Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 259 The World Meeting

The majestic gate of the villa is still standing upright despite being burned by smoke and fire. Even the word "ape demon" that Li Qingshan glued on it with his saliva is still alive.

"Do you still remember that snowy night a few months ago?"

"Tell the owner of the village, of course we remember it. Looking back now, it still feels like a dream."

This statement was met with sighs of approval. Not only did that night feel like a dream, the experiences of the past few months also seemed like a dream, and now, they were going to have an even crazier dream.

"To tell you the truth, that blizzard was also aimed at me. But not only was this thief unable to defeat me, but I also became stronger and stronger as I fought, and with your help, why worry about the big thing not happening?" Li Qingshan laughed.

Everyone also laughed. They thought he was bragging after hearing similar words half a day ago, but now they couldn't help but be convinced, and felt a kind of pride that rivaled the sky. He was glowing with strange charm and courage.

"I guarantee that everyone here, as long as they can survive this ordeal, will be able to break the void!"

Li Qingshan pointed at everyone and made a shocking guarantee. You know, it has been so many years since a peerless master who can shatter the void appears in the martial arts world. He is obviously such a wild talk, but he has such a powerful persuasiveness that people cannot but believe it.

Seeing that everyone was restrained, he chuckled again: "But as for whether they will be struck to death by the thunderbolt, I can't guarantee it."

"Even if you are struck to death by lightning, it is better than living a mediocre life!"

Feihong raised her arms and shouted, if there is anyone in the villa whose martial arts has improved the fastest, it is her. In just a few months, he has gone from being an inferior to a first-rate master.

This is because she has perseverance and can endure hardships, and she also has good talents. Occasionally, Li Qingshan will give her some advice and give her some elixirs from the White Ape King's secret room. Now she is the most vivid role model, making everyone excited.

"I will never die before being struck to death by the Tribulation Thunder!" Ximen Yingjie clenched the Zhengang Sword, and couldn't help but feel a little boiling in his heart, wishing he could meet the enemy now. Let's have a big fight.

"Okay. I'm looking at you! But now that the villa has been destroyed, I am no longer the owner."

"Then how should we be respectfully addressed?"

The right protector asked, is it really necessary to call it "Xiashan Tiger"? A Xiashan Tiger looks like an ape. It's a bit too funny.

"I will be a hero in the world and do justice for heaven. I will put all the so-called 'heroes' in the past and present to shame.

Be called the ‘King of Heroes’! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone agreed with a roar, their hearts brimming with enthusiasm. This is the name their commander should have.

There was only one person who was dissatisfied, and it was Gu Yanying who was standing next to Li Qingshan: "Then I don't want to be called 'Flying Eagle' either!"

"Then what do you want to be called? King of Eagles? King of Kun? Or King of Peng?"

"No, I'll just call myself 'No. 1 in the world'!" Gu Yanying smiled, cool and calm.

"You...how do you think you are the best in the world?" Li Qingshan was also dissatisfied.

Seeing the two village owners arguing, everyone could only remain silent. This was even more arrogant than the "King of Chivalry". Even the peerless masters of Shattering Void in history, no one dared to claim to be the best in the world.

"You can only be called 'No. 2 in the world'!" Li Qingshan affirmed.

Everyone was speechless. Were they just competing for this ranking? It's not surprising.

"I don't care." Gu Yanying raised his head and did not look at Li Qingshan at all.

Li Qingshan's eyes were as wide as a cow's, but there was nothing he could do to her.

"My lord, please calm down. I think the words 'No. 1 in the world' are worthy of the name."

Ximen Yingjie glanced at Gu Yanying and immediately looked away. No matter how many times he looked at him, he still had the feeling that he couldn't look straight at him. He opposed Li Qingshan twice, and it was possible that he was jealous.

Feihong sighed in his heart, if she is not the best in the world, who can be called the best in the world?

Li Qingshan also understood and said with a smile: "That makes sense. If you want to be the 'No. 1 in the world', then be it! I don't even bother to use such a title!"

Gu Yanying smiled: "Since the villa is gone, we should build a new gang so that you can know who you belong to. I have already thought of the name, it will be called 'Tianxiahui'!"

"The world unites, the world unites, what a good name!"

"The villa has the intention to stick to it, but the Tianxiahui has the ambition to conquer the world."

The guardians on the left and right were all impressed, and they also saw that many specific matters in the future would probably be taken care of by this "most beautiful woman in the world".

"Wait, it sounds like you are the leader of this world meeting." Li Qingshan said.

"That's right, I'll give it a try."

Gu Yanying grinned. Now that Kunpeng's heart was aroused, she no longer wanted to hide behind Li Qingshan and be a subordinate who made suggestions.

"What about me?" Li Qingshan pointed at his nose.

"You are Prince Xia. Of course, if you want, you can be the deputy leader." Gu Yanying nodded, brat, after being your deputy leader for so long, it's my turn.

Li Qingshan's eyes were as wide as copper bells. This is unfair, the villa is so big!

Gu Yanying tilted his head and indicated that there are fewer people here than in the original villa. As for how many people can be developed, it is not all up to me. It's fair!

Finally, Li Qingshan let out a long sigh: "That's all, it's all a false reputation. I won't argue with you."

Then Gu Yanying stepped forward and ordered someone to take paper and pen to record. In a short time, he dictated eighteen rules, which were concise and strict, with clear rewards and punishments. They were comprehensive and comprehensive. They not only maintained authority and distinguished classes, but also pointed out the direction of development. The direction is better than the family rules of any aristocratic family in the world.

When it comes to formulating laws, who can compare with the Legalists.

"You should keep these eighteen rules in mind. If you violate them rashly, you will be tortured by hell!"

Gu Yanying's expression was solemn and awe-inspiring, his cloak was fluttering, and the hot wind was surging.

In an instant, the beauty of the country turned into the judge of hell. Everyone felt a great majesty and terror. This "head of the world" who had never shown any power and seemed weaker than ordinary people was so majestic. , Li Qingshan's respect for her is definitely not just because of her "best in the world" charm.

They all said: "I obey my orders!"

Li Qingshan looked back and felt that there was no substantial power in it. It just borrowed a hint of "hot wind hell", but it was enough to scare these guys. It seems that this winter was not wasted on her.

In the daytime, a group of people meandered down the mountain. Water slowly dripped from the plaque. The word "Ape Demon" was lifted up by the mountain wind. It was gently torn off and drifted in the wind.

Falling to the foot of the mountain, there was a person lying in the thick snow nest. It was the elder of Xuanxuguan. Next to him was a broken pine tree and a cracked boulder. His face was covered with blood, but his chest was full of blood. Slowly rise and fall.

Suddenly, his fingers moved, and he slowly opened his eyes, his lips were dry and he whispered: "Li Qingshan, I'm going to fuck you up!" To be continued. . )

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