Her eyes were staring in front of her, but she was a little confused. It was obvious that she couldn't see clearly, but even so, there was still a strange feeling. Her graceful appearance attracted his attention.

Gu Yanying finally reached the White Ape King and breathed a sigh of relief. But one step failed. Falling forward.

The White Ape King stretched out his ape arms to support him, and Gu Yanying grabbed his furry ape claws without showing any hostility from the beginning to the end, even at this moment.


The White Ape King felt like he was struck by lightning. An unspeakable, unimaginable pain. Captured his soul. It's like being in hell.

Gu Yanying's smiling face blurred into darkness, and the only sound in his ears was the whistling of the wind. But it became extremely hot, and he curled up and fell to the ground.

The six paths of reincarnation are everywhere, and the pain of hell follows you like a shadow.

This is Gu Yanying's only remaining ability.

The ape monsters were frightened and angry, howling and killing Gu Yanying.

A round of swords swept across ten feet and rolled up snow all over the sky.

Blood splattered, stumps flew around, staining the snow-white earth, and the screams were quiet for a while.

Li Qingshan held a long golden sword in his hand. It was not Thelma and Louise, but the "Dragon Slaying Sword." The long sword only lasted for a moment and then disappeared without a trace.

"It's strange. Although I spared no effort in that sword strike just now and concentrated the sword's energy to the extreme, the power was much greater than I imagined."

Li Qingshan murmured in his heart, it seems that the various mysteries of this big and small world are not just the difference in the flow rate of time, but also the difference in the thinness of spiritual energy, which needs to be studied slowly.

There was wind under his feet, and he passed through the ruins and came to Gu Yanying's side. He pulled out the big sword behind the White Ape King. A cold air hit his face, but when he looked carefully, he saw that it was just an ordinary spiritual weapon. Perhaps It's not even top-grade, and it doesn't have any spirituality at all. The material is pretty good, and the word "True Strength" is engraved on the hilt.

He held the hilt of the sword with both hands, raised the great sword with great difficulty, and struck the White Ape King's neck with all his strength.

With a clang sound, like the clash of gold and iron, the sword was bounced up, but only a white mark was left on the White Ape King's neck.

"As expected, he is the White Ape King."

Li Qingshan smiled and said, although this White Ape King is "the king of monkeys without tigers in the mountains", he is also the top powerhouse in this world. If he had not been controlled by Gu Yanying, it would have cost a lot of money.

The White Ape King suddenly raised his head. At this critical moment of life and death, he finally regained some consciousness from the pain, but saw that all his subordinates were wiped out, and the blood of their stumps was spread all over the ground. Even he himself fell into the enemy's hands, and his expression was full of ferocity. Vicious.

Such an expression is enough to frighten anyone in this world, but unfortunately the person in front of him is not from this world.

"The willpower is pretty good."

Gu Yanying nodded. The spiritual energy in this small world is so thin. It is not easy to practice to such an extent. Perhaps due to the limitation of vision, his character is not bad.

However, she is not too dānxīn. She will not be able to adapt to this hellish torture for the first time.

"Oh!" Li Qingshan responded, and swung the Zhengang Sword with all his strength, lamenting that his Bull Demon's strength had actually declined to such an extent that he could not even use a big sword freely.

"Hey, don't really kill him. Why don't you try to recruit him to surrender? If we can get help from this fellow Taoist White Monkey, we will be much more relaxed." Gu Yanying said.

"Don't waste your efforts. He is not a little demon, but a majestic demon king. With this attitude alone, he will not surrender. Even if he surrenders, he will have backlash at any time. It's too troublesome, so let me kill him. Him!"

"Wait, don't damage the fur, let me do it!" Gu Yanying twisted Kunpeng's feather between her fingers.

The White Ape King was so furious that he was actually treated as an ordinary beast. In this desperate situation, the surrounding spiritual energy poured in, and his demonic energy suddenly surged. There was a gurgling sound in his throat, as if he was about to break through.

Suddenly, a ray of coldness flashed across his throat, and blood spurted out.

"No, I should have seen something unusual about them. How could two ordinary people go so deep into the North? How could they have such grace? That man was a hundred times more dangerous than any opponent he had ever seen in his life, but he didn't have much hostility. , why didn’t I act with caution, but instead wanted to kill him? Could it be that?”

The reflection of light when he was about to die made him clear and clear. He thought about many things and gave birth to more sexual desire. The cold flowed into the wound along with the blood, filling his entire body.

After all, it was just an ape demon that had not survived the catastrophe. It could not have the powerful vitality of a demon general or commander. However, it fell into the blood in a moment without resting in peace, and the heavy snow covered it in the blink of an eye.

Li Qingshan felt a touch of sadness. What was sad was not death. It was not sad to die in battle no matter when or where. What was really sad was to die without knowing why. Although he is so weak, he thinks he is strong and bullies others at will. Such a way of death is not only sad, it is simply shameful.

He reminded himself again, "Li Qingshan, you are nothing now. The Beiyue Demon King may not be much better than the White Ape King, so you should just move forward honestly!"

Gu Yanying took out a white-gold demon pill from the ape's belly and handed it to Li Qingshan, "Let's see if you can regain some strength after eating it. There are three more pills there. With this mortal body alone, it is difficult to move even an inch, and it cannot keep consuming the will power." ."To be continued...)

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