Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 247 Essence

The tower is isolated in the snow and is located in the very center of the villa. It is not only the core of the entire formation, but also a place for practice. The secret room below, deep into the mountain, also functions as a treasure room.

Li Qingshan and Gu Yanying came to the platform at the top of the tower. The wind and snow here were particularly fierce. The villa below was vaguely visible, but further away it was completely white again.

Gu Yanying pulled up his cloak: "No wonder the White Ape King is so difficult to communicate with. His aloofness may have been cultivated here."

You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will have a panoramic view of the mountains.

Occasionally, I feel so emotional when I climb a mountain. If I stay at this high place all day long and have a martial arts that is unparalleled in the world, my temperament will naturally be affected.

"It's not a bad thing for people in Kendo to be a little aloof, but it's a pity that there are people outside the world. It's windy and snowy here, let's go down, don't freeze."

From the high platform, Li Qingshan asked Gu Yanying to rest in the study room on the second floor of the tower, and went down to the deep secret room alone. It was dark and cold, with no lights and no heating facilities. The White Ape King's physical strength was almost unbearable. If you are afraid of the cold or heat, you don't need to use lights, but as long as there is a little light, the various rare treasures in the wall grooves will immediately shine brightly.

Li Qingshan did not look at the treasures around him, but only stared at his feet. The polished light of the rocks was discernible, showing fine and tight textures. There was not much worth paying attention to, but in his eyes, it seemed to be more precious than any other treasure. To move people, look at it very seriously, even half-kneeling down, touching it gently, feeling the hardness of the rock, and your eyes seem to be looking at an extremely distant place, crossing the mountains and reaching deep into the ground.

In fact, unlike Gu Yanying, he prefers the solid and thick earth, which carries all things, to the empty and distant sky. It will never be high above. Even though there are mountains and cliffs, they are only small ups and downs compared to the entire earth. Even if it is With just a little effort, ordinary people can reach the top and feel proud that they have conquered the mountain.

"Can this world really confine all my power?"

Li Qingshan didn't believe it and was unwilling to just rely on the Dayan Talisman. He took a deep breath and silently felt the deep earth beneath his feet. Time passed bit by bit.

The mountain rocks in the cold winter were as cold as iron, and the chill invaded from the soles of his feet. Cold blood flowed throughout his body, and his body slowly became stiff. He did not use the Dayan Talisman to keep warm, but instead threw the cloak aside.

The temperature of his body continued to drop, and he gradually reached the edge of death. The providence of God restrained everything, like a stern and cold father, but he remained unyielding. He was a rebellious son who would never give in.

Gradually, the cold ground became warm, and the solid rocks seemed to soften.

As if a needle had pierced some kind of barrier, a trace of power flowed into the body from the earth under his feet. Although it was very faint, it was a steady stream. It was somewhat similar to the innate magical power "the power of the earth", but it was by no means just a magical power.

"The bull demon is stuck in the mud!"

Different from all the transformations of gods and demons, the Bull Demon Transformation is his foundation. From walking in the world to conquering the world, it has always been his strongest transformation. Now, putting aside all external things, some of the most essential things have been let go. Revealed.

Familiar and friendly power poured into his body, driving away all the chill, as if he couldn't bear to see him fall into death. Although he was the rebellious son of the sky, he was the beloved son of the earth.

Li Qingshan was so excited that he leaned over and kissed the ground deeply. Then he stood up and punched!

boom! The dull crackle of air echoed in the secret room.

Move your steps back, turn your waist, and punch out with both hands. The bull demon reaches the sky.

It seems that he has returned to the young man who was practicing martial arts at Wo Niugang many years ago. But after all, he is no longer a young man. Every move is heavy and slow, infused with the energy and spirit he has condensed throughout his life.

However, after a while, a cooing sound sounded in the darkness. Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment and realized that it was his stomach growling. He touched his stomach and couldn't help but laugh. He had to continue drinking and eating meat!

Gu Yanying slept deeply, dreaming of traveling in the void, boundless, dark and empty, but this time she no longer clung to the wings, but became a Kunpeng herself.

When I woke up, my mind was still in a trance. I lay on my back on the soft bed. I raised the blue feather high in my right hand and let it fly in my hand. I made "whoosh" and "whisper" sounds in my mouth, as if the wings were stirring. The strong wind travels through the void.

"What are you doing?" Li Qingshan looked funny, as if he was daydreaming like a lazy kid.

Gu Yanying's face turned red for a rare moment. She put away the Kunpeng Feather and sat up, "What did you do today?"

"You can't see it here, you'll know it later." Li Qingshan said, the connection with the earth is still very weak, and you can't sense it from the tower. "Let's go, let's find something to eat!"

Gu Yanying also realized that she was very hungry, and glanced at the hourglass: "It's time to post the second page, otherwise those guys will have to wait in a hurry."

Walking out of the tower, Gu Yanying immediately noticed the changes in Li Qingshan. He took root in every step, calm and determined, with a familiar sense of strength, "Has your strength recovered?"

"Little by little, I finally won't be so weak anymore." Li Qingshan clenched his fist vigorously, "You seem to have changed a bit."

"Really? I don't work as hard as you, I'm just sleeping."

"Then you might as well sleep more in the future."

The two strolled to the outer courtyard hall, where all the swordsmen were waiting. The noise suddenly quieted down, and they looked at them with nervous and expectant eyes. Almost all of them stayed up all night, studying the page of the sword manual. I feel it is so exquisite that it is difficult to describe it in words. Except for a few innate masters such as Hou Hongtao, most of them...[,! ] I can’t even understand this page of sword manual.

Hou Hongtao also keenly noticed their changes, especially Li Qingshan's change, which was the most obvious. His majestic posture actually gave him an unshakable feeling. If he wanted to deal with them, the best opportunity had been missed. And that moment Page sword manual leaves no one with time or energy to think about other things.

Li Qingshan sat on the throne made of a long sword, and saw a woman coming out of the crowd and shouting: "Welcome to the owner of the village!"

The swordsmen only had to follow suit and say: "Welcome to the owner of the village!"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment before he recognized that the woman was the woman who was kneeling on the snow this morning covered in nakedness. At this time, she put on a fancy outfit and a long sword on her back, completely changing her appearance. She was really wearing a lot of clothes. I almost didn't recognize him when he was wearing clothes.

Seeing that her face was pale and blue, she couldn't help but ask: "Are you feeling better?"

"Excuse me, Lord, for your concern. Things are getting better now. It's just that my three sisters are weak internally and the cold poison has invaded their bodies. Now they can't stop coughing. Feihong would like to thank the two Lords for saving their lives!"

"That's easy to say, Hou Hongtao, aren't you cultivating the Fierce Fire Qi? Help them cure it!" Li Qingshan assigned casually.

"Hou did not practice martial arts to do this kind of thing." Hou Hongtao said proudly, even the White Ape King would not dare to order him like a servant.

"Then take action!"

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