Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 18 Yunyu Building

Chapter 18** Floor

Although he has absolute confidence in his own strength, he doesn't want to be a fool with fists and no brains. All kinds of inquiries about Qian Rongzhi are just bullshit. "7*

The banquet was over, and the crowd dispersed.

At the highest point of the mountain, in the exclusive attic commanded by Xuan Ying.

Zhuo Zhibo asked, "How's it going? What is the relationship between that kid and Commander Gu?"

Qian Rongzhi sat on Zhuo Zhibo's tuǐ, gritted his teeth and said, "That kid keeps going around in circles and refuses to tell the truth." As expected by Li Qingshan, Qian Rongzhi spent three days on the mountain with Zhuo Zhi. Bob got in touch.

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Then wait and see, I will be clear, if he is really valued by the person, then you don't have to think about avenging your revenge."

Qian Rongzhi suppressed her hatred, stretched out her index finger to point Zhuo Zhibo's face, and said with a charming smile: "My hatred is a trivial matter, anyway, my brothers and sisters are dying, the key is that Zhuo Da will command your face, But there is only one, you can see the attitude of that kid today."

Zhuo Zhibo said: "If there is someone standing behind him, it doesn't matter if I step on him for my face, if not, hum!" He slapped Qian Rongzhi's tún hard: "You don't need to be jealous of me, even if He is really valued by that person, and I have a way to deal with him now, he is a genius, and I can turn him into a waste, and see if anyone takes him seriously."

Qian Rongzhi let out a coquettish roar, and twisted in Zhuo Zhibo's arms for a while, causing him to become angry, and asked strangely, "Since you don't mind him killing your brother, why do you insist on revenge?"

Qian Rongzhi said, "Because he looks down on me, all those who look down on me will have to pay the price."

If Li Qingshan was here, he would definitely be dumbfounded. Not only did his attitude not attract the hearts of the United States as in the legend, but he also aroused deep hatred. It seems that the legend is just a legend. "

Zhuo Zhibo gave Qian Rongzhi a deep look without commenting. At his age, he has played with a lot of people, but qi refiners are rare, and even if they exist, they are not necessarily beautiful. So when he first saw Qian Rongzhi, he had thoughts, and Qian Rongzhi was about to take the opportunity to take the position. It is impossible to make any progress, and all kinds of enjoyment are the first priority.

Qian Rongzhi said: "I heard that those who train the body are relatively strong." Zhuo Zhibo, who was in a state of mind in one sentence, threw himself on Qian Rongzhi, "Today I will let you taste the power of this old man. e^ Look" Qian Rongzhi smiled again and again, the room was full of ****.

Li Qingshan is indulging in a sea of ​​books. In Yinglangwei's collection, there are all kinds of martial arts secrets. You can refer to them. There are all kinds of fists, swords and swords. There was a fight, but here it was like garbage, placed at random, with only one old man guarding it.

However, Li Qingshan didn't find the Qi Refiner's level of practice. As soon as he climbed to the second floor, he was blocked by the old man: "One hour, ten points of merit, no credit."

Li Qingshan had no choice but to give up, even if it was only martial arts secrets, it gave him a lot of inspiration.

Then continued to start some boring practice, taking pills and refining Qi.

But when night just fell, Ge Jian knocked on Li Qingshan's room, and said mysteriously: "Take you to a good place." He also specially instructed him to change his clothes and put away the knife.

You don't want to hurt yourself, do you? Li Qingshan thought so, but agreed immediately, what should come will always come, just be vigilant, the big deal is to kill it, he asked Ge Jian to wait for a while, and went back to the room to bring Xiao An.

When I came to the archway down the mountain, I found that Diao Fei was already waiting there.

Li Qingshan said strangely: "Where are we going?" It's not like they want to kill Diao Fei.

Diao Fei said: "Brother Ge said that he would take us to see the night view of Jiaping City. By the way, why didn't you bring Qian Rongzhi?"

"That kind of place is not suitable for nv people to play. Sanctuary." Ge Jian gave a smile that men could understand.

Li Qingshan and Diao Fei looked at each other and didn't say anything. This kind of thing is not easy to refuse, let alone the kindness of colleagues. Li Qingshan considers himself a "man who has drunk wine" and does not take it too seriously. superior.

Seeing the attitude of the two, Ge Jian couldn't help but smile slightly, and remembered Zhuo Zhibo's entrustment, he did not hesitate to take Li Qingshan to have a good time. on the side.

Li Qingshan didn't know yet that Zhuo Zhibo had already started to deal with his actions, in another way. To destroy a person, there is no need to fight and kill. In many cases, sugar-coated cannonballs are more terrifying than torture, and arrogance can easily destroy a person's ambition and allow him to indulge in the most instinctive pleasures.

When Zhuo Zhibo wanted to come, Li Qingshan was just a wild boy from the mountains, how could he resist this kind of yòuhuò. Even if Li Qingshan was really valued by Gu Yanying, he couldn't say that Zhuo Zhibo was wrong, he could only blame Li Qingshan for not being able to support the wall. No interest but into the bone three points.

Thousands of lights are lit up in Jiaping City. Even at night, the lights are brilliant. It is very different from the small town of Qingyang, and it reminds Li Qingshan of those big cities in his previous life. Under the warm greeting of Ge Jian, the three of them merged into the light and entered the most dazzling and prosperous place.


This is not like the name of a brothel, but it is not only a brothel, but also the largest and most luxurious brothel within a radius of hundreds of miles.

In various senses, this is the most magnificent building that Li Qingshan has seen in this world. The pagoda-shaped high-rise building is seven stories high, and the lights are blazing brightly.

The big mén mouth with big red lanterns is bustling with people, which is even more lively than the bazaar.

Before entering it, a steaming scent rushed towards his face, Li Qingshan shrugged and said, "It's just a brothel." Although it is more luxurious, it is still inferior to the skyscrapers and neon lights of the previous life. .

Ge Jian said mysteriously: "You will know when you go in. This is not an ordinary brothel."

Before the three of them went in, one person came out, was thrown from the third floor, and fell to the ground like a broken sack.

Murder? Li Qingshan froze in his heart. In a sense, Yinglangwei is the policeman of this world. But looking at the passers-by, apart from being surprised at first, they all went about their own ways, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the man on the ground again, he stood up with a moan, róu scolded his waist, and a louder scolding came from upstairs: "Anyone who is helping the helmsman, if you don't have money, go away, if you don't go, you will waste your martial arts. I'll leave you to be the turtle master."

The man who was thrown from the upstairs was actually a first-class expert, so he was unscathed, but how could he be able to throw a first-class expert casually?

The man seemed to be frightened by the voice, and after scolding a few words in a low voice, he merged into the crowd, as if nothing had happened.

Ge Jian said: "To play here, the Eagle and Wolf Guards also have to pay, so it's best not to cause trouble."

Li Qingshan said: "It's just a brothel, so can you be so arrogant?"

Diao Fei said: "**mén, the famous mén sect in Qinghe Prefecture, is devoted to the method of double cultivation. There are ** buildings all over the major cities. This is just one of them, but it's my first time here."

Ge Jian smiled and said, "Diao Fei is still well-informed, Qingshan, do you know what double cultivation is?"

"It's not just doing that!" Li Qingshan really felt that it was an eye-opener. The violent organs and the government composed of qi cultivators were nothing more than a brothel run by qi cultivators. The evaluation is a little lower.

Ge Jian said: "Shuangxiu is the same as Waidan taking bait, both are extremely ancient Taoist methods, and they pay attention to the harmony of Yin and Yang, but what you said is correct, that is to do that, that is, the technique in the room, think about it, a The mén sect who specializes in the study of intra-room surgery, the girl who has been trained..."

Li Qingshan grinned, "Could it be that you want to harvest the sun to make up for it!" Could it be that Zhuo Zhibo wanted to die on the nv's belly, that's too funny.

Ge Jian laughed and said, "How could it be, if that's the case, why would there be so many people here? In short, you'll know if you try it."

Li Qingshan shook his head and said, "Forget it." He didn't think this would be a good place.

Diao Fei also started to retreat. If it were an ordinary brothel, he would be fine. He had also heard many rumors about the **** building. Whenever he was looking for pleasure, it was not conducive to the cultivation of Qi cultivators.

Ge Jian stirred his tongue and kept talking, "It's so hard to cultivate qi, shouldn't you reward yourself?" "The combination of work and rest is helpful for cultivation, but it doesn't matter once or twice." "It's awkward if it's a man. Tricky, have a good time, a manly man, are you still afraid of a few nv people?"

He diligently acted as the most common character in the world, a villain with a sweet tongue and a sword, a vicious friend is more terrifying than a good enemy.

Persuading yòu, vigorously, half-pulling and half-pulling, they brought the two into the building, a roar of voices roared into my ears, many men and boys, disheveled hugging each other, a scene of carnival bliss, here In this strange atmosphere, everyone was unscrupulous and unleashed their **, just like the legendary wine pond ròu forest, which made Li Qingshan, a traveler from modern times, a little stunned.

"Uncle Ge, you can make the girls wait, the room you booked is in room number 1, please go upstairs!" A fat man with heavy makeup came up and saw Li Qingshan and Diao Fei: "Hey, this is The two little brothers are very friendly."

Li Qingshan saw that the proprietress was actually flowing with true qi, and she was a qi refiner.

Ge Jian introduced the two of them, and the old man said, "It turns out that he is a young talent from Yinglangwei, and he will take care of his sister's business in the future." Refine your body!" His eyes seemed to be swallowing Li Qingshan in one bite.

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